Synara San

Synara San, a Mirialan female, was a member of Kragan Gorr's Warbird gang during the New Republic era. On behalf of the First Order, the Warbirds attacked the Colossus refueling platform, as the First Order wished to occupy the station as part of their plans for war to retake the galaxy. After a failed raid on a Darius G-class freighter, Kazuda Xiono and Poe Dameron, Resistance pilots, rescued Synara, mistakenly believing her to be a crew member of the freighter rather than a pirate. Kazuda, now living on the Colossus, aided Synara in obtaining permission to reside there as a refugee. She then made contact with Kragan Gorr, who instructed her to remain on the platform and gather intelligence.

As Synara established her new life on the Colossus as a clandestine pirate, she found herself conflicted between her allegiance to Kragan and the friendships she was forming with Colossus residents, particularly Xiono and Tamara Ryvora. Synara played a role in saving the Colossus from the rokkna known as Bibo's mother and alerting the residents to the abduction of Captain Imanuel Doza's daughter, Torra Doza. These actions earned her Xiono's friendship, and he facilitated her escape from the First Order. Synara reciprocated Kaz's assistance by persuading the Warbirds to support Team Colossus when the station fled into space.

Following the Colossus's escape into space, Synara and her Warbird comrades assisted the Colossus inhabitants on several scavenging and hunting expeditions. She was instrumental in thwarting the scheme of First Order agent Nenavakasa Nalor to exploit tensions between Doza and the pirates and seize control of the Colossus. Synara also joined Kaz and Jarek Yeager in rescuing Resistance operative Norath Kev. When Kragan plotted a mutiny aboard the Colossus, Synara chose to side with Kaz and the Colossus residents, helping to suppress the rebellion.


Early life

Kragan took in Synara when she was young.

Synara San's birth occurred on the planet Mirial. During her childhood, San resided on the streets of Vanqor, and she recounted learning to shoot from her father, who would take her hunting. Eventually, Kragan Gorr rescued her from the harsh conditions of Vanqor's streets, providing her with care as if she were his own. San viewed their relationship as a matter of owing him. During the New Republic Era, she became a member of Kragan's pirate gang. The First Order had hired them to attack the Colossus platform located on Castilon, with the goal of pressuring its owner, Captain Imanuel Doza, to invite the First Order aboard.

Raid on the Colossus

Synara San is seen during the Colossus raid.

Gorr dispatched Hallion Nark, a Neimoidian spy, to the Colossus as an internal operative. Nark soon signaled that the platform was vulnerable to an attack. During the assault, San served as Gorr's co-pilot aboard his shuttle. While engaged in combat with Ace Squadron, the Colossus's defenders, someone collided with their shuttle's windscreen. Gorr and San dislodged the individual and continued to wreak havoc on the platform. However, a disruption occurred on the comm channel. San attempted to resolve it, but it began to interfere with all of the shuttle's systems. The Aces capitalized on this vulnerability and shot down one of the pirate fighters, prompting Gorr to order a retreat.

Following their unsuccessful attack, Gorr contacted Major Elrik Vonreg of the First Order to provide an update. San stood alongside Gorr when Captain Phasma joined the conversation, expressing her displeasure with their performance. Gorr assured her that Imanuel Doza would soon be imploring the First Order to assume control of the Colossus.

Rescue in Sector Six

Subsequently, San led members of the gang in a raid on a Darius G-class freighter situated in an asteroid field near Castilon. The freighter was transporting a shipment of Kowakian monkey-lizards, including an unusually large one that devoured most of the pirates. San survived by confining herself within a cargo crate, where she lost consciousness. When Commander Poe Dameron, Kazuda Xiono, and the astromech droids BB-8 and CB-23, members of the Resistance, investigated the derelict starship, they discovered the unconscious San in the crate and, mistaking her for a member of the crew, rescued her.

Synara San let Kragan Gorr know she was on the Colossus.

San regained consciousness on Castilon, aboard a shuttle piloted by Jarek Yeager. Initially, she struck Xiono upon waking, but he assured her that they only intended to help and explained that she had been rescued by two pilots, and that he and Yeager had volunteered to transport her to the Colossus for medical attention. San expressed surprise at being taken to the platform, claiming to have been a victim of the pirate attack and that her identification had been stolen. Xiono and Yeager registered her on the platform, but Yeager, harboring suspicions about San, cautioned Xiono that he would be held responsible if anything went awry. Once alone, San contacted Gorr, informing him of her location, and he instructed her to blend in and await further instructions.

Undercover on the Colossus

Synara San sells a chest to Flix and Orka without opening it.

San secured employment at the Colossus' loading docks, working as a salvager. She frequently engaged in disputes with the other salvagers and became involved in several altercations. During her time there, she became acquainted with Flix and Orka, the proprietors of the Office of Acquisitions, and regularly sold them unopened chests and crates recovered by the salvagers, catering to the duo's fondness for surprises.

Some time after her arrival, Xiono, who had attempted to befriend her, and his colleague Tamara Ryvora visited the loading docks in search of a CoMar Tri-Tracker chip, which they required to repair the targeting computer for the Colossus' defense turbolasers, a task for which Team Fireball had secretly been contracted. San informed them that they were in luck, as they had one chip remaining, and Ryvora, who had taken a liking to her, instructed her to charge it to Yeager's Repairs.

Recognizing that such chips were used in targeting computers, after Xiono, Ryvora, and the droid BB-8 departed, she ascended to the top of the loading dock and observed the turbolasers with macrobinoculars, suspecting that they were out of service. She contacted Gorr's gang, initially speaking with Drell, before informing Gorr of her suspicions. He instructed her to confirm that the targeting computer was offline, so that the pirates could launch an attack if the Ace Squadron left the platform.

The second attack

Synara kept her cover during the second Warbirds raid.

Despite San's assistance in helping Xiono and Ryvora locate the Tri-Tracker chip, Xiono confessed to BB-8 that he remained uncertain about trusting her. While Xiono, Ryvora, and Neeku Vozo were working on the computer, San, seeking additional information, arrived at the repair shop, surprising them as Vozo, who was extremely literal-minded, had not warned the other two in time, as he had interpreted orders not to speak of the tracking computer job as meaning he had to cover his mouth with his hands whenever he spoke. San claimed she had come only because the salvagers had a surplus of connector couplings and was bringing them spares free of charge. Xiono and Ryvora attempted to conceal the computer from San's view, and Xiono unconvincingly claimed it was a "food steamer," but she had already discerned its true purpose.

To remove San from the shop, Ryvora offered to take her to lunch at the Colossus marketplace. At the marketplace, as the two women conversed after eating, they witnessed all five Aces departing the platform on a mission from Captain Doza to escort an important shipment, prompting Ryvora to realize she had to return to work. San found a secluded spot inside and contacted Gorr, informing him that he had an opportunity. The pirate gang soon arrived to carry out a second attack.

During the attack, after completing her work on the targeting computer, Ryvora observed explosions at the loading docks and grew concerned for San, deciding to rush over and assist her. Xiono dispatched BB-8 to provide assistance. When Ryvora reached San at the docks, she expressed shock that Ryvora had actually come to help her during the attack, which Ryvora attributed to friendship. Confronted by one of her fellow pirates, San punched him out before he could reveal their association, impressing Ryvora. After the pirates had left, San thanked Ryvora for coming to her aid and returned to assisting with the cleanup, her cover intact.

The treasure chest

Later on, Synara San sold a treasure chest to Flix and Orka, who are merchants. As it turned out, the treasure chest was filled with thermal detonators. Flix and Orka accidentally set off the detonators, but they managed to throw the chest into the ocean before they went off. Not long after, Synara showed up and offered to sell them another chest, which they happily took.

The Bibo Incident

During one of her salvaging trips, San came across a wrecked Z-95 Headhunter. She got in touch with Xiono about it, thinking he might be able to use some of the parts for the Fireball. When Xiono and Neeku Vozo got to the loading docks, she was just lifting the wreckage onto the platform. Xiono offered to buy her lunch to thank her for the help, but she turned him down politely. When she jumped onto the wreckage to take a look, she heard a noise and smelled a strong odor, which turned out to be a small sea creature. San and Xiono watched in disgust as Vozo immediately fell in love with it, made it his pet, and named it Bibo.

San brings Xiono with her on a salvaging trip.

Later, when she contacted Gorr again, he asked her why she hadn't checked in for a while, and she defended herself by saying she was busy spying. Gorr told San that he'd found out that the pilots who rescued her were members of the Resistance, which surprised her. He showed her a picture from one of the freighter's security cameras, showing Dameron, Xiono, and their droids inside the freighter. But because of the smoke and dim lighting, San couldn't make out anyone in the hologram before she had to turn off her comlink because she heard Xiono coming.

Wanting to learn more about the people who rescued her, and knowing that Xiono had seen them, San invited him to join her on her last salvaging trip of the day on her salvaging skiff. Once they were on the ocean, even though Xiono got tired of salvaging pretty quickly, San asked him about the pilots. He said he didn't know anything about them, and that they were just pilots, before adding that one of them was "kind of handsome." San suggested that she knew what Xiono was: someone who loved secrets, just like her, which he denied in a way that wasn't very convincing.

Almost right after that, San and Xiono noticed a huge creature under the water, and they decided to go back to the Colossus, only to realize that the creature was going in the same direction. Near the platform, they had to steer their vehicle to avoid a huge tentacle that came out of the water before crashing down. When they got to the Colossus marketplace, San and Xiono tried to warn people about the monster that was coming, but they were ignored, and two security droids tried to arrest them for causing a panic. The sight of many more tentacles above the water proved that their warning was real, and San and Xiono were able to activate the pirate alarm that lowered the market's protective blast doors. When the door got damaged, San suggested that since she'd heard Xiono was a good pilot, he should go help the Aces while she closed the door. Messing with the control panel's wiring did the trick.

Ace Squadron and Xiono's borrowed Fireball tried to scare away the sea monster, which turned out to be a mother rokkna looking for her child Bibo. In the end, Tam managed to convince Neeku Vozo to give Bibo back to his mother, which brought the Bibo incident to a peaceful end.

The Kidnapping of Torra Doza

Synara felt conflicted between her loyalty to the Warbirds and her friendship with Kaz, Torra, and Tam.

Kragan Gorr, following orders from Commander Pyre, started a plan to kidnap Captain Doza's daughter, Torra Doza, to force him to accept "protection" from the First Order. Kragan didn't tell Synara about the kidnapping plan, but he did contact her and order her to sneak the pirates Valik and Drell into Doza Tower. Synara reluctantly followed the pirate captain's orders.

Synara wasn't happy as she walked into Aunt Z's Tavern, where Torra, Kaz, and Tam felt sorry for her. Torra asked her to come to her room in Dozza Tower to play Drone-Blaster. During the game, Synara impressed Torra with how well she could shoot. Synara said that her father used to take her hunting on Vanqor when she was a kid. Synara used her visit to Doza Tower to make a map of the building's layout and security.

Later that night, Synara met Valik and Drell, who showed up in a cargo container in the Colossus loading docks. Valik and Drell wouldn't tell her what the mission was, but they said that their heist would make a lot of money. Synara and the other pirates climbed Doza Tower using a grappling hook. Synara waited outside while Valik and Drell overpowered the security droids and kidnapped Torra.

While she was waiting, Synara contacted Kragan and confronted him about kidnapping Torra. When Synara asked why he didn't tell her the details of the mission, Kragan scolded her for getting soft and making friends with the locals. Kragan told Synara to meet him on a skiff and bring Torra to him right away. Synara chose her new friends over her pirate group and instead told Kaz that Torra was in danger. Synara also warned Captain Doza, who sent Ace Squadron after Torra's pirate kidnappers, who had taken off on speeder bikes.

Even though Kaz and Ace Squadron tried, Valik and Drell were able to get to Captain Kragan's sail barge Galleon with Torra as their prisoner. Soon after, Major Elrik Vonreg from the First Order arrived in an Upsilon-class command shuttle. Kragan thought that Major Vonreg had come to pay them, but instead, the First Order attacked them and rescued Torra. By saving his daughter, Major Vonreg was able to convince Captain Doza to accept protection from the First Order.

The next morning, Kragan was bitter as he told Synara that the First Order had betrayed them and that their deal was over. Soon after, Kaz thanked Synara for helping him with Torra. When Kaz asked Synara about the two strangers from the night before, Synara said they were offworld scavengers. Kaz and BB-8 didn't believe her in private, and they suspected that she was helping the pirates or that she was a pirate herself.

Escaping the First Order

Synara is running away from the First Order.

After the First Order occupied the Colossus, Synara tried to buy a ticket to leave the planet, but she couldn't get one because the First Order had locked down all travel. Synara knew that the First Order was after her, so she tried to keep a low profile at her job in the docks. She convinced her coworker Glem to let her work the night shift to avoid being noticed by the First Order. Kaz started to worry about Synara after First Order stormtroopers went to Yeager's garage and asked them where Synara was.

Synara was desperate, so she contacted Captain Kragan for help. Kragan couldn't help because the First Order had put a tight cordon around the Colossus. He told Synara to find her own way out of the station and arrange to meet up with the Warbirds. Kaz and BB-8 were listening in. BB-8 didn't want to help at first, but Kaz insisted on helping because Synara had helped rescue Torra and save the Colossus from Bibo's mother.

That night, Kaz and BB-8 met up with Synara and offered to help smuggle her out of the Colossus. Even though Synara was a pirate, Kaz wanted to help a friend who needed it. Kaz's first plan was to sneak Synara onto a Star Commuter 2000 inside a container. Kaz and BB-8 were able to get Synara onto the ship, but they were chased by stormtroopers. Synara came to the rescue and knocked out the stormtroopers. But helping her friends meant that she missed her flight off the planet.

Since Synara couldn't leave the Colossus by ship, Kaz's friend Neeku told Synara to escape using an escape pod deep inside the refueling platform. Even though stormtroopers were chasing them, Synara and her friends were able to get to the escape bay in the lower levels of the Colossus. Synara said goodbye to Kaz before escaping into the ocean in the escape pod. Synara then made plans to meet up with Kragan and the other pirates at sea.

One of Synara's friends from the Colossus, Tamara Ryvora, who worked with Kaz, noticed that she was gone. When Kaz explained that Synara wasn't comfortable with the First Order being there, Tam wondered why her friend hadn't said goodbye, not knowing that she was a pirate.

A call for help

Synara and the Warbirds joined the Colossus as it fled into space.

Synara and the Warbirds were sailing the oceans of Castilon on the Galleon when they got a transmission from Kazuda Xiono asking for help from General Leia Organa of the Resistance. Synara listened with worry as Valik played Xiono's recording to the pirates.

After Xiono and his friend Jarek Yeager started an uprising against the First Order on the Colossus, Synara San and the Warbirds came to help them on the Galleon. San ordered the pirate gunners to shoot down the TIE/fo space superiority fighters that were attacking, and they managed to shoot one down. Then, they boarded the Colossus, which escaped into hyperspace.

Salvage mission

After the Battle of Castilon, Synara and the Warbirds went with the people of the Colossus as they traveled through space. Because she was friends with Xiono, he told her that the space station was running out of supplies. When Synara found out that Xiono had tried to contact his former friend Tamara Ryvora, San warned him about how dangerous it was to be in touch with someone who had joined the First Order.

Later, Synara helped Xiono convince the other pirates to join a mission to salvage a coaxium canister from the destroyed Mandator IV-class Siege Dreadnought Fulminatrix, which was orbiting D'Qar. To make the deal better, Synara promised the pirates that they could take the weapons and tech on board the dreadnought. The pirates went with Xiono, Neeku, and Kaz's astromech droid CB-23 on the Galleon to the Fulminatrix.

While the other pirates were taking weapons and tech from the dreadnought, Synara went with Neeku, Kaz, and CB-23 to the engine room. Even though they were attacked by First Order forces under Commander Pyre and Agent Tierny, the pirates and their allies from the Colossus were able to get the coaxium canister and put it in the engine room of the Colossus. After they escaped, Synara asked Xiono and Neeku to think about how the First Order was able to track them down. She confronted Kaz about the conmlink message he sent to Tam. Even though Kaz and Neeku didn't think that Tam had betrayed them, Synara wasn't so sure.

Hunt on Celsor 3

Because there was a food shortage on the Colossus, San and the Warbirds agreed to help Kaz and Torra hunt a huge winged jakoosk on the icy planet of Celsor 3. Kragan was excited to hunt the jakoosk to try to get Captain Doza to like him more, but she warned that hunting the creature was a "fool's errand." Just like San had warned, the jakoosk was too much for the pirates to handle, and the pirates Snarl and Drell were left stranded. In the end, Xiono, Torra, and CB-23 were able to hunt down and kill the creature. After the hunt, San made Snarl and Drell apologize to Xiono and Torra for leaving them on Celsor 3.

The First Order spy

Synara helped Xiono show that Nena was a First Order spy.

Synara San joined forces with Xiono on a mission to save Nenavakasa Nalor, a Nikto engineer stranded in the vastness of space. Captain Doza, needing another engineer for the Colossus, welcomed Nena aboard. Although Nena claimed she was running from the First Order, she was actually a First Order operative working for Agent Tierny. Nena became friends with engineer Vozo, but she exploited their friendship to create conflict between the Colossus residents and the Warbirds, falsely accusing the pirates of draining the station's power. In reality, Nena was sabotaging the Colossus's systems to make it easier to capture.

While Xiono investigated the power drain accusations against the pirates, San confronted him and successfully convinced him that the pirates were innocent and Nena was the true culprit. Although San, Xiono, and Neeku couldn't prevent Nena's escape, they managed to undo her sabotage, allowing the Colossus to escape into space. Kaz also persuaded San and the pirates to disconnect from the power source so the ship could jump to hyperspace.


Later on, Synara was present during a gambling match between Xiono and the Warbirds. Synara commended Xiono's success. When Xiono accidentally knocked a cup into the path of Gork, a Gamorrean pirate, San was able to de-escalate the situation.

Rescuing the Resistance spy

Synara helped Xiono and Yeager rescue the Resistance operative Norath Kev.

After Norath Kev, a Resistance operative, was captured on Varkana by the bounty hunter Ax Tagrin, Xiono and Yeager sought Synara's assistance because the mission was expected to involve "bodily harm." San went with Xiono, Yeager, and CB-23 to Vargo Spaceport, where their presence drew the attention of Lechee, a First Order spy. They found Kev's distress signal leading to a house, but Tagrin attacked them, seeking to claim a First Order bounty on the fugitives.

Synara fought Tagrin, giving the others time to escape the building. After a fight on the house's balcony, San kicked him over the edge. After rejoining Xiono, Yeager, and CB-23, the group confronted Leechee, with San restraining him and confiscating his blaster. Under pressure, Leechee revealed that Kev was being held on Tagrin's starship Dalkor Dagger at the spaceport. Before leaving, San destroyed his comlink to prevent him from alerting the bounty hunter.

Xiono, Yeager, and CB-23 boarded Tagrin's ship and located Kev. However, the cunning bounty hunter trapped them and left the spaceport, intending to meet with the First Order. Synara pursued her friends on a speeder bike. San's friends managed to damage Tagrin's starship, causing it to crash near Vargo Spaceport. San and Yeager fought Tagrin, but he proved to be a formidable opponent. Xiono and CB-23 used the opportunity to escape.

Tagrin then captured Synara, Xiono, and CB-23 and presented them to Commander Pyre and Agent Tierny of the First Order Security Bureau. Tierny tortured San with electricity, trying to force Yeager to reveal the location of the Colossus. When Yeager refused, Tierny attempted to exploit his concern for the pirate. Tierny then focused on torturing Yeager to get the location of the Colossus.

Xiono and Kev, disguised as stormtroopers, infiltrated the First Order base. They freed Synara and Yeager, while CB-23 freed herself. The five then returned to their Star Commuter 2000 shuttle but were ambushed by Tagrin. After a struggle, they managed to escape, but First Order TIE fighters pursued them. Ace Squadron rescued the group and escorted them into space. Although Commander Pyre's Star Destroyer pursued them, San and her companions escaped into hyperspace aboard the Colossus.


Synara played an important role in defeating Kragan's attempt to take over the Colossus.

While Synara made friends and helped the Colossus avoid First Order capture, the Warbirds, especially Captain Kragan, grew resentful of Captain Doza. During a trip away from the Colossus, Kragan bought several B2-series super battle droids from Sidon Ithano, planning to use them to take over the space station. While Kragan was away, Synara tried to reason with Captain Doza, suggesting that his surveillance of the pirates would make them more likely to rebel. Upon Kragan's return, Doza locked down the Colossus.

Knowing Synara's sympathy for the Colossus inhabitants, Kragan sent her to the marketplace to distribute food he had gathered during his trip. While Synara was gone, Kragan tricked Neeku Voxo into repairing the battle droids, claiming they were part of the station's new security force. At Aunt Z's Tavern, San confided in Xiono about her suspicions regarding Kragan's motives for bringing the droids. Returning to the Warbirds' hangar, Kragan and the other Warbirds captured the duo and locked them in a makeshift cell with Vozo.

Believing he had removed all obstacles to his plan, Kragan initiated a mutiny, using the B-2 battle droids to seize control of the station and eliminate Captain Doza's security droids. However, Vozo had a backup plan and used the reprogrammed B1-series battle droid "B1" to free them from their cell. Synara accompanied her Colossus allies to the hangar, where they confronted Kragan and his pirates as they were about to force Captain Doza and Yeager into space. Under Vozo's orders, B1 ordered the B2 droids to disarm all the pirates except Synara.

After Kragan's mutiny was defeated, San convinced Captain Doza not to imprison her former pirate comrades but to banish them. In exchange for their freedom, the pirates had to leave their weapons behind, and the Galleon's hyperdrive was disabled. While Kragan was bitter about his adopted daughter's betrayal, Synara argued that the Colossus had shown mercy. After the pirates left, Captain Doza said that it must have been difficult for San to turn against her family. San replied that the inhabitants of the Colossus were her new family.

Facing the First Order

San flying with the Aces.

Synara participated in the defense of the Colossus during the station's flight from Aeos Prime after the First Order discovered their location. After the Colossus joined the Resistance, Synara attended a town hall meeting where Captain Doza informed the space station's inhabitants about Xiono and Yeager's mission to rescue Tamara Ryvora, who had defected from the First Order. After Xiono and Ryvora warned the Colossus that the First Order was coming for them, Aunt Z gave a speech urging the Colossus to help them. San supported Aunt Z's speech, saying that they should help their friends. Synara San, flying Kragan Gorr's shuttle, joined Commander Venisa Doza's Jade Squadron and Ace Squadron in their attack against Commander Pyre's Star Destroyer. After CB-23 disabled the Star Destroyer's shields, Team Colossus damaged the Destroyer's engines enough to destroy the ship. Once Kazuda Xiono and his companions escaped from the Destroyer, Synara and the rest of the squadron returned to the Colossus.

Personality and traits

Synara came to choose her Colossus friends Kaz and Tam over the Warbird gang.

Synara San was a female Mirialan with [black](/article/color] [hair](/article/hair], blue [eyes](/article/eye], green lips, and lavender skin. San also wore a [helmet](/article/helmet]. She had traditional Mirialan tattoos on her face, consisting of eight blue diamonds on her forehead and the bridge of her nose. She was skilled with technology, which allowed her to get a job as a salvager while undercover on the Colossus.

San's time on the Colossus led her to become friends with some of the residents, particularly Kazuda Xiono, Tam Ryvora, and [Torra Doza](/article/torra_doza]. Because of her new relationships, San struggled to balance her loyalty to Kragan Gorr with her new friends. Kragan became concerned that Synara was prioritizing her friends over her loyalty to her fellow pirates and didn't fully inform her about their operations. When she discovered that the Warbird gang was planning to [kidnap](/article/torra_doza%27s_abduction] Torra Doza, San secretly betrayed her allies to help rescue her.

Synara's friendship with Kaz gained her a valuable ally who helped her escape the First Order. Even though Kaz realized that Synara was a pirate, he still considered her a friend for helping to save the Colossus from the [rokkna](/article/rokkna] [Bibo's mother](/article/bibo%27s_mother] and rescuing Torra Doza. Synara later returned Kaz's favor by convincing her fellow Warbirds to help Xiono when he started an uprising against the First Order on the Colossus.

Synara was a peacemaker

Because of her sense of honor, San scolded Snarl and Drell for abandoning Xiono and Torra on the icy world of [Celsor 3](/article/celsor_3] and made them apologize. As a peacemaker, San helped calm Gork down when Xiono accidentally bumped a cup into him. San's friendship with Kaz and other Colossus residents led her to side with the station's inhabitants during Kragan's attempted mutiny. As an act of mercy, she convinced Captain Doza to spare the pirates. San considered the Colossus her new family. She remained loyal to her new family during the Attack on Aeos Prime and Team Colossus' battle against the First Order.


Kragan Gorr

Synara San was adopted by the Quarren pirate captain Kragan Gorr, who saved her from a difficult life on the streets of Vanqor and raised her as his daughter. While initially loyal to Kragan, Synara began to question her loyalty after befriending several Colossus residents, including her rescuer Kazuda Xiono and Tamara Ryvora.

As a pragmatist, San viewed Gorr's plan to hunt down a winged [jakoosk](/article/jakoosk] to gain favor with Captain Doza as a "fool's errand." San defended Kragan and her fellow Warbirds when the [Nikto](/article/nikto] [engineer](/article/engineer] [Nenavakasa Nalor](/article/nenavakasa_nalor], who was a First Order [spy](/article/spy], tried to create conflict between them and the Colossus.

After Kragan attempted a mutiny against Captain Doza, she joined forces with Xiono and Neeku Vozo to stop the coup attempt. She convinced Doza to show mercy to Kragan and the Warbirds by exiling them from the Colossus. While Kragan was hurt by her "betrayal," she considered exile an act of mercy and believed her debt to Kragan was paid.

Kazuda Xiono

Synara initially had a hostile relationship with Kazuda Xiono because they were on opposite sides during the Warbirds' raids on the Colossus. After Xiono helped rescue her from a freighter in Sector Six, she initially attacked him but calmed down after he assured her that he was a friend. While Synara was initially a pirate spy, she warmed up to Xiono after they narrowly escaped Bibo's mother and managed to warn the Colossus about the enraged rokkna.

San paying Xiono and Ryvora a visit.

After befriending Kaz and his friends, Synara faced a moral dilemma when Kragan ordered her to kidnap Torra Doza. Despite helping the pirates, she warned Kaz, earning his friendship and trust. Even though Kaz eventually discovered that she was a pirate, Xiono decided to help her because she was a friend who had helped save the Colossus during the Bibo incident and rescue Torra. Synara later repaid Kaz's friendship by convincing the pirates to help the Colossus residents expel the First Order and escape into space.

Because of their friendship and trust, Xiono confided in Synara about the Colossus's dwindling supplies of food and fuel. She used her position as a go-between for Kaz and the pirates to convince her fellow Warbirds to help the Colossus residents extract a coaxium canister from the First Order dreadnought Fulminatrix. Synara also confronted Xiono for trying to contact Tam, who had defected to the First Order. While Kaz still hoped for his friend's return, Synara believed that Tam couldn't be trusted.

When the First Order spy Nena tried to create conflict between the Warbirds and the Colossus residents, Synara convinced Xiono of the pirates' innocence by emphasizing her role in selecting the station's power couplings. She also convinced Xiono and Neeku of Nena's true motives.

Because of Xiono's friendship, San ultimately chose to side with the inhabitants of the Colossus over the Warbirds during Kragan's attempted mutiny. She tried to warn Xiono about her suspicions regarding Kragan's new contingent of B-2 battle droids. After escaping captivity with the help of Vozo's reprogrammed battle droid B1, she, along with Xiono, Vozo, and B-1, confronted Kragan, forcing the pirates to surrender after taking over their B-2 battle droids.

Tamara Ryvora

Synara developed a friendship with the mechanic Tamara Ryvora. Synara impressed Tam by obtaining a [CoMar Tri-Tracker chip](/article/comar_tri-tracker_chip], which Team Fireball needed to repair the Colossus' air defense system. Tam trusted Synara enough to confide in her about her ambition to become a successful racer. The two became friends after working together to fight off several pirates in the Colossus' loading docks. Tam was upset when Synara left without saying goodbye after the First Order occupied the Colossus, not realizing that Synara was a pirate wanted by the First Order.

Skills and abilities

Synara San was a skilled pilot. She was also a capable fighter who could hold her own in physical combat. In addition, Synara was also a skilled sniper, using her small [blaster pistol](/article/blaster_pistol] to shoot from long distances. Besides her work as a pirate, Synara was a resourceful salvager who could also pilot a [salvaging skiff](/article/synara%27s_salvaging_skiff].

Synara was also familiar with electronic systems like power couplings. This allowed her to see through the First Order spy Nena's plot to create conflict between the Warbirds and the Colossus residents.

Because of her combat skills, Xiono and Yeager enlisted her help during a mission to rescue Resistance spy Norath Kev. Despite her fighting skills, she met her match in the bounty hunter Ax Tagrin, who managed to capture her and Yeager following a crash landing and intense fight.

Behind the scenes

Synara San is a character created for Star Wars Resistance. [Nazneen Contractor](/article/nazneen_contractor] provides her voice. Early designs of Synara depicted her as a [Weequay](/article/weequay] and a green-skinned [Mirialan](/article/mirialan], before settling on the latter species with a different skin color.

