Imanuel Doza, a male human, held the position of captain at the Colossus refueling station during the New Republic era. Before this, he served the Galactic Empire as a captain until he deserted around the time of the Battle of Endor. During the Cold War period, he and Venisa Doza, a Rebel pilot, had a daughter named Torra Doza. Torra, a young Ace pilot, lived with her father in the station's upper sections.

During the Galactic Empire's reign, Imanuel Doza was an Imperial officer with the rank of captain. However, influenced by Venisa, who was then a Rebel pilot and later his wife, Doza abandoned the Imperial Military around the time of the Battle of Endor. After the Galactic Civil War's end, Doza married Venisa and they had a daughter, Torra. Doza and his daughter eventually made their home on the Colossus refueling platform on Castilon, where he ultimately became the station's operator.
In 34 ABY, after Jace Rucklin's racer was destroyed, Doza gazed from his tower at Jarek Yeager, causing Yeager to tell Kazuda Xiono that they needed to be less conspicuous.
At one point, Doza informed the inhabitants of Colossus that they would have to ration their fuel for the following 100 hours. However, some residents, like "Aunt Z", suspected him of causing the power outage and believed he had power in his tower. Some even thought Doza was working with the First Order, sneaking their ships in at night.
When the power was restored, Major Elrik Vonreg arrived, and Doza invited him to his office. There, Doza inquired about Vonreg's intentions. Major Vonreg and the First Order proposed offering "protection" to help Ace Squadron safeguard Colossus from the increasing pirate attacks. Despite Colossus' vulnerability due to the fuel shortage, Doza declined Vonreg's offer and threatened to report the attempted coercion to the New Republic. Vonreg then threatened to expose Doza's dealings with the criminal underworld to the New Republic. Despite the threat, Doza rejected Vonreg's bribe, stating he would need a better offer.
Unbeknownst to them, [Kazuda Xiono](/article/kazuda_xiono], a new spy for the Resistance, was eavesdropping. Xiono believed Doza was planning to make a deal with the First Order and was their mole. Doza demanded to know the purpose of Vonreg's stormtroopers and was informed that a spy had overheard their conversation. Doza and his daughter were surprised by this revelation. His daughter claimed it was just a friend visiting, and Doza believed her. Doza emphasized that he disapproved of the First Order accusing Colossus' citizens of espionage and that he trusted his daughter and the citizens.
After the First Order departed, Doza reviewed the security footage and identified Xiono, wondering about his identity.
Later, Captain Doza instructed the security droid 4D-M1N to summon Xiono for a meeting. Doza knew him as Jarek Yeager's mechanic and Torra's racing competitor. After exchanging greetings, Doza questioned Xiono about his interest in the two missing children, Kel and Eila, for whom the First Order had placed a bounty.
Kaz showed Captain Doza Kel's charm and inquired about why they were fugitives. Doza responded that mercenaries typically did not ask questions. When Kaz replied that he was not a mercenary, Doza asked Kaz to consider who would place such a bounty on two missing children and why. Kaz stated that he only wanted the children to get home safely. Satisfied with Xiono's motives, Doza instructed 4D to escort Kaz out.
In private, Doza contacted Captain Phasma via hologram and inquired about why the First Order would offer such a large bounty for two children. Phasma claimed that Kel and Eila were from a wealthy and influential family within the First Order. Doza confirmed that the children were on the platform and also reminded Phasma to ensure that First Order visitors respect local law on the Colossus.
In reality, Kel and Eila were survivors of a First Order massacre on Tehar. First Order forces under Commander Pyre arrived to hunt them down, with orders to recruit them or kill them if they refused. However, Xiono helped the children escape by faking their deaths. Kel and Eila then sought refuge among the Chelidae engineers and mechanics on the engineering deck.
Later, Captain Doza hired Jarek Yeager and his Team Fireball to repair the station's aerial defense system's tracking computer. Since Ace Squadron was escorting an important supply shipment, Doza told Yeager to have the weapons system ready within the next three hours.
While Yeager's mechanics were searching for a CoMar Tri-Tracker chip, Doza met with Yeager inside Doza Tower. He told Yeager that they had to get the cannons online within an hour. Doza expressed his concerns about the improved tactics and equipment of the pirates. Yeager tried to reassure Doza by promising that his team would have the cannons online within the hour. However, they were spied upon by the pirate spy Synara San, who deduced that the Colossus' aerial defense system was down and contacted Kragan Gorr. Kragan's Warbird gang launched a second raid on the Colossus.
During the attack, Captain Doza dispatched two security teams to the loading docks. As the platform burned, Doza contacted Yeager by comlink and demanded to know when his cannons would be online. Yeager responded that his team was working on it. After fighting off Kragan and his gang, Yeager and Xiono managed to install the tracking computer. With the anti-aircraft systems activated, Doza was able to drive away the pirate ships with the anti-aircraft guns and the help of the Ace Squadron.
Following the pirate raid, Captain Doza contacted the First Order. Doza asked Commander Pyre to look at his proposal and requested his help in combating the pirate raids. Pyre was pleased and reassured him that he would be visiting the Colossus to oversee the proposal personally.
The day before the Platform Classic race, Doza later summoned Jarek Yeager, accompanied by his entire crew, to his office, to request he participate in the race. When Yeager declined, Doza stated he anticipated this but believed he couldn't resist racing against a champion, Marcus Speedstar, who then revealed himself to his estranged brother. Since Yeager was still bitter towards his younger brother for causing the deaths of his wife and daughter, Yeager refused to have anything to do with Speedstar and walked out, saying that he would see him in another decade.
Following a failed attempt to force Speedstar out of the race, Yeager was obliged to race when Aunt Z and her customers placed bets on the two brothers. During the race, Doza observed the race from his office. In the final leg, Yeager allowed Speedstar to win after letting go of his bitterness realizing that Speedstar was racing to save his friend Oplock from the Guavian Death Gang. As a result, Speedstar won the Platform Classic and was able to free his friend.
While impatiently awaiting an impending visit from Commander Pyre of the First Order, Doza was visited by Torra, who was also impatient about being isolated in her room. Though his daughter protested that she was capable of handling pirates and marauders, Doza insisted that the First Order was far more dangerous and told Torra to remain in her room until they had departed and assigned 4D-M1N to make sure she stayed put. Once 4D has left, Captain Doza contacted Pyre. After exchanging pleasantries, Pyre tells Doza to prepare the tower docking bay, promising to arrive within the hour.
Following Pyre's arrival, Doza discussed with the stormtrooper regarding the First Order providing security for the Colossus. When Doza asked if his stormtroopers would leave the platform after the pirate threat had passed, Pyre remained evasive, stating it would be impossible to place a timeline due to the unpredictability of pirates. Doza subsequently received a datapad containing information on the First Order's proposal. He asked for time to consider their proposal, though Pyre insisted he not delay, so Doza ordered 4D to place the datapad in his office.
As he was seeing Pyre off, Jace Rucklin sought to speak with Doza. When Pyre asked if there was a problem, Doza insisted it was nothing to worry about and took Rucklin back inside the tower, where the boy insisted he saw Kazuda Xiono break into his office. The two rush to Doza's office to find it completely deserted. Though Doza found Rucklin's story suspect, the boy insisted that Xiono was in hiding and began searching.
As he was about to open Doza's closet containing his Imperial uniform, the captain was forced to stop him, insisting it was private property. After sending Rucklin out with his trash, Doza was about to investigate his closet himself, only to be interrupted by Torra, who stated that the Aces desired to speak with him regarding his deal with the First Order. Conceding that she was right, Doza accompanied his daughter to meet the Aces.
Once all his affairs were wrapped up, Doza returned to Torra's room to take her out on his promised hover cruise.
In an attempt to exert pressure on Captain Doza to accept a First Order occupation, Commander Pyre hired Kragan Gorr to kidnap Doza's daughter, Torra. Kragan tasked his agent Synara San with receiving the pirates Drell and Valik in a shipping container. With the help of Synara, Drell, and Valik broke into Doza Tower and kidnapped Torra.
After learning about Drell and Valik's true mission, Synara warned Kaz. 4D-M1N informed Captain Doza that his daughter was missing. Captain Doza dispatched the Ace Squadron while Kaz followed in his fighter Fireball. Though the pirates managed to evade them, Torra was rescued by Major Elrik Vonreg, who had supposedly come to parley with the pirates. After returning Torra to the Colossus, he offered to leave behind a small security detail for Captain Doza and asked him to reconsider the First Order's offer.
After the First Order established a garrison on the Colossus, Captain Doza raised concerns with Commander Pyre that the stormtroopers were exceeding their authority and reiterated that the Colossus was his platform. Pyre responded that the stormtroopers were there as peacekeepers and that the station was safe from pirates due to their protection. Doza questioned the cost of the First Order's protection.
Captain Doza was later visited by Commander Pyre, who arrived at the Colossus aboard his shuttle. When Doza informed Pyre that the pirate spy Synara San had escaped and suggested that he did not need such as large stormtrooper garrison, Pyre responded that someone helped the pirate to escape and vowed to catch the culprit. When Doza tried to assert his authority over the Colossus, Pyre countered that it was the First Order's job to maintain order per their agreement.
As time passed, Commander Pyre suggested that Ace Squadron's racers posed a security threat. Doza disagreed, pointing out that racing brought "positive morale" to the station. When Commander Pyre cancelled all races at the Colossus on security grounds, Pyre protested, arguing that racing was a vital source of the station's community and livelihood. Commander Pyre stuck to his decision, claiming that he could not risk an accident with undisciplined pilots.
A disappointed Captain Doza relayed the news to his Ace pilots, who expressed disappointment and frustration. Hype Fazon took out his frustration on a group of stormtroopers and was subsequently imprisoned in the West Docks alongside several dissidents including Aunt Z, pending deportation. Growing frustrated at the First Order's increasing control, Captain Doza met with Jarek Yeager to discuss the situation. When Kaz and his daughter, Torra interrupted the meeting, Doza revealed that the plight of Fazon and the others, leading Kaz and Torra to mount a rescue mission.
After Commander Pyre detained Tam during a raid on Yeager's garage, Torra told Doza that they could not continue pretending to be compliant with the First Order. Captain Doza explained that he was doing what he could do from the inside but that it was difficult. He says that they needed to contact the New Republic. Shortly later, Pyre arrived and informed Doza that he had identified Yeager and his associates as spies and detained a suspect on charges for sector violation, conspiracy, and sedition.
After Pyre left, Doza told his daughter that the First Order had detained Kaz's friend Tam. Later, Tam was brought into Doza's office by Commander Pyre and First Order Security Bureau Agent Tierny. Captain Doza attempted to protect Tam during the questioning but Tierny took Tam to speak to her alone without interruptions. Tierny used this time to build a rapport with Tam and to turn her against her friends.
Later, Doza and Torra were present when Kaz's new astromech droid CB-23 arrived and relayed a message from Kaz to sink the Colossus so that he and Yeager could deactivate the First Order's jammer at the top of Doza Tower and send a distress call to the Resistance. Doza thought the plan was crazy but complied with Kaz's plan. He ordered the Colossus' residents to evacuate the docks, seek shelter, and sealed the hatches to prevent flooding. When Pyre confronted Doza about the sinking of the Colossus, the Captain claimed that the station's reactor malfunctioned. Though Kaz's plan worked, Yeager was captured and General Organa was unable to send reinforcements to Castilon.
Following the arrest of Yeager, Captain Doza confronted Commander Pyre and accused him of abusing his power. Pyre countered that Doza had invited him to the Colossus. When Captain Doza threatened to warn the New Republic, Pyre ordered his men to arrest Doza. Under Doza's orders, his security droid 4D-M1N fought back but was damaged by Pyre. Pyre then arrested Doza and his Ace pilots but Torra managed to elude the First Order and connect with Kaz, who had established a Resistance cell.
Kaz, Torra, and CB-23 freed Yeager and Doza from their cells. During the Colossus' flight from Castilon, Doza guided the ascent of the station in coordination with Neeku, Kel, Eila, and the Chelidae, who manned the engine room. With the help of Kaz, Yeager, the Aces, the Warbird pirates, and Aunt Z, the Colossus managed to escape First Order forces and flee into hyperspace. However, Tam along with Jace Rucklin joined the First Order.
Imanuel Doza was a male human with graying hair, brown eyes and light skin. He was very overprotective of his daughter. Doza served as a Captain in the Imperial Military during the time of the "Old Empire." However, he defected after meeting the Rebel pilot Venisa Doza, who convinced him to defect from the Empire.
In the years following the Galactic Civil War, Captain Doza served as the leader of the Colossus refueling platform, using his Ace Squadron to defend the station and its resources. Doza recognized that racing providing an important source of community and economic livelihood to his people. While Doza was a relatively fair and just leader who cared for his people, he was not above dealing with criminals. The station's frequent power outages and economic hardships led many residents to question Doza's leadership.
Captain Doza resisted several First Order protection "offers" until the First Order engineered the kidnapping of his daughter, Torra, using their Warbird pirate proxies. While Captain Doza's negotiations with the First Order and Imperial uniform led Resistance spy Kazuda Xiono to believe that the Captain was in league with the First Order, Doza opposed the First Order's increasing authoritarian rule over the Colossus and was sympathetic to former rebel operatives like Jarek Yeager and the Resistance.
Following the First Order's raid on Team Fireball, Doza voiced criticism of the First Order. Not intimidated by the First Order's garrison Commander Pyre, he helped Xiono and Yeager in their attempt to contact the Resistance. Due to his actions, Doza was imprisoned by the First Order. After being freed by Xiono and Torra, he and Yeager led the Colossus and its inhabitants into space to escape the First Order. Doza was also skilled in using a Glie-44 blaster pistol.
Imanuel and Venisa were on opposite sides during the Galactic Civil War until Venisa convinced Imanuel to defect from the Empire. The two subsequently fell in love and had a daughter named Torra Doza. While they were inseparable as a couple, Venisa answered the call of duty and joined General Leia Organa's Resistance in order to fight the First Order. Still, the Dozas kept in touch as a family, meeting for the next six years on Torra's birthday to spend time as a family.
Imanuel had a close and loving relationship with his daughter, Torra Doza. Imanuel was protective of his daughter, sometimes keeping her from joining her fellow Aces on patrol mission. The two spent quality time together with Imanuel once taking his daughter out on a hover cruise. Imanuel and Torra would meet with Venisa once a year to spend time together as a family.
Imanuel Doza is a character created and developed for Star Wars Resistance. He is voiced by Jason Hightower.