Skirmish against the Third Fleet

During the time of the Imperial Era, a brief conflict, a skirmish, unfolded. This involved the Galactic Empire's Third Fleet, under the command of Grand Admiral Balanhai Savit, and the Chimaera, which was led by Commodore Karyn Faro. The culmination of this skirmish was the apprehension of Savit. Major Dayja Collerand of the Imperial Security Bureau arrested him for stealing components related to Project Stardust.

As the battle progressed, Faro transmitted proof of Savit's illicit activities to the Third Fleet's vessels. Thrawn's four death troopers seized control of multiple TIE fighters belonging to the Firedrake. Commodore Karyn Faro presented this as evidence of a mutiny against Savit, urging the Third Fleet's other Star Destroyers to join her in demanding Savit's arrest. Captain Gilad Pellaeon of the Harbinger examined the evidence Faro provided and decided to support her call for an investigation into Savit's actions.

Infuriated, Savit verbally attacked Thrawn and tried to shoot him with his blaster. However, Ronan intervened, using his cape to briefly obstruct Savit's vision, causing the Grand Admiral to miss his intended target. Savit then turned his attention to Ronan, attempting to shoot him, but ISB Major Dayja Collerand used a stun setting on Savit. Dayja then ordered Grand Admiral Savit to be temporarily relieved of his duties due to a violation of Imperial Navy regulations. These regulations stipulated that blasters on capital ship bridges must always be set to stun. Consequently, the Firedrake was temporarily under the command of Captain Boulag. Savit was taken into custody, awaiting a formal inquiry.

