An A300 blaster rifle is shown configured as a sniper, carbine, and standard rifle.
Blasters that could be reconfigured represented a class of adaptable blaster weapons. These weapons could have their purpose changed by swapping out specific parts.
The DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System, utilized by clone commandos of the Grand Army of the Republic, could transform between a repeating blaster rifle and a grenade launcher. This was accomplished by exchanging the barrel component of the weapon.
By adding a stock along with an extended barrel, the DL-44 heavy blaster pistol can be altered from its original state as a blaster pistol into a blaster rifle.
Other blasters with reconfigurable properties included models such as the A-180 blaster, the A280-CFE convertible heavy blaster pistol, the A-300 blaster rifle, and also the Relby K-25 blaster.