The shapes and sizes of blasters varied considerably.
A gun, often referred to as a blaster, was a ranged weapon that discharged concentrated bolts of plasma or energy based on particles, frequently mistaken for lasers.
Blasters, which function on similar principles to laser weapons and use magnetic induction in their firing mechanism, transform energy-rich gas into a beam of glowing particles capable of penetrating and melting targets. The projectile, known as a "blaster bolt," acts as a fragment of energy upon firing, impacting the target. These blasters were available in a broad range of forms and dimensions, including stun blasters, blaster pistols, blaster rifles, reconfigurable blasters, scatterblasters, shock blasters, ion blasters, percussive cannons, heavy repeater cannons, repeating blasters, and blaster cannons. Blaster-based artillery could also be mounted on droids and vehicles. They could be adjusted to deliver varying degrees of damage, from stun settings to lethal force. Several blasters, such as the Satine's Lament and the Glie-44 blaster pistol, were named in honor of specific individuals. Several blasters were also combined with melee weapons like the bo-rifle, the blaster spear, and Ketsu's staff.

The concussive force of blaster bolts upon impact could vary, potentially causing additional damage in the vicinity of the impact, contingent on the target's hardness and density. Consequently, some blaster impacts could result in bleeding instead of burning, or both, with sufficient force to rupture organs and fracture bones, especially if the target is protected by armor. Despite the concussive nature of these energized particle weapons, magnetic seals and deflector shields could provide protection against them. Furthermore, a lightsaber blade could deflect incoming blaster bolts. In the Security Forces of Naboo, certain blasters incorporated ascension guns. Some blasters were capable of firing low-powered training bolts, which were distinguished by their orange color.
Dedlanite was a material employed in the construction of blasters. One of the primary manufacturers of blasters was BlasTech Industries.
The firepower of a blaster could be enhanced by using a Trandoshan doubler or tripler, along with an actuating module. Higher rates of fire were achievable through the use of hair triggers. Blasters also had serial numbers on them.
The stock, scope, safety, cautionary pulser, blaster power pack, cooling unit, barrel, barrel-shroud, glowrod, and bayonet were among the components found in blasters.

Blaster bolts exhibited a variety of colors. Red, the most prevalent, was produced using less expensive gas. The Confederacy of Independent Systems, the Rebel Alliance, the Galactic Empire, and the First Order all employed this color. Blue was the color utilized by the Galactic Republic and the Resistance. The Naboo Security Forces, the Umbarans, and the Starfighter Corps of the Galactic Empire used green. This type of blaster gas was both more expensive and more potent. Mandalorians used yellow. Purple was the color of bolts used by the Geonosian Starfighters, the Malevolence, and, most notably, the Magna Guards. The Techno Union octuptarra tri-droid variants on Skako Minor also used purple. The Marksman-H training remote and training droids on Kamino used orange as a low-power, non-lethal blaster bolt color. Clone cadets used cyan, a low-powered variant of the blue blaster bolt, during their training sessions against training droids.
Although kyber crystals are typically used to power lightsabers, they can also be used to power other weapons. Attempts have been made to create kyber bombs and kyber blasters, and a few weapons of this nature, such as a lightsaber rifle, could be found in the Jedi Archives.
Unlike blasters, slugthrowers fired solid projectiles, known as slugs, at high velocities.