In the galactic timeline, the events detailed below unfolded during the 34 ABY year. This corresponds to 3311 LY as per the Lothal Calendar, and 8011 according to the C.R.C. system.
- The marriage of Temmin Wexley and Karé Kun took place. [10]
- Poe Dameron enlisted Kazuda Xiono into the Resistance, subsequently dispatching him, along with BB-8, on a mission.
- The search across the galaxy by both the Resistance and the First Order culminated in the discovery of Lor San Tekka's location on Jakku. [1]
- Kylo Ren perpetrated the death of Lor San Tekka. [1]
- Commander Poe Dameron acquired a fragment of the map that potentially pointed the way to Luke Skywalker, entrusting it to BB-8 before his capture by the First Order and subsequent imprisonment aboard the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Finalizer. [1]
- Finn abandoned his allegiance to the First Order and rescued Poe Dameron. [1]
- Han Solo and Chewbacca regained possession of the Millennium Falcon. [1]
- The superweapon known as Starkiller Base, wielded by the First Order, was used to destroy the Hosnian system, including Hosnian Prime, the capital of the New Republic. [1]
- During the battle on Takodana, Rey was taken prisoner by Kylo Ren. [1]
- The Resistance launched the Battle of Starkiller Base, successfully obliterating the superweapon. [1]
- Kylo Ren committed the act of killing Han Solo. [1]
- Captain Phasma initiated a hunt targeting Sol Rivas. [11]
- Rey located Luke Skywalker on Ahch-To. [1]
- The period known as the Cold War drew to a close. [1]
- Open warfare erupted between the First Order and the Resistance. [12]
- The funeral of Han Solo took place on D'Qar. [13]
- Following the destruction of Starkiller Base, the Resistance evacuated their base situated on D'Qar. [3]
- Amilyn Holdo made the ultimate sacrifice, piloting the MC85 Star Cruiser Raddus directly through the Mega-class Star Dreadnought Supremacy. [3]
- Kylo Ren assassinated Snoke, thus assuming the position of Supreme Leader of the First Order. [3]
- A battle occurred on Crait. The Resistance sustained significant casualties, but key leaders managed to escape. [3]
- Luke Skywalker became one with the Force on Ahch-To. [3]
- The First Order, under the command of Kylo Ren, initiated a manhunt for the remaining members of the Resistance, eventually tracking them to Black Spire Outpost on Batuu. [14] [15]
- Venisa Doza, a Resistance commander, along with the Colossus' Ace Squadron, successfully broke the First Order's blockade of Dantooine, evacuating numerous Resistance recruits. [16]
- Tamara Ryvora was rescued from the First Order by Kazuda Xiono and Jarek Yeager, leading to a skirmish that resulted in the execution of Agent Tierny and the death of Commander Pyre.
- Strike at Pressy's Tumble [17]
- Mission to Vodran [18]
- Hunt for Lor San Tekka [1] Attack on Tuanul[1]
- During the Occupation of the Colossus [19] Mission to the Dassal system[20] Rescue on the Colossus[21] Mission to contact the Resistance[22]
- During the missions against pirates in the Cassander sector campaign [23] Battle of Mamkoda[23] Mission to Caraxl[23] Battle of Sheh Soahi[23]
- Escape from the Finalizer [1]
- Escape from Jakku [1]
- Skirmish aboard the Eravana [1]
- Mission to Athulla [24]
- Battle of Kestro City [24]
- Atterra campaign [25]
- Hosnian Cataclysm [1]
- Battle of Castilon [26]
- Battle of Takodana [1]
- Skirmish on the Retribution [24]
- Battle of Starkiller Base [1]
- Hunt for Rivas [11]
- Battle of D'Qar [3]
- Hunt for the Colossus [27] Skirmish over D'Qar[27] Sabotage of the Colossus[28] Skirmish by a signal beacon[29]
- Mission to Celsor 3 [30]
- Battle on Pastoria [31]
- Mission to Canto Bight [3]
- Battle of Oetchi [3]
- Mission to Drahgor III [32]
- Battle of Crait [3]
- Mission to Ashas Ree [33]
- Battle of Ikkrukk [34]
- Escape of Venisa Doza [29]
- Mission to Bracca [35]
- Mission to Corellia [35]
- Attack on Ryloth [35]
- Destruction of Tah'Nuhna [36]
- Mission to the moon of Avedot [36]
- Mission to Mon Cala [36]
- Voxx Vortex 5000 [37]
- Skirmish in Guavian Death Space [38]
- Infiltration of the Titan [39]
- Blockade of Kashyyyk [40]
- Mission to Tevel [41]
- Mission to Minfar [42]
- Mission to Batuu [15] [5]
- Blockade of Dantooine [16]
- Rescue of Tamara Ryvora [43]
- Oddy Muva on Spalex [43]
- A human miner during the Strike at Pressy's Tumble [17]
- VC-2123 on Vodran [10]
- On the planet Castilon [44] Lubo[44] 4D-M1N[45] (later repaired)[46] Elrik Vonreg[26]
- During the Attack on Tuanul [1] FN-2003[1] Lor San Tekka[1] Dasha Promenti[1] Ilco Munica[1]
- During the Escape from the Finalizer [1] Thanisson[47] Kaplan[47]
- Aboard the Eravana [1] Tasu Leech[48] Razoo Qin-Fee[48] Volzang Li-Thrull[1] Tolomar Reez[1] Crokind Shand[1]
- Cat during the Atterra campaign [25]
- Gleb on Vardos [24]
- During the Hosnian Cataclysm [1] Andrithal Robb-Voti[1] Brasmon Kee[1] Gadde Neshurrion[1] Nahani Gillen[1] Korr Sella[1] Lanever Villecham[1] Thadlé Berenko[1] Thanlis Depallo[1] Zygli Bruss[1]
- During the Battle of Takodana [1] FN-2199[1] FN-417[1]
- During the skirmish on the Retribution [24] Gideon Hask[24] Iden Versio[24]
- During the Battle of Starkiller Base [1] Furillo[1] Red One[1] Ello Asty[1] Han Solo[1] Sara Bel-Sun[49] BR-BA[49] FN-9330[1] P4-99[49] V8-R[49] Pallaris Ven[49] Erich S. Datoo[50] Wanten[51] XA-LX[49]
- On Luprora [52] BB-K8[52] Sol Rivas[52] TN-3465[52]
- Time for Flatcakes on Cantonica [53]
- During the Battle of D'Qar [3] Edon Kappehl[3] Ben Teene[3] Spennie[3] Nix Jerd[3] Finch Dallow[3] Paige Tico[3] Moden Canady[3] Goneril[3] Suday Bascus[3] Jaycris Tubbs[3] Zizi Tlo[54]
- Aboard the Raddus [3] Gial Ackbar[3] Guila Angira[3] Idrosen Gawat[3] Tallissan Lintra[3] Stomeroni Starck[3]
- Poldin LeHuse in the Oetchi system [3]
- Aboard the Supremacy [3] Snoke[3] Third Guard[3] Seventh Guard[3] First Guard[3] Phasma[3]
- In the Crait system [3] Anodyne's pilot[3] A transport pilot[3] Amilyn Holdo[3]
- During the Battle of Crait [3] Pammich Nerro Goode[3] Nodin Chavdri[3]
- Luke Skywalker on Ahch-To [3]
- On Ashas Ree [55] Raith[55]
- Barrut on Ikkrukk [56]
- Ushos O. Statura [35]
- Sanrec Stronghammer on Bracca [35]
- On Corellia [35] Winshur Bratt[35] Genial[35] Hasadar Shu[35] A pilot[35]
- Hahnee Brethen on Ryloth [35]
- During the mission to Batuu [5] Dhoran[5] Gol[5] Archex[5] Rusko[5] Wulfgar Kath[5]
- Galek above Dantooine [16]
- On Parnassos [5] Jagnar
- Onboard the Thunderer [57] Tierny[57] A First Order lieutenant[57] Pyre[57] Jace Rucklin[58]