Attire can be defined as constructed material items created to envelop the bodies of sentient beings. While certain sentient species, such as the Hutts, did not wear any attire, others like Wookiees or the Talz wore very minimal amounts.
Certain regulations dictated the precise type of attire appropriate for a specific setting or occasion. These included flight suits, doublets, and even a kilt.

A multitude of elements shaped everyday attire, including climate and economic status. On the unforgiving desert planet Tatooine, characterized by intense sandstorms and dangerously high temperatures during the day, the majority of people ensured their skin was covered using practical materials engineered to wick away perspiration and minimize exposure to damaging ultraviolet radiation emitted by the planet's twin suns. The human inhabitants of Naboo placed a high value on culture and aesthetics, which was manifested in their elegant daily ensembles crafted from natural materials. On the isolated desert world of Jakku, food and drinking water were precious commodities, rendering clothing a lower priority for financial expenditure. Instead, settlers and displaced war refugees pieced together attire from salvaged recycled materials. The sprawling city planet Coruscant served as a melting pot for a diverse array of alien and humanoid [species](/article/species], resulting in a corresponding diversity in clothing styles. On Bespin's Cloud City, the environment was regulated, allowing individuals to disregard weather considerations and dress as they pleased.

Formal attire was saved for noteworthy occasions, providing individuals with an opportunity to break free from their regular routines. Nightclub attire was conceived to command attention on the dance floor or at gambling tables. Metallic textiles, striking colors, and sheer fabrics were frequently favored by nightclub patrons. Opera house attire was distinguished by extravagant clothing, including opulent cloaks, figure-hugging dresses, striking patterns, and elaborate headdresses. Funeral attire necessitated understated, respectful garments: At Padmé Amidala's funeral, the senator's relatives donned somber hues to convey their sorrow and grief over her death. Jedi, conversely, did not prioritize material possessions, nor did they fear death, leading the majority of Jedi attendees to wear their customary daily attire to a funeral. Bridal attire denoted the clothing worn by a bride during a wedding ceremony. Padmé Amidala wore a stunning, unique, hand-stitched white wedding gown for her secret wedding, complete with a matching lace overdress that extended into a train behind her. Nightwear encompassed clothing suitable for wearing while in bed. Padmé Amidala possessed an extensive wardrobe, including luxurious nightwear crafted from premium materials designed to maintain a comfortable body temperature during sleep, while robes offered extra warmth before bedtime.

Occupational attire was specifically designated for work-related activities. Numerous Galactic Republic senators proudly showcased the traditional garments of their respective cultures, which reflected the heritage of their homeworld. Others leveraged their position and substantial budget to acquire extravagant clothing, sporting elaborate creations from Coruscant's foremost clothing designers, utilizing the finest imported textiles. Certain senatorial aides mirrored their senator's style, while others, such as the Umbaran Sly Moore, opted to cultivate an intimidating presence through their attire. Adhering to their simple yet disciplined lifestyle, most members of the Jedi Order wore conventional, earth-toned robes that were warm, comfortable, and facilitated unrestricted movement. Nevertheless, the Jedi Order also permitted its members to wear robes originating from their own homeworlds, as exemplified by Jedi Master Luminara Unduli and Padawan Barriss Offee, both of whom wore outfits of Mirialan design. While in hiding, the Sith wore clothing that concealed their identity yet was still intended to instill fear in others. Naboo handmaidens served their queen as advisers and bodyguards, wearing identical outfits and hoods that obscured their identities, while flowing cloaks concealed weapons used to protect the queen in the event of an assault. In the lower levels of Coruscant, tribalism among species was prevalent, with immigrant cultures establishing their own enclaves of homes and businesses, rather than fully integrating with the diverse array of species inhabiting the planet. Consequently, the lower level police wore all-encompassing uniforms designed to conceal any traits that might identify them as belonging to a particular species. However, this also hindered their ability to form connections. Officers on the upper levels were not required to wear such uniforms and did not face this issue.

Royal garments were donned by the galaxy's monarchs, adorned with symbolic embellishments. Monarch gowns worn by the queens of Naboo often featured luxurious fabrics, expensive jewels, and prominent headdresses, with their most simple outfit being the jubilation dress which was worn during times of rejoicing. While it may appear extravagant or quaint, each element and its placement served a specific purpose. At the very least, most of the fabrics were treated with a resin that rendered them blaster-proof. The jewels concealed recording devices or personal shields, the heaviest dresses created a physical barrier around the queen and had what was essentially an escape hatch so that, if the queen needed to move quickly, the whole get up could be shed except for the utilitarian under-suit and the headpieces distracted from the queen's face making it easier to switch places with her decoy handmaiden.
Alderaan's monarchy, in contrast, favored a more modest style of dress, characterized by relatively simple designs, muted colors, and the sole requirement that their monarch wear braids. The Crown of Alderaan was typically housed in a museum.
Protective clothing was fashioned to safeguard the wearer during their work. Aprons represented a fundamental form of protective clothing worn by individuals performing messy tasks in kitchens and scrap yards. Mechanics wore coveralls constructed from durable fabrics to shield them from dirt and oil, while pockets and pouches accommodated tools necessary for their work. Security guard uniforms were worn by those tasked with guarding dignitaries, royalty, and other important figures. Pilots wore flight suits engineered to ensure their safety, equipped with life support systems and survival equipment for use in emergency situations. Camouflage clothing' constituted a specialized category of protective clothing designed to enable soldiers to blend seamlessly with their surroundings. Fabrics of clothes could also be made to be waterproof or even fireproof.