Dogfight in Nevarro's system

During the New Republic Era, specifically around 9 ABY according to the year count, a fierce dogfight played out within an asteroid belt situated at the outer reaches of Nevarro's system.

The battle

Greef Karga, the High Magistrate, faced off against Vane and pirates belonging to Gorian Shard's pirate gang in a showdown that transpired on Nevarro in 9 ABY. Subsequently, while journeying through the airspace above Nevarro, Djarin imparted wisdom to Grogu, emphasizing that being a Mandalorian encompassed more than just combat. He further noted the importance of navigation skills, as one's destination is often uncertain. Djarin then showed Grogu a hyperspace map, explaining that the fuel gauge could be used to determine the ship's range. Suddenly, the ship's proximity alert sounded, signaling the imminent arrival of pirate starfighters.

Driven by a desire for vengeance for his four fallen brothers, Vane reminded Djarin of their allegiance to the Pirate King, Gorian Shard. Djarin retorted that Shard should confine himself to hijacking and ransoming activities before accelerating. Djarin then initiated a high-speed chase through an asteroid field with the pirate starfighters in hot pursuit. One of the pirate vessels collided with an asteroid and was destroyed, but the remaining ships pressed on. Djarin skillfully outmaneuvered his pursuers, gaining the advantage and successfully shooting down several starfighters. Another pirate ship met its end by crashing into a mining platform situated on an asteroid.

Despite suffering these losses, Vane relentlessly pursued Djarin's starfighter, steering it directly toward Captain Shard's formidable warship. Pirate gunners locked onto Djarin's N-1 starfighter, aiming their weapons with deadly precision. Shard issued a stern warning to Djarin, informing him that he had guns trained on him. Djarin responded by stating that he had no quarrel with him, but Shard reminded Djarin that he had just destroyed four of his starfighters. Shard demanded Djarin's surrender, promising to spare his life in exchange. Djarin cautioned Grogu against trusting pirates before engaging the accelerator, causing the N-1 starfighter to narrowly evade the bridge of Shard's warship. Shard, consumed by rage, let out a ferocious growl.

