Rafa Martez

Rafa Martez, a human female, resided on Level 1313 of the planet Coruscant with her younger sibling, Trace, as the Galactic Republic neared its waning days. During the pursuit of Ziro, the Hutt, their parents died when their home, located beside an underworld portal, was struck by a crashing starship.

During the period of the Clone Wars, Rafa encountered Ahsoka Tano, the former Jedi Padawan. The sisters were joined by Tano on a mission to transport spice from Kessel to Oba Diah. Trace discarded the spice shipment after Tano voiced her objections and clarified its intended applications. This left the group indebted to the Pyke Syndicate of Oba Diah, leading to their capture. They eventually managed to break free, but not before the sisters discovered Tano's past as a Jedi. Rafa's perception of the Jedi was altered by Tano's actions, and they bid farewell as friends when Tano departed to assist in the capture of Maul.

Shortly after the Galactic Empire rose to power, Rafa and her sister, working under the direction of former Clone Captain Rex, made an attempt to extract data from a tactical droid situated on Corellia. They crossed paths with Clone Force 99, who were also after the same data. Subsequent to an encounter with local police droids, Hunter, upon realizing that the sisters intended to utilize the data to oppose the Empire, willingly handed it over to them.


Early life

After he freed Ziro, Cad Bane fired on a transport, leading to the deaths of the Martez parents.

Trace, Rafa's younger sister, shared a home with her on Level 1313 within Coruscant's core planet, specifically in the Coruscant Underworld. During Ziro the Hutt's escape from the Republic's Detention Center and Senate Building, a red-eyed alien targeted a transport's engine, causing the vessel to lose control. Although the Jedi redirected the transport to prevent it from crashing into a populated landing zone, this action inadvertently caused it to collide with the Martez family's residence. Their parents managed to save Rafa and her sister; however, they themselves died in the crash. Following this event, a green-skinned female Jedi clad in dark robes visited the sisters, but instead of offering assistance, she stated her need to make a decision regarding the transport and assured them that the Force would be with them. The Jedi then departed, leaving Rafa and Trace, who had once admired the Jedi as heroes, disillusioned and harboring resentment towards the Order.

Forced to fend for themselves without external support, Rafa assumed a protective role over Trace, emphasizing their reliance on each other. She eventually acquired a hangar and a laundromat, utilizing them as fronts for illicit activities. Trace became a mechanic, and together they strived to earn enough money to leave Coruscant and escape the Clone Wars. Rafa also incurred debts with individuals such as Pintu Son-El, much to Trace's displeasure.

Meeting Ahsoka

Rafa meets Trace's new friend at her laundromat

As the war drew to a close, Rafa was in the midst of a transaction with Lokann and his business partner at the laundromat when her sister arrived with a new acquaintance, Ahsoka Tano. Rafa immediately felt animosity towards Ahsoka due to her close relationship with Trace. After Rafa agreed to repair three binary loadlifters for Lokann, Trace and Ahsoka began working on them in the hangar. When one of the droids malfunctioned and caused damage, Ahsoka advised Rafa to dismantle them due to their dangerous nature. However, Rafa insisted on honoring the agreement, regardless of the risks. Upon Rafa's return of the droids to Lokann and his partner, Ahsoka expressed her disapproval, but Rafa argued that someone else would have fulfilled the deal if she hadn't. Trace began to side with Ahsoka, intensifying Rafa's anger and hostility towards the newcomer.

Later, a spice smuggling venture that Rafa had arranged fell through when the hired ship and crew withdrew. Desperate for funds, she requested Trace to pilot her ship, the Silver Angel. Despite her initial hesitation, Trace agreed. Trace welcomed Ahsoka aboard, but Rafa suspiciously questioned her motives for staying with them. Tano responded that she was simply trying to prevent them from getting into trouble, to which Rafa coldly suggested that she might be the trouble Trace needed to avoid. Without disclosing the spice run, Rafa allowed Trace to pilot the ship, and the trio ascended to the upper levels. As they entered hyperspace, Rafa attempted to compliment Trace while subtly pointing out to Ahsoka that her sister's inexperience was why she wasn't her first choice for the mission.

Job on Kessel

Transporting the spice

Rafa, Trace, and Ahsoka arrive on Kessel.

As they approached the Akkadese Maelstrom and the Kessel Run, Tano began to infer their objectives. Upon landing at a castle in Kessel's forested southern region, Rafa led the way to meet with Kinash Lock, the majordomo of King Yaruba. During their discussions in the banquet hall, Rafa skillfully navigated the negotiations, despite Trace's enthusiasm and Ahsoka's inquiries about the intended use of the spice. As they proceeded to collect the spice, Rafa expressed her surprise at the abundance of droid workers while flying over the mines. When Ahsoka clarified that they were slaves, not droids, Rafa asserted that the Republic would not permit slavery, to which Tano somberly responded that slavery persisted despite the laws against it. As the spice was being loaded onto the ship, Rafa privately cautioned her sister against trusting Ahsoka. When Trace complained that Rafa never approved of her friends, Rafa countered that Ahsoka was not family and should not interfere with their business. She reminded Trace that she had secured the job and that Trace's role was to execute it as the pilot.

The trio argues about the Pykes and the spice.

Back in space, Tano inquired about their destination, to which Rafa revealed that they were heading to Oba Diah to meet with Marg Krim and the Pyke Syndicate. This revelation appalled Ahsoka, further irritating Rafa. When the Togruta warned Rafa about the dangers of dealing with the Pykes, Rafa explained that she had already made a deal and that they desperately needed the money. Tano cautioned that engaging with the Pykes could result in the loss of their ship or even their lives, alarming Trace. Tano suggested delivering the spice to a place where it could be used for medicinal purposes, but Rafa retorted that morality couldn't settle her debts. However, as the argument escalated, Trace decided to jettison the spice in an attempt to avoid delivering it to the Pykes, incurring the wrath of both Rafa and Ahsoka. As the group contemplated their options, now without spice and bound by a contract with the Pykes, Rafa and Trace decided to trust Ahsoka's plan.

Imprisonment on Oba Diah

Upon their arrival on Oba Diah, the group was confronted by Marg Krim, who withheld payment pending verification of the spice. The group unloaded empty crates, and Tano, discreetly using the Force, manipulated Krim into providing the money and allowing them to leave. However, Fife, Krim's majordomo, detected something amiss. He ordered the guards to inspect the crates, revealing the deception. With their plan unraveling, Tano and the sisters fled back to the Silver Angel in an attempt to escape. Their escape was thwarted when several Pyke ships surrounded the Angel, trapping it in a tractor beam. The trio was apprehended and confined to one of the Pyke's holding cells.

Rafa attempting to get out of being tortured.

Inside the cell, the three began to argue about who was to blame for their predicament. When Ahsoka stated that she refused to let Rafa profit from the suffering of others, Rafa likened her to a Jedi. Tano entertained the idea, but Trace dismissed it as a joke. Following this exchange, Rafa recounted their parents' death and the sisters' aversion to the Jedi. Ahsoka barely had time to process the story before guards arrived to escort Rafa to interrogation.

Once in the chamber, an interrogation droid approached Rafa, who frantically tried to bargain her way out. However, she was unsuccessful and was subjected to torture until she lost consciousness. She was then returned to the cell, where the others witnessed her condition. Enraged by their actions, Trace began to push and yell at the guards, who subsequently seized her and took her for interrogation as well.

Escape and recapture

Upon reaching the chamber, Trace feigned fainting and used the opportunity to seize one of the guard's weapons and escape. Meanwhile, Tano used the Force to activate the cell's controls. After opening the door, she woke up Rafa, and together they rushed to rescue Trace, unaware that she had already freed herself. Following another altercation with the guards, Trace ran towards the holding cells, where she and Rafa collided. After a brief argument, the three reached the outside of the facility, where they barricaded the door with barrels of explosive material. During the ensuing firefight, Trace detonated the explosives to defeat the remaining guards. However, due to the security alert, the bridge leading away from the facility began to retract. Rafa ran and jumped across the gap, but by the time the others arrived, it had retracted too far to jump. Despite this, Trace attempted to jump, and knowing she wouldn't make it, Ahsoka subtly used the Force to propel Trace the remaining distance. While the sisters debated whether to leave Ahsoka behind, she Force jumped across the gap, asserting that she was more athletic than she appeared.

Upon reaching the ground level, Ahsoka went to disable the gate while the sisters distracted the guards. After incapacitating all the guards in the control tower, she unlocked the gate and exited the tower. Ahsoka secretly used the Force to assist the sisters during the firefight before reuniting with them. The trio fled into the surrounding city.

Ahsoka rescuing the Martez sisters from the Pyke Syndicate on Oba Diah.

Trace spotted the Silver Angel and ran ahead of the others. With no immediate danger, Rafa seized the opportunity to question Tano about her motives. During their conversation, a Gotal tried to haggle with them for credits, but Rafa dismissed him. As the two continued talking and rejoined Trace, the Gotal encountered several Pyke guards, who had a hologram of the three prison breakers. He recognized them and offered to lead the guards to their location in exchange for credits. He led them to the trio, initiating a chase through the city streets. While running, they bumped into a member of the Nite Owls, who recognized Ahsoka, although the three did not notice the Mandalorian. Rafa and Trace were quickly apprehended, but Tano managed to escape by jumping onto a civilian's landspeeder. While the sisters were being detained, Ahsoka escaped into an alley. Bo-Katan Kryze and Ursa Wren, observing from a vantage point, witnessed the sisters' capture and discussed Kryze's encounter with Tano on Carlac.

Rafa and Trace were brought before a hologram of Marg Krim. Fife ensured that they were in an open area to lure out Tano. He planned to execute them and then capture and torture Ahsoka to learn the location of the spice. Ahsoka had been monitoring the conversation and was drawn into a fight. She commandeered a repulsorcraft and flew it into the guards, incapacitating several. The sisters ran to board the craft, but Rafa was grabbed by a guard. She ran for safety as Trace and Tano eliminated the remaining guards. During the fight, however, Fife had left the courtyard and acquired a landspeeder equipped with a cannon. The speeder fired on the craft, destroying it. Guards swarmed the trio, who surrendered. After returning to their cell, Rafa apologized to the others and admitted that she shouldn't have taken the job. Ahsoka reassured her, saying, "We live and learn."

Ally and friend

Rafa and Trace stole spice before returning to rescue Ahsoka.

After being returned to their cell, Rafa blamed Ahsoka for getting them into trouble by convincing Trace to dump the spice and argued that things would have worked out if they had followed her plan. When Ahsoka criticized Rafa's plan as the root of the problem, Trace sided with Ahsoka, which hurt Rafa. Ahsoka told the Martez sisters that she had a plan but couldn't reveal it. She asked them to trust her.

In Krim's throne room, Ahsoka claimed that she and the Martez sisters had hidden the spice offworld. She convinced the Pykes to send them offworld to retrieve the spice within one rotation, or Ahsoka would reveal the location of the Martez's family. Tano also demanded a small percentage of the spice shipment's value. Unaware of Tano's deception, Krim ordered the Martez sisters to retrieve the spice within one rotation, or he would kill Tano, them, and their family. Rafa, however, was aware that Tano was trying to save them. Before leaving, Rafa told Tano that she "would never forget this."

While refueling the Silver Angel at the Orondia Refueling Station, Trace was puzzled that Ahsoka would threaten to give up their family when she knew their parents were dead. In response, Rafa pointed out that Ahsoka had sacrificed herself so that they could escape. Out of respect for Ahsoka, Rafa resolved that they would return the favor by rescuing Tano.

Traveling to a Pyke spice loading facility, Rafa convinced the workers, including a Toong worker, that they had a special request from the Pykes to obtain spice. The two were soon confronted by the Trandoshan manager, who demanded to see their manifest. When the Trandoshan assaulted Trace, Rafa attacked him. The two sisters fought the Trandoshan, who was killed when Rafa dropped him from a crane over the cliff.

The Martez sisters gained a better appreciation of the Jedi through their adventures with Ahsoka.

When the Martez sisters returned to the Pyke Palace with their spice shipment, they found that the Pykes were preparing to execute Tano on the pretext that she was a spy for the Jedi and the Galactic Republic. In their absence, Tano had escaped captivity and discovered that the former Sith apprentice Maul was on Mandalore. The Martez sisters were also shocked that Tano had kept her Jedi identity a secret from them. The trio was able to escape the Pyke Palace aboard the Silver Angel since Tano had planted explosives throughout the building. The Pykes sent starships after them, but Ahsoka and Trace managed to shoot them down.

The Martez sisters and Ahsoka then returned to their hangar on Coruscant. Realizing that Tano was a Jedi, Rafa asked if she was going to report them for illicit spice smuggling. However, Tano responded that she had left the Jedi Order. Rafa responded that even though Tano was no longer a Jedi, she acted as how she wanted the Jedi to be.

The Martez sisters were both present when a group of Mandalorians led by Bo-Katan Kryze visited the hangar, seeking Ahsoka's help in dealing with the threat of Maul. When Tano speculated that this encounter with Maul could lead her back to the Jedi, Rafa suggested that Tano was meant to be a Jedi. Before leaving with the Mandalorians, Tano left her speeder bike with the sisters for safekeeping. When Tano's former master Anakin Skywalker asked Tano about what she was doing on Oba Diah, Tano alluded to her adventures with the Martez sisters without directly mentioning them.

The Corellian Job

Rafa teaming up with Hunter, leader of the Bad Batch.

Following Order 66 and the rise of the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY, Rafa and her sister came into contact with the former Clone Captain Rex. At one point, he sent them to retrieve the data from a decommissioned tactical droid on Corellia. The tactical droid was scheduled for destruction along with other decommissioned Separatist battle droids at a Corellian decommissioning facility.

During the job, they encountered the rogue Clone trooper squad known as the Bad Batch, who had been hired by the Trandoshan information broker Cid to retrieve the same data. While Trace climbed onto a conveyer belt in the northern sector to retrieve the head, Rafa kept watch from overhead. During the course of her mission, she encountered the female Jango Fett clone Omega, who was armed with a Zygerrian energy bow. Realizing that Omega was a child, Rafa did not want to hurt her and attempted to reason with her. When Rafa grabbed the energy bow, a struggle ensued and Omega ended up firing a bolt from the energy bow into a gas vent.

This alerted the Corellian factory workers to the presence of intruders. The workers locked down the factory and summoned numerous police droids, who swarmed the factory. As a gun battle ensued between the Bad Batch and the police droids, Rafa took the opportunity to flee. Omega pursued Rafa through the decommissioning plant. Trace managed to throw the tactical droid's head to Rafa before the Bad Batch's leader Hunter could stop her. However, Rafa bumped into a police droid and dropped the droid's head onto a conveyer belt, prompting a race between Trace and Omega.

After Hunter saved Rafa from several police droids, the two took shelter behind the controls, which they turned into an improvised stronghold. The two put side their differences to fend off the police droids. As more police droids converged, Hunter used his grappling hook to collapse a nearby walkway, crushing several battle droids. Rafa and Hunter later reunited with Trace, Omega, and the rest of the Bad Batch including Echo, Tech, and Wrecker. Trace had save Omega from being crushed to death by a smelter, earning mutual respect between the two opposing groups.

Rafa earned the respect of Hunter, who gave her a data rod containing the tactical droid's information.

The two groups decided to work together to escape the factory and resolve their dispute over the tactical droid later. Working together, Trace and Tech reprogrammed the tactical droid's head to reactivate the decommissioned battle droids and use them to attack the police droids. This created a diversion for the Martez sisters and Bad Batch to flee the decommissioning plant and rendezvous with the Martez sisters' ship Silver Angel. However, Trace lost the tactical droid's head, which was destroyed during the escape attempt.

While traveling aboard the Silver Angel, Rafa asked the clones if they knew whom they were working for. Hunter explained that they were being hired to acquire and deliver, and not to ask questions. This prompted Trace to explain that she and Rafa were part of an anti-Imperial resistance movement. When Rafa asked the Bad Batch why they were not fighting for the Galactic Empire, Hunter explained that not all Clone troopers fought for the Empire.

Later, the Martez sisters dropped the Bad Batch and Omega near their ship Marauder. Having developed a friendship with the Martez sisters, Omega invited them both to visit her and the Bad Batch on Ord Mantell. After Omega left, Hunter willingly gave Rafa a data rod containing the intelligence that the clones had extracted from the tactical droid before it was destroyed. Hunter explained that the Martez sisters were doing it for the right reason. When Rafa observed that the Bad Batch were different from their comrades, Hunter replies that things were clearer during the Clone Wars. Rafa advises that in the end they all take sides.

After parting company with the Bad Batch, Rafa contacted Rex and informed him of the rogue clone squad. Rex subsequently met up with the Bad Batch on Ord Mantell and told them that the Martez sisters had alerted them to their resistance against the Empire.

Trace and her sister briefly loaned their repair shop to Rex when he interrogated a mysterious assassin sent by Rampart to kill Senator Riyo Chuchi.

Personality and traits

Rafa cared very much about her sister.

Rafa was a female human characterized by her tan complexion and brown eyes. A distinctive hairstyle marked her appearance: the right side of her head featured long brown hair, while the left side was shaven, a trendy style within the lower levels of Coruscant. Standing at 1.68 meters (equivalent to 5 feet and 6 inches), Rafa possessed a slight height advantage over her younger sister.

Rafa found herself in debt to underworld figures like Pintu Son-El, struggling to repay her loans. Her talent for manipulation allowed her to persuade others into agreements. Despite these dubious activities, Rafa's motivations often stemmed from a desire to provide for her sister and herself, following the loss of their parents.

The death of their parents led Rafa to assume a maternal role for Trace, becoming fiercely protective and emphasizing their mutual reliance. In contrast to Trace's openness, Rafa harbored distrust towards others, even those who befriended her sister. She viewed Ahsoka Tano with suspicion, believing she concealed something or sought to exploit them. During their escape from the Pykes, Rafa initially considered abandoning Tano, although she displayed some concern. However, their relationship improved during and after the escape.

Rafa also tended to offer dubious justifications for the actions of galactic criminals, such as claiming that the workers in the spice mines of Kessel were merely laborers, despite clear evidence of slavery.

The Jedi's accidental involvement in the death of Rafa's parents during their pursuit of Ziro the Hutt, coupled with their limited support afterward, fostered resentment towards the Jedi within Rafa. Upon discovering Ahsoka's past as a Jedi Padawan, Rafa expressed her views on the Jedi's need for compassion and productivity, inspired by Tano's assistance to her and Trace with the Pykes.

When engaging in a deal with the Pyke Syndicate, Rafa adopted a pragmatic approach, prioritizing financial gain over ethical concerns such as torture or death. However, after being recaptured by the Pykes, she experienced remorse for her decision and apologized to Trace and Ahsoka for the danger she had put them in.

Following the rise of the Galactic Empire, Rafa and Trace joined an anti-Imperial resistance movement, hoping to improve the lives of others. Although initially at odds with the Bad Batch, they united to evade armed police droids. Upon learning of the Martez sisters' fight against the Empire, Hunter shared data obtained from the tactical droid's head. Rafa and Trace also recognized the Bad Batch's distinction from other Clone troopers loyal to the Empire.

Rafa also displayed a reluctance to harm Omega, a child. Their shared experience on Corellia fostered a friendship between Omega and the Martez sisters, leading Omega to invite them to visit the Bad Batch's base on Ord Mantell.

Skills and abilities

Rafa possessed proficiency in various forms of combat, including unarmed techniques. She was also skilled in using a DC-17 hand blaster. Similar to her sister Trace, Rafa demonstrated competence in repairs. Her talents extended to negotiation and deal-making, and she managed a laundry facility. She persuaded Trace to participate in a spice run for the Pyke Syndicate after her contracted pilot withdrew from the agreement. When Rafa, Trace, and Ahsoka were captured by the Pykes, her attempts to negotiate with the criminals and their henchmen proved unsuccessful. Rafa's gambling success in acquiring the laundry facility, combined with her work at the repair hangar, provided a convenient cover for her more profitable but illicit dealings with clients who asked few questions.


Rafa wore a coat that she had taken from a forgetful patron at her laundromat. She also knew how to wield a DC-17 hand blaster.

Behind the scenes

Rafa Martez made her debut in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "Gone with a Trace." Her voice is provided by Elizabeth Rodriguez. Rafa's design was initially considered for her sister Trace, representing one of the options presented by artist JP Balmet to Dave Filoni.

During the initial development of the story arc featuring the Martez sisters, before the cancellation of The Clone Wars, Rafa and Trace were not conceived. Instead, Ahsoka would have encountered a young mechanic named Nyx Okami, who would have fulfilled the role of owing money to Pintu Son-El, which was later assigned to the Martez sisters.

