The theatrical release of _Star Wars:_ Episode VIII The Last Jedi occurred on December 15 of the year 2017. Here is a chronological listing of Star Wars related happenings in the year 2017.
- 03 – The publication of The Phantom Menace Read-Along Storybook and CD took place.
- 03 – The Star Wars: Han Solo (TPB) was released.
- 03 – Star Wars: I Am a Stormtrooper saw its publication.
- 03 – Rey to the Rescue! was made available.
- 07 – The premiere of the "Ghosts of Geonosis" episode occurred on Disney XD.
- 10 – Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The Clone Wars Vol. 1 was published.
- 10 – Star Wars: Rebel Heroes was released to the public.
- 11 – Poe Dameron 10 saw its publication date.
- 14 – "Warhead" was initially broadcasted on Disney XD.
- 15 – The audiobook version of Star Wars: Rogue One: A Junior Novel became available.
- 17 – The publication of The Fight in the Forest took place.
- 17 – Poe and the Missing Ship was released.
- 17 – The hardcover edition of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story – The Official Collector's Edition was published.
- 18 – Doctor Aphra (2016) 3 was made available to the public.
- 18 – Star Wars Rebels Magazine 27 was published.
- 21 – "Trials of the Darksaber" was initially shown on Disney XD.
- 25 – Star Wars (2015) 27 was published.
- 31 – Star Wars Vol. 4: The Last Flight of the Harbinger (TPB) was released.
- 31 – The paperback edition of Bloodline by Claudia Gray was made available.
- 01 – The death of Robert Turk occurred.
- 01 – The publication of Darth Maul (2017) 1 took place.
- 01 – Star Wars (2015) 28 was published.
- 02 – The Sabine's TIE Fighter, Upsilon-class Shuttle, Quadjumper, U-wing, and TIE Striker Expansion Packs were released.
- 02 – No Disintegrations was published.
- 07 – Attack of the Clones Read-Along Storybook and CD was released.
- 07 – The publication of Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The Newspaper Strips Vol. 1 occurred.
- 08 – Doctor Aphra (2016) 4 was published.
- 14 – Star Wars: OBI-123 was released.
- 15 – Poe Dameron 11 was published.
- 15 – Star Wars Rebels Magazine 28 was released to the public.
- 18 – "Legacy of Mandalore" premiered on Disney XD.
- 19 – Chris Wiggins passed away.
- 21 – Aftermath: Empire's End was published.
- 21 – The publication of Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The Empire Vol. 3 occurred.
- 25 – "Through Imperial Eyes" was initially broadcasted on Disney XD.
- 28 – Darth Vader: Sith Lord was released.
- 28 – Star Wars: Darth Vader Vol. 2 was published.
- 28 – Star Wars Insider 171 was released.
- 01 – Star Wars (2015) 29 was published.
- 03 – The fourth season of Star Wars Rebels was officially announced.
- 03 – The Nintendo Switch was launched.
- 04 – "Secret Cargo" premiered on Disney XD.
- 07 – Revenge of the Sith Read-Along Storybook and CD was published.
- 07 – Join the Resistance was released.
- 08 – Doctor Aphra (2016) 5 was published.
- 09 – Adventures in Wild Space: The Cold was released.
- 11 – "Double Agent Droid" premiered on Disney XD.
- 15 – Poe Dameron 12 was published.
- 15 – Star Wars Rebels Magazine 29 was released.
- 18 – "Twin Suns" premiered on Disney XD.
- 21 – Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The Old Republic Vol. 2 was published.
- 22 – Darth Maul (2017) 2 was released.
- 24 – Rogue One: A Star Wars Story was made available via Digital HD.
- 25 – "Zero Hour" premiered on Disney XD.
- 28 – The paperback edition of Aftermath: Life Debt was published.
- 28 – Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - The Official Mission Debrief was released.
- 28 – Star Wars: A New Hope Notebook Collection was published.
- 28 – Star Wars: Rogue One: A Junior Novel was released to the public.
- 29 - CinéMagique shut its doors after its final performance.
- 04 – Rogue One: A Star Wars Story was released on DVD/Blu-ray/On-Demand.
- 04 – Star Wars: The Prequel Trilogy – A Graphic Novel was published.
- 04 – Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia was released.
- 04 – Star Wars Topps Classic Sticker Book was made available.
- 05 – Star Wars (2015) 30 was published.
- 05 – Rogue One Adaptation 1 was released.
- 10 – The death of Margaret Towner occurred.
- 11 – Adventures in Wild Space: The Heist was published.
- 11 – A New Hope Big Golden Book was released.
- 11 – Thrawn was published.
- 11 – Star Wars Insider 172 was released.
- 12 – Doctor Aphra (2016) 6 was published.
- 12 – Star Wars Rebels Magazine 30 was released.
- 13 – Celebration Orlando commenced.
- 14 – BB-8 Bandits was broadcasted during Celebration Orlando.
- 14 – Star Wars: The Last Jedi Official Teaser was released on YouTube.
- 18 – Star Wars Insider: Lords of the Sith was published.
- 18 – Star Wars Widevision: The Original Topps Trading Card Series, Volume One was released.
- 19 – Poe Dameron 13 was published.
- 26 – Darth Maul (2017) 3 was released.

On 02, the paperback edition of Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel saw its publication. - 02 saw the release of the Guardians of the Whills novel. - 02 marked the publication of Han and the Rebel Rescue. - Rebel Rising was published on 02. - 02 was the publication date for Trouble on Tatooine. - Poe Dameron 14 was released on 03. - The release of Rogue One Adaptation 2 occurred on 03. - 04 marked the release of Adventures in Wild Space: The Rescue. - Star Wars: A New Hope paperback edition was published on 04. - The paperback edition of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back was published on 04. - Star Wars: Return of the Jedi paperback edition was published on 04. - Star Wars: The Doodles Strike Back was published on 04. - 04 marked the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Graphics. - A new U.K. format of Star Wars: The Force Awakens: A Junior Novel was released on 04. - The Lost Stars (webcomic) began its publication run in Japan on 04. - On 04, James Cranna passed away. - Star Wars: The Classic Newspaper Comics Vol. 1 was published on 09. - The Screaming Citadel 1 was released on 10. - 10 was the publication date for Star Wars Rebels Magazine 31. - John Cygan passed away on 13. - Poe Dameron 15 was published on 17. - 17 marked the release of Star Wars (2015) 31. - Star Wars: Rogue One: Death Star Deluxe Book and 3D Wood Model was published on 23. - 23 saw the release of Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The Rebellion Vol. 2. - Star Wars Insider 173 was released on 23. - 25 marked the 40th anniversary of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. - The Rise of a Hero was published on 30. - Doctor Aphra (2016) 7 was published on 31. ## June - Disciples of Harmony was published on 01. - Andy Cunningham passed away on 05. - Star Wars Vol. 2 Hardcover AJA and Dodson covers (the latter via direct market only) was published on 07. - 07 marked the release of Darth Vader (2017) 1. - Rogue One Adaptation 3 was published on 07. - 07 saw the release of Star Wars Rebels Magazine 32. - The C-ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack was released on 08. - The Disney–Lucasfilm Press edition of Bounty Hunt was published on 13. - Star Wars (2015) 32 was published on 14. - " A New Home " premiered on Disney XD on 17. - " Trouble on Tibalt " premiered on Disney XD on 17. - Darth Maul (2017) 4 was published on 21. - 21 saw the release of Darth Vader (2017) 2. - Poe Dameron Annual 1 was published on 21. - Poe Dameron 16 was released on 28. - Doctor Aphra (2016) 8 was published on 28. - Star Wars: Imperial Assault Book and Model was published on 29. ## July - Star Wars: Doctor Aphra Vol. 1 — Aphra was published on 03. - 03 saw the release of Star Wars Forces of Destiny. - Sands of Jakku aired on YouTube on 03. - Star Wars: Poe Dameron Vol. 2 — The Gathering Storm was published on 03. - " BB-8 Bandits " aired on YouTube on 04. - Rogue One Adaptation 4 was published on 05. - Star Wars (2015) 33 was published on 05. - Ewok Escape aired on YouTube on 05. - Star Wars Rebels Magazine 33 was published on 05. - The Padawan Path aired on YouTube on 06. - Beasts of Echo Base aired on YouTube on 07. - The Imposter Inside aired on YouTube on 08. - Star Wars Forces of Destiny premiered on Disney Channel on 09. - Sands of Jakku first aired on Disney Channel on 09. - BB-8 Bandits first aired on Disney Channel on 09. - The Stranger aired on YouTube on 09. - Bounty of Trouble aired on YouTube on 09. - Star Wars Dot-to-Dot was published on 11. - Captured on Cloud City was published on 11. - Star Wars Insider 174 was released on 11. - Darth Vader (2017) 3 was published on 12. - Doctor Aphra (2016) 9 was published on 12. - Star Wars Adventures Ashcan was published digitally on 12. - The release of Auzituck Gunship, Scurrg H-6 Bomber, and TIE Aggressor Expansion Packs occurred on 13. - William Hoyland passed away on 15. - Ewok Escape first aired on Disney Channel on 16. - The Padawan Path first aired on Disney Channel on 16. - Star Wars Vol. 5: Yoda's Secret War (TPB) was published on 18. - Star Wars: On the Front Lines was published on 18. - Star Wars Joke Book was scheduled for publication, but was cancelled on 18. - Darth Maul (2017) 5 was published on 19. - Poe Dameron 17 was published on 19. - Star Wars Adventures Ashcan was published on 20. - Beasts of Echo Base aired on Disney Channel on 23. - The Imposter Inside aired on Disney Channel on 23. - Star Wars: Starships, Speeders & Space Stations was published on 25. - Star Wars: I Am a Hero was published on 25. - Battlefront II: Inferno Squad was published on 25. - Jedi Academy: The Force Oversleeps was published on 25. - Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The Original Marvel Years Vol. 2 was published on 25. - Star Wars Super Graphic: A Visual Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away was published on 25. - 99 Stormtroopers Join the Empire was published on 25. - Star Wars: A New Hope - The Official Collector's Edition was published on 25. - Doctor Aphra (2016) 10 was published on 26. - The Stranger first aired on Disney Channel on 30. - Bounty of Trouble first aired on Disney Channel on 30. - " The Tower of Alistan Nor " premiered on Disney XD on 31. ## August - " The Embersteel Blade " premiered on Disney XD on 01. - Lost Stars paperback was published on 01. - The paperback novelization of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story was published on 01. - Star Wars Day-at-a-Time Calendar 2018 was published on 01. - Darth Vader (2017) 4 was published on 02. - Rogue One Adaptation 5 was published on 02. - " The Storms of Taul " premiered on Disney XD on 02. - Star Wars Rebels Magazine 34 was published on 02. - " Return to the Wheel " premiered on Disney XD on 03. - " The Lost Crystals of Qalydon " premiered on Disney XD on 07. - Spark of Rebellion: A Star Wars Rebels Cinestory Comic was published on 08. - Star Wars Insider: Heroes of the Force was published on 08. - Doctor Aphra (2016) 11 was published on 09. - Rogue One - Cassian & K-2SO Special 1 was published on 09. - " Flight of the Arrowhead " premiered on Disney XD on 09. - " A Perilous Rescue " premiered on Disney XD on 10. - " Escape from Coruscant " premiered on Disney XD on 14. - Adventures in Wild Space: The Darkness was published on 15. - " Free Fall " premiered on Disney XD on 15. - Poe Dameron 18 was published on 16. - Star Wars (2015) 34 was published on 16. - " Return of the Return of the Jedi " premiered on Disney XD on 16. - Trading Scars was released on 17. - Doctor Aphra Annual 1 was published on 23. - 3 Out-of-This-World Tales! was published on 29. - Aftermath: Empire's End paperback was published on 29. - Star Wars: Heroes & Villains Little Golden Book Collection was published on 29. - Star Wars Rebels: Complete Season Three was released on 29. - Star Wars: The Force Awakens Graphic Novel Adaptation was published on 29. - Star Wars (2015) 35 was published on 30. - Jedi of the Republic – Mace Windu 1 was published on 30. - Star Wars Rebels Magazine 35 was published on 30. - Rise of the Empire was released on 31. ## September - Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi began with Force Friday II on 01. - A Leader Named Leia was published on 01. - Art of Coloring: Star Wars: Keepsake Coloring Book was published on 01. - BB-8 on the Run was published on 01. - Leia, Princess of Alderaan was published on 01. - Leia, Princess of Alderaan audiobook (Random House Audio) was published on 01. - Phasma was published on 01. - Star Wars Annual 2018 was published on 01. - Star Wars: Colouring Book was published on 01. - Star Wars: Destiny Two-Player Game was released on 01. - Star Wars Kirigami was published on 01. - Star Wars: Look and Find was published on 01. - Star Wars Made Easy was published on 01. - Star Wars: The Power of the Force was published on 01. - Star Wars: Tales of the Force was published on 05. - Star Wars: The Blueprints was republished on 05. - Star Wars Insider 175 was published on 05. - Captain Phasma 1 was published on 06. - Darth Vader (2017) 5 was published on 06. - Rogue One Adaptation 6 was published on 06. - Star Wars Adventures (2017) 1 was published on 06. - Star Wars: Stealth Mission Book and Model was published on 07. - Star Wars: Where's the Wookiee? 2 was published on 07. - Len Wein passed away on 10. - Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Notebook Collection was published on 12. - Doctor Aphra (2016) 12 was published on 13. - Star Wars (2015) 36 was published on 13. - Star Wars: Darth Maul TPB was published on 19. - Captain Phasma 2 was published on 20. - Poe Dameron 19 was published on 20. - Star Wars Annual (2015) 3 was published on 20. - Star Wars Adventures (2017) 2 was published on 20. - The Prequel Trilogy Stories was published on 26. - Jedi of the Republic – Mace Windu 2 was published on 27. - The hardcover edition of Zeb to the Rescue was published on 28. ## October - Star Wars Forces of Destiny: Volume 1 aired on 01. - Newest Recruit aired on YouTube on 01. - Tracker Trouble aired on YouTube on 02. - The paperback edition of Ahsoka was published on 03. - Forces of Destiny: Daring Adventures: Volume 2 was published on 03. - From a Certain Point of View was released on 03. - From a Certain Point of View audiobook was released on 03. - Join the Resistance: Escape from Vodran was published on 03. - Learn to Draw Star Wars Drawing Book & Kit was published on 03. - Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Updated and Expanded was published on 03. - Star Wars: A New Hope Cinestory Comic was published on 03. - Star Wars Coding Projects was published on 03. - Ultimate LEGO Star Wars was published on 03. - William Shakespeare's The Force Doth Awaken: Star Wars Part the Seventh was published on 03. - " Teach You, I Will " aired on YouTube on 03. - Captain Phasma 3 was published on 04. - Darth Vader (2017) 6 was published on 04. - Star Wars (2015) 37 was published on 04. - " The Starfighter Stunt " aired on YouTube on 04. - Star Wars: Millennium Falcon Book and Mega Model was published on 05. - Star Wars: The Last Jedi Trailer (Official) aired on YouTube on 09. - Learn to Draw Star Wars: The Force Awakens was published on 10. - Doctor Aphra (2016) 13 was published on 11. - Star Wars Rebels Season Four premiered with Star Wars Rebels: Heroes of Mandalore on Disney XD on 16. - Forces of Destiny: Tales of Hope & Courage was published on 17. - Star Wars Insider 176 was published on 17. - Captain Phasma 4 was published on 18. - Poe Dameron 20 was published on 18. - Star Wars Adventures (2017) 3 was published on 18. - Ghosts of Dathomir was published on 19. - The Han Solo Trilogy was reprinted as part of the Barnes & Noble Collectible Editions series on 20. - " In the Name of the Rebellion " premiered on Disney XD on 23. - The Disney–Lucasfilm Press edition of Adventures in Wild Space: The Cold was published on 24. - Star Wars: The Screaming Citadel TPB was published on 24. - Star Wars: Stormtroopers: Beyond the Armor was published on 24. - Jedi of the Republic – Mace Windu 3 was published on 25. - Star Wars Rebels Magazine 37 was published on 25. - John Mollo passed away on 25. - Guns for Hire Expansion Pack was released on 26. - Star Wars Forces of Destiny: Volume 2 aired on 29. - Accidental Allies aired on YouTube on 29. - " The Occupation " and " Flight of the Defender " premiered on Disney XD on 30. - An Imperial Feast aired on YouTube on 30. - The Legends of Luke Skywalker was published on 31. - Star Wars Adventures, Volume 1: Heroes of the Galaxy was published on 31. - The Happabore Hazard aired on YouTube on 31. - Visceral Games was shut down in ??. ## November - Darth Vader (2017) 7 was published on 01. - Crash Course aired on YouTube on 01. - Star Wars: Jedi Challenges was released as an app for iOS devices on 03. - " Kindred " and " Crawler Commandeers " premiered on Disney XD on 06. - Star Wars (2015) 38 was published on 08. - " Rebel Assault " premiered on Disney XD on 13. - The Target Exclusive Edition of Battlefront II: Inferno Squad was published on 14. - Path of the Jedi: A Star Wars Rebels Cinestory Comic was published on 14. - Star Wars: BB-8 Deluxe Book and 3D Wood Model was published on 14. - Star Wars: Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi — Captain Phasma was published on 14. - Star Wars: Poe Dameron Vol. 3 — Legend Lost (TPB) was published on 14. - Darth Vader (2017) 8 was published on 15. - Doctor Aphra (2016) 14 was published on 15. - Chasing Copero was released on 16. - Star Wars Battlefront II was released for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on 17. - Star Wars (2015) 39 was published on 22. - Star Wars: A New Hope Cinestory Comic Collector's Edition was published on 28. - Star Wars: A-wing Deluxe Book and 3D Wood Model was published on 28. - Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: Rise of the Sith Vol. 2 was published on 28. - Star Wars Insider 177 was published on 28. - Jedi of the Republic – Mace Windu 4 was published on 29. - Poe Dameron 21 was published on 29. - Star Wars Adventures (2017) 4 was published on 29. - Alfie Curtis passed away on 30. ## December - Star Wars: Build a Droid - Sticker Activity Book was published on 01. - Star Wars: Glow-in-the-Dark Starfighters - Sticker Activity Book was published on 01. - Star Wars: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith Vol. 1 — Imperial Machine was published on 05. - Star Wars Vol. 6: Out Among the Stars (TPB) was published on 05.
05 – The novella collection, Canto Bight, saw its release. - 05 – The culmination of Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi occurred. - 06 – Issue number 9 of Darth Vader (2017) was made available. - 06 – Star Wars: Droid Repair Bay was launched. - 08 – The Alpha-class Star Wing , M12-L Kimogila Fighter , Phantom II , Resistance Bomber , and TIE Silencer Expansion Packs were all released to the public. - 12 – Star Wars Insider Special Edition 2018 hit the shelves. - 12 – The Star Wars: Rogue One Adaptation trade paperback (TPB) was published. - 12 – Publication of the Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Graphic Novel Adaptation took place. - 13 – Star Wars (2015) 40 was released. - 15 – North American audiences saw the release of Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi. - 15 – 5-Minute Star Wars Stories Strike Back was brought to publication. - 15 – Chewie and the Porgs was published for readers. - 15 – Star Wars: The Last Jedi Activity Book with Stickers became available. - 15 – Star Wars: The Last Jedi Book and Model was published. - 15 – Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Heroes of the Galaxy was published. - 15 – Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Incredible Cross-Sections was released. - 15 – The Star Wars: The Last Jedi Play-a-Sound book was published. - 15 – Star Wars: The Last Jedi: The Visual Dictionary was published. - 15 – Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Ultimate Sticker Collection was released. - 15 – The Art of Star Wars: The Last Jedi was made available to the public. - 15 – The Last Jedi: Bomber Command saw its publication date. - 15 – The Last Jedi: Cobalt Squadron was published. - 15 – The Last Jedi: Rey's Journey was published. - 15 – The Last Jedi: Rose and Finn's Secret Mission was released. - 15 – The Star Wars Cookbook: BB-Ate was published. - 16 – The Star Wars: Secrets of the Empire virtual reality experience opened in London for a 12-week run. - 16 – The aforementioned VR experience was released in Orlando on this date. - 19 – The Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The New Republic Vol. 3 paperback edition was published. - 19 – The hardcover edition of Star Wars: The Last Jedi – The Official Collector's Edition was released. - 20 – Poe Dameron 22 was published. - 20 – Doctor Aphra (2016) 15 was made available. - 20 – Star Wars Adventures: Destroyer Down was published. - 20 – Star Wars Rebels Magazine 39 was released to the public. - 27 – Star Wars: The Last Jedi – The Storms of Crait 1 was published. - 27 – Jedi of the Republic – Mace Windu 5 was released. - 27 – Star Wars Adventures (2017) 5 was published. - 29 – Jim Baikie passed away. ## Notes and references ## External links - 2017 as documented on Wikipedia