During the Galactic Civil War, in the wake of the Dentaal Uprising of 0 ABY, the planet Dakshee was the site of an uprising that was violently reprimanded by the Galactic Empire.
The classical actress Dana Meimonda was present on Dakshee during the subjugation of her homeworld. She escaped the massacre and went on to become a spy for the Rebel Alliance on Esseles.
During the Imperial Period, the planet Dakshee, the capital of the Barma sector within the Colonies, remained a long time under the rule of the Galactic Empire. However, the planet was marked by constant unrest, to the point that it was considered a problem world for the Empire.
During the early years of the Galactic Civil War, the Rebel Alliance transmitted propaganda broadcasts to the restless population of Dakshee from a secret base in the nearby AX system.
At the start of the Dentaal Uprising, in 0 ABY, the HoloNet news network Imperial HoloVision reported that political experts were expecting Emperor Palpatine to take action against Imperial-held worlds with a constant unrest problem, such as Dakshee and Sappire.
Eventually, at some point between 0 ABY and 4 ABY, Dakshee became the site of an uprising.
The Empire responded to the uprising by bringing terror to the world. During the subjugation of Dakshee, the Empire bombarded the planet first, and then went on to conduct mass executions among the civilian population.
The classical actress Dana Meimonda was present on Dakshee when the Empire subjugated her homeworld. Meimonda and her were among the very few to escape the massacre, and both fled to Esseles, the capital of the Darpa sector within the Core Worlds.
After escaping the subjugation of Dakshee, Meimonda became a Rebel spy on Esseles. Under the guise of a socialite and entertainer, she toured the Imperial installations of Esseles and performed for the troops stationed there. She became a formidable intelligence source regarding troop movements and played a key role in bringing down Griff Takel, the governor of Esseles, and Jander Graffe, the Moff of the Darpa sector.
Eventually, after the death of Emperor Palpatine at the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Meimonda openly declared her allegiance to the New Republic and became one of its leading morale boosters.
- Heroes & Rogues
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, Vol. II