The Dakshee affair was an incident that occurred during the Imperial Period on the planet Dakshee.
At some point between 15 BBY and 1 ABY, Gerald Weizel, the governor of Dakshee, discovered that several union heads on the planet were ringleaders of the terrorist group Justice Action Network. Weizel resolved the affair without bloodshed.
Governor Weizel's involvement in the Dakshee affair, and also in the Brella Temior crisis, gave him a reputation of having a certain flair for handing problem worlds. This reputation eventually led him to be appointed as the new governor of Chandrila in 1 ABY.
At some point between 15 BBY and 1 ABY, Gerald Weizel, the governor of Dakshee, discovered that several union heads on the planet were ringleaders of the terrorist group Justice Action Network. Weizel resolved the affair without bloodshed.
Governor Weizel's involvement in the Dakshee affair, and also in the Brella Temior crisis, gave him a reputation of having a certain flair for handing problem worlds. This reputation eventually led him to be appointed as the new governor of Chandrila in 1 ABY.