The Nikto were a humanoid and sentient species indigenous to the world of Kintan, situated within the Outer Rim Territories. At a minimum, three distinct Nikto subspecies existed: the Kajain'sa'Nikto (commonly known as red Nikto), the Kadas'sa'Nikto (referred to as green Nikto), and the Esral'sa'Nikto (or mountain Nikto). Throughout the Clone Wars and in the centuries preceding it, numerous Kajain'sa'Nikto found employment with the Hutt Clan as enforcers. In the time leading up to the Battle of Endor, both green and red Nikto served the crime lord Jabba the Hutt. Notably, some Nikto became members of the Jedi Order, including the male Kajain'sa'Nikto Jedi Master known as Ima-Gun Di.

The Nikto species comprised a minimum of three subspecies: the Kajain'sa'Nikto (red Nikto), the Kadas'sa'Nikto (green Nikto), and the Esral'sa'Nikto (mountain Nikto). Both red and green Nikto demonstrated adaptations to desert environments. Their distinguishing features included scaly, rough skin, along with the presence of horns and spikes.
Mountain Nikto were visually distinct from their red and green counterparts, lacking horns but possessing facial fins. Green Nikto reproduced by laying eggs, with their offspring referred to as hatchlings. Furthermore, the green Nikto subspecies was unable to blush due to their skin containing only green pigments, and they were characterized by having thick skin.
The Nikto's origins trace back to Kintan. The Hutts discovered and seized control of their homeworld centuries prior to the New Republic Era, effectively turning the Nikto into slaves. Under Hutt dominion, the Nikto were denied the autonomy to establish their own government, resulting in the loss of control over Kintan. Some Nikto were designated as guards and thugs for their Hutt masters, frequently appearing within their enslavers' retinues. During its reign, the Galactic Empire subjected the Nikto species to oppression, with subsequent narratives cautioning post-Imperial generations about the treatment inflicted upon them by stormtroopers.

After the demise of Jabba the Hutt, the Nikto successfully liberated themselves from their oppressors. At least one Nikto cartel emerged during the New Republic period, spearheaded by a Kajain'sa'Nikto named Rinnrivin Di. A Nikto biker gang, known as the Kintan Striders, conducted raids on local moisture farms situated near Tosche Station until Boba Fett eliminated them around 9 ABY.
Roughly three decades later, Neeku Vozo, a young Kadas'sa'Nikto male, worked as a mechanic at Yeager's Repairs, a garage bay situated on the Colossus and operated by Team Fireball. He was subsequently promoted to chief engineer of the Colossus after the station departed from its home planet of Castilon, pursued by the First Order.
During the ensuing months of pursuit, the Colossus encountered another Nikto, Nenavakasa "Nena" Nalor, a female of undetermined subspecies. After interacting with the station's inhabitants and assisting with the numerous repairs, Nalor's true motivations were exposed through an inspection of her ship, which she claimed had narrowly survived a First Order assault. Nalor had been contracted by the First Order to infiltrate and sabotage the Colossus, enabling Commander Pyre and Agent Tierny to finally seize control of the refueling station they had been pursuing for an extended period. However, the plan was thwarted due to Vozo's quick thinking and rapid repairs. Nena fled the station, and the First Order decreed her summary execution should she ever be encountered again as punishment for her failure.