During the First Order-Resistance War, Kazuda Xiono, along with fellow Resistance operatives Neeku Vozo and the droid CB-23, executed a covert operation to infiltrate the First Order's supertanker fuel depot known as Titan. Their objective was to acquire a trans-binary deflector for the supertanker fuel depot Colossus. The mission became more complex due to the unexpected presence of Tamara Ryvora and Jace Rucklin, former residents of the Colossus who had become cadets in the First Order, as well as Commander Pyre, who previously commanded the occupation garrison on the Colossus. These individuals could recognize Xiono and Vozo, potentially jeopardizing the mission. Furthermore, General Armitage Hux was holding a crucial meeting on the Titan at that time. Despite these challenges, Xiono and Vozo ultimately succeeded, aided by Ryvora's surreptitious assistance, as she began to question her allegiance to the First Order.
Before the events of the First Order-Resistance War, the First Order had occupied the Colossus, ostensibly to safeguard the supertanker fuel depot from pirates. Following the Hosnian Cataclysm, a successful rebellion against the First Order was orchestrated by the Colossus resistance, under the leadership of Resistance spy Kazuda Xiono. This uprising brought the station into space. In response, the First Order initiated a hunt to locate and destroy the station, recognizing its value to General Leia Organa and aiming to prevent Xiono from delivering it to her.
The Colossus managed to evade First Order forces and agents on multiple occasions. These included encounters with the BB-series astromech droid MB-13A, the undercover spy Nenavakasa Nalor, and the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Thunderer both in the Ileenium system and near a signal beacon. Furthermore, the Colossus successfully escaped from Vranki, a Hutt hotel and casino magnate, and the Guavian Death Gang.
As the Colossus' trans-binary deflector began to fail, Xiono, accompanied by Neeku Vozo, the Nikto mechanic, and CB-23, the BB-series astromech droid, set out to steal a replacement from the Titan. The Titan was a First Order-controlled supertanker fuel depot of the same design. They disguised themselves as First Order technicians to infiltrate the station. Their operation coincided with a high-level conference attended by senior First Order officers, including Commander Pyre and General Armitage Hux. Hux was dispatched by Supreme Leader Kylo Ren to receive updates on the First Order's refueling station inventory and the search for Resistance cells. Additionally, Lieutenant Galek, their flight instructor and squadron leader, assigned Tamara Ryvora and Jace Rucklin, First Order TIE Fighter Pilot cadets, to an escort and supply mission to the Titan due to their familiarity with space stations.
Kaz narrowly avoided detection by Tam and Rucklin. Tam recognized him but chose not to report his presence. Kaz and his team traversed the cargo bay to locate a functional port. However, General Hux and his stormtroopers unexpectedly conscripted Kaz to guide them to the tower conference room, as the First Order forces on the Titan lacked familiarity with the station's layout. Kaz successfully escorted Hux to the conference room, narrowly preventing exposure when Hux made a dismissive remark about destroying space stations that did not meet First Order standards or prove useful.
Neeku and CB-23 located a port for CB-23 to interface with. They were questioned by inquisitive stormtroopers, but Kaz successfully convinced them of their authenticity as technicians. Kaz and CB-23 discovered that the trans-binary deflector was located within the hyperdrive chamber. CB-23 remained behind to manage the controls, while Kaz and Neeku proceeded to the hyperdrive chamber, evading First Order forces along the way. Upon reaching the chamber, they began rerouting power from the terminal. However, Rucklin, who had noticed their presence, intervened.
Rucklin, having rejected the Colossus in favor of the First Order, locked Kaz and Neeku inside the hyperdrive chamber and alerted the authorities. Undeterred, Kaz, guided by Neeku, successfully detached the trans-binary deflector. However, they discovered that the blast door was unlocked. Tam, having learned of the Resistance infiltrators, used a computer to unlock the blast doors, enabling Kaz and Neeku to escape.
When stormtrooper reinforcements arrived, Tam deliberately directed them in the wrong direction. Kaz and Neeku soon encountered two stormtroopers in the corridor, but Kaz managed to stun them. Upon reaching Sector 1305, Kaz instructed CB-23 to remotely unlock the blast door. While the astromech droid was doing so, they were confronted by General Hux, Commander Pyre, and two stormtroopers. Before the First Order could capture them, CB-23 successfully unlocked the blast door, allowing them to retreat into a corridor, which was then resealed.
Reaching the hangar, Kaz instructed CB-23 to transport them using a crane to avoid First Order patrols. However, two First Order astromech droids attacked CB-23, causing the crane to malfunction. Kaz and Neeku managed to avoid falling crates and boarded their Atmospheric Assault Lander. CB-23 joined them after escaping the astromech droids. The three then fled the hangar and, despite being pursued by First Order TIE fighters, successfully escaped into space.
The Colossus Resistance successfully stole the trans-binary deflector from the First Order, protecting the Colossus and its inhabitants from cosmic radiation. General Hux expressed his fury to Commander Pyre regarding his security forces' failure to apprehend the thieves and reiterated the Stormtrooper Commander's orders to destroy the Colossus. Although Tam successfully concealed her role in assisting the Resistance from Rucklin, Tierny, the Agent from the First Order Security Bureau and Pyre's partner, believed that they could exploit Tam's feelings for her friends to facilitate the Colossus' destruction.
The Infiltration of the Titan was first depicted in the Star Wars Resistance Season Two episode titled "Station to Station," which premiered on Disney XD on December 15, 2019.