The Diathim, also known as the Angels as a result of spacers mistaking them for such beings, were a mysterious species of winged sentients who inhabited the moons of the planet Iego, specifically living on the largest moon, Millius Prime. Tall and beautiful, the beings called Angels had six wings and shining white skin.
A species who were cautious around others, legends were developed around the Diathim, with stories of their reputed beauty being spread from the Outer Rim Territories to the Core Worlds by deep space spacers. They were regarded as potentially being the most beautiful beings in the known universe. When Anakin Skywalker first met his future wife Padmé Amidala, he compared her appearance to that of an Angel. By 21 BBY during the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems had conquered Millius Prime, forcing the peaceful Diathim from their homes. Skywalker and Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi would later meet an Angel during their mission to Iego, during which they liberated Iego and its moons by destroying the LaserWeb Defense Station left by the Separatists.
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