Del Meeko

Del Meeko, a male human born on Coruscant, the Galactic Empire's capital planet, was a Coruscanti native during the Imperial Era. He served the Imperial Military under Emperor Sheev Palpatine as a stormtrooper, a shoretrooper holding the military rank of sergeant, an Imperial Starfighter Pilot, and later as the chief engineer on a Star Destroyer with the rank of Lieutenant Commander. After the Rebel Alliance stole the Death Star plans in 0 BBY, year zero, Meeko became an agent of Inferno Squad, a special forces unit commanded by Captain Iden Versio.

The death of the Emperor in 4 ABY triggered Operation: Cinder, a key part of the broader Contingency plan designed to obliterate both the Empire and its adversaries. Inferno Squad was deployed to Fondor with the task of recovering satellites essential for executing Operation: Cinder. Following the completion of their mission, Meeko received orders to destroy the Emperor's Observatory located on Pillio. During his mission, he crossed paths with Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker. Despite being on opposing sides, Meeko and Skywalker cooperated, fighting off numerous scritters, native lifeforms that posed a threat to outsiders, to reach the observatory.

After separating from Skywalker, Meeko rejoined Inferno Squad on Vardos, where the team discovered that Versio's homeworld was slated for destruction under Operation: Cinder. Refusing to participate in the devastation of a world known for its loyalty to the Empire, Meeko and Versio rebelled against the military to protect civilians. Having broken with the Empire, they surrendered to the Alliance, but were offered the opportunity to fight alongside the Rebels in the Battle of Theed. By helping to save Naboo, another target of Operation: Cinder, Meeko and Versio were welcomed into the ranks of the newly established New Republic by Princess Leia Organa.

In 5 ABY, about a year following the Battle of Endor, the new Inferno Squad was among the Republic forces that defeated the Imperial forces under the command of Counselor Gallius Rax during the Battle of Jakku. In the years that followed the Empire's defeat and the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War, Meeko and Versio raised a daughter, Zay Versio. Decades after the war, Meeko was captured by the First Order and interrogated by Kylo Ren, a dark side warrior tasked with finding the last Jedi. Deeming Meeko no longer useful, Ren handed the veteran soldier over to Commander Gideon Hask, a First Order officer who had previously served with Meeko in Inferno Squad, who then personally executed his former comrade.


Early life

Originally native to Coruscant, Del Meeko was raised during the time of the Jedi Order, but the stories he heard about the Jedi instilled fear in him. He had two siblings, both brothers. Meeko steadily advanced through the ranks of the Imperial Military, starting as a stormtrooper, then a shoretrooper on Scarif with the military rank of sergeant, a TIE fighter pilot, and eventually the chief engineer on a Star Destroyer as a lieutenant commander. In his early years with the Empire, Meeko was recognized for his bravery under fire.

Joining Inferno Squad

Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, Admiral Garrick Versio urgently summoned Meeko to Coruscant, and returning to his home planet gave him a sense of nostalgia and comfort. His direct subordinate, Lieutenant Naylyn Bashan, received the message aboard the Lambda-class T-4a shuttle they were traveling in, and the information made those on board, including Admiral Dayun, commander of the Implacable, uneasy. Meeko doubted that Versio's request was due to his past assignment on Scarif, but the thought made him reflect on the friends he had made there who died during the Battle of Scarif.

As they entered Imperial City, two security ships blocked their access. When Meeko told them that Versio had ordered him there, the ship was allowed to proceed. As Meeko prepared to leave, he joked that Bashan might now become an excellent chief engineer in his place. He said goodbye to the crew, hoping that Versio's summons would not be something he would regret.

Del Meeko was drafted into the newly-formed Inferno Squad by Admiral Garrick Versio.

The next morning, Meeko went to Versio's private conference room, where he met Lieutenant Seyn Marana of Imperial Navy Intelligence, Lieutenant Gideon Hask, and Senior Lieutenant Iden Versio, the Admiral's daughter. Meeko watched in shock as they were shown footage of the destruction of the Death Star, captured by Iden when she escaped the blast zone. Admiral Versio then told them that they represented the best of the Empire. He mentioned Meeko's talent for fixing anything he worked on. Versio named the Special Forces team Inferno Squad and tasked them with recovering information, artifacts, or individuals that could harm the Empire if they fell into the wrong hands. To choose a squad leader, each member presented a plan for their first mission, but Iden's was ultimately chosen as the best. Before finishing their plans, the four bonded over Toniray wine and caf in their shared suite, and Iden noted that Meeko would be a good leader given his experience.

Early missions

Inferno Squad's initial mission was to infiltrate the wedding of Famma Pereez, daughter of Moff Jaccun Pereez, on Arvaka Prime to retrieve sensitive information the moff was willing to sell to pay off his gambling debts. Meeko managed to join the decorating staff for the event and hid tiny recording devices throughout the mansion. He also hid a small security code descrambler behind a copy of Ancient Keltrian Poets: Masters of Alliteration, which amused Hask, who was inside the event with Marana. Using the technology Meeko provided, the squad was able to find and escape with the moff's secret datachip.

After the mission's success, Inferno Squad was given the Corvus, a Raider II-class corvette, which would serve as their main transport. Aboard the ship, Meeko found an ID10 seeker droid, which he customized to meet the team's needs. Inferno Squad then completed several smaller missions, but Meeko became disillusioned with the lack of character shown by prominent Imperials they encountered, lamenting that they were so willing to betray the Empire.

The Corvus was provided to Meeko and Inferno Squad and acted as their base of operations.

Inferno Squad was then tasked with extracting the Sullustan Bokk Naarg, a partisan who was willing to defect and provide information on the Dreamers, an organization made up of the remaining members of Saw Gerrera's Partisans. The extraction was to take place from the Singularity club at Tellik Four Station. Meeko stayed on the Corvus to monitor information sent from ID10, or 'Dio' as the droid was renamed, who had accompanied Hask into the club. The extraction failed when Naarg was killed by explosives set off by fellow partisans, but a datachip belonging to the Sullustan was recovered thanks to Meeko's modifications to Dio.

Infiltrating the Dreamers

Admiral Versio told Inferno Squad that their next mission would be to infiltrate the Dreamers to find out how they were receiving the sensitive Imperial information extracted from Naarg's datachip. Meeko was initially confused, telling Versio that the partisans had never been a major threat. He speculated that Gerrera had become a martyr and his surviving followers would increase their violence and exploit the intel they had as much as possible. Versio strongly agreed with Meeko's assessment of the partisans and their intentions.

For the mission, Meeko and Hask would pretend to be brothers, an engineer and a pilot, respectively, and gain access to the Pantoran pirate Lassa Rhayme's Blood Bone Order, who were responsible for delivering food and weapon supplies to the Dreamers. They were told to bond over a week to strengthen their claim of being siblings, which they did successfully. The pair lived inside a force-field-protected container on Fast Friend, a ship piloted by the Devaronian Kurjak. The plan involved the Fast Friend being intercepted and raided by the Opportunity, Rhayme's ship, en route to Eriadu, and the 'brothers' surrendering themselves as partisans. During their time in the container, Meeko told Hask he wasn't planning on settling down and shared stories of his two older brothers, who also served the Empire.

Meeko gained the trust of the feared pirate Lassa Rhayme.

After four days, Rhayme arrived and attacked, and Meeko and Hask were nearly sucked into the vacuum of space before Dio saved them by stabilizing the cabin pressure. The pair went into the ship and, to help the pirates take the ship, blasted members of the ship's smuggling crew. After the Fast Friend was harpooned by the Opportunity, Meeko and Hask eliminated more of the smugglers and tied up the rest. Upon boarding, Rhayme demanded the 'brothers' start talking before she killed them. Meeko explained that they were partisans who had been on Tellik Four Station during the Singularity bombing and were trying to join the Dreamers. Rhayme studied the footage of the event from Dio, which Admiral Versio had carefully edited, and concluded that the brothers' story was genuine. They drank Tevraki whiskey and spoke of their dislike for the Empire. Meeko was taken aback by the Pantoran's beauty and briefly thought of Iden, but blamed the alcohol for it. Rhayme agreed to take the brothers to the Dreamers base on Jeosyn, but they would have to perform work tasks as payment.

First weeks in the base

After arriving at the Dreamers base, Meeko was questioned about his past but quickly adapted to his new lifestyle, wearing smudged, worn clothes and an unshaven look. Marana had arrived first, and eventually Versio joined them, having both been assigned their own paths.

Meeko had been cautiously accepted by the Dreamers' leader, Staven, who believed the engineer had sought them out after everyone in his cell sacrificed their lives so he could do so. He was assigned to assist the Chadra-Fan Piikow in repairing the group's older ships and impressed Staven with his work on them. He had also flown on supply runs with the group before Iden arrived. During combat training sessions, Meeko had to pretend to be less experienced than he actually was.

During a rare moment away from the group's prying eyes, Iden tasked Meeko with finding a way for Inferno Squad to communicate with each other, to which he replied that he had already been working on it, but he could not shake Piikow for long enough to fully commit. However, Meeko found Piikow easy to work with as the Chadra-Fan was just as interested in mechanics as he was, though he did not have much experience interacting with nonhumans. He confirmed that he had not overheard any conversations regarding the Dreamers intel leak, but planned to bug the group's ships once he could work unsupervised. In the meantime, Meeko covertly advised Dio to amend his comlink as a start.

Eventually, Meeko was able to upgrade Inferno Squad's comlinks by adding a second communication channel that only they could access. While amending Marana's, she told him that one of the Dreamers, 'Azen Novaren', was an Imperial agent named Lar Kantayan. The information was later shared with Iden and Hask, and Inferno Squad made a plan to eliminate him. Meeko and Dio went to the Jinata Security starfighter that Iden arrived in, and the droid extracted information from the ship's computer that Novaren had previously used. However, he was called away by Piikow, who informed him about the sentient species that was once native to Jeosyn. Meeko thought the Chadra-Fan's enthusiasm was contagious and pondered how his research skills could have been used for the Empire.

Piikow took Meeko to a cavern away from the base that he had discovered years before by accident. When they descended, Meeko gasped and felt mild fright at what he saw: huge stone statues stretched back as far as the eye could see, each with heads, arms, and legs, and purple light shining from the eye sockets. The mysterious figures had crystals inside them that mimicked human organs, and Meeko was astonished. Assuming them to be droids, Piikow asked Meeko to help him with repairs to fix one up. Meeko was torn by this; he had his mission to complete with Inferno Squad, but he knew this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Quickly, Meeko agreed to help.

Mission to Affadar

Eventually, Inferno Squad had become trusted enough within the Dreamers to participate in a full mission, though Meeko remained at the base. They were to travel to Affadar to expose the head of the local government, Emoch Akagarti, for knowingly distributing toxic water following an agreement with the Empire to fund a mining operation on the planet. Meeko was tasked with making the J-sec starfighter appear more Imperial and was allowed access to the group's databanks to help figure out how to hack the security of Akagarti's residence. He was delighted to be able to work on the starfighter for both the Dreamers' needs and Inferno Squad's, though he raised concerns over Piikow's health to Marana, who reminded Meeko that the Chadra-Fan was the enemy. Meeko also fitted Dio with a homing beacon, which was used to incriminate Novaren in the eyes of Staven following the mission that left partisans Kaev and Nadrine dead. Meeko had also stitched together conversations from the J-sec ship's logs that Novaren had recorded to create conversations between the Imperial agent and an unnamed Imperial Intelligence officer, and uploaded fake Imperial intel and images of Novaren against his code names. With this information, Novaren was tortured and killed by the Dreamers.

Later that night, Inferno Squad was able to convene away from the base to discuss the little they had uncovered. Iden instructed Meeko to convince Piikow that Staven was not a trustworthy leader in an attempt to create division within the group. When the others left, Meeko joined Iden in climbing a tree and inquired about her wellbeing. He told her that while the Dreamers were the enemy, it would be easier to kill someone whose favorite color you did not know, or who had not trusted you with their life. He ended by saying they could not think of the group as people because if they did, they would not be able to finish what they were there to do, though he admitted he was trying to convince himself of that as well.

Mission to Anukara

The next major mission involved Marana and Sadori Vushan, a Kage partisan, taking on the role of teenage schoolchildren at the opening of a munitions factory on Anukara. While there, they would plant a bomb that would kill Moff Rys Deksha, General Ivel Toshan, and the nearly four hundred schoolchildren in attendance. Though not pleased with what the mission entailed, Meeko was able to obtain the codes required to land the ship near the school shuttle. He acted as the point of contact for Marana, taking on the role of her concerned father as a cover and monitoring their actions through the eyes of Dio, who was with Marana as a medical droid. Meeko did harbor concern at how easily a pair of teenagers could smuggle a bomb into an Imperial facility. As the mission began, he thought of the mysterious statues in the caverns on Jeosyn to distract him.

Marana planted the bomb and radioed Meeko to extract them. However, Marana had secretly delayed the bomb's detonation to allow the schoolchildren to move on. This directly led to the death of Sadori, who returned to the factory to complete the mission, destroying the factory and himself. Meeko prevented her from chasing after him and carried her back to the shuttle, where they saw the explosion and the schoolchildren escaping to safety. Meeko was later grilled about his preparation of the bomb but was quickly concluded to have done no wrongdoing.

The beginning of the end

Sometime later, Meeko and Piikow returned to the caverns to continue researching the statues. They had opened up a second statue and removed each crystal piece by piece for measuring and recording. He felt like he was performing an autopsy given the statue's similarities to a human body. The statues had begun to unnerve Meeko with their mystery but reckoned they had plenty of example pieces to work with and study. Piikow mused that they did not have all the time they wanted to study the statues given their roles in the Dreamers and his dwindling health. Meeko once again wondered if Admiral Versio would spare Piikow given his vast intelligence and knew the Empire had the means to treat his condition.

Later, back in the base as Meeko was talking with Iden and The Mentor, a perplexing member of the group of which little was known, Marana was interrogated after accidentally conversing in Piikow's native tongue, an act which went against her cover of being a lowly slave. As she revealed that she was responsible for the bodged mission to Abbafar, and subsequently Sadori's death, to avoid torture and endangering the mission further, the youngest member of Inferno Squad willingly took her own life by impaling herself on the vibroblade Iden had been holding. Meeko was part of the group that disposed of Marana's corpse. He told Iden not to blame herself, but she informed the remainder of Inferno Squad that they needed to act quickly, decisively, and as a team to finally complete the mission.

Ending the Dreamers

Meeko had to force himself to behave naturally around Piikow knowing that the mission was coming to its conclusion. Before heading off to secretly repair a ship that would be used for the squad's getaway, he told the Chadra-Fan that he now believed the statue's original creators communicated telepathically, which the crystals would somehow react to, and that he should take The Mentor with him in the caverns for safety. He then completed his work on the ship, ensuring his part in the plan was nearly complete.

That evening, tempers flared in the base after The Mentor accused Staven of going through his personal belongings. It had been Iden who had sliced into his datapad to learn his true identity and other secrets he harbored. As Iden left to follow The Mentor to retrieve his datachip of stolen Imperial information, Meeko stayed with Hask in the base with the remaining Dreamers and quietly prepared the recently repaired ship for a quick getaway. As he did so and before Iden had arrived back with the datachip, Hask murdered the Dreamers by blasterfire, an act that left Meeko feeling numb. Before the bodies could be buried, Meeko looked on in shock as the humanoid statues from the cavern lumbered toward them. Each statue gently collected the body of a fallen Dreamer and carried them back to the cavern to tend to them after their lives had been extinguished, and Meeko finally understood their purpose.

Following the mission, Meeko was interrogated and debriefed by Admiral Versio and was recommended for a commendation for his work on the mission.

Inferno Squad were quickly put back to work and their next mission was to neutralize blackmailers who were intending to uncover a moff's indiscretions. Before the mission, Meeko boarded the Corvus where he found Iden placing a bottle of Tevraki whisky on Marana's bunk. He told her it was good to be back on the ship and that Marana's death still pained him. He then asked Iden whether she killed The Mentor as her blaster was set to stun, to which she replied that he already knew. As he began to tell her that he had thought of ways to get Piikow treatment, he quickly stopped as Hask came aboard. Together, the surviving members of Inferno Squad raised a toast to a successful mission and to Seyn Marana, who had given her life for it. Meeko honored her by repeating Marana's toast she had delivered in the Ahak Maharr language before the Dreamers mission which elicited laughs from the three of them.

Hunting Qi'ra and Crimson Dawn

Sometime between 3 and 4 ABY, Meeko and Inferno Squad were given orders by Emperor Palpatine to identify and eliminate all Crimson Dawn agents that he knew were present in Imperial ranks.

Hunting Beilert Valance

Between 3 ABY-4 ABY, Inferno Squad were tasked with locating and subduing the bounty hunter Beilert Valance and delivering him to Lieutenant Jyala Haydenn by order of Darth Vader. They were requested to track down Valance and, if he had not already been destroyed, to wipe his memory wetware completely to prevent classified information from falling into the hands of the Rebellion.

Meeko disabled the hyperdrive of the Edgehawk.

The Corvus pursued Valance and his team far into the Outer Rim Territories, who were aboard the Edgehawk. With expert marksmanship, Meeko successfully damaged the Edgehawk's hyperdrive. Before a boarding party could confirm Valance's presence, Zuckuss directed the Edgehawk into the Lost Souls asteroid field. Due to the Corvus's size and sensor interference from ion clouds, Inferno Squad opted not to follow. Instead, they chose to head for Depatar, the nearest black market spaceport where the Edgehawk might seek repairs. The Edgehawk eventually arrived as they waited.

Iden briefed the squad, emphasizing caution and listing the bounty hunters they needed to neutralize: Bossk, Zuckuss, 4-LOM, T'onga, Losha Tarkon, Tasu Leech, and possibly Valance. Hearing Leech's name, Meeko lamented losing twenty credits on a bet against the bounty hunter in a fighting pit match against Rodrigu Battle. Iden responded that she would ignore his admission of violating Imperial protocol.

Stationed as a sniper, Meeko disabled 4-LOM. Iden, disguised as T'onga, stunned Losha upon returning to the Edgehawk. Meeko and Hask then subdued Zuckuss. Losha inadvertently revealed Valance's presence on board. The squad boarded to arrest Valance for crimes against the Empire, leading to a confrontation with him and Bossk. Meeko fought Valance, but the bounty hunter proved too strong in hand-to-hand combat. After Iden threatened Bossk, Valance surrendered. Meeko revealed he had seen Valance's cybernetic schematics in Imperial files, explaining the procedure would permanently erase his memories. Meeko then activated the memory wipe, apologizing as he did so.

The Battle of Endor and aftermath

Meeko and Inferno Squad during the Battle of Endor.

Before the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Meeko calculated precise hyperspace coordinates. These coordinates allowed for the successful extraction of Iden from the Mon Calamari Security Cruiser Invincible Faith after she deleted Imperial intelligence regarding the impending battle. As the battle began, Meeko and Inferno Squad were sent to the sanctuary moon. Their mission was to capture the saboteurs responsible for the destruction of the second Death Star's shield generator, but they arrived after the shield was destroyed. Admiral Garrick Versio ordered the team to eliminate any remaining rebels and return to the Corvus. Acting as a scout and sniper, Meeko provided information on rebel locations as they headed towards the ship. The squad agreed to continue neutralizing targets, but the Death Star II exploded overhead, interrupting their plans.

Meeko witnesses the destruction of Death Star II.

Meeko was stunned by the destruction of the battle station, but quickly scouted ahead to find available ships and report rebel activity to his comrades. Near Platform 4, he managed to gather a squad. Eventually, the squad secured three TIE Fighters to reach the Corvus.

Leaving the planet's atmosphere, Meeko and his squadmates engaged rebel starfighters among the debris of the destroyed battle station before he was ordered back to the Corvus. Admiral Versio directed them to the Fondor Shipyards, where Meeko defended the Corvus during the attack on Fondor. He destroyed several rebel transports as the squad successfully fought off a rebel attack on Moff Derrek Raythe's Star Destroyer Dauntless, which was carrying satellites for Operation: Cinder.

Encountering a Jedi

As Operation: Cinder progressed, Inferno Squad gained access to the Emperor's Observatory on Pillio. Due to his technical skills, Meeko traveled to the planet with a stormtrooper team to disable the mantle defense system and destroy the Observatory, preventing the Rebel Alliance from using its contents against the Empire.

Meeko encountered Luke Skywalker on Pillio.

On the planet, Meeko became encased in the native amber-like substance. Stranded and calling for help, he discovered his stormtrooper team had been eliminated by Luke Skywalker, who had also come to the planet to find the Observatory. Skywalker found the trapped Meeko and offered assistance, but Meeko immediately recognized the Jedi when he activated his lightsaber to free him. Questioning why Skywalker would help, the Jedi simply replied that Meeko had asked.

Before they could proceed, a swarm of scritters attacked. Meeko detonated a thermal detonator, causing them to fall to a lower level where falling debris nearly crushed him, but Skywalker used the Force to stop it. Dazed, Meeko accepted Skywalker's help to stand. He admitted to having heard terrifying stories about the Jedi as a child, but Skywalker said they needed to work together to escape and gave Meeko his blaster. After Skywalker said the Force seemed to have brought them together, Meeko questioned if the Force was responsible for getting him past his stormtroopers, or if it was the lightsaber he carried. Skywalker responded that they had given him no choice, but Meeko had.

As they advanced towards the Observatory, they fought off multiple waves of scritters. Meeko assured Skywalker that his mission was to destroy the vault, but without disarming the defense system, the entire cavern would explode, killing them both. While Meeko worked to disable the defenses, Skywalker protected him from the attacking scritters, who had been alerted by the security system's activation. Meeko confided in Skywalker that he was glad he was there, as he could not have done the job alone.

Skywalker used the Force to open the Observatory doors, which confused Meeko. He asked Skywalker if Palpatine was secretly a Jedi, but Skywalker replied that Meeko had been afraid of the wrong things as a child on Coruscant. Upon entering and examining the Observatory's contents, Meeko remarked that the Emperor was simply protecting worthless junk.

Skywalker told Meeko he had a choice to be better.

Skywalker discovered a compass. Although Meeko initially refused to let the Jedi take it, he relented after Skywalker pointed out that he had asked to take it, just as Meeko had asked for help earlier. The Jedi said he wouldn't stop Meeko from destroying the vault, but questioned if he thought the Empire had caused enough damage to innocent worlds. Meeko challenged him about what would happen between them next, and Skywalker expressed his belief that Meeko couldn't simply walk away and ignore their encounter, sensing a conflict within him. Meeko confirmed the conflict, acknowledging the Empire's capabilities but seeing no alternative. The Jedi told him he had a choice, and while Meeko assumed he meant joining the Rebellion, Skywalker clarified that he had a choice to be better. As the Jedi departed, he warmly wished Meeko, "May the Force be with you."

Defecting to the Rebel Alliance

Meeko and Inferno Squad on Vardos.

As part of Operation: Cinder, Meeko and Inferno Squad were later assigned to extract Gleb, the headmaster of the Future Imperial Leaders Military Preparatory School Protectorate, from Iden's homeworld of Vardos. Upon arriving at the planet, Meeko immediately noticed the Dauntless and several climate disruption array satellites positioned above it. After the satellites were activated, the squad landed the Corvus and proceeded to Kestro City. Meeko commented that he had never seen storms like the ones raging on the planet and feared the locals' terror. He questioned why citizens were not being evacuated from Vardos, an Imperial world, and suggested that Gleb was simply calling in a favor with her extraction.

Meeko angered Hask by stating he wanted no part of the new Empire.

When Gleb was located in the Archive, Meeko requested that the injured civilians present be evacuated, but Hask angrily dismissed the idea. Meeko challenged whether his comrade even recognized the Empire anymore, but Hask stated that this was a new Empire. Meeko then declared that he wanted no part of it. Despite Hask's accusation of treason, Iden agreed with Meeko and subdued Hask. An arrest warrant was immediately issued for Meeko and Iden, and the pair quickly returned to the Corvus, though Meeko was visibly concerned. As he fought stormtroopers while trying to disable the planet's anti-air systems, Meeko expressed his regret at having to kill his former colleagues. To disable the anti-air cannons, the pair hijacked an All Terrain Armored Transport, with Meeko piloting as Iden successfully destroyed the targeting array. Reaching the Corvus, Meeko piloted them off-world and into the Vorpal Nebula.

Meeko and Iden aboard the Corvus in the Vorpal Nebula

Alone, Meeko told Iden that they needed to warn others about what was happening. He suggested that she take the Corvus while he used a TIE Fighter to send a distress call to the Rebel Alliance. Iden refused, stating that together, they were Inferno Squad. Iden sent a distress call via hologram to the Rebel Alliance, which Shriv Suurgav received. The pair were then captured and interrogated aboard the Restoration, providing the Rebels with information about the Empire and Operation: Cinder. Later, Lando Calrissian met them, offering them two X-wings to start a new life, an offer that surprised Meeko. Calrissian informed them that Operation: Cinder was heading to Naboo and offered them a choice: take the ships and leave, or help on Naboo. When Meeko asked Iden what the alternative to helping was, the pair agreed to assist in stopping Operation: Cinder on Naboo.

Aiding Naboo

Meeko joined Suurgav and the rest of Danger Squadron over Naboo, assisting Princess Leia Organa and destroying the climate disruption array satellites above the planet. He also helped take out the Torment's shield arrays, leading to its destruction. On the ground, Meeko repaired several disabled power relays throughout Theed, with Organa and a team of rebel soldiers providing protection.

Meeko, Iden, and Suurgav meeting with Leia Organa in Theed.

Once the power arrays were activated, Meeko entered the Theed Royal Palace and reactivated the city's defense system. This resulted in an ion blast that neutralized nearby Imperial weapons, transports, and ships, leading to the surrender of Imperial forces.

Following the battle, Organa confronted Meeko and Iden inside the palace, having learned from Calrissian that they were, in fact, Inferno Squad. The Princess noted that the pair were not just running from the Empire, but fighting for something, having witnessed them during the battle. Iden replied that they had been fighting for the wrong side and would join the New Republic. Organa told them that they were examples of why both hope and the New Republic would ultimately prevail.

Serving the New Republic

Extracting Han Solo

Months later, Meeko assisted in the successful extraction of Han Solo and fellow Imperial defector Ralsius Paldora from Takodana. Piloting an X-wing, he helped down an Imperial light cruiser and TIE Fighters that had attacked Maz Kanata's castle.

After the Takodana mission, Iden requested that Inferno Squad track down and capture her father, following stolen intel gathered by Paldora indicating that the Admiral had been running missions on Bespin and Sullust. Meeko explained to the Princess that they were asking her directly, as Fleet Command might not approve of such a personal mission. Receiving permission to locate and capture Versio, Meeko told Organa, "May the Force be with you."

Mission to Bespin

Meeko and Iden traveled to Chinook Station on Bespin to destroy Imperial fuel reserves and try to capture Hask, who they had learned was also on the planet. To avoid detection, the pair flew their X-wings through the dense clouds leading to the station. Meeko was amazed by the massive Beldons that provided the planet's tibanna gas, which Iden found endearing. He stated that capturing her father would put the New Republic in a strong position to end the war. This led him to consider his life after the war, and he told Iden that he wanted to travel the galaxy to planets like Lothal and Mykapo to see them free from oppression.

Upon landing, the pair headed for the Overseer's Tower, eliminating squadrons of stormtroopers along the way. To ease their passage to the tower and Hask, Meeko and Iden donned stormtrooper armor to blend in. Meeko looked forward to confronting Hask, but disliked the resurfacing memories of being around so many stormtroopers. He reflected that since [Endor](/article/endor], the Empire's occupations had only worsened, and that he and Iden could have been stationed on Bespin had things been different. Iden reminded him of all the people they had given hope to, inspiring him to complete the mission, though he was still surprised by the station's activity.

Reaching the tower, a hologram of Hask appeared, revealing that he knew of their arrival and was no longer there. They were then ambushed by a wave of stormtroopers as they attempted to commandeer ships to destroy the Empire's fuel supplies. Their only option was a cloud car, which they used to destroy the fuel cells, resulting in a chain reaction that destroyed three Star Destroyers refueling at the refinery.

The Battle of Jakku

Meeko during the Battle of Jakku.

In 5 ABY, Meeko participated in the Battle of Jakku, the final battle of the Galactic Civil War. He piloted the Corvus during the battle and was shocked by the number of distress calls he received as the ship entered the fray. Before Iden left, Meeko urged her to return safely, and she responded by telling him to ensure she had a ship to return to. Suurgav sarcastically thanked Meeko for not wishing him luck as well.

The Corvus sustained heavy damage during the chaotic battle, but Meeko managed to provide Iden and Suurgav with the locations of nearby distress calls. He identified a downed Star Destroyer dispatching bombers to an Imperial facility in Carbon Ridge and relayed the details to his comrades. During the fight, Meeko also used the Corvus to evacuate and redeploy Captain Lindsey and his troops to Carbon Ridge. At one point, Meeko told Iden and Suurgav that he believed the Empire was losing.

Meeko and the Corvus came under heavy fire from TIE bombers launched from the Eviscerator, commanded by Admiral Versio. Hask joined the battle in a TIE/IN interceptor but was eventually shot down by Iden. She instructed Meeko to get the Corvus to safety while she went to extract her father, but Meeko argued that he wasn't worth saving. Iden insisted on seeing her goal through, and Meeko reluctantly ordered the Corvus to retreat. He attempted to return and retrieve Iden after her X-wing crash-landed on the ship, but his commander disabled her communications and continued on.

Meeko and Iden kissed following the end of the Battle of Jakku.

Meeko later found Iden in a crashed escape pod after the destruction of the Eviscerator, which resulted in her father's death. He helped her out of the pod and happily announced that the New Republic had won the battle. Overjoyed, the pair shared a passionate kiss atop the pod, but were soon interrupted by Suurgav and Dio. He led them to a hill where they looked over the ruins of the battle and the wreckage of the Imperial fleet while holding hands.

Later years and death

In the years following the Empire's collapse, Meeko and Iden married and had a daughter named Zay Versio.

In 34 ABY, Meeko traveled to Athulla in the Corvus to investigate reports that Jinata Security had been kidnapping families from the planet. His investigation led him back to Pillio, where he was captured and injured by Jinata Security and Gleb, who was secretly overseeing Project Resurrection.

Meeko was tortured by Kylo Ren on Pillio.

Kylo Ren arrived on the planet to interrogate Meeko about the location of a map that led to the missing Luke Skywalker, believing that Lor San Tekka had revealed this information to Meeko. As the dark warrior entered the bridge of the Corvus, Meeko sarcastically remarked that he could have just asked to hire his ship. Ren demanded that Meeko tell him where San Tekka had taken the map and used the Force to infiltrate the injured man's mind, causing Meeko intense pain. Meeko defiantly refused to reveal anything, but Ren cycled through his memories regardless. Through the Force, Ren experienced Meeko's memories of Scarif, the Battle of Endor, his first time on Pillio, and the skirmish on Vardos. Ren also confirmed his knowledge of Meeko's marriage to Iden and their daughter. He called Meeko a coward and claimed that Iden had made him a traitor. Ren stated that the faith Meeko had found on Pillio had led him to the Force, which eventually led him to San Tekka, and again demanded the map's location, despite Meeko's resistance. Eventually, the mental torture became unbearable, and Meeko revealed that San Tekka had taken the map to Bayora.

Meeko was killed by his former comrade Gideon Hask.

Ren relinquished control over Meeko and turned him over to Gideon Hask, who was now a First Order officer. Meeko told Hask to skip any pleasantries, as they both knew how their encounter would end. Hask accused Meeko of being a coward who had let him down by defecting decades earlier. Meeko retorted that they had all changed, noting that Hask "used to be dead" after Jakku. Meeko then pleaded with Hask not to pursue Iden, as it would not end well for him. In response, Hask silently approached Meeko and shot him four times with his blaster, killing him. After his death, Hask ordered Gleb to bury Meeko's body on the planet, but to leave the Corvus as bait to lure Iden.


Shortly after, Iden, Zay, and Suurav tracked Hask down to Vardos, where Hask revealed Del's fate. However, Iden, Suurgav, and Zay managed to sneak into the Retribution, and during a struggle to kill Zay, Hask ended up losing his life when a fatally wounded Iden shot him to save her daughter, avenging her husband and proving that Del's last words were correct: going after Iden would not end well for Hask.

Zay repeated the advice Skywalker had given to her father years prior.

In 34 ABY, sometime after the Battle of Crait, Commander Poe Dameron gave a speech to the Resistance about the choice they all had, but struggled to articulate what that choice was. Zay assured that it was the choice to be better, the same advice that Luke Skywalker, who had recently died on Ahch-To, had given her father when they met on Pillio.

Personality and traits

Meeko piloting a TIE fighter

Despite his allegiance to Inferno Squad and his origins within the Empire, Del Meeko grappled with inner turmoil and frequently questioned the morality of the Empire's actions. The execution of the Dreamers by Hask left him deeply disturbed. Unlike his fellow squad members, he possessed a more receptive mindset, which facilitated his collaboration with Luke Skywalker on Pillio, despite their opposing allegiances and his initial perception of Skywalker as a terrorist. Raised on Coruscant, his exposure to the Jedi was limited to tales of fear until Skywalker's intervention, prompting him to forge his own destiny. A lover of nature, he habitually studied the local fauna before visiting a planet. He formed attachments easily, finding it hard to suppress his innate sociability while serving the Empire.


While serving with Inferno Squad under the Empire, Meeko was equipped with a black flight suit featuring red stripes on its right side, and the squad's insignia displayed on both shoulders. He also wore black gloves, black boots, and a black holster. He also wore a black belt with a silver buckle, with another black belt placed above it. An ammo pouch was positioned on his left shoulder.

His black [armor](/article/armor] provided protection for his chest and back, and incorporated a detachable chest plate. Meeko's Inferno Squad helmet was black, decorated with patterned red stripes and both the Inferno Squad and Imperial insignias. His arsenal included either a DLT-19x targeting blaster or an E-11 medium blaster rifle.

Following his defection to the Rebellion, Meeko adopted a maroon leather jacket paired with a soft grey collar. Beneath this, he wore a grey-green flight suit and a black undershirt. His weaponry included an A280C blaster rifle, among other arms.

Behind the scenes

The character of Del Meeko was conceived for the 2017 video game Star Wars Battlefront II, where he was brought to life by the actor TJ Ramini.

