During the Galactic Civil War, a Rebel smuggler, also from the planet Harridan, asked a group of his fellow rebels to accompany him to his home planet to pay off a debt of 25,000 credits to Egot. Egot led them through a series of events, starting with booking themselves in the Lullaby Motel as a honeymooning couple, and leading to the eventual confrontation with Egot in his warehouse. Before the smuggler managed to pay Egot his money back, however, the local police force entered the warehouse in force; they had previously placed a tracer in the smugglers bag which contained the money. Assuming the rebels had led the police to him purposefully, Egot ordered his guards to eliminate them. However, thanks in part to the help from the local police, the group managed to survive as Egot fled the warehouse in his personal ship, the Razorshark.
Egot fled to the moon of Harridan in the Razorshark and, upon discovering that the rebels had managed to survive, he took to lurking on the surface of the moon until he discovered the rebels ship passing. As soon as he noticed the ship, he launched into an insane attack. Though he had no chance of winning, he had been driven nearly insane by his anger at them. Unfortunately for him, the appearance of the Victory-class Star Destroyer Titan soon ended the battle, and his ship was captured in its tractor beam. This allowed the rebel ship to jump to hyperspace. Egot's fate is unknown, though it is thought that the Imperials would have turned him over to the local police force.