Team Fireball

Team Fireball

Jarek Yeager established Team Fireball, a racing team, to support his repair shop. This shop was located on the Colossus, a fueling platform situated on the planet Castilon in the Mid Rim. During the New Republic era, Yeager's crew consisted of Neeku Vozo, Tam Ryvora, Kazuda Xiono, BB-8, CB-23, and R1-J5, who was nicknamed "Bucket." When Xiono and BB-8 joined, the team was in the middle of fixing up an old racing ship known as the Fireball.



Subsequent to the Galactic Civil War, Jarek Yeager, previously a Rebel pilot, established himself on the Colossus refueling station on Castilon. He gained recognition as one of the station's top racers, frequently emerging victorious. Rumors circulated that Yeager's success stemmed from his use of hyperfuel for added speed. However, by 34 ABY, he had retired from racing to concentrate on his repair shop. By that year, Team Fireball, the racing and mechanic team he started, included Yeager, Tamara Ryvora, Neeku Vozo, and the astromech droid R1-J5, called "Bucket." The team's name originated from an old racing ship, the Fireball, which Yeager had obtained. Yeager had promised Ryvora that the ship would be hers if she could repair it.

Arrival of a Newcomer

The Team Fireball crew

During 34 ABY, towards the end of the Cold War, Poe Dameron, a Resistance member and friend of Yeager, brought Kazuda Xiono, a newly recruited spy, to the Colossus. Dameron convinced Yeager to employ Xiono as a mechanic, providing a cover for his espionage. Yeager initially hesitated because of a misunderstanding that led Xiono to be falsely known as the "greatest pilot in the galaxy," attracting unwanted attention from other Colossus residents. However, he eventually agreed. The team had to quickly get the Fireball ready for flight, as Vozo had entered Xiono into a solo race the following day, believing he was helping him become a better pilot. Ryvora and Xiono started off on the wrong foot, as she resented Yeager lending him the ship and felt insulted by his comments on the Fireball's poor condition, which she interpreted as criticism of her mechanical abilities.

In the race against Torra Doza, the youngest member of Ace Squadron, Xiono performed admirably but pushed the Fireball too hard, resulting in a crash that rendered the ship unusable again and required a rescue. Afterward, Yeager cautioned Xiono that while he was welcome on the team, he wanted no part in Xiono's mission.

The "triple dark" storm

Xiono's inexperience as a mechanic caused friction within Team Fireball, raising Ryvora's suspicions. When the team was hired to fix the ship of a Neimoidian named Hallion Nark, Xiono's mistakes made their client dissatisfied. However, Xiono overheard Nark having a secret comlink conversation, which later revealed that Nark was spying for Kragan Gorr and his pirate gang. While the rest of Team Fireball sought shelter during the subsequent attack, Xiono and Dameron's astromech droid, BB-8, who was monitoring him, secretly helped repel the attack. The team was skeptical when Xiono later claimed to have been working on the Fireball throughout the attack, and Yeager disbelieved Xiono's account of his actions.

Rucklin's heist

Being the newest member, Xiono became a target for Jace Rucklin and his team, Lin Gaava and Gorrak Wiles, who saw him as an opportunity to steal Yeager's valuable hyperfuel. Rucklin successfully tricked Xiono into letting him into Yeager's office, where he stole the fuel without Xiono's knowledge. This was made easier by Xiono's frustration with his heavy workload, which he felt interfered with his Resistance mission, and his limited mechanical skills. After Bucket discovered the theft, Xiono risked his own safety to save Rucklin, who had turned his ship into a bomb by overloading it with hyperfuel. Afterward, Xiono apologized to Yeager, expecting to be fired, but Yeager allowed him to stay.

Visiting the High Tower

During a storm, Xiono, along with BB-8, Vozo, and a reluctant Ryvora, received an invitation from Hype Fazon, the leader of Ace Squadron, to visit the exclusive Doza Tower, the residence of the Doza family and the Aces. While Xiono and Vozo were thrilled to be among elite pilots, Ryvora harbored resentment towards Fazo for abandoning her after he won a race. Xiono used the visit to spy on a meeting between Captain Imanuel Doza and Major Elrik Vonreg, an emissary from the First Order. He learned that the First Order wanted access to the Colossus. Xiono was chased by stormtroopers, but with BB-8's help, he escaped into a corridor.

Refugees from Tehar

While working on the Fireball, Xiono accidentally damaged an acceleration compensator, angering Ryvora. To raise money, Xiono, Vozo, and BB-8 tried to collect a bounty on two children, Kel and Eila. With the assistance of Vozo's Chelidae friends, Xiono and his companions located the children and discovered they were survivors of a First Order massacre on Tehar. Xiono helped the children evade Commander Pyre by faking their deaths. After the children found refuge with the Chelidae, Xiono returned the repaired compensator to Ryvora. He also informed Ello Asty about the Tehar massacre.

The "salvage run"

Later on, Yeager unexpectedly took Xiono on an early morning "salvage run" offsite. Ryvora was surprised, as a salvage run was not on the schedule. This "salvage run" turned out to be a training flight for Xiono with his mentor, Dameron. Xiono and Dameron later responded to a distress signal from a Darius G-class freighter in Sector six of the Castilon system. After facing several Kowakian monkey-lizards and Kowakian ape-lizards, Xiono and Dameron rescued Synara San, a Mirialan. Unbeknownst to them, Synara was a member of Kragan Gorr's Warbird gang.

The second pirate raid

Team Fireball was later hired by Captain Doza to repair the platform's defense system's tracking computer. Lacking a CoMar Tri-Tracker chip, Xiono and Ryvora turned to Synara San, who was working in the salvage yard. Upon learning that the platform's defense system was down and that Ace Squadron was away, Synara informed Kragan Gorr, whose Warbirds raided the Colossus. Yeager and Xiono managed to reinstall the tracking computer despite opposition from Kragan and his pirates. Meanwhile, Synara gained Ryvora's trust by saving her from a pirate in the loading docks. Vozo and Bucket hid in the repair shop during the fighting, while BB-8 accompanied Ryvora to the loading docks.

The Platform Classic

Xiono, Ryvora, and Vozo were excited about galactic racing champion Marcus Speedstar's participation in the upcoming Platform Classic. Because their employer, Yeager, had been a racing champion, they, along with most of the platform's residents, wanted Yeager to race against Speedstar. Unbeknownst to the rest of Team Fireball, Yeager and Speedstar were brothers who had fallen out due to Speedstar's role in the deaths of Yeager's wife and daughter in a racing accident years prior. Yeager declined Captain Doza's invitation to race against Speedstar.

Yeager rejected Speedstar's attempts at reconciliation. Unaware of the strained relationship between the brothers, Kaz, Tam, and Neeku socialized with Speedstar and his crew, Oplock and R4-D12. Annoyed by Xiono and Ryvora's efforts to get Yeager to race Speedstar, Yeager tried to intimidate his younger brother into withdrawing from the Platform Classic. Unknown to Team Fireball, Speedstar was struggling to repay his debts to the Guavian Death Gang, who had kidnapped Oplock as a hostage. Determined to save Oplock, Speedstar refused to withdraw from the race. Yeager was forced to participate after Aunt Z placed bets on the two brothers.

Blaming Xiono for the situation, Yeager loaned him to Speedstar. Xiono learned about the details of Yeager's estrangement from Speedstar and realized that Speedstar genuinely wanted to make amends with his brother. Meanwhile, Yeager told Neeku that Speedstar had not been there for him. Later, Xiono tried to persuade Yeager to forgive his younger brother, but Yeager remained bitter towards Speedstar. While the rest of Team Fireball watched, Yeager raced against Speedstar, with the two brothers taking the first and second places.

Following a series of obstacles, Yeager reconciled with Speedstar after realizing that his brother was no longer obsessed with money and fame but genuinely wanted to save Oplock. Yeager withdrew from the race, allowing Speedstar to win the prize money needed to pay the ransom for Oplock's release. Yeager also lent Speedstar additional money to ensure Oplock's safe return. While Yeager had not completely forgiven Speedstar for his family's deaths, the two brothers were on speaking terms. Yeager also thanked Xiono for encouraging him to forgive his brother.

Second visit to the High Tower

Under Poe's orders, Xiono and BB-8 sought access to Doza Tower to gather information on Captain Doza's connections to the First Order. With the help of Doza's daughter, Torra, Xiono and BB-8 infiltrated Doza Tower during a meeting between Captain Doza and Commander Pyre to discuss the First Order's offer of "protection." Xiono and BB-8 downloaded information about the meeting from Doza's datapad. Xiono also discovered Captain Doza's Imperial uniform, leading him to believe that Doza was colluding with the First Order. After narrowly avoiding exposure by a vengeful Rucklin, Xiono, BB-8, and Torra narrowly escaped being incinerated in a trash incinerator. Xiono told Torra that he was a former New Republic pilot who had become a racer but denied being a spy.

Xiono's second trip offworld

Later, Xiono borrowed the Fireball for an offworld mission with Poe Dameron. Regarding the Fireball as her ship, Ryvora was offended that Xiono had borrowed "her ship." When Yeager pointed out that he was still the ship's technical owner, Ryvora revealed that she had "forgotten" to install a new stabilizer. Despite the Fireball's breakdown, Xiono and BB-8 managed to rendezvous with Poe. Following an adventure at Station Theta Black, Xiono and Poe discovered that the First Order was building numerous weapons.

Casual adventures

During a break, Xiono, Neeku, BB-8, and Bucket played holodarts at Aunt Z's Tavern with Torra. Xiono missed the center of the board in three attempts. Bucket then took a turn, hitting the bull's eye with his first two darts. However, the third pierced Xiono's buttocks, causing him pain.

Later, Yeager rewarded Neeku for his hard work by treating him to lunch. Neeku chose to buy a gorg from Bolza Grool's stand. However, the gorg escaped, leading Neeku on a chase through the marketplace. When the gorg returned, Neeku decided to get bantha milk. Yeager later joked to BB-8 that Neeku could have easily gotten a droid instead.

One day, Bucket discovered that his helmet was missing. Bucket questioned Xiono, who suggested that he retrace his steps. Bucket traveled through the Colossus and visited Flix and Orka's Office of Acquisitions, where he acquired a hat with a mechanical propeller. Bucket returned to the garage only to find BB-8 wearing his missing helmet. Bucket chased BB-8, causing the other droid to drop the helmet. Xiono picked up the helmet and handed it to Bucket. Still upset about the loss of his cap, Bucket kicked Xiono in the shin.

Later, Neeku and a reluctant Tam allowed Xiono to test the Fireball's engines by racing the ship against Torra's Blue Ace. During their flight, the Fireball's throttle handle broke, causing Xiono to lose control of the ship. As the Fireball sped back into Yeager's garage, Xiono managed to jam the handle into the broken socket long enough for the ship to regain control. Though Xiono landed the ship safely, the Fireball's landing gear and cockpit canopy collapsed, much to Tam's dismay.

The Bibo incident

While visiting Synara San in the loading docks, Neeku adopted a baby rokkna, which he named Bibo, as a pet. Bibo's presence disrupted work at Yeager's garage, prompting an irritated Yeager to tell Neeku to get rid of the pet. This upset Neeku, who left the garage in search of his missing pet. Meanwhile, Synara took Xiono on her salvage skiff into the sea, intending to question him about his Resistance connections.

However, they narrowly avoided Bibo's mother, who was searching for her child. Bibo's mother attacked the Colossus, laying siege to the platform. Following a skirmish with Ace Squadron, Xiono convinced Neeku to return Bibo to his mother. Reunited with her child, the rokkna stopped her rampage. As a consolation, Xiono bought Neeku a pet gorg. However, Neeku ate the gorg, mistaking it for food.

The phase connector theft

As Kaz's mechanical skills improved, he earned praise from Yeager, Tam, and Neeku. Kaz told Yeager that he had obtained the Fireball's new repulsorlifts and injectors from Flix and Orka in exchange for watching their shop, the Office of Acquisitions, for a day. Yeager allowed Kaz to watch the Office of Acquisitions. Kaz then thwarted a First Order plot to steal a phase connector.

Torra Doza's kidnapping

Kaz, Tam, and BB-8 socialized with Torra Doza and Synara San. Unbeknownst to everyone, Synara, the pirate spy, had received orders from Captain Kragan to smuggle the pirates Valik and [Drell](/article/drell], who were tasked with kidnapping Torra as part of a First Order plot to persuade Captain Doza to accept a military occupation. Synara later had a change of heart and warned Kaz. Although the pirates kidnapped Torra, she was rescued by Major Elrik Vonreg of the First Order, who convinced Captain Doza to accept First Order protection.

Helping Synara

After the First Order imposed a military occupation on the Colossus, First Order stormtroopers visited Yeager's repair station and questioned Team Fireball about their knowledge of Synara's whereabouts. Kaz, BB-8, and Neeku later helped Synara escape the First Order by fleeing in an escape pod. Despite Synara being a pirate, Kaz considered her a friend for helping save the Colossus from Bibo's mother and for warning them about Torra's kidnapping. Unaware of Synara's true pirate identity, Tam was upset that her friend did not say goodbye.

Helping Kel and Eila again

As time went on, Tam became more sympathetic to the First Order due to the security they provided to the station. In contrast, Kaz believed that the First Order's presence was unnecessary since the station already had Ace Squadron and security droids. Yeager, who had lived during the time of the "Old Empire" and fought for the Rebellion, distrusted the First Order and believed they were sacrificing freedom in the name of security. Neeku tried to remain neutral.

Later, Kel and Eila sought Kaz's help after they knocked out the stormtrooper CS-515. While Bucket stayed behind, Neeku and Tam decided to accompany Kaz, with Tam wanting to find out what Kaz was up to. Kaz agreed to infiltrate the First Order base to check that CS-515 had not reported Kel and Eila. Meanwhile, Neeku and Tam stayed with the children, the unconscious CS-515, and the Chelidae in the engineering deck.

During her time with Kel and Eila, Tam learned about the First Order's role in the massacre on Tehar. When CS-515 awoke, Neeku knocked him unconscious after befriending him. Meanwhile, Kaz stole a data rod and narrowly escaped reprogramming by Commander Pyre. Later, Kaz shared the information from the data rod with Yeager, and they learned that the First Order intended to use the Colossus as a military supply line for their invasion of the galaxy.

Mission to the Dassal system

Kaz later accompanied Poe Dameron on a mission to investigate First Order activity in Sector Epsilon 51-3. Kaz and Poe traveled to the Dassal system, where they discovered several planets that had been "cored-out" by the First Order and that the system's sun was missing. While visiting a village on a moon, they found evidence of a massacre and encountered a spider probe droid. Despite being pursued by Major Vonreg's squadron, Poe and Kaz managed to escape. Before parting ways, they exchanged droids, with Poe taking back BB-8 and Kaz taking CB-23.

While Kaz was away with Poe, the rest of Team Fireball was servicing a racer. When Kaz returned, he claimed that he had taken BB-8 to a repair shop on Takodana and borrowed CB-23. Tam became suspicious of Kaz's frequent absences and expressed anger at Yeager for withholding information about Kaz and himself from her.

The crackdown

Later, the First Order began canceling races on the Colossus and detaining dissidents like Hype Fazon and Aunt Z, developments which created unease among Team Fireball. Tam also grew suspicious of the damage to the Fireball from Kaz's recent trip offworld. Yeager secretly met with Captain Doza to discuss the First Order's detention of dissidents in the West Docks but kept the details from Tam. Acting on this information, Kaz and CB-23 freed Hype, Aunt Z, Nod, and Grevel from the First Order and helped them escape offworld.

Although Kaz escaped, Captain Pyre learned that the Fireball had breached Sector Epsilon 51-3 and raided Yeager's garage, arresting Team Fireball for conspiring against the First Order. Team Fireball escaped into the lower levels of the Colossus after Bucket fired foam at the stormtroopers. However, Bucket was shot and separated. Believing the situation to be a misunderstanding, Tam surrendered and was taken into First Order custody.

Tam was questioned by Agent Tierny of the First Order Security Bureau, who created a divide between her and her friends Kaz and Yeager. Tierny revealed that Kaz was a Resistance spy and claimed that Yeager was not being honest with her. Meanwhile, the rest of Team Fireball reunited with Bucket, Kel, Eila, and the Chelidae in the engineering deck. Working with Captain Doza, they submerged the Colossus so that Kaz and Yeager could send a distress message to the Resistance. However, Yeager was captured, and General Leia Organa was unable to send reinforcements to Castilon. Kaz, Neeku, CB-23, Kel, Eila, and the Chelidae then formed the Colossus Resistance.

Divergent paths

While Agent Tierny won over Tam by promising her a place as a pilot in the First Order, Kaz and his resistance cell proceeded with their plan to rescue Yeager and warn the New Republic. Kaz, Neeku, and their team captured the hyperdrive room from the First Order. Kaz and CB-23 tried to swim to Doza Tower but were pursued by First Order SCUBA troopers. They were saved from capture when Neeku depressurized the corridor beneath the engine room, sucking the SCUBA troopers into the sea.

Undaunted, Kaz and CB-23 continued their mission by navigating the Colossus's corridors and tunnels, linking up with Tam and Buggles. On the way to Doza Tower, they witnessed a transmission of the Hosnian Cataclysm. While Kaz was distraught, he resolved to expel the First Order from the Colossus. Working with Neeku and his team, Kaz and Torra helped flush stormtrooper forces into the sea.

Kaz and Torra freed Yeager and Captain Doza. However, Kaz and Yeager could not convince Tamara Ryvora not to join the First Order. Tam was still angry at Kaz and Yeager for keeping secrets from her and not trusting her. To Kaz and Yeager's dismay, Tam left with Agent Tierny and Commander Pyre. Meanwhile, Neeku and his team prepared the Colossus's engines and hyperdrive for liftoff. Following a brief dogfight, Team Fireball, minus Tam, escaped aboard the Colossus into hyperspace.


The members of Team Fireball reunited.

Tamara Ryvora later became a member of the First Order, realizing her ambitions of becoming a pilot and engaging in combat against her previous allies during various conflicts that involved the Colossus. She would eventually be promoted to Squadron Leader under Agent Tierny's leadership, but Ryvora slowly became disillusioned with the military organization. Doubts about her position within the First Order began when she witnessed Jace Rucklin destroy unarmed transport shuttles that were carrying Resistance recruits. The suppression of the Aeos system further solidified Tamara's disappointment with the First Order. She witnessed the faction she had joined carry out a brutal bombardment of Aeos Prime, disregarding civilian lives. As a result, Ryvora deserted from the First Order and transmitted a coded message to the Colossus, which prompted Kaz and Yeager to respond by meeting her on Castilon.

However, the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer known as the Thunderer managed to locate them in the Tashtor sector, which forced the members of Team Fireball—excluding Neeku and Torch—to alter their strategy. The First Order learned from Rucklin that the Colossus was hidden within the Barabesh system. Knowing that the Thunderer was approaching the supertanker fuel depot where they were hiding, Tam, Xiono, and Yeager decided to warn their friends, despite the dangers. Yeager invoked the name of Team Fireball, assuring his companions that they could succeed together. Following the ensuing battle, which resulted in a decisive Resistance victory, Tam and her rescuers received a hero's welcome at the Colossus. Ryvora was reunited with Neeku and apologized for her past actions. During the subsequent celebration, Tam expressed her appreciation for her friends' rescue and raised her glass in a toast to Team Fireball. Aunt Z expanded the toast to include the entire resistance cell, renaming them "Team Colossus."

Behind the scenes

The animated series Star Wars Resistance saw the creation and development of Team Fireball. The initial footage featuring the team was made public on August 17, 2018. Additional information about the members of Team Fireball was revealed on August 29, 2018.

