Data rods, which are also referred to as datarods, datasticks, or memory rods, served the purpose of scanning and storing massive amounts of data. These devices were portable, shaped like cylinders, and featured red and gold highlights. Some, however, were small datachips.
To initiate the head of a tactical droid, Clone Force 99 made use of one of these data rods. After Tech hacked the droid to activate the battle droids, he also downloaded a copy of the data. Subsequently, Hunter passed the data rod to the Martez sisters, specifically Trace and Rafa.
Before the [Cold War](/article/cold_war], Kazuda Xiono, a Resistance spy, pilfered a datarod from MB-13A. Upon examining the data rod, they discovered a star map depicting the galaxy. Jarek Yeager posited that the red markers visible on the map represented First Order fleets.