The Executor-class Star Dreadnought, alternatively referred to as the Executor-class Super Star Destroyer, was initially designated during its production phase as the Super-class Star Destroyer. It's also known simply as the Super Star Destroyer class, the Super Star Destroyer, or the Super Class. These massive vessels, conceived by Lira Wessex, represented some of the most immense and formidable Imperial starships ever brought into existence. While grouped with other colossal Imperial capital ships under the umbrella term Super Star Destroyers, their technical classification was actually Star Dreadnoughts. The most notable among these Super Star Destroyers was undoubtedly the Executor, the flagship commanded by the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader.

Executor-class Dreadnoughts stretched an impressive 19,000 meters in overall length. Propelled by a set of thirteen Executor-50.x engines, they could achieve velocities reaching 100 kilometers per hour. These colossal starships required a crew complement of 280,784 individuals and could accommodate 38,000 troops and associated personnel. The Executor-class featured advanced long-range sensors, and its onboard supplies were sufficient for six years of operation. Each Executor-class Star Dreadnought was equipped with a navicomputer, and its primary hyperdrive system was rated Class 1, with a Class 10 backup. Their hull was constructed from alusteel reinforced with titanium, mirroring design elements of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer. The bridges were protected by deflector shields and featured communication domes. Furthermore, Executor-class vessels incorporated at least one ventral hangar bay and escape pods.
The bridge of the Executor-class, spanning 285 meters in width, housed shield generators, briefing rooms, and escape pods. However, its relatively exposed position made it susceptible to attacks from enemy forces.
The Executor-class Dreadnought brandished a staggering array of offensive weaponry, comprising over 5,000 turbolasers, including 750 twin heavy turbolaser batteries, and 1000 turret-mounted twin light turbolaser batteries. In addition to its turbolaser arsenal, the Executor-class Dreadnought also carried 125 assault concussion missile launchers, 100 twin battleship ion cannons and 250 turret-mounted quad laser cannons.

The Executor-class Dreadnought maintained a complement of over 1,000 starships, which included 144 TIE Series starfighters organized into 12 squadrons. The TIE craft assigned to the Executor-class consisted of TIE/ln fighters for air superiority, TIE/sa bombers for tactical bombing runs, and TIE/IN interceptors. The Executor-class Dreadnought also carried 200 assault shuttles, transport shuttles, and various support craft, as well as Y-85 Titan dropships. Beyond its space-based assets, the Executor-class Dreadnought transported numerous All Terrain walkers, including 24 AT-ATs and 50 AT-STs, along with 2 IM-455 modular garrisons.

The Executor-class Star Dreadnought, also known as the Super-class Star Destroyer, was constructed by Kuat Drive Yards during the Imperial Era of the Galactic Empire. Darth Vader had been advocating for the class by the skirmish against the Third Fleet. Throughout its development, at least two prototype models were produced, including the Star Dreadnought Assault Prototype and the Star Dreadnought Command Prototype. Due to the significant allocation of resources to the Death Star project, the development of the Executor-class was somewhat delayed.
The Annihilator functioned as the flagship for Grand General Cassio Tagge before he was set to relocate his command to a still-under-construction Executor-class vessel, simply named the Executor. Tagge was a vocal critic of the Death Star, arguing that the resources poured into the single battle station could have produced numerous Super Star Destroyers. Upon observing the Executor, Vader's personal assassin droids, 0-0-0 and BT-1, debated its aesthetic merits, with 0-0-0 expressing a desire to possess an Executor-class vessel himself. After Tagge's failures enabled the rogue scientist Cylo to nearly commandeer the Executor, Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine transferred command of the vessel and Tagge's fleet to Vader, who subsequently executed Tagge.

According to the Rebel Alliance's intelligence agency, over a dozen Super Star Destroyers were manufactured, including the Executor itself, its sister ship the Lusankya, the Annihilator, the Arbitrator, the Eclipse, and the Ravager. However, the actual number remained uncertain, as Alliance analysts struggled to decipher Imperial propaganda and penetrate the secrecy surrounding Palpatine's clandestine weapons programs. As Vader's flagship, the Executor participated in the Battle of Mako-Ta in 1 ABY, the Battle of Hoth and the Escape from Cloud City in 3 ABY, and the battle over Jekara during the War of the Bounty Hunters. It met its end at the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY.
In the months following the Endor conflict, the New Republic, the Alliance's successor government, destroyed five Super Star Destroyers, including the Arbitrator which accidentally jumped into a black hole due to erroneous hyperspace coordinates, and captured three others. The Annihilator, formerly the flagship of Grand General Cassio Tagge, was seized by pirates and renamed Liberty's Misrule. The only known Super Star Destroyer, and therefore the only known Executor-class, remaining under Imperial control was Grand Admiral Rae Sloane's flagship Ravager, which also served as the base for Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax. In 5 ABY, Sloane uncovered evidence suggesting that the Emperor's command ship, the Super Star Destroyer Eclipse, had not been destroyed but had been removed from official records.

After Sloane's disappearance during the attack on Chandrila, Fleet Admiral Rax formally assumed command of the Ravager as Counselor to the Empire. The Ravager subsequently joined a substantial Imperial armada above the desolate planet of Jakku for a final confrontation with the New Republic. The Ravager was lost during the battle when one of the New Republic's Starhawk-class battleships used its powerful tractor beam to pull it into Jakku's gravitational field, leading to the massive capital ship crashing into the desert sands.