Greef Karga

Greef Karga, a human male, had a past as a disgraced magistrate. Following the fall of the Galactic Empire, he transitioned into becoming an agent for the Bounty Hunters' Guild and assumed the role of Guild Master for the Nevarro Hunters. Around 9 ABY, he encountered Din Djarin, a bounty hunter, in a cantina. Djarin had captured four bounties and was there to collect his payment. Djarin declined payment in Imperial credits, which prompted Karga to compensate him with Calamari Flan. Subsequently, Karga presented Djarin with information about an unusual job from the Client, an individual affiliated with an Imperial remnant.

Upon Djarin's successful completion of the assignment, Karga expressed his satisfaction and offered him a fresh bounty. However, Djarin experienced a change of heart and chose to rescue the bounty, a young child named Grogu, whom he had initially delivered to the Client. Subsequently, Karga assembled a group of Guild members to confront Djarin and attempt to reclaim the Child. Nevertheless, the hunters were ultimately defeated when Djarin's Tribe intervened in the conflict. Karga then fled and confronted Djarin alone inside Djarin's gunship, the Razor Crest. The bounty hunter outmaneuvered Karga, ejected him from the ship, and made his escape.

In response to losing his prize, the enraged Client seized control of Karga's city. This situation compelled Karga to seek assistance from Djarin in liberating the planet, despite Djarin's earlier betrayal of the Guild. Karga initially plotted to betray Djarin, but he had a change of heart and joined forces with him. Their plan was to eliminate the Client, but the plan went awry, and Moff Gideon killed the Client. After being surrounded by Gideon and his Imperial remnant, Karga escaped to the lava flats where Gideon attacked him again. However, Djarin defeated Gideon and Karga offered Djarin a place in the Guild again. Djarin declined, but Djarin's companion, Cara Dune, accepted the offer to become his personal enforcer, with Karga resuming his role as magistrate.

Later, Karga infiltrated an Imperial base located on the planet. Once the Imperials had departed from the planet, Nevarro achieved independence as a trade anchor along the Hydian Way, and Karga was promoted to the position of High Magistrate of Nevarro.


Dealing jobs

Greef Karga guided the Bounty Hunters' Guild on Nevarro.

Greef Karga, a human male, was born on Nevarro around 62 BBY. He used to be a magistrate before being disgraced and losing his position. After the collapse of the Galactic Empire, Karga became an agent for the Bounty Hunters' Guild and the Guild Master of the Nevarro Hunters. "The Mythrol" managed Karga's accounts since his days as a pollywog, but the Mythrol stole some of Karga's money and fled, becoming indebted to Karga. Din Djarin, a Mandalorian bounty hunter, worked with Karga. Around 9 ABY, Djarin returned to Karga on Nevarro with four captured bounties, including the Mythrol. Djarin met Karga in a cantina to give him the four tracking fobs. After confirming that Djarin had the bounties, Karga signaled one of his men to collect the bounties—encased in carbonite—from Djarin's starship, the Razor Crest.

Karga tried to pay Djarin in Imperial credits, but Djarin refused because the regime had collapsed. When Karga protested, Djarin started to leave, so Karga offered to pay in Calamari Flan, but he could only pay half of what he owed. Djarin accepted and asked about other jobs, trying to take all of Karga's offers. Karga refused, saying that other hunters needed work too. He explained that bounties were scarce because people didn't want to pay Guild rates.

Greef Karga negotiates with Djarin on his next job at the cantina on Nevarro.

Djarin was not impressed that the highest-paying job only offered five thousand credits, so Karga offered him a contract from the Client. This job didn't have a holopuck and required a face-to-face meeting with the Client. Karga didn't know more about the job, but after Djarin accepted, Karga contacted the Client to inform him that the bounty hunter was coming.

A successful job

Djarin succeeded and retrieved a Force-sensitive Child from the planet Arvala-7. As Djarin returned with the bounty, Karga contacted him via hologram and instructed him to deliver Grogu directly to the Client. Karga received at least three bars of beskar for his part in the job. Later, a man approached Karga and tried to justify his bounty failure, but Karga dismissed him when the bounty hunter asked for more pucks. When Djarin met him in the cantina again, Karga praised his success and mocked the other hunters who had failed. He suggested celebrating at the Twi'lek healing baths, but Djarin refused and demanded another job.

Karga offered him the best bounties, and Djarin chose a Mon Calamari nobleman's son who had skipped bail and was last seen on Karnac. Before leaving, Djarin asked about the Client's plans for Grogu, but Karga said he didn't know, reminding him that asking would violate Guild protocol.

Dealing with a traitor

Djarin left but soon changed his mind, attacking the Imperials and rescuing Grogu. With Grogu out of Imperial hands, the bounty fobs for the infant reactivated, including Karga's. Realizing Djarin had broken the code, Karga quickly gathered the Guild's forces. He led the hunters to ambush Djarin, surrounding him in the city as he tried to reach his ship with Grogu. Karga demanded Djarin hand over the bounty, ordering him to put the infant in a speeder to discuss terms. Djarin seemed to surrender and comply, but upon reaching the speeder, he took cover and opened fire.

Karga and the Guild surrounded Djarin

Karga and the hunters took cover as Djarin slowly escaped in the speeder. As they exchanged fire, Karga aimed carefully and shot the astromech droid piloting the speeder carrying Djarin and Grogu, causing it to crash. The hunters closed in, but Djarin fired his Amban phase-pulse blaster, disintegrating three attackers and forcing the rest to retreat. Djarin demanded to pass, but Karga refused, and they renewed their attack. Djarin briefly held off the Guild with his flamethrower, but once it ran out of fuel, they closed in again. However, before they could reach Djarin, the rest of Djarin's tribe attacked, flying in with jetpacks and raining missiles on the Guild members.

Karga fired at Djarin but fled as the other bounty hunters were overwhelmed. Karga went to the Razor Crest and hid in the upper deck, waiting for Djarin. When Djarin entered the hold, Karga confronted him at blaster point, but Djarin activated his carbonite freezing apparatus with his whipcord launcher, creating a cloud of gas that hid him. Karga fired blindly but missed, allowing Djarin to shoot him in the chest and knock him out of the ship. Despite being shot at point-blank range, the beskar plate in Karga's jacket absorbed the hit and protected him. Djarin escaped with Grogu, leaving Karga on the ground, who commented on how the beskar saved his life.

Imperial occupation

After Djarin escaped with their asset, the Client put the city under Imperial occupation, disrupting the Guild's work. Karga contacted Djarin to return to Nevarro and help save the city from the Empire. However, Karga also wanted to liberate the city, get revenge on Djarin, and return Grogu to the Empire. Djarin returned to Nevarro with Cara Dune, a former shock trooper, IG-11, a reprogrammed assassin droid, Kuiil, an Ugnaught, his three blurrgs, and Grogu. Karga met them with two bounty hunters, and they traveled to the settlement. Karga planned to double-cross Djarin before entering the city. While camping at night, native reptavians attacked and seriously injured Karga. The group didn't know how to treat his injury, but Grogu approached him and healed him using the Force. Karga and the others were amazed.

Karga killed his bounty hunters to save Djarin and his escort.

The next day, as the group moved on, Karga and the two bounty hunters discussed the plan to kill Djarin. The two hunters dropped behind the group with Karga walking between Djarin and Dune. When they approached a ridge overlooking the city, Karga changed his mind about betraying Djarin. He quickly shot the two bounty hunters and revealed that he had planned to lure Djarin back to Nevarro to kill him and return Grogu to the Empire. He explained that Grogu's healing changed his mind. As Djarin and Dune kept their blasters trained on him, Karga said that if they shot him, Grogu would never be safe. Despite Dune's willingness to kill Karga, Djarin lowered his weapon and agreed with Karga. They agreed they needed to kill the Client to protect Grogu and the settlement. Karga suggested he bring Djarin in, pretending to have captured him, so Djarin could kill the Client. Then, Djarin began to plan, sending Kuiil and Grogu back to the Razor Crest and having Karga return to the Imperials with Dune, posing as a bounty hunter who captured Djarin. By bringing the pram carrying Grogu, the Imperials wouldn't know Grogu was safe in the ship.

They entered the settlement using Karga's chain code to pass the guards. In the empty cantina, Karga and Djarin sat with the Client while four stormtroopers waited nearby. The plan started to fail when the Client asked to see the baby. Karga quickly lied that it was asleep, but the Client insisted they would be quiet. Fortunately, Moff Gideon contacted the Client, and he left their table. Karga freed Djarin, who had been in cuffs, and gave him his blaster. When the Client told Gideon that he had Grogu, Gideon told him to check again. Then, death troopers opened fire, and Karga, Djarin, and Dune took cover as the Client and the stormtroopers with him were killed. Meanwhile, Gideon surrounded the compound with stormtroopers. Pinned down, Gideon gave an ultimatum to the group, telling them to surrender or face death by an E-Web heavy repeating blaster cannon.

Karga pretending to have captured Djarin

IG-11 saved the group, creating confusion among the stormtroopers, but Djarin was injured when the E-WEB's power supply exploded, so the group retreated into the compound again. IG-11 cut a hole for them to escape. As IG-11 tended to Djarin, Karga and Dune went ahead into the sewers. The group emerged in the area that once housed the Mandalorian covert. Djarin stumbled across a group of helmets showing the Empire's defeat of the group. After communicating with the Armorer, Djarin led the group through the sewers to a lava river. Karga and the others boarded a boat and escaped down the tunnel, but they realized stormtroopers were waiting for them. After IG-11 sacrificed himself by killing the stormtroopers surrounding the exit to the lava flats of Nevarro, Gideon attacked in his Outland TIE fighter. Karga tried to bring down the fighter with his blaster but failed. Djarin took down the fighter, and Karga commented on the Imperials being purged from his world. He offered to take Djarin back into the Guild, but Djarin declined, focusing on returning Grogu to his kind. He offered Guild membership to Dune, who accepted.

Improving Nevarro

Karga briefs Djarin on the mission

Karga, now joined by Dune, became High Magistrate and took control of operations to make the planet a respectable business, even though he had told Djarin he would allow the bounty hunter's guild control of Nevarro again. With Dune as his marshal, they turned the city around, turning the cantina into a school. Karga was also helped by the Mythrol that Djarin had captured, allowing the Mythrol to work off his three hundred and fifty years of debt in his office. After Karga and his allies discovered a remaining Imperial base on the planet, which prevented Nevarro from becoming a trade anchor for its entire sector, Djarin and Grogu returned to Nevarro for repairs on the Razor Crest. Leaving Grogu at the school, Djarin joined Karga, Dune, and the Mythrol in infltrating the base, which they destroyed by shutting down its lava coolant system.

Before the base's detonation, Karga and his team discovered the base was housing genetic research and, thanks to a three-day-old transmission from Doctor Penn Pershing, that Gideon was still alive. After learning this, Djarin, using his jetpack, left the team to get Grogu from the city, while Karga and the others escaped aboard an Imperial Trexler 906 Armored Marauder. Though scout troopers on 74-Z speeder bikes and a force of Outland TIE fighters pursued them, Karga and Dune took out most of their pursuers. Djarin, who had retrieved Grogu and the Crest, took out the remaining TIEs. Karga and Djarin parted ways again, agreeing that his work qualified as payment for the repairs. Unknown to Karga, one of the mechanics he had tasked with working on the Crest, an Mimbanese worker, was an agent for Gideon and had placed a tracking device on the ship.

Pirate Problems

After Djarin was deemed an apostate for removing his helmet, he visited Karga, who welcomed him and said Nevarro was booming. Because Djarin helped bring stability to the planet, Karga offered him land to live on, but Djarin refused because his quest wasn't over. Karga tried to reassure him, but a protocol droid informed them that the pirate Vane had arrived in the courtyard. The Nikto demanded a drink at the converted school, but Karga said they could get a drink elsewhere. Vane reminded him that they had hired them before at the bar, but Karga refused to back down. Vane demanded a duel, which Karga easily won. He told him to tell his captain, Gorian Shard, that pirates were no longer welcome in the town. Vane's pirates tried to intervene, but Djarin shot them down, though Karga spared Vane, who left. Djarin questioned his decision, but Karga said Vane got the message and wouldn't bother the town again. Because of the incident, he also told Djarin that he could be the town's marshal, as Dune had been taken back by the New Republic for her role in Gideon's capture. Djarin suggested he ask the New Republic for help, which Karga refused, wanting Nevarro to be truly independent.

Unfortunately, Karga's message backfired. While talking with two civic engineers about the city's design, a pirate ship violated the town's airspace. The protocol droid asked Karga if they should negotiate, but he refused, knowing it would set a bad precedent. He told the droid to evacuate everyone while he spoke with Shard, who demanded his surrender. When Karga refused, Shard bombarded the city, and his protocol droid offered him an escape pod, but he refused, not wanting to abandon his people. Though reluctant to get help from the New Republic, he sent a distress call to Captain Carson Teva. Teva received his call and went to Coruscant to request aid from Colonel Tuttle, but Tuttle refused, angering Teva. Teva, aware that Karga was friends with Djarin, decided to request the Mandalorians' assistance, tracking them down to their planet thanks to R5-D4.

During this time, Djarin had redeemed himself and was working with Bo-Katan Kryze to reoccupy Mandalore after discovering the planet was still livable. Considering Karga's request, Djarin agreed to help his friend, and the Mandalorian covert were convinced to help them. While residing with his people in the lava flats, Karga watched the Mandalorians drive the pirates out of the town and rallied his people to support them, confronting the surviving pirates at gunpoint. With Shard's ship destroyed and the pirate threat eliminated, Karga thanked the Mandalorians for their help despite their past differences and gave them all the land from the western lava flats to Bulloch Canyon as a reward.

Growing Nevarro

Djarin and Kryze later recovered the latter's followers to help them retake Mandalore. When the fleet arrived, his protocol droid was startled by the Imperial ships, but Karga told it that Mandalorians piloted them.

After killing Gideon and reestablishing Mandalore, Djarin returned to Nevarro, where Karga greeted him. Karga told Djarin that the people were grateful for his intervention against the pirates and gave him a deed to a cabin on the outskirts of town, which he could use between his adventures. In return, Djarin gave Karga the marshal he needed; a rebuilt and reprogrammed IG-11, to help maintain law and order in the town.

Personality and traits

Karga partnered with Cara Dune and Din Djarin.

Karga told the Client that Djarin was the best bounty hunter in the parsec but also expensive. He tried to convince Djarin that he could still spend Imperial credits when Djarin refused them and claimed it was the only payment he had, but he quickly gave up and offered Calamari Flan when Djarin threatened to leave with the pucks. He could speak Huttese and Galactic Basic Standard. Karga had dark skin, black hair, and brown eyes.

After Djarin went back on his deal with the Empire, Karga tried to smooth things over before bringing the Guild's forces to recapture Grogu. Despite liking Djarin, he wouldn't accept him breaking the Guild's code by going back on a deal. When Djarin almost killed Karga, who was saved by beskar in his pocket, Karga eventually plotted his revenge.

Karga offered Djarin back a place in the Guild.

Karga invited Djarin back, plotting to double-cross him with allies. However, despite initially being willing to betray Djarin, he later turned on his escort because he couldn't go through with the plan after Grogu saved his life. Thus, he killed his hunters and revealed his plan to Djarin. With Djarin's forgiveness, Karga sided with Djarin and his allies. Like Djarin and Cara Dune, he didn't know much about the Force or those who wielded it. Karga was amazed after Grogu Force-healed him and later encouraged Grogu to "do the magic hand thing" when the group was under attack trying to escape the city. After their escape from Moff Gideon, Karga showed he cared for Djarin and offered him a place in the Guild again. Even though Djarin declined, Karga bid him farewell without hard feelings.


Karga uses his blasters.

Greef Karga possessed enough Imperial credits to cover the bounty fees for Djarin. However, he could only manage to pay half of those fees using the Calamari Flan he had on hand. For Djarin's successful retrieval of the Child, he received a payment of at least two bars of beskar. In combat, he utilized a blaster pistol, sometimes wielding two at once. His attire consisted of a brown jacket worn over a lighter brown shirt, along with a bandolier and brown gloves.

Behind the scenes

Greef Karga made his debut appearance in the first episode of The Mandalorian, a television series that premiered on Disney+ in 2019. The episode aired on November 12, 2019. The character was brought to life by Carl Weathers, while Gene Freeman performed Karga's stunts. Aubrey Bridgewater served as a stand-in for the character in "Chapter 8: Redemption." In "Chapter 12: The Siege," which was directed by Weathers himself, Dominique Price worked as a photo double. Initially, the character was conceived as a Weequay, but Jon Favreau and the production team ultimately decided to showcase Karga's performance without the use of a mask.

On February 2, 2024, news broke of Carl Weathers' passing. The future of Greef Karga's storyline remains uncertain in relation to the upcoming The Mandalorian Season 4 or upcoming film, depending on where LucasFilm stands with the development of these projects.

