
Flix, identified as male, was a Gozzo who, alongside Orka, managed the Office of Acquisitions aboard the Colossus.

Life Story

Born on Drahgor III, Flix hailed from a family whose business was a fuel refinery. Discontent with what he saw as his homeworld's backwardness, Flix eventually departed, harboring ambitions of becoming a cantina singer, a career choice frowned upon by his cousin Flanx. He never realized this aspiration, and by 34 ABY, he was co-running the Office of Acquisitions, a shop trading in salvaged starship components, with his Chadra-Fan partner Orka on the Colossus platform. A DUM-series pit droid named G-LN provided assistance. Flix handled the administrative aspects of their shared enterprise.

Encountering Kaz

Orka and Flix

During the era of the New Republic, Flix and Orka received a visit from Kazuda Xiono, a Resistance spy posing as a "mechanic," who had inadvertently found himself in competition with Torra Doza, a pilot from Ace Squadron. Xiono sought spare parts for the Fireball, his racer. Initially, Flix dismissed Xiono until Neeku Vozo, a fellow mechanic and friend, presented an acquisition order. Lacking the necessary funds, Xiono agreed to wager a hundred credits on the Fireball. Orka offered Xiono spare parts in exchange for a gorg for their lunch. By the time Xiono returned, Flix and Orka were already eating. Nevertheless, they provided him with three boxes of old spare parts.

Kaz's Second Visit

Later, Flix and Orka were at their shop when Kaz came by to purchase a ZX-19 compressor. While Kaz was making the purchase, Flix became interested in Kaz's lucky trophy, but the young man refused to part with it, as he had won it in a space race. Shortly after, Tam Ryvora, another employee of Jarek Yeager, entered the store and scolded Xiono for being behind schedule. Later that day, the Colossus was raided by the Warbird gang led by the Quarren pirate Kragan Gorr.

The Tri-Tracker Chip

Kaz and BB-8 went to the Office of Acquisitions while looking for a CoMar Tri-Tracker chip to put on the anti-aircraft defense system of the Colossus. Orka said they had the tri-tracker chips, as well as hyperdrive cores and kyber crystals, but Flix said that Orka was lying. Flix then told Xiono to look for the scavengers before laughing at Orka's comment about them having kyber crystals. Xiono was able to get a tri-tracker chip from Synara San, an undercover pirate. Team Fireball was able to fix the anti-aircraft defense, but not before the Colossus was raided by pirates a second time.

The Botched Robbery

One day, Flix and Orka were robbed by Narb, a Snivvian criminal, who used a gun to force them to give him several crates. As Narb was leaving the Office of Acquisitions, Orka activated a trapdoor, causing Narb to fall. Flix then grabbed the crates before they fell. Later, Narb's brother Nod came into the shop looking for his brother and also fell through the trap door.

Unwanted Treasure

Flix and Orka later bought a treasure chest from Synara San, a salvager and undercover pirate. After some trouble, Orka was able to open the chest, only to find that it was full of thermal detonators. When Orka accidentally turned on the detonators, Flix tried to turn them off. Luckily, the detonators didn't blow up. After getting rid of the treasure chest and detonators at sea, Flix and Orka bought a second chest from Synara, with Flix joking that he liked surprises.

Drinks at Aunt Z

Flix and Orka later had drinks at Aunt Z's Tavern with their pit droid G-LN. After Orka gave G-LN some blurrgfire, the pit droid became hyperactive and bothered two serving droids, including Glitch, and Bolza Grool, a Klatooinian merchant. They ganged up on G-LN and beat him up. Flix and Orka found him and figured that the blurrgfire didn't agree with G-LN.

Hype's Droid

Later, Hype Fazon, the Ace leader, brought his astromech droid, R4-G77, for Flix and Orka to look at, because he thought it had a broken motivator. However, R4-G77 didn't want to be looked at and fought the two merchants, making a mess of the shop. Orka was able to get him under control. When Flix said it wasn't so bad, Orka agreed before collapsing to the floor from exhaustion.

The Phase Connector Theft

Flix and Orka were able to hire Xiono to watch their shop and their pet gorg Bitey for a day in exchange for giving Team Fireball starship parts. Flix and Orka left with their pit droid G-LN to visit Flix's mother. However, Teroj Kee, a First Order agent, had been watching their communications and tried to steal a phase connector that they had sold to a mining company. Teroj damaged their shop during a fight with BB-8 and got away with the phase connector. But Kaz was able to sink their freighter with Bitey's help.

Kaz told Flix and Orka about Teroj's attempted heist when they got back to their shop. When Kaz asked what a phase connector was used for, Flix said that it was used to break open asteroids and planetoids for heavy mining. While the two were happy that they had stopped Teroj from getting offworld with the technology, they made Kaz clean up the mess. Later, Kaz and BB-8 told the Resistance about the First Order's interest in the phase connector.

The First Order Occupation

After Kaz and his friends submerged the Colossus to send a distress signal to the Resistance, Kaz and CB-23 found Flix, Orka, their pet gorg Bitey, and droid G-LN hiding inside a chest while on their way to Doza Tower. Flix and Orka told Kaz that their plan to get away from the First Order was to sneak out in a crate to Flix's mother on [Talivar](/article/talivar]. Flix and Orka didn't think that Kaz's plan to free the Colossus from the First Order would work. But they were wrong, and Kaz and his resistance cell were able to kick out the First Order and take the Colossus into hyperspace.

Escape into Space

After the Battle of Castilon, Flix and Orka stayed on the Colossus after the space station went into hyperspace. The two friends went to Aunt Z's Tavern when the station had problems with its gravity generator, which made them float. Flix said that the current situation wasn't good for business.

While traveling through space, the Colossus started to run out of supplies, especially food. After two tries, Kaz and Torra Doza were able to hunt down a giant flying jakoosk on Celsor 3, a cold world. Flix joined Orka at a communal dinner where the station's people ate the jakoosk's meat.


When the Colossus started to run low on fuel, Flix and Orka went with Kaz, Torra, and CB-23 on a mission to Drahgor III to get fuel from the local fuel refinery, which was run by Flix's family. Flix wasn't excited about the upcoming family reunion because he didn't have a good relationship with his cousins. Flix and Orka almost fell out of their Star Commuter 2000 shuttle because of the bad weather on Drahgor III, but CB-23 saved them.

When they got to the fuel refinery, Flix was greeted by his cousins, including Flanx, who had taken over the refinery after Uncle Floog retired. Flanx was mean to Flix, making fun of him for not being a successful cantina singer. Flix tried to get fuel by using his status as a member of the family. But Flanx turned down his cousin's request and bragged that the family had done well from deep-core drilling. Flix was horrified by this and said that the depths of the planet were home to the Karnex Dragon. But Flanx said that the dragons were just superstition.

When one of the refinery's deep core drills went offline, Kaz offered to fix the monitor in exchange for getting fuel, even though Flix didn't want him to. Flanx accepted the deal but said that Flix and the others had to go with Kaz because he wasn't going to babysit anyone. Even though Flix didn't want to, Kaz and Torra accepted Flanx's terms. When Flanx told Flix that this work would be good for him, Flix told his estranged cousin not to touch him. Flix also repeated the Gozzo legends about not digging too deep.

While going down a lift into the depths of the planet, Flix felt movement outside and stopped the lift. It turned out to be a karnex dragon. While trying to be quiet, a loose piece of rock made the lift go down into the abyss. Even though they tried to stabilize the lift, it went out of control. Torra and Orka were separated and left on the shaft while Flix and the others went down the lift. They were able to jump out of the doomed carriage before it crashed. However, Kaz was separated from Flix, Flanx, and CB-23.

While Torra and Orka climbed the lift shaft back to the surface to get a shuttle, Flix and the others decided to find the inactive drill and turn it back on. Since Kaz was on the other side of the ridge, he agreed to meet up with them. While arguing, Flix, Flanx, and CB-23 made their way to the drill, where they were joined by Kaz, who helped Flanx fix the drill. They soon ran into a karnex dragon, which proved Flix's warning that the creatures were real. After a fight, the karnex dragon kidnapped Flanx and went back to its lair.

Flix was able to save his cousin Flanx from the karnex dragons with the help of Kaz and CB-23. They ran away from the cave but were chased by the dragons. Working together, Flix and the others were able to use several light panels to push the karnex dragons back into the depths of the planet. They were soon joined by Torra and Orka, who had taken over a shuttle. Flanx realized his mistake and decided to seal the caves and stop deep core drilling. Flix also made up with his cousin, and the two hugged.

After going back to the surface, Flanx convinced the rest of his family to stop deep core drilling to avoid bothering the dragon's natural habitat. Flanx also gave Flix all the fuel that the Colossus needed, which was two tanks, to make up for his actions. Before leaving, Kaz asked Flix about his career as a cantina dancer, but Flix was still too embarrassed to talk about it. After saying goodbye to his family, Flix went back to the Colossus with his friends.

Facing Down the First Order

Flix and Orka went with the rest of the Colossus community when they tried to settle on Aeos, an ocean world that had a similar environment to Castilon. Even though they had a hostile first contact with the Aeosians, the natives agreed to let them settle after Kaz helped to make peace. But the Colossus people had to leave after the First Order found them and attacked them.

Flix, along with Orka and GL-N, later went to a townhall meeting where the residents decided to help Xiono, Yeager, and Tamara fight against the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Thunderer that was chasing them from the First Order. The Thunderer was destroyed during a battle in the Barabesh system.

Personality and Traits

Flix had white fur and black eyes. Flix liked to say that his father was part Gungan, but Orka didn't think that was true. While Orka was more of a joker, Flix seemed to be the more serious of the two.

When Flix was young, he thought that his homeworld of Drahgor III was backward and hated his family's work as miners. Flix wanted to be a cantina singer but wasn't successful, so he decided to become the co-owner of a starship parts store called the "Office of Acquisitions."

When Flix was a child, he had a good relationship with his cousin Flanx. But this relationship got worse because Flix rejected the family occupation of miners and decided to become a cantina singer. Flix also disagreed with Flanx, who wanted to drill deep into Drahgor III's core for fuel. Because of the fallout, the two didn't talk or visit each other for years. The two had to work together during a visit to get fuel for the Colossus, which brought them into contact with karnex dragons. After Flix saved Flanx from the dragons, Flanx made up with his cousin. He stopped deep core drilling and gave two tanks of fuel to Flix and his Colossus friends as a gift.

Behind the Scenes

Flix is a character that was created and developed for Star Wars Resistance. Jim Rash is the voice of Flix. When Rash first saw the character, he thought Flix was a porg, a species that was first shown in Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi. Amy Beth Christenson designed the character based on Ralph McQuarrie's early concept sketches for the Ewoks. During the Coffee with Kenobi podcast on September 30, 2019, Justin Ridge and Brandon Auman, the producers, confirmed that Flix and Orka were in a romantic relationship. In the first script, Flix was called "Felix."

