Z'Vk'Thkrkza, more often called Aunt Z, was a Gilliand species female who lived on the ocean planet of Castilon during the New Republic era. She was a resident of the Colossus refueling platform. She ran a popular tavern where other residents of the station could get food, drinks, or advice from the tavern owner. When the First Order occupied the Colossus, Aunt Z was arrested for loudly protesting against them. Kazuda Xiono and Torra Doza helped Aunt Z, Hype Fazon, Grevel, and Nod overcome their stormtrooper guards and escape the planet in a stolen transport. Aunt Z decided that the pair should go to Takodana and hide with a friend.

Originally from the planet [Crul](/article/crul], Aunt Z was the proprietor of a tavern on the Colossus, an independent refueling station located on Castilon. She also employed several service droids, including G1-7CH "Glitch," and managed the betting pool for the races. At one point, the Resistance starfighter pilot Poe Dameron brought one of his new spies, Kazuda Xiono, to her. They were in search of Poe's friend Jarek Yeager. Aunt Z directed them to Yeager. Poe departed with him, leaving Xiono at the tavern. Xiono decided to engage in a game of holodarts with an Aleen named Grevel, but Grevel tampered with his dart, causing it to strike Bolza Grool, a Klatooinian, in the back.
Grool initiated a brawl with Xiono, and the other patrons joined in until Yeager returned to restore order. Shortly afterward, when Neeku Vozo decided to help Xiono start his racing career by announcing that he would challenge Solo the next day, Aunt Z promptly opened up bets. Xiono attempted to tell her he didn't want to race, but Yeager told him he couldn't because Grool would throw him off the platform if he refused.
When Kaz had difficulty adjusting to Yeager's repair shop, he sought comfort at Aunt Z's Tavern. While Kaz expressed his frustration with Yeager, Aunt Z suggested that Yeager might not be the best fit and advised him to look for other accommodations. On the same day, Kaz became friends with Jace Rucklin, an unscrupulous racer, and his racing team, who attempted to steal a bottle of hyperfuel from Kaz's employer, Yeager.
When blackouts began occurring on the Colossus due to a fuel shortage, she informed Xiono, Tamara Ryvora, and Vozo that she believed they were being intentionally caused by Captain Imanuel Doza because she suspected he was working for the First Order. This inspired Xiono to sneak into Doza Tower and spy on Doza's meeting with Major Elrik Vonreg. Later, Kaz was chased by stormtroopers while navigating the ledges of Doza Tower. Aunt Z was unsympathetic to his predicament and wagered 20 credits that he would fall to his death, a bet that was quickly taken up by the other patrons. Nevertheless, she cheered him on and seemed quite pleased when Kaz managed to escape the stormtroopers with the help of the BB unit BB-8, who had been assigned to look after Kaz by Poe.
After incurring Tam's anger for accidentally damaging an acceleration compensator, Kaz sought solace at Aunt Z's Tavern. Kaz ordered a glass of water from Aunt Z, but she attempted to take it away when Kaz didn't pay the full amount. Neeku then took pity on Kaz and paid the full bill, prompting Aunt Z to praise Neeku for being a good friend. While at the cantina, Kaz learned about a bounty on two children and decided to rescue them in order to purchase a new acceleration compensator for Tam. Kaz and his friends discovered that the children Kel and Eila had fled a massacre on Tehar and helped them hide from the First Order with the Chelidae, the "shell folk" who worked as engineers in the Colossus' engineering deck.
Later, when BB-8 visited her tavern looking for Xiono, she told the droid she hadn't seen him that day. BB-8 returned to Yeager's repairs only to discover that Kaz had been back at the workshop the whole time.
When the Platform Classic was held, after Yeager was successfully goaded by his employees into challenging his brother Marcus Speedstar in the race, Aunt Z quickly began taking bets. Xiono, reminded of what had happened to him on his first day on the platform, smugly reminded Yeager that he couldn't back out once he had agreed to race.
Aunt Z was present when Kaz, Torra Doza, Neeku, BB-8, R1-J5 "Bucket," [Bolza Grool](/article/bolza_grool], and Al engaged in a game of holo-darts. Kaz had three attempts but failed to hit the bullseye. Bucket then took a turn. His first two shots hit the bull's eye, but the third holo-dart ricocheted off the board and around the tavern. Aunt Z casually deflected the dart with a tray while talking to a female human patron, causing it to strike Kaz in the buttocks.
Later, Aunt Z was serving the shopkeepers Flix and Orka, who were accompanied by their pit droid G-LN. When Orka gave G-LN some Blurrgfire, the pit droid became hyperactive and accosted two service droids, including Glitch and Bolza Grool. While Aunt Z was conversing with her guests, the service droids and Grool ganged up on G-LN and roughed him up.
Aunt Z sold Kaz a drink while Torra and Tam played a game of holodarts. Shortly later, Synara San entered Aunt Z's Tavern, and Torra invited her to play a game of Drone-Blaster. Unbeknownst to everyone, Synara was a pirate and a member of Kragan Gorr's Warbird gang. Gaining Torra's trust, Synara gained access to Doza Tower and helped her pirate associates kidnap Torra. Torra was subsequently rescued by the First Order, who used it to persuade Captain Imanuel Doza to agree to the First Order's occupation of the Colossus.
Unlike most of the Colossus' residents, who were either supportive or indifferent towards it, Aunt Z was openly unhappy and hostile regarding the First Order occupation, especially when stormtroopers forced her to display propaganda in her tavern after claiming it didn't match her décor. Eventually, her refusal to remain silent about her dislike for them led to her throwing the datapad displaying the propaganda at a stormtrooper patrol, after loudly proclaiming her belief that the First Order was responsible for the disappearances of Colossus residents, including top Ace Hype Fazon. Later that same day, she was arrested, causing her droid Glitch to be overwhelmed while having to run the tavern by himself, allowing the First Order to place as many propaganda projectors as they pleased.
Aunt Z was placed in the same cargo container where Fazon, along with Grevel and Nod, were being held after their own arrests for similarly hostile behavior towards the First Order. The Gilliand refused to remain quiet or docile about her confinement, demanding to be let out, and even used Fazon as an unwilling stepladder (much to the Rodian's discomfort as she was much heavier than him) to interrogate the troopers guarding the container, whereupon she was told that she and the others would be shipped offworld. Xiono resolved to do something, and along with Torra and CB-23, headed to the west docks to rescue the prisoners after being told where they were by Yeager and Captain Doza. He told Aunt Z, who once again used the unwilling Fazon as a footstool to reach a vent hole in the container, that the plan was for her and her fellow prisoners to get onto the First Order transport before Xiono and Torra helped them overpower their guards so they could steal the ship, as the Colossus would be torn apart in a search if they broke them out now. The rescue plan went off without a hitch, and Fazon volunteered to fly the stolen transport. Aunt Z told Xiono that the escapees would go to Takodana, where she had a friend who could help them.
Aunt Z and Fazon later returned just in time to aid Xiono and the rest of the Colossus in escaping the planet and the First Order. She then went back to work in her tavern, serving up a "Zero-G Special" while the Colossus was stuck in space without coaxium and with multiple system failures.
Unfortunately, the Colossus having been forced on the run into space meant that supplies of food and drink quickly ran out and many residents became unhappy with Captain Doza, Aunt Z among them. Reasoning that she couldn't stay if she couldn't run her business, Aunt Z prepared to leave the station but was persuaded by Torra and Kaz to stay if they could hunt and kill a jakoosk, a creature native to the nearby moon Celsor 3 that could keep the residents fed for a good long while. She offered Kragan Gorr and his Warbird gang free drinks if they could bring the beast down, but ultimately it was Torra and Kaz who did the deed, for which she warmly thanked them and agreed to stay for the time being.

Aunt Z was a Gilliand female characterized by black eyes and fair skin. She had a [tattoo](/article/tattoo] on her upper left arm depicting a space waffle with a crossed knife and spatula. She held a strong dislike for the First Order, and her vocal opposition to them led to her arrest during their occupation of the Colossus. Consequently, after Xiono and Torra assisted her and her fellow prisoners in escaping, she was compelled to leave Castilon and seek refuge, intending to seek assistance from a friend on Takodana.
The character Z'Vk'Thkrkza, also known as "Aunt Z," was conceived and developed for the animated series Star Wars Resistance. Her voice is provided by Tovah Feldshuh.