Gorian Shard

Gorian Shard was a male being, a plant-like lifeform belonging to a specific species. He held the title of Pirate King, leading a group of pirates that included the Nikto named Vane. He directed his crew from his Cumulus-class Corsair spaceship. Shard was known as one of the most notorious pirates throughout the galaxy. At some point, Shard came into possession of treasure, and Guild Master Greef Karga utilized a portion of it to construct a tavern located on the Outer Rim world of Nevarro.

In the year 9 ABY, Vane, along with other pirates under the command of the pirate king, journeyed to Nevarro to engage in conversation with Karga, who had risen to the position of High Magistrate on Nevarro. Karga and the Mandalorian named Din Djarin ended the lives of several pirates, but spared Vane, allowing him to escape to the asteroid fields within the Nevarro system. From there, the pirate enticed Djarin's fighter to the gang's Corsair and Shard, who demanded Djarin's surrender in exchange for his survival; however, the Mandalorian distrusted the pirate king and managed to flee. After his encounter with Djarin, Gorian brought his Corsair to Nevarro and initiated an attack from the sky on Nevarro City, Nevarro's main city.

Djarin made his way back to the planet alongside fellow Mandalorians, who launched an assault on the pirate forces present on Nevarro, while Djarin engaged in combat with Shard's Corsair. As the Mandalorian forces decimated the pirate forces, the pirate king's ship suffered increasing damage, and its fighters group was annihilated by Djarin, prompting Vane to flee Nevarro. Shard, however, chose not to escape, instead attempting to eliminate the inhabitants of Nevarro; however, Djarin and the Mandalorian warrior Bo-Katan Kryze's fighters destroyed the pirate's ship before he could harm the townspeople, resulting in Shard's demise.


King of the pirates

Gorian Shard was a male Pirate King of a plant-based species, and the leader of a group of pirates. He led a crew of pirates, including the Kajain'sa'Nikto named Vane, from a Cumulus-class Corsair starship. At some point, this pirate, who was known for hijacking and demanding ransoms, acquired treasure, a portion of which was used by Bounty Hunters' Guild Leader Greef Karga to establish a cantina on the Outer Rim Territories planet Nevarro.

Din Djarin's escape angered Pirate King Gorian Shard, who growled after the Mandalorian escaped.

By the time of 9 ABY, the pirate's reputation was well-known in Nevarro's sector, and he was regarded as one of the most renowned pirates in the galaxy. Tales of Gorian Shard were shared by participants in the Hunters of the Outer Rim tournament on Vespaara. In that year, Vane and a contingent of pirates traveled to Nevarro, intending to consume beverages at the cantina that Karga had funded with a share of Shard's treasure. However, Karga, who had ascended to the position of High Magistrate, denied them entry, as the establishment had been repurposed as a school. The pirates confronted Karga, preparing to engage him with their firearms; however, the Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin and Karga killed all of the pirates—including Shard's helmsman—except Vane, who departed Nevarro for the asteroid field within the planet's solar system.

In a carefully planned ambush, Shard's Corsair deployed several pirate snubfighters, which attacked Djarin's N-1 starfighter after the Mandalorian had departed Nevarro. Djarin successfully destroyed four pirate starfighters before Vane and other pirates led him to their captain's Corsair. Shard commanded Djarin to halt, as the Corsair's sides laser cannons had locked onto the Mandalorian's starfighter and possessed superior firepower. Djarin asserted that he had no conflict with the pirate king; however, Shard dismissed this claim, offering to spare the Mandalorian's life in exchange for the surrender of his ship. Distrusting Shard, Djarin fled and escaped into hyperspace, prompting Shard to growl on his ship's command deck.

One last stand

Gorian Shard shot first

At some point following the confrontation with Djarin, Shard took action against Karga. As his Corsair entered Nevarro's atmosphere, the pirate king communicated with Karga via hologram. Shard expressed surprise at seeing the former Guild Master dressed in a nobleman's attire while hearing the former Bounty Hunters' Guild member's voice, announcing his intention to attack Nevarro. The high magistrate attempted to intimidate the pirate king with a bluff, mentioning that the New Republic's Spinward patrol regularly passed through the area; however, Shard countered that the New Republic was incapable of protecting the Mid Rim from the Pirate Nation. Shard pointed out that Karga had killed his helmsman, and the high magistrate responded that his helmsman had initiated the shooting, prompting Shard to commence an aerial bombardment of Nevarro City, the planet's capital, instructing Karga not to contact him again unless he intended to surrender. While the townspeople evacuated the city, Karga sent a message to New Republic pilot Carson Teva, requesting his assistance in defending his world from Shard's forces.

Pirate King Gorian Shard confronts High Magistrate Greef Karga via hologram.

Teva, who believed that the pirate king's attack on Nevarro was linked to Imperial Moff Gideon's occupation of the planet and that these two incidents were part of a larger threat, which was indeed the case, as Gideon intended to exploit the pirate siege to attack the New Republic, traveled to the New Republic member planet Coruscant in an attempt to gather more forces with which he planned to confront Shard. However, as Nevarro was not a member of the New Republic, the government was unable to provide any assistance. As Shard's pirates looted the city, Teva recruited Djarin and other Mandalorians to combat Shard's forces.

Djarin's N-1 and Mandalorian Bo-Katan Kryze's Kom'rk Class fighter transport arrived at Nevarro and moved to attack Shard's Corsair. After Djarin fired at the pirate vessel, Shard commanded his crew to man the gunwales and launch Vane's snubfighter squadron. Djarin destroyed several fighters and the Corsair proceeded to follow the attacking vessel, leaving Nevarro's capital.

In a puffer's pig eye

While Vane's group pursued Djarin's starfighter to the lava flats under Shard's directive, Kryze's fighter transport arrived over the city, and two teams of Mandalorian warriors jumped from the ship, falling to the city below and attacking the pirate forces in the settlement. Kryze used her vessel's cannons to attack the pirate Corsair, destroying one of its engines.

An Ugnaught coxswain reported the condition of the vessel to Shard, who commanded the other to instruct Vane and the other snubfighters to reform for a counter attack. As the Mandalorian warriors eliminated the pirate forces in the city, Kryze and Djarin engaged Vane's squadron, destroying snubfighters, one of which crashed into the Corsair, destroying another engine and damaging the vessel's deflector shields. After the coxswain announced the damage the Corsair had suffered, Shard exclaimed the phrase dank farrik.

Gorian Shard removed a pirate from the helm and moved the Corsair to the location of Nevarro's townspeople in an attempt to kill them.

The Mandalorians circled the remaining pirates and forced them to surrender, and Vane proceeded to flee, telling his pirate king that it had been a pleasure to serve him. As all but one of the Corsair's engines had been destroyed, a pirate crewmember warned that they should retreat; however, Shard removed a Warthog pirate from the Corsair's helm and moved the vessel to the location of the townspeople, seeking to kill them. However, the Mandalorian vessels destroyed the pirate warship's last engine, and the Corsair began to fall to Nevarro's surface, with Shard screaming as his vessel crashed. Later, the defeat of Gorian Shard and his pirates was reported to Gideon by his agent, Elia Kane, who informed the Moff that the attack on Nevarro had been thwarted by Mandalorian forces commanded by Bo-Katan Kryze and Din Djarin.

Personality and traits

Gorian Shard screamed as his Corsair crashed.

Shard was a male extraterrestrial pirate, characterized by a moss-haired face. He displayed a grimace when Djarin successfully escaped from Nevarro's asteroid fields. His physical features included green hair, green skin, and red eyes.

The pirate king chuckled at Djarin's assertion that he had no quarrel with him, considering it a "kind sentiment." While Vane regarded his fellow pirates as his brothers, Shard unceremoniously removed a Warthog pirate from the Corsair's helm.

During his holographic confrontation with Karga, Shard expressed disbelief at the sight of a pampered nobleman instead of the Guild Master he had expected from the Bounty Hunters' Guild. When a pirate suggested retreat during the battle on Nevarro, Shard vehemently opposed the idea, dismissing the suggestion with the phrase "in a puffer pig's eye."


While seated in a chair on his Corsair's bridge, Shard held a black staff. He wore a pair of brown boots, a black undershirt, and a brown, ornate shirt decorated with a red band. His shirt's left shoulder was adorned with a black pauldron.

Behind the scenes

Gorian Shard concept art by Aaron McBride

Gorian Shard made his initial appearance in Chapter 17: The Apostate, the seventeenth episode of the live-action series The Mandalorian's third season, which was broadcast on March 1, 2023. He was voiced by Nonso Anozie, with Carey Jones providing the performance. Executive producers Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau made the decision to incorporate Gorian Shard into the narrative. In an Instagram post on March 2 of that year, Anozie noted that some viewers felt Shard resembled Swamp Thing, a character from DC Comics, and expressed that it was "such fun to be part of." Aaron McBride created two pieces of concept art depicting Shard on his flagship's bridge.

