Daiyu was a temperate planet in the galaxy under the control of the Galactic Empire during its reign. In 9 BBY, Third Sister of the Inquisitorius devised a plan to lure Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi out of hiding by learning of his relationship with Senator Bail Organa. The Third Sister had Vect Nokru and his gang kidnap Organa's daughter Leia.
Daiyu is a planet created by writer Joby Harold for the Obi-Wan Kenobi television series. It is based in part on the real-life city Hong Kong. It was first pictured in the form of concept art in the sizzle reel for the series released on Disney+ in November, 2021. Originally, there were going to be different, more expensive versions of the scene of Kenobi in the spice lab, but it was decided that a meth lab was more in reach of something writer Joby Harold and the crew could do production-wise. Harold thought it was a nice way for Kenobi to be undercover in a world foreign to him compared to his cave on Tatooine.
Daiyu is a planet created by writer Joby Harold for the Obi-Wan Kenobi television series. It is based in part on the real-life city Hong Kong. It was first pictured in the form of concept art in the sizzle reel for the series released on Disney+ in November, 2021. Originally, there were going to be different, more expensive versions of the scene of Kenobi in the spice lab, but it was decided that a meth lab was more in reach of something writer Joby Harold and the crew could do production-wise. Harold thought it was a nice way for Kenobi to be undercover in a world foreign to him compared to his cave on Tatooine.