
FN-1728 was a human who served the First Order as a stormtrooper. The trooper briefly chatted with Captain Phasma while she was hunting for the alleged traitor Lieutenant Sol Rivas on Starkiller Base.


FN-1728 was a First Order stormtrooper who was stationed at Starkiller Base during the Battle of Starkiller Base. FN-1728 and two other troopers came across Captain Phasma as she attempted to hunt down Lieutenant Sol Rivas, FN-1728 reported to Phasma that word was that General Armitage Hux was being evacuated from the base before being told by Phasma that they should man their post until ordered otherwise.

Personality and traits

FN-1728 was a human who served as a First Order stormtrooper. They were dutiful and complied with Phasma's orders to remain at their post despite the impending destruction of Starkiller Base. They wore white stormtrooper armor.

Behind the scenes

FN-1728 first appeared in Star Wars: Captain Phasma, a 2017 four-issue comic published by Marvel Comics as part of the Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi promotional material. They were created by Kelly Thompson, illustrated by Marco Checchetto, and colored by Andres Mossa.



