Detonators functioned as remote controls capable of activating explosives. When the Separatists seized control of the _Venator_-class Star Destroyer Renown, the detonator was linked to hundreds of Rhydonium containers located in the hangar, with the intention to blow up the Republic fleet, including the space station Valor, which was hosting the Republic strategy conference within the Carida system. The Free Ryloth Movement possessed detonators that could be affixed to bombs, preparing them for detonation. During Beckett's gang's attempt to steal coaxium on Vandor, Val employed a detonator to set off a bomb designed to demolish a bridge. Sabine Wren, the rebel forces' explosives expert, carried detonators in her pockets, enabling her to trigger previously planted charges. The Imperial Inquisitor known as the Eighth Brother was equipped with S-Mine Detonators.