Doctor Aphra (2016) 7

Issue number 7 of Doctor Aphra marks the continuation of the Star Wars: Doctor Aphra comic series. Furthermore, it serves as the third installment in the Star Wars: The Screaming Citadel crossover storyline, which bridges the gap between Marvel Comics' _Star Wars_ and Doctor Aphra titles. Kieron Gillen penned the script for Doctor Aphra 7, while Andrea Broccardo provided the artwork. This issue saw its release on May 31, 2017.

Summary from the Publisher

  • The Queen's parasitic organisms are rapidly spreading.
  • The situation appears dire for Han. [4]

Synopsis of the Story

A Tense Get-Together

Fleeing from the "menagerie" belonging to the Queen of Ktath'atn, Dr. Aphra instructs Triple Zero to bring the Ark Angel II to their location. Luke Skywalker expresses his desire to confront the menagerie head-on, but the Ark Angel crashes through the wall, burying the creatures infected with the Abersyn symbiote under debris. Dr. Aphra is visibly annoyed by the damage inflicted on her ship.

Shortly after, Beetee and Triple Zero emerge from the Ark Angel II, accompanied by Han Solo. Triple Zero offers an apology, explaining that the "unkempt one" insisted on piloting the ship. Solo points out to Dr. Aphra that her ship's aft thruster was misaligned. Sana Starros attempts to shoot Dr. Aphra with her blaster, but Skywalker intervenes, deflecting the blaster fire with his lightsaber. Skywalker informs his fellow rebels that he and Dr. Aphra have formulated a plan.

Despite her displeasure with Skywalker's choices, Princess Leia Organa cautions Starros against shooting Dr. Aphra. Starros remains defiant and suggests she may kill Dr. Aphra if Skywalker does not cease protecting her. Skywalker defends his actions, stating that he willingly accompanied Dr. Aphra. Princess Leia scolds Skywalker for his "foolishness." Skywalker retorts that Dr. Aphra is a former Imperial agent and is "as dangerous as she is unstable." When Leia inquires about how Dr. Aphra located them, she replies that it was a fortunate guess.

Triple Zero advocates for Dr. Aphra's execution, citing her untrustworthiness. Dr. Aphra demands to know the droid's allegiance, but Triple Zero responds that his loyalty lies solely with himself, just as her loyalty lies with herself. While acknowledging her shortcomings, Skywalker defends Dr. Aphra, explaining that she is assisting him in his search for a Jedi tutor, reasoning that "not all scoundrels are inherently bad."

Seeking Refuge

Leia concurs with Luke but rebukes him for going AWOL. Placing his hand on Dr. Aphra, Skywalker declares that she is his friend, a statement that resonates with Aphra. Given the damage to Aphra's ship, Leia inquires about the optimal route from the Citadel of Ktath'atn. Solo alerts them to the presence of the Queen's acolytes, Varroa and Vespinax, along with guards. Following Dr. Aphra's suggestion, they seek refuge in a laboratory shielded by blast doors.

Beetee employs an arc welder to seal the doors. Princess Leia inquires about securing the remaining doors, but Sana Starros and Dr. Aphra observe that the laboratory contains abersyn symbiotes. Dr. Aphra elucidates that the abersyn symbiotes function as a noxious hive control system, infecting living organisms akin to a virus, deeming them so hazardous that even the Galactic Empire refrains from weaponizing them. Dr. Aphra speculates that the Queen has been cultivating abersyn symbiotes for a century.

Dr. Aphra proposes examining the multiple exits, anti-chambers, and blast doors. Luke consents to assist Dr. Aphra in securing the exits but disagrees with her support for the Empire. Dr. Aphra explains that her mother, Lona Aphra, perished during the [Clone Wars] (/article/clone_wars) and that, while imperfect, the Empire provides security for its citizens. Luke counters that the Empire embodies evil. Dr. Aphra retorts that, while the Empire may not be suitable for "people" like them, it ensures peace for ordinary individuals. Skywalker remarks that Aphra's attitude is reminiscent of Han Solo's sarcasm.

When Dr. Aphra implies that Skywalker enjoyed a carefree upbringing, Skywalker reveals that his adoptive parents were murdered by the Empire. Recognizing the profound loss that Skywalker endured, Dr. Aphra apologizes for her remarks. Luke accepts her apology, acknowledging that everyone makes mistakes.

Eluding the Queen

At that moment, the Queen of Ktath'atn enters the laboratory accompanied by her guards. She compels Luke to kneel, but Dr. Aphra resists her hypnotic influence by using her polarized goggles. Dr. Aphra threatens to detonate Skywalker if she is betrayed again. The Queen consents to demonstrate to Dr. Aphra how to reactivate the Rur crystal. Princess Leia spots Dr. Aphra, Luke, and the Queen but is forced to conceal herself when the Queen commands her guards to eliminate the intruders.

Princess Leia attempts to warn Han Solo that the Queen possesses some form of hypnotic abilities. However, Solo dismisses the threat and attempts to confront the Queen with a blaster. Nevertheless, the Queen hypnotizes Solo. Sana angrily warns Dr. Aphra that one day, someone will make her pay for her actions. Dr. Aphra informs Starros that the back wall is sufficiently thin for Beetee to breach and persuades her estranged friend to retreat behind the blast doors.

Inside the laboratory, Princess Leia vows not to abandon Han and Luke despite their incompetence. Sana Starros believes Han is opportunistic, but Leia disagrees. Princess Leia inquires whether Beetee possesses enough explosives to demolish the back wall. The astromech droid displays his explosives. Leia instructs everyone to take cover.

Triple Zero persuades Essfour to retrieve an abersyn symbiote from one of the tanks, instructing the droid to deactivate its pain receptors. Following the demolition of the back wall, Leia, Starros, Triple Zero, Beetee, and Essfour retreat from the laboratory. They rescue the unconscious Wookiee Krrsantan from being killed by Bombinax. After defeating Bombinax, the group evacuates Black Krrsantan into the laboratory.

Triple Zero then implants an abersyn symbiote into Black Krrsantan. When Leia asks Triple Zero if the Wookiee is his friend, the protocol droid responds that Black Krrsantan is merely a tool. When Leia calls Triple Zero a monster, the droid responds that he and Beetee have proven themselves as 100 percent efficient assets to fulfill her ends. Given the shortcomings in her friends, Triple Zero suggests that they would be a lot more happy if they were like them. Triple Zero manages to complete the operation just in time as Bombinax break through the blast door.

Bombinax attempts to take them prisoner for the Queen but the rejuvenated Wookiee attacks the Queen's lieutenant. Triple Zero warns Leia and Starros to stay back since this "tool" will be particularly messy.


