Barriss Offee

Barriss Offee, later known by honorifics such as "the healer" and "wise mother," was a Force-sensitive Mirialan woman who served as a Jedi Knight during the Republic Era. However, she succumbed to the dark side of the Force during the Clone Wars and became an Inquisitor for the Galactic Empire. As a Padawan student of Jedi Master Luminara Unduli, Offee fought in the First Battle of Geonosis with her blue lightsaber. She had a preference for studying ancient Jedi texts, rather than engaging in combat. While she was a Jedi Padawan, Offee and Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker's Padawan, developed a friendship. Despite their contrasting personalities, they found common ground through their shared experiences in battle, including the Second Battle of Geonosis.

As the Clone Wars raged on, Offee became increasingly disillusioned with the Jedi's participation in the war. She felt they had deviated from the principles that the Jedi Order was meant to uphold, and she grew particularly suspicious of the Jedi Council. Driven by her concerns, she masterminded the bombing of the Jedi Temple in an attempt to sow greater distrust towards the Jedi. Despite their prior friendship, she allowed Tano to be falsely accused of the bombing, even going so far as to disguise herself as Asajj Ventress, a former Sith apprentice, to implicate her former friend. Eventually, Skywalker apprehended Offee and brought her to justice. Just before Tano was convicted, Offee confessed, clearing the Togruta's name. In front of the tribunal, Offee voiced her criticisms of the Jedi Order, revealing her corruption by the dark side before being taken into custody.

During the Imperial Era, Offee joined the Inquisitorius, but she later rejected her allegiance to them after witnessing their gratuitous cruelty. Reclaiming her identity as a Jedi, Barriss became a wandering healer, providing aid to those in need. Years later, she was tracked down and severely wounded by the Fourth Sister, formerly known as Lyn Rakish, a friend from her time in the Jedi Order. However, the Inquisitor felt empathy for Offee and attempted to save her life afterward.


Early Life

Sometime before the border dispute on Ansion, Barriss Offee, a female Mirialan, was born on the planet Mirial. Her Force-sensitive abilities were discovered, leading her to be brought to the Jedi Temple for training as a Jedi, even as her family faced challenges due to others' fear of her powers. During her time within an Initiate clan, Offee and her clan explored the towering archways and meticulously maintained courtyards of the Great Hall, which deeply impressed Offee. She became the Padawan of Jedi Master Luminara Unduli. At some point, she studied lightsaber techniques with Tutso Mara, and the two developed a close relationship.

The Secessionist Movement

Barriss sits in on meeting between the Jedi Council and Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine.

Offee and Unduli attended a meeting between the Jedi Council and Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, where they discussed the growing influence of the Secessionist Movement and the impending war between them and the Galactic Republic. Later, Offee was present in Chancellor Palpatine's office with other senators and Jedi, as they debated whether Palpatine should be granted emergency powers.

Later, Offee, along with her master, joined the Jedi assault team dispatched to rescue Senator Padmé Amidala, Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker from the execution arena on Geonosis. The Mirialan and her master both survived the battle, but the Clone Wars had only just begun. Following the battle, Offee experienced sleeping difficulties and volunteered to care for injured Jedi in the Temple clinic. Jedi Master Depa Billaba later noted that Offee's special attention contributed to the injured Jedi's recovery.

The Clone Wars

Avoiding the fighting

Four months after the war began, Offee and her master journeyed to Ilum so Offee could complete her final lightsaber. However, they were caught in a Separatist ambush. Grand Master Yoda rescued Offee and Unduli as the Jedi Temple on Ilum was nearly destroyed. While her Master became a Jedi General, Offee chose to remain at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, volunteering in the medical clinic and finding comfort in helping injured Jedi. The suffering of the Jedi wounded by the war deeply affected Offee, reflecting her own pain. Distressed, Offee realized she couldn't heal their emotional wounds.

Barriss during her mission to retrieve an old book.

In 21 BBY, Unduli tasked her with retrieving an ancient book. During the mission, she faced a creature and many traps. Upon reaching the book's location, she picked it up, only to have it turn to sand. Returning, she told her master of her failure. Unduli explained that she hadn't failed, as she never expected Offee to retrieve the book. The journey and her efforts were what mattered.

Second Battle of Geonosis

Barriss and Ahsoka infiltrate the Geonosian Catacombs.

By 21 BBY, Offee's internal conflict made it difficult for her to heal others, and the Temple clinic became a source of pain. Despite this, she rejoined her Master and went to Geonosis to assist Anakin Skywalker's forces, along with his Padawan learner, Ahsoka Tano, who was nearly the same age as Offee. After Offee memorized the trails, she and Tano attempted to infiltrate a large Geonosian droid and weapons factory. Upon arrival, Offee and her master found Tano and Skywalker arguing over tactical strategy, and Offee unintentionally irritated Tano with her domineering personality. While their masters launched a frontal assault, both Padawans sneaked through the Geonosian catacombs below to plant explosive [grenades](/article/grenade] from within. However, Poggle the Lesser and his Geonosian super-tank discovered them. When Tano was knocked unconscious, Barriss had to choose between saving the bombs or Tano's life. Ultimately, Offee and Tano decided to use the tank to destroy the reactor, knowing the explosion could kill them. However, the tank's tough armor allowed both Padawans to survive, much to their masters' relief. After the ordeal, Offee and Tano, having strengthened their bond, temporarily withdrew from the battlefield to recover.

Skirmish aboard TB-73

An infected Barriss attacks Ahsoka on board the TB-73.

Shortly after recovering from their injuries, Offee and Tano were assigned to transport supplies to Mace Windu on Dantooine from a station near Ord Cestus aboard the medical frigate TB-73. Unbeknownst to them, infected clone trooper Scythe had brought a swarm of Geonosian brain worms aboard. Soon, the rest of the clones of Tango Company were infected. After she and Tano were separated, Offee was infected. She stalked her friend across the ship, attacking her with her lightsaber and nearly killing her. Offee chased Tano again, but Tano escaped. Eventually, as the ship approached a medical station, Tano ruptured the coolant system, causing low temperatures that killed the worms, freeing Offee from the parasite's control. Offee begged Tano to kill her rather than remain infected, but Tano sliced the parasite in half, freeing her friend. When the ship docked at the medical station, Jedi Master Kit Fisto took both Tano and Offee to the medical wing to recover.

Further missions

At some point, Offee was captured on Felucia, but Jedi General Aayla Secura and Clone Commander Bly rescued her. Offee was in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant when General Grievous informed the Order of Eeth Koth's capture. Offee witnessed his brutal torture and left the room with the younglings after Master Yoda dismissed them.

In 21 BBY, shortly before Cato Parasitti's assassination attempt on Senator Padmé Amidala, Offee trained with Tano in the Jedi Temple. Offee criticized her friend's unconventional fighting style, arguing that duels were meant to prepare Jedi for real battlefield encounters and that unorthodox tactics were pointless. Although Tano disagreed, they both acknowledged that their masters' differing teaching styles caused this difference in opinion.

Offee piloting her Delta-7B interceptor over Umbara.

During the Battle of Umbara, Offee flew her starfighter alongside Tano and Republic forces, attacking the Separatist blockade over Umbara. After breaking through the blockade, ground forces, including Anakin Skywalker and his 501st Legion, as well as Obi-Wan Kenobi and his 212th Attack Battalion, landed on the planet to fight the local resistance. Offee later attended Master Kenobi's faux funeral after bounty hunter Rako Hardeen seemingly assassinated him.

On a mission to Drongar in the Outer Rim, Offee encountered the dark side of the Force when a natural plant extract dangerously amplified her Force sensitivity.

Bombing of the Jedi Temple

Offee disguised as Ventress

Later, Offee was promoted to Jedi Knight and Jedi General. In these roles, she spent most of her time contemplating at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. By the final year of the war, however, Offee's views on the Jedi and their role in the galaxy had become warped. She believed that both the Jedi and the Republic had lost their way. Offee met Letta Turmond, a Coruscanti who opposed the Jedi's involvement in the Clone Wars. Sharing Turmond's beliefs, Offee decided to make a statement against the Order. She taught Turmond how to use nano-droids as a bomb and had her feed them to her husband, Jackar Bowmani, a munitions expert at the Jedi Temple. The nano-droids exploded when Bowmani entered the Temple hangar, killing numerous Jedi, clones, civilians, and Republic military personnel.

Offee attended the funeral for the fallen Jedi, including her old friend Mara. Later, she spoke with Ahsoka Tano about overcoming negative feelings related to the bombing. Afterward, she used the Force to choke Turmond in her prison cell to prevent her from revealing Offee's involvement, allowing Tano to be accused of Turmond's murder. She then freed Tano from prison and attacked and killed several clone troopers, further implicating Tano. She pretended to help Tano investigate Turmond’s murder via comlink, providing false information and leading her to an abandoned explosive warehouse containing crates of nano-droids, the same droids used in the bombing. Offee ambushed Ventress, stealing her mask and lightsabers. Disguised as Asajj Ventress, a former assassin, Offee then attacked Tano.

Offee testifies during Tano's trial

After Republic clones discovered Tano, she was blamed for the bombing and imprisoned again. Following a brief Council meeting, Tano was expelled from the Jedi Order. Anakin Skywalker, suspicious of his Padawan's expulsion, interrogated Ventress, who revealed that someone had stolen her lightsabers. Skywalker visited Offee in her Temple chambers, spoke to her, and then attacked her with her own lightsaber. In self-defense, Offee used the Force to grab Ventress' lightsabers, which she had hidden in a nearby vase, revealing herself. Although Offee defended herself and held her ground for some time, Skywalker captured her using the Force. Skywalker interrupted Tano's trial with Offee, who was handcuffed and escorted by several Jedi Temple Guards, including one who would later become the Grand Inquisitor. Skywalker demanded she tell the truth. Offee confessed, stating that she believed the Jedi were responsible for the war and were the true villains. Offee claimed that the Jedi had become like Sith, not what they once were. Offee was then taken away, and Tano was cleared of all charges. Tano was offered to return to the Order, but she refused, feeling betrayed by both the Order and her former friend. As a result of Offee's confession, she was imprisoned.

Inquisitor of the Galactic Empire

Inquisitorial inquiry

For the remainder of the war, Offee was held at the Republic Center for Military Operations. In the final days of the war, Offee awoke from a nightmare of death and destruction to find it was real: a massive attack on the Jedi Temple was underway. She rushed to her door to ask the shock trooper guards what was happening, but they revealed little, with one of them telling her to be grateful she was no longer a Jedi.

Later, Offee was visited by Lyn Rakish, a fellow Jedi who had joined the Galactic Empire's Inquisitorius program, becoming known as the "Fourth Sister." The former Jedi stated that Offee had been right about the Jedi, claiming that the Jedi Council had tried to seize control of the Republic and assassinate Chancellor Palpatine. As a result, the Republic had labeled all Jedi as traitors, and Palpatine had issued Order 66, ordering clone troopers to kill all Jedi. The Fourth Sister offered Offee an opportunity, and with limited options and under the pressure of clone blasters, she accepted, leading the Fourth Sister to free her.

Barriss Offee was released from the Republic Center for Military Operations to become an Inquisitor.

Offee was taken to Fortress Inquisitorius, a facility on the ocean moon Nur in the Mustafar system. She arrived with two other Jedi she recognized: Dante and Ahmar. The Grand Inquisitor entered, explaining that the Jedi had fallen and the Republic had been reorganized into the First Galactic Empire. The Grand Inquisitor offered the former Jedi a chance to prove themselves worthy of joining him in executing now-Emperor Palpatine's vision. The trio retired to their quarters, but the Grand Inquisitor warned them to stay put.

A new future

Ahmar was eager to leave, doubting that the Empire would be better than the Jedi. Offee urged him to stay, but he disregarded her and didn't care about Offee and Dante's fate, leaving. He never returned, and the Fourth Sister arrived to take the remaining Jedi. They spoke with the Grand Inquisitor again, who claimed Ahmar had suffered a terrible accident. Dante then went with the Fourth Sister for training, while Offee remained with the Grand Inquisitor.

Barriss trains with the Grand Inquisitor

He instructed her to attack him with a lightsaber, easily dodging her attacks. He taunted her for fighting like a Jedi and struck her in the face, angering her. Offee tapped into her anger and grazed the Grand Inquisitor's shoulder, which he approved of, but he knocked her to the ground on her next attack. As he commented on her apparent lack of power, Offee used the Force to throw the Inquisitor against the wall. He smiled at her anger.

Soon after, clone troopers led Offee into an arena with a pit in the middle, where the Grand Inquisitor and Fourth Sister watched as Dante entered as well. The Grand Inquisitor threw down a single lightsaber and explained that the survivor would join their ranks. If they refused to fight, both would die as a force field pushed them closer to the pit. Offee doubted they would kill both of them, but Dante, remembering Ahmar, grabbed the lightsaber and attacked his former ally.

Offee emerged victorious, using the Force to choke Dante and push him into the pit to his death. She seemed surprised by her actions as the other Inquisitors descended. The Fourth Sister presented her with a helmet to signify her new role. Shortly after, wearing full Inquisitorial garb, Offee joined Eleventh Brother, Fourth Sister, and First Brother. They all knelt before the Grand Inquisitor, who introduced them to their new master, to whom he also knelt: the Sith Lord Darth Vader.


Barriss Offee was sent to track down a Jedi with the Fourth Sister.

Later, Offee and the Fourth Sister were sent to find a fledgeling Jedi. They landed on the planet where their intel indicated the Jedi was hiding and began questioning locals in a small settlement. While the Fourth Sister questioned the townspeople aggressively, Offee took a gentler approach and learned of the Jedi's location from a small child, easing his fears. Frustrated by their deception, the Fourth Sister slaughtered the townspeople as Offee watched, the child clinging to her in terror.

They found the Jedi's hideout in the mountains, and the Fourth Sister immediately engaged him in battle. However, she was overpowered, forcing Offee to intervene. The two Force users clashed, with Offee trying to convince the Jedi to surrender to the Empire. The Jedi briefly considered Offee's offer before the Fourth Sister slashed him in the back, kicking his body to the ground. Offee insisted they bring the Jedi to the ship to save him, as he was still alive, but the Fourth Sister dismissed her, caring only about eradicating Jedi across the galaxy. In response, Offee stated that the Fourth Sister had one Jedi left to deal with. Before the Fourth Sister could attack, Offee used the Force to push her fellow Inquisitor off the mountainside, defying the Empire. Offee then held the dying Jedi, promising not to let him die or leave him alone.

Life as a healer

Offee confronts the Fourth Sister.

After leaving the Galactic Empire many years later, Barriss Offee gained recognition as "the healer." From a modest settlement located on a frigid, snow-covered planet, she was known for using her innate Force abilities to assist travelers who were in need. She formed deep bonds of friendship with a small, diverse group of individuals who held her in high regard and treated her with great respect. Following a visit from a mother and father accompanied by their young child who possessed Force sensitivity, a child that the Empire was hunting, Offee recounted her own history as a Jedi. She explained how the Jedi Order traditionally took in young children to train them in the ancient Jedi ways.

With the sudden arrival of the Fourth Sister, who had been relentlessly pursuing the child, Offee dispatched them in her personal starship to a trusted, long-time friend. Offee deliberately allowed her former colleague to chase her intended target into a nearby cavern. There, she managed to stall the Inquisitor by bombarding her with doubts concerning her allegiance to the Empire. The Fourth Sister, in her frustration, swung her lightsaber wildly, striking the cave walls repeatedly, but was unable to locate an exit. In a fit of rage, she inadvertently ran her lightsaber through Offee's abdomen. The Mirialan Jedi collapsed to the ground, grievously wounded, but the Fourth Sister caught her. The Fourth Sister, promising to save her life, held her injured comrade, and only then was she able to find her way out of the cave, carrying Offee's body with her, leaving her Inquisitor lightsaber behind as a small rodent watched.

Lasting Impact

Ahsoka Tano, along with the Jedi Order as a whole, were profoundly affected by Offee's act of betrayal. Ki-Adi-Mundi voiced his support for the execution of fallen Jedi Quinlan Vos months after Offee's capture, citing Offee's disloyalty as evidence of a problem with internal traitors within the Jedi ranks. Unduli was deeply disturbed by her Padawan's betrayal, eventually seeking comfort by dedicating her efforts to repairing the damage inflicted on Kachirho on Kashyyyk by Separatist attacks. She ultimately devoted months to preparing for the eventual Battle of Kashyyyk.

Eventually, precisely as Barriss had foreseen, the Jedi Order fell during the final phase of Darth Sidious' plans for the galaxy, and the Republic was transformed into the oppressive Galactic Empire. A year into the Empire's reign, Tano remained haunted by Offee's betrayal. She later expressed her belief that while Offee's actions were undeniably wrong, she did raise valid points regarding the Jedi and the Republic. Tano believed that if they had truly listened to her concerns, they might have been able to prevent Darth Sidious from succeeding. After hearing Tano's reflections on her former friend, Senator Bail Organa concluded that, in contrast to individuals like Offee who dwelled on the past, or those who focused solely on the future, their focus needed to be on the present.

Personality and Characteristics

Barriss Offee did not want to take part in the Clone Wars.

Barriss Offee, a Mirialan woman, possessed brown hair, blue eyes, yellow skin adorned with black diamond-shaped tattoos, and stood at a height of 1.66 meters. Some Jedi Order members considered Offee to be a seemingly exemplary Jedi Padawan. She was known as an intelligent, courageous, and dedicated student, capable of memorizing the complete layout of the Geonosian catacomb system upon her master's request. She also demonstrated great selflessness, pleading with her friend Ahsoka Tano to end her life while she was under the influence of a brain worm, although Tano refused.

Following her experiences during the Battle of Geonosis, and her aversion to becoming a warrior, she expressed her desire to avoid participation in the Clone Wars. However, she would eventually return to Geonosis, and with it, the war itself, for its second major battle. Subsequently, she continued to fight in the conflict. As the Clone Wars continued, Offee's belief grew that the Republic and the Jedi Order were responsible for the conflict, viewing the Order's involvement as a betrayal of its core ideals. Her corruption was partly attributed to her exposure to the dark side on Drongar after consuming a substance that enhanced her power in a dangerous way. Her increasing disillusionment ultimately led her to orchestrate the bombing of the Jedi Temple, resulting in the deaths of several civilians, clone troopers, and fellow Jedi, including her friend Tutso Mara. She even murdered her co-conspirator Letta Turmond to conceal her betrayal and frame her friend Tano for the crime. Reflecting on her former friend's actions, Tano believed Offee had been attempting to elicit sympathy from her or persuade her to join forces against the Jedi. However, she considered Offee's manipulation of her into the plot, by taking away her freedom of choice through framing, to be the most egregious aspect of her actions.

Barriss as an Inquisitor of the Galactic Empire, following her turn to the dark side.

However, in carrying out these actions, she succumbed to the influence of the dark side. During her duel with Anakin Skywalker, he criticized her for not discarding Ventress' red lightsabers, to which she retorted, "I think they suit me." When brought before the court, Offee ultimately confessed to her crimes, thereby exonerating Tano, but she maintained her conviction that the Jedi and the Republic had deviated from their true path. She expressed no remorse for bombing the Jedi Temple or framing Ahsoka, although a sorrowful glance toward her friend suggested she at least regretted the rift that her actions had created between them.

An aged Barriss Offee

After succumbing to the dark side, Offee initially attempted to commit herself to the Empire as an Inquisitor. However, she eventually realized that serving the Empire conflicted with her personal moral code. Reaffirming her identity as a Jedi, she embraced the life of a healer and sought to assist Force-sensitive individuals in escaping the Empire. She even harbored the hope of guiding her former friend, Lyn Rakish, back to the light.

Powers and Capabilities

Offee stops the Fourth Sister's lightsaber with the Force.

As with all Jedi, Barriss Offee possessed Force sensitivity. She demonstrated proficiency in telekinesis, enabling her to employ Force push during combat. She also possessed the ability to use the Force to strangle people, even without direct visual contact, as she did when framing Ahsoka Tano to conceal her own descent into the dark side. She received training in Form III. Furthermore, she was skilled in Jar'Kai; wielding Ventress' lightsabers, she managed to overwhelm Tano, who at the time, was only using a single lightsaber. When facing Skywalker, and having tapped into the dark side, Offee effectively used her two stolen blades to duel Anakin on equal terms for a period, but ultimately lost when Skywalker exploited Offee's distraction by the presence of other Jedi and subdued her with a Force hold.

During her second encounter with the Fourth Sister, Offee successfully held off the Inquisitor using only unarmed combat. Stass Allie shared her expertise in Force healing with Offee. She also displayed competence as a pilot, as evidenced during the Battle of Umbara.


Barriss Offee's Jedi robes

As a Padawan, Offee's attire consisted of a blend of Mirialan and Jedi Padawan elements, including a black robe and a dark blue cape. After her fall to the dark side, she donned Asajj Ventress's helmet to impersonate her and conceal her identity, along with a black skin-tight suit and a black cloak. During her tenure in the Inquisitorius, Barriss wore the standard black Inquisitor uniform, complete with a helmet, which she discarded upon renouncing the Empire. Later, while living as a healer on a snowy planet, she wore a brown fur coat.

During her time as a Jedi, Offee wielded her own blue-bladed lightsaber. She eventually stole Ventress's twin red lightsabers to impersonate the former Sith assassin. Finding them to her liking, she retained possession of the two lightsabers, concealing them within her Jedi Temple quarters, and ultimately using them in combat against Anakin Skywalker until her arrest. As an Inquisitor, Barriss wielded her own red double-bladed spinning lightsaber, a standard design among their ranks. As a healer, she demonstrated the ability to defend herself without the use of a lightsaber.

Behind the Cameras


Weapons Factory director Giancarlo Volpe wanted Ahsoka Tano and Barriss Offee to begin a romantic relationship.

Offee was first introduced in the Legends novel The Approaching Storm, penned by Alan Dean Foster. Nalini Krishan portrayed Offee in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, which also marked her initial appearance in Canon. Meredith Salenger provided her voice in the 2008 Star Wars: The Clone Wars TV series. Giancarlo Volpe, the director of The Clone Wars episode "Weapons Factory," admitted that he "secretly" advocated for a romantic relationship to develop between Ahsoka Tano and Offee. Originally, Offee was intended to die in "The Wrong Jedi," but Dave Filoni intervened, citing "plans" for the character and ultimately removing the scene.

The original intention was for Offee to be depicted in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith being killed during Order 66, but this scene was removed, along with the deaths of Luminara Unduli and Shaak Ti. A non-canon animated sequence was created depicting Offee's death on Felucia, where she is shown fighting battle droids during Order 66 when an AT-TE approaches from behind and eliminates her. Interestingly, her lightsaber was depicted as green towards the end of this animatic. Unused footage from Attack of the Clones was intended to be used for this appearance. Her scrapped death in Episode III was later incorporated into the third issue of the Legends Revenge of the Sith comic adaptation.


In 2015, The Topps Company, Inc. released two cards that asserted Offee constructed her first lightsaber at the age of seventeen, presenting it as evidence of her scientific aptitude. However, the majority of sources indicate that Jedi younglings construct their initial lightsabers at a much younger age following the Gathering event. Indeed, in the short story "A Jedi's Duty," Offee reflects on younglings undertaking the Gathering to build their first blades, with no indication that she did not participate in the endeavor. Furthermore, if Offee were seventeen when she constructed her first lightsaber, she would be considerably older than Ahsoka Tano. According to Dave Filoni, Offee is only "a little bit older than" Tano. Therefore, this article assumes that the Topps information regarding Offee's age and lightsaber is inaccurate.

The 2018 reference book Star Wars: The Dark Side later claimed that Offee had been operating as a double agent for the Sith. However, the episode itself established that she was acting out of a hatred for the dark side, despite having tapped into it herself. This article assumes that "The Wrong Jedi" is the correct interpretation. Additionally, a Star Wars: Card Trader Iconic Moments card about Offee's fall asserted that it was a result of a serum that altered the Force within her. However, Leland Chee clarified that the card had never received approval from his team. However, this idea was once more explained in Ahsoka Tano and Other Users of the Force, which notes that she was tainted by such an experience.

