Jedi star compass

A Jedi star compass, alternatively referred to as a Pillio Star Compass or simply a Jedi compass, represented an age-old piece of astrogational technology. It bore similarities to a wayfinder and was conceived by the Jedi Order.


This Jedi star compass took the form of a circular device, small enough to fit in one's palm. Constructed with an aurodium clamp, the compass could be opened and closed like a locket. Etched astromeridian lines adorned the lid, while a graduated bezel stylized the interior. At its core, the device housed a plasma-encased supraluminite lodestone. This lodestone was specifically calibrated to particular points within hyperspace. The compass owned by Luke Skywalker was configured to guide its user toward Ahch-To, the location of the first Jedi temple.


Early history

The Jedi of old discovered methods for navigating the anomalies present within the Galactic Barrier. This allowed them to identify worlds situated in the Unknown Regions, which they used as bases or temples. However, these techniques were eventually lost to time, with the Jedi star compasses serving as the only remaining record of these routes.

Post-Empire era

Emperor Palpatine possessed one such compass within an observatory located on the planet Pillio. During a mission to Pillio, he undertook, the Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker discovered the compass during a visit to the observatory. Skywalker chose to take the compass with him rather than allowing Del Meeko to destroy it along with the observatory.

Later, Ulina recounted a tale suggesting that a scavenger presented Skywalker with the compass shortly after the Battle of Jakku. According to this story, the compass was found inside an Imperial case labeled "Pillio."

Skywalker, accompanied by explorer Lor San Tekka, utilized the compass to chart the network of long-lost and long-forgotten Jedi temples scattered throughout the galaxy. The compass became an addition to Skywalker's collection of artifacts housed at his Jedi temple on Ossus.

During the destruction of his Jedi temple, the compass was found on Ben Solo's nightstand during Luke's confrontation with his nephew. Subsequently, Luke employed the compass to pinpoint the location of the planet Ahch-To.

First Order era

By 34 ABY, Skywalker kept the compass, among other items, at his residence on Ahch-To. Following the death of the Jedi Master during the Battle of Crait, Alcida-Auka, the leader of the native Caretakers, oversaw the collection of the star compass, along with Luke's other belongings, and their storage within the island's repository.

Behind the scenes

Dave Filoni was responsible for the compass's design.

