
Mirial, a planet characterized by its desert landscapes, was both cold and arid. This world was situated within the Mirial system, found in the Outer Rim Territories. It served as the homeworld for the Mirialan species, a near-human population that included notable figures such as Jedi Master Luminara Unduli and her Padawan, Barriss Offee. In accordance with the customs of her world, Unduli selected a Mirialan as her Padawan.


Located within the [Outer Rim Territories](/article/outer_rim_territories] in the Mirial system, Mirial occupied grid square Q-4 on the Standard Galactic Grid. Its location on a hyperspace route provided a connection to Listehol. This planet was a [desert](/article/desert] world, known for its cold and dry climate, and its landscape featured pink and green hues.


A quote from Mirial's Mete Janvaren was included by Disciple of the Whills Kozem Pel in the book Collected Poems, Prayers, and Meditations on the Force.

During the closing decades of the Republic Era, both Mirialan Jedi Master Luminara Unduli and her Padawan, Barriss Offee, originated from Mirial. In keeping with Mirialan tradition, Unduli chose Offee as her apprentice. Keo Venzee, a New Republic pilot, also came from this planet.

Synara San, a pirate active during the Cold War and the New Republic Era, was a Mirial native. Around 3132 ABY, Karr Nuq Sin, a Force-sensitive human, and Maize Raynshi, his half-Mirialan companion, embarked on a search for Force-related relics throughout the Outer Rim. While on Utapau, they falsely told the merchant Sconto that they were investigating the effects of the Galactic Republic's collapse on remote locations, planning to visit Mirial afterwards.

Strono Tuggs, a chef, included a recipe for Mirial Teacakes in his second cookbook during or following 34 ABY. These pastries, named after the planet, shared the color scheme of Mirial's landscape, though Tuggs noted they were less dry than their namesake.


Mirial served as the homeworld for the Mirialan species, a near-human group distinguished by their green or purple skin, in contrast to most human populations. Mirialan Jedi traditionally selected apprentices from their own species, a custom observed by Unduli. However, other Mirialan Jedi, such as Vernestra Rwoh and [Cyslin Myr](/article/cyslin_myr], chose to teach members of different species.

Behind the scenes

The reference book Ultimate Star Wars (2015) provided the first canonically recognized mention of Mirial. Within the Star Wars Legends continuity, Mirial ([/article/mirial-legends) was conceived for James Luceno's novel, Cloak of Deception, released in 2001.

