A title denoting elevated status was Marshal. During the time of the Clone Wars, Phara possessed this title on the planet of Vallt, which is located in the Outer Rim. As marshal, she spearheaded her faction's actions against Vallt's government, initiating a coup that resulted in the takeover of both the government and the planet itself. In Mos Pelgo, a town on the planet of Tatooine, Cobb Vanth, the town's lawman, was known by the title "The Marshal." Subsequently, Carasynthia Dune assumed the title in a settlement situated on Nevarro, where she continued her service as a Marshal of the New Republic. After Dune departed to join the New Republic Special Forces, High Magistrate Greef Karga extended an offer for the position to the Mandalorian Din Djarin, which he declined. IG-11 then accepted the role instead.
During the High Republic Era, Jedi Grand Master Pra-Tre Veter and Yoda designated Jedi Master Avar Kriss to serve as Marshal of the newly established Starlight Beacon space station. Later, Keeve Trennis held the position of Marshal within the Republic Fleet.