The sniper rifle, sometimes referred to as a sniper blaster rifle or assassin rifle, represented a specific category of blaster rifle designed for engaging targets from extended distances. While certain rifles were specifically manufactured as sniper rifles, many other models could function in this role through the addition of a scope and supplementary components like a stock.

Leading up to the Clone Wars, Zam Wesell deployed a flying assassin droid in an attempt to assassinate Senator Padmé Amidala on Coruscant. This endeavor was unsuccessful, and Wesell observed the assassin droid returning towards her with Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi clinging to it. In order to elude capture by the Jedi and prevent the exposure of her schemes, Wesell retrieved her sniper rifle from her airspeeder. Utilizing the targeting scope on her KiSteer 1284 projectile rifle to magnify her view of the approaching target, she discharged the weapon at the droid, resulting in its destruction. This action caused Kenobi to fall towards the planet's surface, but he was promptly rescued by Anakin Skywalker. Recognizing the failure of her operation, Wesell swiftly secured her sniper rifle and departed in her airspeeder.

During the Clone Wars conflict, a BX-series droid commando employed a sniper rifle during the Battle of Saleucami, resulting in injury to Rex. Bounty hunters such as Aurra Sing, Rumi Paramita, and Rako Hardeen utilized these rifles in the course of their professions. A Death Watch assassin made use of a sniper rifle in a foiled attempt to assassinate Satine Kryze on Coruscant. Onderon rebels' commander Steela Gerrera wielded one in her struggle to liberate Onderon. The clone trooper Crosshair, who possessed a genetic defect, used a 773 Firepuncher rifle during the Clone Wars and continued to employ this weapon with lethal efficiency while serving the Galactic Empire. During the Assault on Cymoon, Chewbacca fired a sniper rifle at Darth Vader, who successfully deflected all incoming projectiles before employing the Force to cause the collapse of the structure upon which Chewbacca was positioned. Han Solo utilized a DLT-20A blaster rifle as a sniper rifle during the Battle of Vrogas Vas.

Within the Galactic Empire's Stormtrooper Corps, stormtrooper snipers were provided with sniper rifles, notably including the DLT-19x targeting blaster. Agent Del Meeko of the Inferno Squad employed a sniper rifle during the Battle of Endor.
During the New Republic era, Fennec Shand used an MK sniper rifle to target bounty hunters Din Djarin and Toro Calican. Migs Mayfeld demonstrated remarkable accuracy with a cycler rifle to obliterate rhydonium shipments on Morak while situated on the boarding ramp of Boba Fett's Slave I.