Protocol droid
A visual representation of three protocol droid models.
A protocol droid was a type of droid designed to assist sentients in navigating social customs and inter-personal relationships across the galaxy. Their duties frequently included event coordination, understanding etiquette, language translation, and resolving conflicts. While their physical forms varied, most protocol droids possessed a humanoid shape, typically standing around 1.67 meters tall and weighing approximately 75 kg. They were equipped with a AA-1 VerboBrain. Notable and successful models included the 3PO-series protocol droid from Cybot Galactica, the LOM-series protocol droid from Industrial Automaton, the RA-7 model from Arakyd Industries, and the RQ protocol droid from Lothal Logistics Limited. Cybot Galactica produced these droids on Affa, a factory planet, and even offered them as kits for hobbyists.
Additional protocol droid designs encompassed P4T protocol droids, SA-5 protocol droids (one example being the unit known as JBLX-24), the ancient Autonomous Translator Module, Mark II, the command bridge droid, the ED-V8-series envoy droid, NON units, and PZ protocol droids.
In 34 ABY, the Millennium Falcon departed from D'Qar, a moment witnessed by the resistance protocol droid R-3DO.