Delrian Prison Planet

The Delrian Prison Planet was a penal world where the convicted alien criminal Vorg Alsum served a 35 year sentence for speeder theft. The sentence was listed on Alsum's profile, which was found on a database seen by Marshal Cara Dune when she searched for the profile of the criminal Migs Mayfeld around 9 ABY.

Behind the scenes

The Delrian Prison Planet was mentioned on a screen in "Chapter 14: The Tragedy" of Jon Favreau's Disney+ series The Mandalorian, directed by Robert Rodriguez and released on December 4, 2020. In the Star Wars Legends continuity, the planet Delrian was first mentioned, as Delrian Prison Planet, in the 1989 Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game supplement Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope, written by Grant S. Boucher.


  • Star Wars: The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire



