Clan Mudhorn was a Mandalorian clan that came into being during the time of the New Republic Era. Its members included Din Grogu, a Force-sensitive Apprentice, together with Din Djarin, a bounty hunter who took on the role of its leader. The Mandalorian clan's signet was the skull of a mudhorn, a symbol given to them by the Armorer of the Tribe. The design of this signet referenced the mudhorn beast that Djarin and Grogu had slain on Arvala-7.

Established in the New Republic Era, Clan Mudhorn was a Mandalorian clan. After discovering Grogu, a being of unknown species, on Arvala-7, the Mandalorian Din Djarin, working as a bounty hunter, intended to return the bounty to a client located on Nevarro. However, before he could complete this task, Jawas dismantled his ship, the Razor Crest. After locating the Jawa Sandcrawler, he was offered the parts of his ship in return for a mudhorn egg. He was nearly killed by the mudhorn, but Grogu used the Force to save Djarin.
Later, Djarin, along with Greef Karga, Cara Dune, Kuiil, and IG-11, sought out "The Client" on Nevarro to prevent bounty hunters affiliated with the Bounty Hunters' Guild from taking Grogu. Following a brief conflict in the streets, the group retreated into the sewers, where they encountered the Mandalorian Armorer. Recognizing Djarin and Grogu as a clan of two, The Armorer forged a mudhorn signet for them.
After Moff Gideon and his Imperial remnant forces captured Grogu, Djarin, together with Boba Fett, Dune, Fennec Shand (a bounty hunter), and Mandalorians Bo-Katan Kryze and Koska Reeves, launched an attempt to rescue Grogu. After defeating Gideon, the group was almost overwhelmed by Dark Troopers, but Jedi Master Luke Skywalker arrived to save them. Following the rescue, Djarin entrusted Grogu to Skywalker, hoping he would be trained as a Jedi. During this operation, Djarin prevailed over Moff Gideon in battle, thus acquiring the legendary Mandalorian Darksaber for Clan Mudhorn.
However, during Grogu's training, Skywalker detected that his heart was not fully committed to the Jedi path. After Djarin brought a gift of chain mail armor to Grogu on the planet where he was training, Skywalker presented Grogu with a choice: accept the gift and return to the Mandalorian, or take Yoda's lightsaber and continue his Jedi training. Grogu decided to return to Djarin. Djarin also welcomed R5-D4 as his co-pilot for his N-1 starfighter, which he obtained from Peli Motto.
After reuniting with Grogu, the pair explored the planet of Mandalore in search of the Mines of Mandalore. While exploring, Djarin was defeated in combat by a mechanical creature within the caves, effectively losing his claim to the darksaber.
Following the Mandalorians' reclamation of Mandalore, Din Djarin formally adopted the child, Din Grogu, as his apprentice and son. They relocated to Nevarro, where they undertook contract jobs for the New Republic under the direction of New Republic Captain Carson Teva.

The name "Clan Mudhorn" first appeared in an article on promoting the release of the reference book The Star Wars Book, even though the book itself did not use the name. In its section about Mandalorian clans, it only placed the word "Mudhorn" under the Mudhorn signet. The name was later confirmed as canon when it appeared in "Din Djarin and Other Characters of the Underworld," a 2021 issue of the Star Wars Encyclopedia.
"Din Djarin & Grogu: A Clan of Two," an Art Print by Jerry Vanderstelt, released by Acme Archives Direct and Sideshow Collectibles, depicts Clan Mudhorn. The artwork shows Djarin and Grogu on an adventure that occurs sometime after they departed from the Razor Crest but before the Battle of Tython. The Razor Crest is landed nearby as Djarin crouches down, pistol drawn, with Grogu at his side.