
Alcida-Auka was a female of the Lanai species, holding the esteemed position of matron for the Caretakers residing on Temple Island of the planet Ahch-To. In the year of 34 ABY, she crossed paths with Rey, formerly a scavenger, within the island's Jedi village. At the time, the Lanai was using a knife to scale a fingerlip garpon when Rey exited the stone dwelling where she was being trained by Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, who also lived on the island.


Alcida-Auka scaled a fingerlip garpon to make a meal for the Jedi village.

Living within the Caretaker village situated on Temple Island of Ahch-To, planet of mystery, Alcida-Auka was a Lanai female. She inherited the role of matron for the Caretakers from her mother, a position passed down through generations, destined to be passed on to her eldest daughter in time. The Caretakers were tasked with maintaining the ancient Jedi village located on the island, and during Alcida-Auka's leadership, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker resided there. The Caretakers accepted his presence, though his insistence on performing most of their duties for him perplexed Alcida-Auka.

In the year of 34 ABY, Rey, a scavenger, journeyed to Ahch-To seeking to enlist Skywalker in the Resistance and receive training. After Skywalker reluctantly agreed to instruct Rey, the apprentice began sleeping in one of the stone huts within the Jedi village. Following a vision of her adversary Kylo Ren, Rey inadvertently created a hole in the hut's wall and emerged to find Alcida-Auka and the other Caretakers outside. While some Lanais focused on repairing the damage, the matron, as part of her daily routine, used a fish-scaling knife on a clay chopping board to scale a fingerlip garpon for a village meal. Upon inquiring about Rey's identity, Skywalker claimed she was his niece, a statement Alcida-Auka doubted.

Later, during lightsaber training on a cliff, Rey, a young Force-user, cleaved a rock in two. The falling rock crashed onto a wheelbarrow used for transport by Alcida-Auka and another Lanai, destroying it. Alcida-Auka and the other Lanai, surprised, spotted Rey and glared at her in dismay. Shortly after, the matron participated in the Festival of Return, a monthly ceremony where male Lanais returned from fishing expeditions and old relationships were mended. Alcida-Auka was dancing with a Visitor when Rey, mistakenly believing them to be marauders, burst in with her lightsaber, startling the Lanais. After a moment of awkward silence, Alcida-Auka gestured for the girl to join in, cheering and dancing when she did.

Following Rey's departure and Skywalker's death, Alcida-Auka shifted her focus to the numerous repairs needed in their wake. Besides their daily tasks and winter preparations, a lightning strike had destroyed the ancient uneti tree, a hut required rebuilding, and another needed a new lightning rod. As for Skywalker, she directed her fellow Caretakers to gather his belongings, including his lightsaber, and place them in a repository for items left by visitors. With these tasks completed, the matron reflected on the Caretakers' history and duties, recalling past visitors who had either lived among them or treated them poorly, wondering if Luke would be the last. Ultimately, Alcida-Auka decided it was inconsequential; should anyone arrive, they would find everything in order because the Caretakers would fulfill their duty, as always.

Personality and traits

Alcida-Auka used a fish-scaling knife and a clay chopping board.

Alcida-Auka possessed gray and white skin, complemented by blue eyes. She referred to the other Caretakers as her "daughters," instilling in them the values of cleanliness, orderliness, and decorum. A simple being, she was dedicated to her role as matron and Caretaker, expressing annoyance when Rey disrupted her duties by damaging the island and equipment. However, she occasionally paused to contemplate her place in the galaxy and the future. One such moment led her to wonder if Luke Skywalker and Rey would be the last to visit their isolated planet, but she quickly dismissed the thought, confident that she, her fellow Caretakers, and their descendants would continue to uphold their sacred duties.


Alcida-Auka wore a white habit cinched at the waist with a gray rope serving as a belt. A necklace featuring a circular stone with an off-center hole adorned her neck. She utilized a clay chopping board and a fish-scaling knife to prepare fish for meals. She and another Caretaker also employed a wheelbarrow for transporting supplies on at least one occasion, which was unfortunately destroyed by a rock dislodged by Rey's lightsaber.

Behind the scenes

Alcida-Auka made her debut in the film Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, released on December 15, 2017. Nikki Bond portrayed her, with animatronics by Patrick Comerford and Adrian Parish, who also constructed the mechanical head. While unnamed in the film, the character was identified in Star Wars: The Last Jedi: The Visual Dictionary, a companion book by Pablo Hidalgo released alongside the film.

