Endrodanar Tiopuld Shaamador Vandelhelm XXIV

Endrodanar Tiopuld Shaamador Vandelhelm XXIV, commonly known as Endro, and his older sister Lillindri Nanimei Filda Vandelhelm XXXII were the Venerated Ones of Vandelhelm during the Galactic Civil War. The last descendants of Vandelhelm's founding dynasty and a living symbol of Vandelhelm's metalsmithing industry, Endro and his sister held tremendous importance to the world's Metalsmiths Guild, and were imprisoned by the Galactic Empire for three years in order to exert greater control over the smiths. Endro and Lilli were returned home by the Alliance of Free Planets in 4 ABY, and 14 ABY a now-teenage Endro launched his own failed attempt to overthrow his sister as Guildmaster.


Endrodanar Tiopuld Shaamador Vandelhelm XXIV—commonly known as "Endro" for short—was a Human male native of Vandelhelm, a planet renowned for its high-quality metals, alloys and shipbuilding capacity. Endro and his sister Lillindri Nanimei Filda Vandelhelm XXXII, or "Lilli," were the last two living members of the Vandelhelm dynasty, descending from the two families who discovered the ore-rich world and developed the mining and smelting techniques that earned Vandelhelm a place of importance in galactic commerce. Their lineage earned them the name "Venerated Ones" during the era of the Galactic Civil War. Although not technically royals, their descent made them extremely important to the planet's Metalsmiths Guild, who saw them as a symbol of their industry.

In 1 ABY, the Imperial-aligned Guildmaster Orrk conspired to have Endro and Lilli arrested and imprisoned in an internment facility on Ord Vaug, in order to exert greater control over the metalsmiths' production. After three years in Imperial custody, the Venerated Ones were finally rescued by the Alliance of Free Planets in 4 ABY. At the time, Endro was still a small child, sticking by his older sister's side as Alliance heroes Han Solo and Nien Nunb personally escorted the Venerated Ones back to Vandelhelm in Solo's Millennium Falcon. Orrk and his Imperial ally, Admiral Mordur, desperately tried to maintain control over Vandelhelm with an attempt on the siblings' lives, Solo and Lilli ended the threat by killing Orrk and his stormtrooper backup.

With Orrk out of the picture and Imperial influence gone from Vandelhelm, Lilli was named Guildmistress of the Metalsmiths Guild the day after Solo's departure, aged 15. Within a decade, Endro had become his sister's security advisor and spokesperson despite his young age, during a period where Lilli's control over the Metalsmiths Guild faced a number of challenges from within and without. As it happened, Endro promised to be one of those challenges, as the younger brother had his eye on his sister's position. In 14 ABY, Vandelhelm hosted a ceremony to honor the 10th anniversary of the Venerated Ones' return to their homeworld, attended by Solo and Nunb among others. As a celebration of a decade of alliance between Vandelhelm and the New Republic, Vandelhelm's shipwrights and metalsmiths constructed a "Solo fleet" of freighters stocked with valuable metals and treasures, bound for the New Republic-held Fondor shipyards.

Endro planned to use a protocol droid he had modified to serve as Lilli's bodyguard to attack and kill her and Solo during the ceremony, hoping to pin the murders on Nunb, whom he would accuse of sabotaging the droid in the name of "Sullustan rights." From there, he would take sole control over the guild, and sell the "Solo fleet" to the highest bidder. However, it was Nunb who foiled the plot, reacting in time to neutralize the droid before it could fix its target. Realizing that Endro was behind the attempted assassination, Solo attacked the younger Venerated One, and while Endro got in a couple solid hits, he suffered a brutal beating at the hands of the Corellian war hero.

Personality and traits

Endro displayed a high capacity for treachery by a relatively young age, attempting to overthrow his sister and seize power while still a teenager. However, his furtiveness and antisocial nature betrayed him, attracting suspicion before the critical moment. Endro showed a preternatural affinity for technology despite his youth, having a deep knowledge of all of Vandelhelm's security systems and even modifying a protocol droid to serve as his sister's bodyguard.

Behind the scenes

Endro appeared for the first time in Star Wars (1977) 98, written by Archie Goodwin, illustrated by Al Williamson and released in 1985. His full name was later given in the 2004 Wizards of the Coast article Vandelhelm: Enemies and Alloys, written by Cory J. Herndon.




