Clash on Nevarro

The events known as the Clash on Nevarro unfolded on the planet of Nevarro during the year 9 ABY. This conflict involved a splinter group of the Imperial remnant and the allies who supported Din Djarin, a Mandalorian working as a bounty hunter. The situation began when Djarin absconded with Grogu, a Force-sensitive infant, after initially being contracted to deliver the child to the remnant. Pursued relentlessly by both the Imperials and members affiliated with the Bounty Hunters' Guild, the Mandalorian eventually made an agreement with Greef Karga, the guild's expeditor, to eradicate the remnant's presence from Nevarro City. In this endeavor, the bounty hunter enlisted the aid of Cara Dune, a former rebel, and Kuiil, an Ugnaught.

Initially, Karga's intention was to betray Djarin and hand over Grogu to the remnant. However, his plans changed dramatically when the infant saved his life, killing his bounty hunter associates. Following this, the expeditor joined forces with Djarin and his allies to assassinate his Imperial client in Nevarro city. While Kuiil was tasked with escorting Grogu back to Djarin's ship, the remaining members staged a false capture of the Mandalorian. However, Moff Gideon, the client's superior, intervened, trapping Djarin's group at the common house, resulting in the death of the client and his guards.

Two scout troopers intercepted and killed Kuiil, subsequently capturing Grogu. Nevertheless, IG-11, a reprogrammed IG-series assassin droid previously under Kuiil's care, intervened, neutralizing the troopers and rescuing the child. Simultaneously, Gideon issued an ultimatum to Djarin, Dune, and Karga, demanding their surrender by nightfall. However, IG-11 soon arrived in Nevarro city, riding one of the scout troopers' speeder bikes, and launched an assault on the forces holding Djarin's group captive. Djarin and his companions joined the fray, eliminating numerous enemies. Despite their efforts, Gideon inflicted severe injuries on the Mandalorian, forcing the group to retreat into the common house.

Gideon then deployed an incinerator trooper with orders to eliminate Djarin's group. However, Grogu utilized the Force to defeat the trooper. Subsequently, Djarin's comrades escaped into the Nevarro sewer, where they discovered the remnants of Djarin's Mandalorian covert, revealing that the Mandalorian's tribe had been massacred. The Armorer, the sole surviving Mandalorian, presented Djarin with a signet and a jetpack, entrusting him with the mission of reuniting Grogu with the Jedi. Following this, Djarin and his allies embarked on a journey through an underground lava river to reach Nevarro's lava fields.

At the lava fields, a platoon from the Imperial remnant attempted to ambush Djarin's group. However, IG-11 made the ultimate sacrifice, destroying the platoon. Gideon then launched an attack on Djarin and his comrades, piloting an Outland TIE fighter. The Mandalorian, utilizing his jetpack, intercepted the TIE and brought the fighter down using a detonator. Subsequently, Djarin parted ways with Karga and Dune to deliver Grogu to a Jedi. Gideon, however, survived the crash of his TIE and rejoined his remnant.


Hunt for Grogu

During the reign of the New Republic in 9 ABY, the Mandalorian bounty hunter known as Din Djarin accepted a hired assignment on the planet of Nevarro to locate and capture a Force-sensitive infant named Grogu. The benefactor, only known as the Client, was secretly an agent of the notorious Moff Gideon, who commanded a remnant of the fallen Galactic Empire. Djarin was one of several agents from the Bounty Hunters' Guild that the Client hired on behalf of the Moff, who sought Grogu for reasons of a personal nature. Although Djarin was successful in retrieved Grogu from Arvala-7 and handing him over to the Client, he became concerned for the infant's well-being and ultimately shot his way through the remnant's facility to rescue him.

With the intervention of his covert, Din Djarin was able to escape Nevarro with Grogu.

Greef Karga, who was an expeditor of the Bounty Hunters' Guild, confronted Djarin for violating the Guild's Code, which led to a violent conflict in Nevarro City between Karga's hunters and Djarin's allies, a group of Mandalorian warriors referred to as the Tribe. Even though Djarin managed to escape with Grogu aboard his gunship, the Razor Crest, the other members of the Tribe stayed behind to provide cover for his escape. In response to the conflict, Gideon's Imperials established an oppressive regime over Nevarro, hindering the Guild's operations and massacring the Tribe at their covert. As Karga began to question his relationship with the remnant, Djarin sought out work on remote planets outside of the Guild, but he was constantly pursued by other hunters seeking Grogu. Rumors of his issues with the guild spread to figures like Master Assassin Fennec Shand and his former partner Ranzar Malk.

A few weeks after his escape from Nevarro, following an altercation Djarin had with the New Republic and Malk's crew, Karga sent Djarin a message, seemingly offering the Mandalorian a clean slate with the Guild in exchange for the assassination of the Client. However, Karga's true plan was to lure the bounty hunter back to Nevarro in order to eliminate him and deliver Grogu himself. With limited options, Djarin agreed, but he first decided to gather allies, going against Karga's wishes. These allies included Cara Dune, a former Rebel Alliance shock trooper, and Kuiil, an Ugnaught moisture farmer, who brought along IG-11, the reprogrammed IG-series assassin droid, and three blurrg mounts. Already suspecting that they were walking into a trap, Djarin, who harbored droid-hating feelings, did not allow the IG unit to leave the ship during the mission.

Testing allegiances

Greef Karga meets with Din Djarin and his allies at Nevarro's lava fields

Djarin and his companions met with their supposed ally in a remote part of Nevarro's lava fields. After failing to convince Dune to remain with the Razor Crest, Karga, accompanied by a trio of human, Nikto, and Trandoshan bounty hunters, led Djarin's crew, riding blurrgs, across Nevarro's rocky terrain. After some time traveling, the group set up camp near a lava river to spend the night. There, Karga devised a plan for the next day: he and Djarin would use Grogu as bait at the city's common house, where the Mandalorian would then kill the Client. Assuring them that his posse of bounty hunters could handle each of the four stormtroopers guarding the Imperial agent, Karga insisted that nothing would go wrong for the group during the operation.

However, the Guild leader's words were quickly proven false when the party was attacked by a group of creatures known as Nevarro reptavians. The creatures descended from the darkness of the Nevarro night, carrying away the Trandoshan hunter and two of Kuiil's blurrgs before being driven off by blaster fire. During the ambush, Karga sustained a slash wound across his right forearm, which delivered a fast-acting poison into his system. Although Dune did her best to treat him with an available medpac, the creatures' venom had spread too quickly to be stopped. As Karga prepared for death, Grogu approached him, using the Force to completely heal the otherwise fatal wound. This incident deeply affected Karga, causing him to reconsider his planned betrayal of Djarin and his companions.

Greef Karga betrays his remaining two hunters to save Din Djarin and Cara Dune

The next day, with only one blurrg remaining, Djarin and Dune joined the bounty hunters on foot as they approached the city. On the outskirts of town, Karga turned against his remaining hunters, shooting them down before they could draw their blasters on the Mandalorian. Karga revealed his original intentions to the trio, admitting that Grogu's actions had changed his mind and offering to help them in actually eliminating the Client. After a tense debate, the group decided that Kuiil would return to the Crest with Grogu while Karga and Dune escorted a captured Djarin to the warlord, bringing the infant's sealed hovering pram as a decoy. Once inside, Karga would secretly give a weapon to Djarin, giving him a chance at the Client and ensuring Grogu would be free from Imperial hunters.


A plan gone awry

Din Djarin fakes his capture

Djarin, Dune, and Karga proceeded into Nevarro city, where they were greeted by two scout troopers at the entrance. One of the troopers, AP-1982, checked Karga's chain code. The three then made their way to the common house, with Karga escorting the cuffed Djarin to the Client under guard. After a discussion about Mandalore and the Empire's rule, the Client requested to see Grogu, but was interrupted by a communication from Moff Gideon. During this time, Djarin freed himself from the cuffs and retrieved a blaster from Karga. Over the transmission, Gideon asked the Client to confirm that Grogu had been brought to the common house and stated that the Client's confirmation should be double-checked. It was at this point that Gideon's squad of death troopers opened fire on the common house from the outside, killing the Client and his stormtroopers while Djarin, Dune, and Karga sought cover.

After the Death troopers stopped firing, more stormtroopers arrived, either on foot or aboard a K79-S80 Imperial Troop Transport, to reinforce the blockade around the common house. Djarin contacted Kuiil, instructing the Ugnaught to escape with Grogu aboard the Razor Crest, but the two scout troopers at Nevarro city's entrance overheard the call and hurried towards Kuiil and the Crest. Gideon joined his forces, landing behind the group in his Outland TIE fighter. Moving to the front of the Imperial troops, the moff insisted that Djarin and his allies did not understand the true nature of Grogu, boasting that the mysterious creature would soon be his. The Mandalorian contacted Kuiil again for an update, but received no response, as the Ugnaught had been intercepted by the two scout troopers and killed, with trooper JS-1975 snatching Grogu.

The ultimatum

Gideon and his forces blockade the common house

The pair of scout troopers traveled back towards Nevarro city and waited nearby for confirmation to enter the settlement. The troopers discussed Grogu and examined him before being interrupted by IG-11, who had arrived to retrieve the infant. The scout troopers threatened the droid, but IG-11 quickly incapacitated both and took Grogu aboard one of the speeder bikes. Meanwhile, Djarin and his comrades searched for an escape route from the common house while Gideon's escort assembled an E-Web heavy repeating blaster in front of the building. Dune attempted to break into a vent leading to the Nevarro sewers but was unsuccessful.

Gideon, having heard the shooting, issued an ultimatum, demanding that Djarin's people surrender or face the E-Web turret, revealing the official backgrounds of Dune, Djarin, and Karga. After Karga asked for assurance, the moff further stated that he could not be trusted to keep any promises and gave the group until nightfall to surrender. Inside the common house, Karga and Dune discussed their options while Djarin identified Gideon and explained how the moff knew of the Mandalorian's name. Djarin attempted to contact Kuiil again and received a response from IG-11, who was advancing on Nevarro city on his commandeered speeder bike with Grogu. The droid informed the Mandalorian of Kuiil's death and his intentions at that time.

Battle in the city

Din Djarin fights Gideon's troops

IG-11 reached the entrance of Nevarro city, gunning down the troopers guarding the area. The droid then continued through the streets on his stolen speeder bike, shooting numerous stormtroopers along the way. Gideon's blockade outside of the common house were alerted to the action and fired on the approaching IG-11, who disembarked from his speeder to allow the vehicle to crash as a distraction. With the droid engaging in a gunfight with the stormtroopers and death troopers, Djarin asked Dune to cover him, and the ex-rebel unleashed blaster fire onto the troopers outside. The Mandalorian himself emerged from the common house, with Karga behind him, and the pair fought the enemy troops. Djarin was attacked by two death troopers, but defeated both with Karga's assistance.

As the fighting continued, Djarin took the E-Web heavy repeating blaster off of its stand and used it to spray even more fire onto the enemy stormtroopers, supported by gunfire from his comrades. At an entry point to the common house, a death trooper planted a detonator which destroyed the blast door and dislodged Dune from her position. Three death troopers then entered the building, suppressing the ex-rebel. In the meantime, Gideon arrived on the battlefield, approaching Djarin. While Dune successfully killed the death troopers trying to eliminate her, Gideon fired on the Mandalorian before shooting the E-Web's power pack, causing an explosion that injured Djarin.

Exiting the common house, Dune rescued the downed Mandalorian under the cover of Karga and IG-11, who followed her back into the building. Karga and IG-11 scrambled to open the sewer vent to escape the surrounded common house. Dune simultaneously tended to Djarin, who was bleeding and wanted his comrades to leave without him to protect Grogu. Meanwhile, Gideon summoned an incinerator trooper, who flamed the interior of the common house through the broken window before moving to the breached entrance to spray another burst of fire into the building. After the trooper entered the common house, Grogu moved forward to deflect the soldier's next wave of fire with the Force, turning it back onto the incinerator trooper.

Escape into the sewers

IG-11 successfully cut through the sewer vent, providing the group with a way into the sewers. Djarin insisted that he would be left behind, but the droid stayed behind as Karga and Dune escaped through the vent opening with Grogu. IG-11 wanted to remove Djarin's helmet in order to save him from his wounds, but the Mandalorian refused, as the Mandalorian Creed forbade him from showing his face to living things. The droid insisted that he was not a living thing and thus removed the helmet and used a bacta spray to help heal Djarin. The two then entered the sewers and reunited with Dune, Karga, and Grogu, with the former helping Djarin limp along.

The Armorer gifts Din Djarin his own signet, who she tasked with reuniting Grogu with the Jedi.

The group navigated their way to the Mandalorian covert to seek help from the Mandalorians there. However, they instead found the armor of fallen Mandalorians, with only the covert's armorer remaining. While the Mandalorian Armorer melted some of the scattered armor, she inspected Grogu, identifying him as Djarin's new foundling and tasking the Mandalorian with reuniting the infant with the Jedi, whom she believed to be Grogu's kind. After giving Djarin and his comrades directions towards Neverro's lava fields, the Armorer then gifted Djarin his own signet and jetpack as well as some munitions.

With stormtrooper forces searching the sewers, Djarin's group departed for the underground lava river. The Armorer finished melting the remaining Mandalorian armor at the same time before being confronted by a squad of stormtroopers. She was questioned on where Djarin and his comrades had gone, but instead of answering, she proceeded to defeat the squad. Djarin's group reached the river and commandeered a boat to take towards the lava fields, the boat's ferry droid reactivating to comply with their orders.

Final actions

IG-11 walks before the Imperial trap

As Djarin and his comrades approached the end of the underground section of the lava river, the Mandalorian scanned heat signatures that appeared to be a trap set up by a platoon of Gideon's troops. Dune ordered the ferry droid to stop the boat, but had to resort to destroying the droid to prevent it from moving the vessel. The boat, though, did not stop moving, and Dune stressed that she could not surrender. Knowing that the troopers were solely after Grogu, IG-11 decided that he was going to use his security protocols to destroy the enemy platoon. Djarin refused to let the droid destroy himself, but IG-11 insisted that there was no other way and proceeded to walk into the Imperial trap ahead. As the droid had stated, his protocol made him detonate and kill all of the troopers.

Djarin's group exited the tunnel, passing the bodies of the platoon that IG-11 had just destroyed. It was at that moment that Gideon arrived, flying his Outland TIE fighter. The moff released a barrage of fire at the boat while under fire from Djarin and his companions, but missed and flew around for another strafing run. Djarin put on his new jetpack and flew up before Gideon's TIE as it approached again, using a grappling line to latch onto the fighter. Gideon attempted to shake off the Mandalorian, but the moff's adversary was able to grab onto the frame of the Outland TIE fighter and plant a detonator. Gideon's TIE was crippled and crashed onto the lava fields.


Din Djarin parts ways with Greef Karga and Cara Dune

Djarin reunited with Karga and Dune, and the latter two chose to remain on Nevarro now that the Imperial forces there had been crippled. Karga offered Djarin a place in the Bounty Hunters' Guild again, but the Mandalorian prioritized his new mission to reunite Grogu with the Jedi. Djarin thus parted with his new foundling and returned to the Razor Crest. The Mandalorian buried Kuiil before departing Nevarro aboard his gunship. Meanwhile, Gideon's crashed Outland TIE fighter caught the attention of some Jawa scavengers. While the scavengers picked apart the wreckage, Gideon, who had survived the crash, cut his way out of the cockpit with the darksaber, a lightsaber used to stake claim to the Mandalorian throne, and returned to his remnant.

Djarin began his quest to return Grogu to the Jedi, seeking out other Mandalorians to help him. He found ex-Mand'alor Bo-Katan Kryze, whom he assisted in a mission in return for information on finding a Jedi. Kryze subsequently informed him of the former Jedi Ahsoka Tano, who was present on the planet Corvus. Before Djarin reached Corvus, though, he stopped at Nevarro, where Karga and Dune had reorganized Nevarro city following the end of the brief Imperial occupation. The Mandalorian helped the pair destroy an Imperial base on the planet to end the Imperial presence on Nevarro entirely. After, Djarin traveled to Corvus and found Tano, who refused to take in Grogu but advised the Mandalorian to take the foundling to the planet Tython and place the infant on the seeing stone to choose his own path.

Grogu was taken in by Luke Skywalker

Djarin followed Tano's instructions; however, his efforts were disrupted by two distinct factions: the bounty hunter Boba Fett alongside assassin Fennec Shand, and Gideon with his forces. Gideon's contingent successfully captured Grogu while also destroying the Razor Crest. In an effort to save his foundling, Djarin allied himself with Fett, Shand, and Dune, eventually locating Gideon's light cruiser through assistance from ex-Imperial Migs Mayfeld. Subsequently, they joined forces with Kryze and fellow Mandalorian Koska Reeves, managing to infiltrate the light cruiser and rescue Grogu. Ultimately, they received aid from the Jedi Luke Skywalker, who, having sensed Grogu's signal from the seeing stone, took the foundling with him, thereby concluding Djarin's objective.

Behind the scenes

This conflict initially appeared in "Chapter 7: The Reckoning" of The Mandalorian, a Disney+ series created by Jon Favreau. Deborah Chow directed the episode, which premiered on December 18, 2019. Segments of the conflict were first shown in the initial official trailer for The Mandalorian, which was released on YouTube on August 23, 2019.

The scenes set within the common house and the surrounding area were filmed at a train yard situated in Los Angeles. Additional scenes were captured using a practical set that was encircled by a 360-degree LED screen, commonly referred to as "The Volume." During filming, backdrops were displayed on the screen in real-time, creating the impression of a tangible environment. Favreau's creative goal for these sequences was to provide fan service, incorporating the Imperial troop transport as a tribute to the Kenner Toy commercial featuring the same model in 1979, as well as the Incinerator stormtrooper as a reference to the 2008 video game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.

Members of the 501st legion costuming group were summoned to bolster the number of stormtroopers in scenes of the Nevarro skirmishes

In the filming of Gideon's Outland TIE fighter landing, the wings were omitted from the physical model and subsequently added via CG. Due to a scarcity of stormtrooper attire, a significant number of individuals from the 501st Legion—a costuming organization comprised of members who possessed self-made stormtrooper costumes—were enlisted. These individuals were informed that they were attending a prominent event but were unaware of the actual nature of the event until their arrival on set.

