Cad Bane

Cad Bane, a male Duros who operated as a mercenary and bounty hunter throughout the galaxy, enjoyed a career that began with the fall of the Galactic Republic, continued through the reign of the Galactic Empire, and extended into the era of the New Republic. Following the demise of Jango Fett at the First Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY, Bane rose to prominence as one of the most skilled and sought-after bounty hunters of his time. His notoriety especially escalated during the Clone Wars, and he held considerable influence in both underworld circles and among fellow bounty hunters, collaborating with figures such as Aurra Sing well before the war began. He even took on a temporary assignment from the Sith Lord Darth Maul. A specialist in combating Jedi, he engaged in duels with some of the most formidable Jedi Knights during the Clone Wars, including Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. Due to his reputation, he was frequently hired by the Sith Lord Darth Sidious for various clandestine operations, one of which involved infiltrating the Jedi Temple to pilfer a kyber memory crystal containing a registry of Force-sensitive children scattered across the galaxy.

Later, Bane accepted a commission from the gangster Jabba the Hutt to orchestrate the release of Jabba's uncle, Ziro Desilijic Tiure, from a Republic detention facility. After the successful completion of this task, he was rehired to locate Ziro after his escape. Bane tracked down Ziro, only to find him deceased on Teth, which led to encounters with Kenobi and Quinlan Vos, where he employed a variety of weaponry to hold his own against the Jedi before making his escape. As the Clone Wars progressed, Bane was recruited by Count Dooku, Darth Sidious' Sith apprentice at the time, to compete in the Box. He survived the lethal trials and was subsequently appointed as the supervisor of a scheme to abduct the Supreme Chancellor. However, their strategy was undermined when Kenobi was discovered to have infiltrated their ranks disguised as the bounty hunter Rako Hardeen, resulting in Bane's arrest alongside the other conspirators.

Bane remained active during the early years of the Galactic Empire's rule. During this period, he was employed by Lama Su, the Kaminoan Prime Minister, with the objective of recovering an unaltered female clone named Omega. Although he initially succeeded, his efforts were ultimately thwarted by the combined intervention of the bounty hunter Fennec Shand and Clone Force 99.

Even after the fall of the Galactic Empire and the subsequent emergence of the New Republic, he continued to offer his services to the highest bidder. In 9 ABY, Bane was in the employ of the Pyke Syndicate on Tatooine, aiding the criminal organization in expanding their spice trade operations on the planet. Following a confrontation with Boba Fett, his former apprentice, he met his end after being fatally stabbed in the chest during a duel in the streets of Mos Espa.


Early life

Bane meets with Darth Maul.

Cad Bane was born on the planet Duro circa 62 BBY, and he would eventually become a bounty hunter. In the initial phase of his career, Bane briefly received guidance from fellow bounty hunter Jango Fett. He accumulated several debts to Fett, which he never repaid. As time passed, Bane established himself as a renowned bounty hunter. He once experienced an embarrassing incident on Corellia. His interactions with the Jedi led him to believe that they consistently provided a fair fight.

Before the Battle of Naboo, Darth Maul, a Sith Lord, hired Cad Bane and arranged a meeting on Nar Shaddaa. Along with fellow bounty hunters Aurra Sing, Troo-tril-tek, and Vorhdeilo, he assisted Maul in acquiring Eldra Kaitis, a Jedi Padawan, from Xev Xrexus' auction. During the auction, Bane and Vorhdeilo killed several members of Jee Kra's crew aboard his Shekelesh-class freight gunship. Bane, Maul, Sing, and Vorhdeilo then rendezvoused with Kra and Kaitis at Kra's gunship. After Maul subdued the Moogan thugs, Bane piloted the stolen ship. Distrustful of their mysterious employer, Bane and Sing considered assassinating Maul.

However, their ship was sabotaged, resulting in a crash landing on the Moon of Drazkel. Bane, Maul, Kaitis, Sing, and Vorhdeilo survived the crash. The Duros bounty hunter then deduced that Xrexus was profiting from them by allowing those who attended the auction to track them down and claim the Jedi Padawan. As Maul took Kaitis with him, Bane, Sing, and Vorhdeilo prepared to confront Xrexus' clients. Bane fought alongside Vorhdeilo and Sing against several Trandoshans. The three bounty hunters then commandeered a ship from the Ohnaka Gang after he eliminated the last of the Trandoshans. Bane and the others picked up Maul and left him to confront Xrexus at her hideout.

The Clone Wars

Hunter amid war

Prior to the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Boba Fett, Jango Fett's clone son, had become aware of Bane's existence. As the conflict progressed, Bane emerged as one of the leading bounty hunters following Jango's demise on Geonosis. Consequently, he was frequently contracted by the galaxy's wealthiest clients, including the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Hutt Clan. Bane also acquired Todo 360, a Techno-service droid, who faithfully served him despite being mistreated. Throughout the war, he eliminated numerous clone troopers of the Galactic Republic, learning how to defeat them, a fact he would later boast about. However, he believed that the Jedi Order had changed during the war, asserting that they no longer provided the fair fights he had once associated with them.

Heist at the Jedi Temple

Bane holds the stolen holocron.

During the Clone Wars, the Sith Lord Darth Sidious contacted Bane, tasking him with obtaining a holocron from the Holocron Vault located within the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Initially hesitant due to the operation's inherent risks, the bounty hunter was eventually persuaded to accept when the Sith Lord hinted that rumors of his abilities might be "exaggerated." Sidious provided Bane with a map of the Jedi temple and a security chip containing the temple's security protocols. Bane installed the chip into Todo, along with a concealed bomb, and also enlisted the assistance of Cato Parasitti, a Clawdite bounty hunter, to aid him from within the temple by impersonating the deceased Jedi Ord Enisence.

With his strategy in place, Bane and his accomplices proceeded to the Jedi Temple and initiated their plan. Bane and Todo utilized their rocket boots to reach an unguarded overhang on the side of the Jedi Temple, near the building's roof. With Parasitti at a computer terminal in the Archive Library, Todo identified a vulnerability in the Temple's energy shield and created an opening with a touch of his finger.

Bane and his droid entered through the breach and located the Holocron Vaults. While Bane employed his gauntlet to bypass the safe's locking mechanism, Todo deactivated the remaining laser beams surrounding the vault's entrance before slicing through the wall and creating a passage to the Temple's communication center on Bane's instructions.

When communication with Parasitti was lost after her cover was blown by Ahsoka Tano, Bane was unable to access the diagrams necessary to deactivate the lock. After instructing Todo to proceed to the communication center, Bane armed a bomb to breach the vault's lock. The hunter concealed himself from the approaching Jedi Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, waiting for them to follow Todo to the communication center before emerging from the shadows. Bane forced the Holocron Vaults' door open and entered the room unopposed, retrieving the holocron from its holding place.

With Todo detonating from the bomb Bane had implanted and Parasatti being apprehended by the Jedi Council, Bane successfully escaped the temple with the holocron, remaining undetected.

Skirmish over Devaron

Bane, disguised as a clone trooper.

Cad Bane fled Coruscant with the stolen holocron. Darth Sidious requested that Nute Gunray, the Viceroy, provide a small fleet of Munificent-class star frigates to assist Bane in his next mission: the abduction of Bolla Ropal, a Jedi Master, to combine the holocron with the Kyber memory crystal held by the Rodian. Bane launched a ground assault on Devaron and captured both Ropal and the kyber crystal.

However, a fleet of Republic ships, led by Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi Knight, arrived at Devaron, and in the ensuing battle, most of the frigates were destroyed, leaving only the vessel carrying Bane and Ropal. Skywalker ordered his fleet to disable the hyperdrive of the Separatist flagship, preventing its escape into hyperspace. Bane then attempted to coerce Ropal into opening the holocron through torture. However, Ropal succumbed to the unbearable torture before he could open the holocron. To Gunray's relief, Bane devised a plan to force Skywalker and his apprentice to open the holocron. Bane orchestrated an ambush on the gun deck for Skywalker, Tano, Rex, and their troops.

Initially, Bane and the droids at his disposal had the advantage in the ambush. However, Bane nearly lost the crystal to Skywalker. When gravity was restored, Bane retrieved the crystal and lured Skywalker's apprentice away from the gunfight. Bane subdued Tano, took a piece of her Padawan braid, and placed her in front of an airlock. Skywalker then confronted Bane, demanding his surrender.

However, Bane threatened to kill Tano if Skywalker refused to combine the holocron and memory crystal. Skywalker complied. Bane succeeded and escaped when he opened the airlock. Gunray then contacted Bane, requesting the crystal's information in exchange for his rescue. However, Bane, wary of Gunray's intentions, refused and chose to plan his own escape. Bane was then confronted by two clone troopers, Denal and Koho.

Initially, Skywalker and the others believed that Denal had fatally shot Bane, but they did not have time to retrieve the holocron. However, the Jedi Knight sensed the bounty hunter, who had faked his death and stolen his victim's armor. One of the troopers and Tano discovered his deception when they found his blood, which had come from an injury he sustained during his fight with Denal, and realized that he was not a clone. Bane then knocked Tano unconscious and stole a V-19 Torrent starfighter, before fleeing to Black Stall Station.

Kidnapping Force-sensitive children

Bane pilots Xanadu Blood away from Rodia

After retrieving the holocron from the Jedi Temple, Darth Sidious tasked Cad Bane with abducting four Force-sensitive children for a secret project on Mustafar. After the bounty hunter abducted Wee Dunn, a Rodian child, from Rodia, and Zinn Toa, a Nautolan child, from Glee Anselm, Skywalker and Tano apprehended him as he attempted to kidnap Roo-Roo Page from Jan-gwa city on Naboo. The two Jedi, along with Masters Mace Windu and Obi-Wan Kenobi, attempted to interrogate the captive Bane aboard the Resolute, concluding that he likely feared his employer more than he feared them. Apparently succumbing to the torturous mind-probing, Bane agreed to take Windu, Kenobi, and Cody to the space station where he claimed both the children and the holocron were located; however, only the holocron was present. The bounty hunter then triggered a trap, allowing him to escape.

Senate hostage crisis

By the time of his subsequent endeavors, Todo 360 had been rebuilt. Bane was later hired by Jabba the Hutt, a Daimyo, to liberate his captive uncle, Ziro, from the Republic's high-security prison on Coruscant. The bounty hunter initiated his plan by having his sidekick and HELIOS-3E kidnap C-3PO, Padmé Amidala's protocol droid and R2-D2, Skywalker's astromech, to obtain blueprints for the Senate Building. After acquiring the information, Bane had the two droids' memories erased and returned them to prevent his plans from being discovered.

Bane then traveled to Tatooine, where Jabba and the rest of the Hutt Council agreed that Bane would be the one to free Ziro before he could reveal the Hutt Council records to the Galactic Senate. Bane, along with a team of bounty hunters including Aurra Sing, Shahan Alama, Robonino, HELIOS-3D, HELIOS-3E, two droid commandos, and another IG-86 sentinel droid, proceeded to the Senate Building. While Bane distracted the Senate Guards, Sing and the rest of the team eliminated them, with the Duros strangling the last one. As the two commando droids impersonated Senate Guards in their acquired uniforms, the bounty hunter and his team entered the building. There, Bane killed the remaining Senate Guards as they approached the senators, before reluctantly leaving Robonino to cut the power.

Cad Bane with Aurra Sing and the IG-86 sentinel droid.

Bane encountered a group of senators discussing the Enhanced Privacy Invasion Bill. Initially, Senator Philo remained defiant, refusing to cooperate with Bane and his team. To intimidate the other senators, the Duros shot the Gran representative in the back and had his team threaten the remaining senators. Bane then contacted Palpatine, the public persona of Darth Sidious, and demanded a pardon disk for Ziro. After the power was cut, the bounty hunters searched the senators for communication devices and weapons. When Bane noticed Amidala looking at Skywalker on the balcony, he dispatched Alama and the IG-86 droid after him.

Bane contacted Palpatine again and informed him that HELIOS-3D would escort Senator Orn Free Taa to the prison where Ziro would be released with the pardon disk as part of a hostage exchange. Alama then informed Bane that Skywalker was not carrying his lightsaber. Bane sent Sing with Alama to find Skywalker and instructed HELIOS-3D to take Taa to the prison where Ziro was to be freed and then return to the Senate Building to collect the rest of the team.

Bane triggered the explosive after he and his crew were safely away from the Senate Building.

After Skywalker was subdued, Bane established a laser web to prevent the senators from making any rash moves. As the bounty hunter and his team departed, he warned Palpatine against taking any further action against him that day. As his posse left, Bane was confronted by Fox, a Commander, and his detachment of the Coruscant Guard. The Chancellor then contacted the Duros, demanding that he stand down. However, the confident gun-for-hire threatened to kill the senators if he was not allowed to leave. Consequently, Palpatine and Fox allowed Bane and his team to rendezvous with Ziro and HELIOS-3D. As they departed, the Hutt congratulated him on his success, aware that his former peers in the council desired him solely for the council records. Bane offered Ziro a room filled with dead senators as retribution, before reminding Ziro that payment was due since he did not work for free, much to the latter's annoyance. During their escape, the bounty hunter gang was pursued by the Jedi down one of Coruscant's underworld portals. In desperation, Bane detonated the engine of an ascending cargo transport. As the ship spun out of control, the Jedi assumed control and steered it away from a populated landing platform, allowing Bane and his crew to escape with their bounty.

Hunt for Ziro

Bane fought the Jedi on Teth during the hunt for Ziro.

After singer Sy Snootles aided Ziro's escape from his Nal Hutta prison, the bounty hunter once more offered his services to the Hutt crime syndicates. Unaware to Bane, Jedi Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Quinlan Vos were also pursuing Ziro, aiming to recapture him. He eventually located the Hutt on the planet Teth, only to discover he was already deceased, murdered by Snootles. She had exploited Ziro to find a holodiary containing recordings of the Hutt families' dealings for Jabba. Following a short battle against the two Jedi, where he used all his skills and equipment, Bane once again evaded capture.

Count Dooku's scheme

Escape from Coruscant's prison

During the Clone Wars, the Republic apprehended Bane for his offenses, imprisoning him in the Central Detention Center. However, his capture was intentional, part of a new assignment. Moralo Eval, a criminal genius working for Count Dooku, Darth Sidious' right-hand, had hired him to orchestrate his own prison break. Eval, promising Bane substantial money, was deeply involved in a Separatist plot to abduct Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and intended to recruit Bane for the plan. Soon after, Eval became interested in recruiting Rako Hardeen, a bounty hunter sharpshooter imprisoned for allegedly assassinating Obi-Wan Kenobi, after observing his combat skills with fellow inmates. Eval had Hardeen brought to his cell for a discussion and introduced him to Bane, who immediately disliked Hardeen and opposed breaking him out as well, so Eval had Hardeen returned to his cell. Unbeknownst to Bane and Eval, Hardeen was actually Kenobi in disguise, gathering intelligence on Dooku's scheme.

Cad Bane, Obi-Wan Kenobi (disguised as Rako Hardeen) and Moralo Eval in the prison hallways.

Bane convinced two fellow bounty hunters incarcerated in the facility, Jango's son Boba Fett and the Trandoshan Bossk'wassak'Cradossk, to initiate a riot to distract from his and Eval's escape, promising them a share of his payment. The young boy succeeded, and the two plotters took advantage of the resulting chaos to escape. Hardeen pursued them into the corridors, and despite Bane's objections, Eval insisted on bringing Hardeen along, believing he might be useful. Bane intended to escape via the mortuary, but the mortuary doors' lock had been changed, preventing him from opening them. Hardeen instructed his companions to stand guard while he solved the problem and secretly used the Force to unlock the doors. The trio quickly concealed themselves in coffins intended for transporting riot victims to the cremation center. The clones at the cremation center discovered that the occupants of the coffins were still alive. The three quickly exited the coffins.

One of the clones attempted to shoot Bane, who used another clone as a shield, then disarmed and killed the clone with his own weapon. Hardeen disarmed the third clone but hesitated to kill him. The clone activated the alarm before Bane executed him. The Duros angrily questioned the sniper's hesitation, and Hardeen claimed his blaster had malfunctioned. The trio proceeded to a landing platform, with the experienced bounty hunter eliminating more guards along the way. They hijacked a police speeder and flew to the docks, where they stole a cargo ship from a Quarren pilot to escape Coruscant. Once airborne, Bane struck Hardeen for hesitating to shoot the clone at the cremation center. However, Eval was pleased with Hardeen's presence and considered involving him again.

Problems on Nal Hutta

Following their escape from Coruscant, Bane, Hardeen, and Eval's ship crashed in the swamps of Nal Hutta. The three fugitives then visited the Bilbousa Bazaar, where they stopped at Pablo's pawnshop to acquire equipment and a new hat for the Duros. Bane then threatened Pablo with a toothpick to ensure his silence and subsequently sent Hardeen to obtain a new ship while he and Eval acquired weapons and supplies. The bounty hunter then made the decision to hand Hardeen over to Gardulla and her guards, fueled by his distrust of him.

However, as Eval and Bane departed, the guards' HH-87 Starhoppers shot them down. They exited the ship only to find Hardeen enjoying a drink at the saloon. There, Bane and Eval were surprised to learn that he had acquired another ship for them.

Contest on Serenno

Cad Bane and the other contestants prepare to enter "The Box".

The trio arrived on Serenno, where they met the Count. Bane and Hardeen both demanded their payment, but Dooku instead requested they participate in a special bounty hunter tournament that offered a much larger reward. The two reluctantly agreed, with the Duros suspecting a deadly contest where not all participants would survive. Noticing Bulduga's hat resembled his old one and deciding it was superior to the one he obtained on Nal Hutta, Bane inquired about how the bounty hunter acquired it. Bulduga responded by drawing his blaster pistol, but the Duros was quicker, shooting the Ithorian in the chest, killing him in front of his brother Onca. Bane mockingly took Bulduga's hat and placed his old hat on Bulduga's body. Shortly after, Dooku gathered the contestants for a briefing on the tournament.

Dooku introduced the other candidates: Kiera Swan, Derrown, Sixtat, Jakoli, Embo, Twazzi, Onca, Sinrich, and Mantu. He then revealed "The Box," a floating cubelike station serving as the tournament arena. He explained that the five most skilled survivors would participate in a lucrative job, while any remaining survivors would be eliminated to safeguard this job. Eval explained that The Box was his design, simulating situations that might arise during the job, and the bounty hunters had to surrender their weapons. They were then escorted to an elevator leading into The Box, marking the start of the tournament.

Bane and the others await the first challenge.

The contestants found themselves in a room, where Eval appeared on a screen, stating that the only rule was that there were no rules. A hole then opened in the floor, releasing lethal dioxis gas. Platforms began to rise from the ground to provide escape from the gas. Bane kicked Mantu off a platform to claim it for himself. As the platforms rose too high, the group found themselves between being crushed by the ceiling and the dioxis below. Hardeen deduced that the exit wasn't in the ceiling but somewhere in the floor. Hardeen discovered a hole in the floor leading to a tunnel below the gas line and into another room. Bane and the others followed Hardeen's lead, surviving the first test without casualties.

The tunnel led to a second room, where Eval reappeared on screen, commenting that the second test would result in casualties, unlike the first. Suddenly, columns with electrified blades began to thrust in and out of the walls. Onca and Swan were impaled on the blades, and Sinrich was killed by Embo. Hardeen discerned a pattern in the columns' movements and noticed it led to a hole in the ceiling. He showed his discovery to Bane, who instructed him to proceed to the hole. Bane and the others followed Hardeen in his climb, reaching the shaft in the ceiling that led to a third room.

The group during the third challenge.

In the next room, the group received instructions from Eval, who told them to pass through his ray shield to deactivate it with a button positioned behind it. Eval revealed a tube in the middle of the room containing a serum that allowed the user to pass through the shield unharmed, but it was toxic to all but one of them. The ray shield appeared and began to close in on the group. After a while the floor became ray shielded as well, killing Jakoli and forcing the rest onto a platform in the center of the room. When Derrown attempted to take the serum, Bane protested, but Hardeen suggested letting Derrown take it, as he was a Parwan whose blood could tolerate the serum. As the ray shield closed in further, the platform shrank, and Mantu was killed by the shield. Derrown successfully injected the serum, passed through the shield, and deactivated it in time, allowing the remaining contestants to proceed to the fourth and final challenge.

In the fourth room, the group was positioned on a platform above a fiery pit. Eval appeared, informing them that this test was about sharpshooting skills. One of them had to hit a fast-moving target on the back wall with a sniper rifle. Sixtat volunteered and hit the target twice. His third shot missed, causing him to fall into the flames. Hardeen then took the sniper rifle and successfully hit the target three times. Despite Hardeen completing the task, Eval moved the platform to separate Hardeen from the others. Dooku had observed Hardeen's role in every test's success and planned to put Hardeen in charge of the mission instead of Eval. Eval wanted Hardeen to hit more targets. Hardeen hit four more, but then the rifle ran out of ammo, and Eval saw his chance to eliminate him. When he tried to drop Hardeen into the flames, Bane used his whipcord to prevent Hardeen from falling. Eval was angered by this, but Bane argued that if he wanted to kill Hardeen, he should do it fairly. Dooku agreed and dropped Eval into the room to fight Hardeen face to face. Eval cheated, using his remote control to activate traps in the room and deploy probe droids to kill Hardeen. Nevertheless, Hardeen eventually defeated Eval, and Dooku ordered Hardeen to finish Eval off. Hardeen, being a Jedi in disguise, refused to kill Eval, disappointing Dooku. Dooku congratulated the surviving bounty hunters for enduring the Box and revealed that the job was to abduct Chancellor Palpatine during the upcoming Festival of Light on Naboo. He also announced that Bane would lead the mission.

Abduction of the Supreme Chancellor

Bane and the others ready for the mission.

Bane, along with Dooku, Eval, and the other bounty hunters, gathered in a hangar in Theed. Bane assigned each bounty hunter their role in the Chancellor's abduction, with his own role being to infiltrate the crowd and assist in apprehending the Chancellor. As the other bounty hunters departed, Dooku pulled Bane aside and warned him to keep an eye on Hardeen.

Bane infiltrated the crowd as planned, positioning himself near the Chancellor and using the holographic disguise matrix to impersonate a Neimoidian. After Derrown destroyed the shield generator, Bane and Eval escorted the Chancellor to the rendezvous point to meet Count Dooku. However, Dooku was absent, and they instead encountered Hardeen, who betrayed them and attempted to rescue the Chancellor. Hardeen overpowered Bane and Eval in a fight. Bane and Eval were then apprehended by Skywalker, Windu, and Hardeen, who was revealed to be Kenobi. Bane vowed vengeance against Kenobi as he was detained. As they were being taken away, he overheard the beginning of an argument between Skywalker—who was unaware of the plan to fake Kenobi's death—and Kenobi, but he dismissed it, labeling the Jedi a liar. While he expected such behavior from Eval or Dooku, Bane was surprised by a Jedi's betrayal, viewing it as an example of how his profession had changed.

Upon returning to the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center on Coruscant, Bane reunited with Fett and Bossk in the cafeteria, where they demanded their share of the payment upon sitting across from him. Instead, Bane recounted the events following his breakout, detailing his encounters and promising the story would be more sickening than the prison food. Reflecting on the changes in bounty hunting, Bane considered retiring and allowing Fett to assume the title of the galaxy's best hunter, promising Bossk that he would take on the title as well despite doubting that the Trandoshan had the skills to hold it. After Bane gave Bossk over his plate, Fett recruited him to a major plan he and Bossk had crafted, with Bane noting he had no intention of retiring until he shot Kenobi between the eyes.

Later events during the war

Towards the end of the Clone Wars, Bane received a substantial payment from Separatist Captain Rackham Sear for layouts of the Jedi Temple, facilitating the bombing of the Jedi Temple.

At some point, Bane began mentoring Boba Fett in bounty hunting, reciprocating the favor from Boba's father, Jango. Bane became one of several legendary rogues who mentored Boba during his younger years. However, Fett experienced mistreatment and little affection from Bane during his training. The two eventually drifted apart. After training Fett, Bane largely disappeared from the criminal underworld.

Age of the Empire

Interception of the Bad Batch

Cad Bane facing off with Hunter.

Following the formation of the Galactic Empire, Bane continued his bounty hunting career with Todo 360 by his side. He was eventually hired by the Kaminoan Prime Minister Lama Su to retrieve the genetically unmodified clone known as Omega.

Bane and Todo intercepted the rogue Clone Force 99 on Bracca as the Empire closed in. Bane killed the clones guarding Clone Force 99's ship, the Marauder, and awaited their arrival. When Omega and Hunter reached the ship, Bane confronted Hunter, engaging him in a standoff. Both drew their blasters, but Bane's extensive experience as a mercenary gave him a superior quick-draw. Hunter was shot in the chest, allowing Bane to abduct Omega after stunning her.

Confrontation on Bora Vio

Bane and Todo 360 onboard the Justifier.

Aboard his ship, the Justifier, Bane contacted his Kaminoan employers, instructing them to bring his payment to their agreed rendezvous at an abandoned facility on Bora Vio. Bane landed without incident but discovered that Omega had escaped his ship after finding Todo deactivated. After reactivating his droid, he tracked down the girl and destroyed the comm device she had recovered from his hold. He then found the Kaminoan representative, Taun We, dead and learned that the young bounty hunter Fennec Shand had killed her and stolen his case of credits. Shand proposed exchanging the payment and Omega, which Bane accepted. However, Todo ambushed Shand from behind and seized the credits, dropping them off the edge of the facility during a shootout. Omega fled while Bane fought Shand.

Bane attempts to burn Shand with his dual flamethrowers.

After a brief fight, Shand escaped, and Bane cautiously searched for her. However, he was surprised by a planted explosive and temporarily knocked unconscious. He regained consciousness and caught up with Omega, who was fleeing from Shand. As he aimed his blaster at Omega, Shand ambushed him, knocking away both of his blasters. He headbutted her, seemingly knocking her out. He tried to pursue Omega again, only to be attacked from behind by Shand. They continued to fight, with Shand briefly pinning him down by his arm, but he overpowered her by slamming her against the wall and kicking her head, briefly knocking her out. Todo informed him that Omega was escaping. Frustrated, he watched Omega escape in a flight pod. He attempted to burn Shand with his flamethrowers, but she dodged them in time. She bound him with a bola and kicked him off the edge of the building. Bane used his rocket boots to save himself. During this time, Clone Force 99 rescued Omega, and Bane returned to his ship to pursue them, but Todo informed him that his ship had been sabotaged. Watching Shand fly off in her ship, the Outcast, Bane snarled in rage, unable to take off.

A familiar target

Bane abducts Force-sensitive children from their families.

Bane continued his profitable business with the Empire, collecting M-count targets. He delivered several young children and babies to Imperial representatives at Imperial Station 003 over Coruscant, who then transported them to Tantiss Base. Following a tip from an Aqualish on Caraad, Bane traveled to the mountainous planet to locate a target. He easily incapacitated the child's mother, Ailish, and found the youngling, named Bayrn. Bane instructed Todo to grab the kid, and despite Todo's reluctance, Bane glared at him, and Todo loaded Bayrn into the hovering pram, giving the child their toy to keep them quiet. Bane piloted the Justifier to the space station, meeting with the Imperials as usual. However, he noticed a different leader of the party upon landing: Emerie Karr. He inquired about her identity, but Karr did not respond directly. Bane collected his payment and commented that they would meet again once he acquired another M-count target.

Era of the New Republic

Showdown in Freetown

Bane gunned down Vanth and Scott, claiming Tatooine for the Pyke Syndicate.

By 9 ABY, Cad Bane remained active as a bounty hunter. He accepted a lucrative offer to work as an enforcer for the Pyke Syndicate on Tatooine. During this period, Bane spoke with the Weequay pirate Hondo Ohnaka, mentioning his work with the Pykes. Bane was dispatched to Freetown after the local marshal, Cobb Vanth, opposed the Syndicate. A standoff ensued when Bane entered the town center and was confronted by Vanth. When Vanth refused a bribe to remain neutral in the impending conflict between Boba Fett and the Syndicate, the two drew their weapons, but Bane was much faster. He fired several shots, killing Vanth's deputy, Scott, and wounding Vanth. Before departing, Bane declared that Tatooine was under Syndicate control and the townspeople would be left alone as long as they did not interfere with the spice trade, stalking away as the injured Vanth received aid.

Conflict with Boba Fett

Bane reports of his success in Freetown.

Believing Vanth dead and confident the citizens of Freetown would not interfere, Bane reported his success to the Pyke boss. The boss assured that Fett does not have additional resources to call upon, as the Pykes massacred Fett's Tusken Raider tribe, and planted false evidence pointing to the Kintan Striders Gang, unbeknownst to Fett. Bane was surprised to realize the Syndicate's ruthlessness, while the boss claimed they were just pragmatic. When the boss discussed the possibility of leaving Mos Espa unscathed with mayor Mok Shaiz, Bane told his employer that he would handle it. Shortly after, Bane confronted Fett, Fennec Shand, and Din Djarin at the ruins of the Sanctuary, where he attempted to negotiate with Fett on behalf of the Pykes. Partway through negotiations, Bane revealed to Fett that the Pykes were responsible for the death of his adopted Tusken Raider tribe, angering Fett. As Shand convinced Fett to refrain from attacking Bane due to Bane's own backup in the form of Pyke snipers, Fett declared that negotiations were over. Bane smiled and left to inform his employers.

Bane's death at the hands of Boba Fett in the streets of Mos Espa.

After the Pykes were informed that Fett refused to negotiate, the battle of Mos Espa erupted. During this conflict, the residents of Freetown materialized, thereby disproving Bane's assertion that they would remain uninvolved. As the battle drew to a conclusion, Bane once again directly confronted Fett. Using his flamethrower, he successfully scared away Fett's rancor, which resulted in the rancor wreaking havoc throughout the city. Bane then proceeded to mock Fett about his history, declaring that he would remain as heartless as his predecessor. In a swift duel, Bane gained the upper hand over Fett, forcing him to the ground and removing his helmet. As Bane prepared to deliver the final blow, Fett retaliated with his gaderffii stick, knocking Bane away. Fett then brought Bane down, and with a conclusive strike, impaled him in the chest with the stick's sharp end, effectively eliminating the notorious bounty hunter almost instantly. With his dying breath, Cad Bane gazed upon his former apprentice, a look of astonishment etched across his face before he passed. As Boba departed from his former instructor, Bane's attire emitted a series of beeps accompanied by a flashing light on his lifeless body.


Bane's memory persisted long after the Clone Wars. Several years later, Sabine Wren created a graffiti depiction of Cad Bane on the VCX-100 light freighter Ghost as a sign of respect. His defeat in the Mos Espa battle led to the posthumous refutation of his belief regarding Cobb Vanth's demise, as Vanth was undergoing resuscitation within Boba Fett's bacta pod. Following his assignment on Tatooine, rumors began to circulate about Bane's supposed demise. These rumors reached Hondo Ohnaka by the time a bounty was put on his head, prompting Ohnaka to compile The Secrets of the Bounty Hunters, a guide for hunters who might pursue him. In this publication, he expressed skepticism about Bane's actual death, citing the Duros' common tactic of remaining hidden. He further suggested that Bane might be feigning death to lure him into a false sense of security.

Ohnaka also referenced Bane in his book Galactic Explorer's Guide. The Whills also remembered him. A member of the Whills mentioned Bane by name, along with other contemporaries from the Clone Wars era, including Rex, Ahsoka Tano, Asajj Ventress, Savage Opress, Jar Jar Binks, and the Mandalorians, as figures to be remembered in galactic history sometime after the Battle of Endor.

Personality and traits

The skilled bounty hunter

Cad Bane was known to wear a hat, a fashion choice paired with a long coat and a habit to chew a toothpick.

Being a Duros, Cad Bane possessed blue skin and red eyes, with a height of 1.85 meters and a weight of 75 kilograms. After Jango Fett's death, Bane rose to prominence as one of the galaxy's most formidable bounty hunters. Cold, ruthless, and skilled in his profession, Bane displayed minimal concern for the nefarious objectives of his employers, such as Darth Sidious, the Pyke, the Galactic Empire, and the Hutts. Despite his new apprentice being a descendant of his old mentor Jango, Bane did not warm up to Boba and was very abusive when he trained him, which made Fett remember his harsh adolescence on his part and that he had no mercy in killing his former mentor. Bane advised Fett to prioritize self-preservation above all else, deeming everything else a liability. Bane was a cunning individual, frequently demonstrating his ability to outwit opponents such as Jedi and other criminals. He exhibited impressive strategic acumen and proved more than capable of leading team efforts, despite his preference for operating independently. His accomplishments during the Clone Wars resulted in a comprehensive file on him within the Republic's records.

Bane remained ruthless throughout his career.

Bane displayed a particular fondness for wide-brimmed hats, which he consistently favored. This preference was so strong that he was willing to murder another bounty hunter simply for possessing a hat he coveted. He also habitually chewed on toothpicks. Furthermore, the hunter often spoke condescendingly to those younger than him, using terms like "son" and "little lady" when he deemed them appropriate. Despite his ruthlessness, he did apologize to Omega before he stunned her, yet he continued with his mission nevertheless. He also saved Obi-Wan Kenobi (in disguise as Rako Hardeen) from falling to his death into the fire.

Mentor to Boba Fett

Bane once mused that the young Boba Fett occasionally reminded him of his younger self, but their relationship eventually deteriorated. As he aged, Bane remained embittered and ruthless, eliminating anyone who stood in his path. He attempted to strike down his former ward Boba Fett, without mercy or discrimination. Bane looked at Fett with contempt for what happened between them, determined to kill him even if he played dirty.

Skills and abilities

Bane was an extremely skilled gunslinger.

Bane was a proficient bounty hunter, relying on a combination of weaponry and intellect to overcome adversaries. Bane was a master marksman, favoring dual blasters as his primary weapons. His skill was such that he defeated Hunter in a duel and countless others, maintaining a rapid draw even into his seventies. He also demonstrated superior skill compared to Boba Fett, outdrawing him despite Fett having his EE-3 carbine rifle in hand, while Bane's weapon remained holstered.

He exhibited considerable proficiency in unarmed combat, holding his own against Fennec Shand. His ability to combat members of the Jedi Order was noteworthy, a crucial skill during the Clone Wars. The combination of his rocket boots, weapons such as flamethrowers, and awareness of when he was outmatched proved invaluable in his numerous encounters with Jedi Knights. During his brief possession of Vos's lightsaber, he managed to withstand Kenobi in lightsaber combat until he was disarmed after a few strikes. His actions garnered the respect of both his enemies, such as the Jedi, and potential employers, such as Count Dooku. Bane even earned the trust of Darth Sidious himself. During the Imperial era, Bane operated as a class one bounty hunter and was entrusted with tracking down targets for a secret Imperial project overseen by the Advanced Science Division, a project that the Emperor himself regarded as of utmost importance.

He also possessed exceptional piloting skills, piloting the Xanadu Blood during the Clone Wars and, after the war, the Justifier. Bane proved to be a capable leader and tactician, leading various groups of bounty hunters on numerous occasions. He believed that all clone troopers fought the same and was confident using similar methods on the Republic soldiers.

Even at an advanced age, Bane remained exceptionally skilled and swift. Bane defeated both Cobb Vanth and Boba Fett in their duels on Tatooine by drawing his blaster faster, having been killed only because he was surprised by Fett when he approached to kill his former student. He was also flexible enough to dodge Boba's flamethrowers.


Each of Bane's gauntlets was equipped with a flamethrower.

Cad Bane was known to carry a pair of LL-30 blaster pistols and wear his signature wide-brimmed hat. He wore electro gauntlets with flamethrowers and a wrist comm for communication. His gauntlets also had remote control capabilities, allowing him to operate various starship functions after transferring the ship's primary controls to them. His gloves were equipped with stunners. Bane also carried bolas and a hypnogazer within his greatcoat. Bane also wore a pair of rocket boots made use of them on many occasions.

After escaping the Republic Detention Center and landing on Nal Hutta, Bane equipped himself with a new pair of gauntlets, a new LL-30 pistol in a holster on his right leg, and a GALAAR-15 blaster carbine which he kept in a holster on his back. He also had a WESTAR-35 blaster pistol, which he later gave to Kenobi (who was disguised as Rako Hardeen). His left gauntlet had a knockout gas dispenser that could discombobulate his enemies. His right gauntlet had a whipcord launcher that could ensnare targets.

He also had breathing tubes, which enabled him to survive being Force choked, and rocket boots to help him keep up with the Force-imbued Jedi.

Bane also owned several starships. From his payment from Darth Sidious, he obtain a modified Rogue-class Porax-38 starfighter called Xanadu Blood. The Trade Federation loaned him a Munificent-class star frigate. Later by the Imperial Era, Bane flew a Justifier-class assault transport called the Justifier.

While operating as a class one bounty hunter, Bane used a small device that measures a person's M-count level. This is done by taking a person's blood sample and putting it in the device. By doing this the device scans the blood sample and if it flashes green than the person has a high M-count.

Behind the scenes

Cad Bane in Star Wars: Force Arena

The initial development phase of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series was primarily focused on illustrating the conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Separatists. This focus left limited scope for the inclusion of third-party antagonists. However, as the narrative evolved, the necessity for a bounty hunter character became apparent. Dave Filoni, the supervising director, and Henry Gilroy, the writer, initially contemplated reintroducing Durge, the Gen'Dai bounty hunter from the 2003 Star Wars Legends Star Wars: Clone Wars cartoon. Filoni wished to retain the character's fully concealing armor. However, George Lucas envisioned a different design for the bounty hunter, giving the character a new name and wanting him to be a gunslinger, like the characters played by Lee Van Cleef, crossed with the Duros species.

During his research, Filoni discovered early concept artwork depicting a gun-toting spacer wearing a hat in drafts of the original Star Wars trilogy.

According to Dave Filoni, the supervising director for Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Bane's signature toothpick was originally intended to be a cigarette, but the idea was abandoned due to its potentially negative and commercial-like implications.

Cad Bane's live action design

Corey Burton, who also provided the voices for Ziro the Hutt and Count Dooku, voiced Cad Bane, drawing inspiration from Lee van Cleef's portrayal of Angel Eyes in Sergio Leone's 1966 western film The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

Prior to the cancellation of The Clone Wars TV series, Cad Bane was slated to appear in a four-episode arc alongside Boba Fett. The two were to collaborate on a "rescue mission" on Tatooine, where Tusken Raiders had abducted a child. This arc would emphasize Boba's and Cad's relationship, as Cad had known Jango. Cad Bane would also receive new clothes and a new ship called the Justifier. In a clip unveiled during the Animated Origins and Unexpected Fates panel at Celebration Orlando in 2017, Cad Bane and other bounty hunters had ended an insurrection by Fett. To finish it, they engaged in a stand-off duel, where the younger mercenary got his helmet dented.

Following the cancellation of The Clone Wars, Bane made a cameo appearance in the Star Wars Rebels episode "Fighter Flight" in the form of graffiti created by Sabine Wren on the Ghost.

Bane made his live-action debut in "Chapter 6: From the Desert Comes a Stranger," the sixth episode of the Disney+ series The Book of Boba Fett. He was physically portrayed by Dorian Kingi and voiced by Corey Burton. There was much debate behind the scenes for how to color Bane's blue skin.

Although "Chapter 7: In the Name of Honor" suggests that Cad Bane perished after being stabbed by Boba Fett with his gaderffii stick, the 2023 reference book Star Wars: Timelines only indicates that Bane was "out of action" following their duel, rather than confirming his death.

