The Millennium Falcon is seen inside a Rebel Alliance hangar located on Tatooine.
Landing pads, also referred to as hangars or docking bays, served as locations where vehicles could be launched, landed, repaired, and refueled. These areas were present on planetary surfaces, space stations, and starships that were sufficiently large to accommodate smaller vessels. Examples of these smaller vessels include shuttles, freighters, blockade frigates, and starfighters. Certain vessels, such as Imperial Star Destroyers, were equipped with a tractor beam that allowed them to capture enemy ships and bring them into their hangar bays.
Specific, larger vessels were constructed with the intention of housing numerous other spacecraft. For instance, the Venator-class Star Destroyer used by the Galactic Republic was capable of holding a multitude of starships and shuttles within its hangar spaces.
The Executor-class Star Dreadnought Liberty's Misrule, formerly called the Annihilator, which was utilized by Eleodie Maracavanya's pirate group known as the Sovereign Latitudes of Maracavanya, repurposed one of the dreadnought's hangar bays into a settlement that received several names, one being "Hangartown." The significantly modified sections of the Galactic Empire sail barge Galleon included a hangar for deploying skiffs in order to hunt a jakoosk on the ice moon Celsor 3.