The Battle of Castilon, alternatively referred to as the attack on Castilon or the battle on Castilon, marked an early engagement in the war between the First Order and the Resistance during 34 ABY. Following the occupation of the planet Castilon by the First Order, the Colossus successfully fled. This platform, a long-dormant Imperial supertanker fuel depot that hadn't flown in at least two decades, was made flight-worthy again due to the efforts of Resistance operative Kazuda Xiono and Neeku Vozo. After they discovered the station's hyperdrive, Xiono tasked Vozo with restoring its functionality to facilitate their escape. Captain Imanuel Doza, the owner of the Colossus, reluctantly sanctioned the plan upon learning about it. Xiono, CB-23, and Torra Doza, acting on Vozo's suggestion, strategically lured the station's garrison of stormtroopers into specific zones, which they then flooded, washing the troopers into the ocean and effectively liberating the Colossus. This ensuing chaos prompted Agent Tierny from the First Order Security Bureau and Commander Pyre to decide to abandon the Colossus. To mitigate their losses, they summoned reinforcements to obliterate it, while also taking Tamara Ryvora with them. Ryvora, a former member of Team Fireball, had been deceived by Tierny into believing that her friends, Jarek Yeager and Xiono, were malevolent and had been exploiting her. Xiono and Yeager attempted to convince Ryvora to stay, but their efforts proved futile. When Pyre demanded their surrender, Xiono instead instructed Vozo to activate the Colossus' engines, causing the station to ascend. Tierny and Pyre then escaped aboard their shuttle with Ryvora. As the station rose, the pilots of Ace Squadron, along with Yeager and Xiono, rushed to their respective ships. The opportune arrival of Hype Fazon and Z'Vk'Thkrkza in the AAL-1971/9.1 Troop Transport they had previously commandeered to escape the station, responding to the distress signal Xiono had earlier transmitted, enabled the fighters to engage the TIE fighters led by Major Elrik Vonreg. During the conflict, the Warbird pirate gang joined the Colossus' defenders, seeking vengeance for the First Order's earlier betrayal, after being persuaded by Synara San, who had befriended Xiono while spying on the station. When a Resurgent-class Star Destroyer arrived to destroy the Colossus, which was already high in Castilon's atmosphere, Xiono ordered everyone to seek safety within the station, intending to jump into hyperspace. However, they were not yet at a sufficient altitude, and Yeager was under pursuit by Vonreg. Xiono ambushed the red-armored pilot by maneuvering between the upper and lower sections of the Colossus, shooting him down from behind, before he and Yeager landed in a hangar. As the Colossus reached the edge of Castilon's atmosphere, it jumped into hyperspace, initially aiming for the Resistance base on D'Qar, based on coordinates Xiono provided to Vozo. However, due to time constraints, Vozo did not input the complete coordinates, causing the station to emerge from hyperspace three parsecs away from D'Qar. ## Prelude ### Subversion as foreign policy In the months leading up to the open warfare between the First Order and the Resistance, the First Order, in preparation for the impending conflict, expressed interest in utilizing the Colossus platform on Castilon as a strategic base and staging ground. The Resistance, becoming aware of the First Order's intentions, dispatched Kazuda Xiono, a newly-recruited spy, to the Colossus on a solitary mission to ascertain if any individuals on the platform were collaborating with the First Order. To maintain his cover, he took on the role of a mechanic at Jarek Yeager's repair shop, working alongside Yeager's other employees, Neeku Vozo and Tamara Ryvora. Yeager, a long-time acquaintance of Commander Poe Dameron, was hesitant to employ Xiono and cautioned him against involving him in his mission. Xiono was initially accompanied by Dameron's astromech droid, BB-8. To seize control of the Colossus, the First Order, acting on Commander Pyre's suggestion, contracted the Warbird gang of pirates, led by Kragan Gorr, to launch regular attacks on the station. Their objective was to pressure Captain Imanuel Doza, the owner of the Colossus, into inviting First Order forces onboard under the guise of security. Doza was deeply reluctant to do so, as he harbored distrust towards the First Order. Upon his arrival on the Colossus, Xiono experienced several of the pirates' assaults. After the Warbirds managed to infiltrate Synara San, a spy, onto the platform due to the unwitting actions of Xiono and Dameron, who rescued San from the aftermath of a failed raid without knowing her true identity, the pirates executed a particularly devastating attack. This attack caused sufficient damage to force Doza to reconsider the First Order's offer. When Pyre visited the Colossus to present Doza with a copy of the proposed agreement, Xiono snuck into Doza Tower and obtained a copy through his friendship with Doza's daughter, Torra. However, Torra was aware that her father suspected Xiono of being a spy, as he had drawn his attention earlier. Eventually, Pyre and Captain Phasma, frustrated by Doza's prolonged delay in making a decision about their offer, arranged for the Warbirds to kidnap Torra for triple their usual compensation. San, tasked with assisting the pirates in the kidnapping, was taken aback, as she had developed friendships with Torra and Xiono during her time on the Colossus. Her decision to involve Xiono in attempting to prevent the kidnapping led to his discovery of her pirate affiliation. When Major Elrik Vonreg arrived to compensate the Warbirds, he instead betrayed them and "rescued" Torra, an event witnessed by Xiono and several other pilots from the Ace Squadron, who had pursued the pirate abductors. ### The First Order occupation This deception provided the First Order with leverage over Doza, enabling them to station stormtroopers permanently on the Colossus, thus commencing an occupation. The new garrison's initial objective was to locate and apprehend the pirate spy. Despite his reservations, Xiono aided San in escape from the Colossus, with Vozo's assistance. However, this incident provided Pyre with a pretext to intensify the crackdown, asserting that a resident of the station had clearly assisted the spy in her escape. Xiono, while disguised as a stormtrooper, learned that upon the arrival of the full garrison, the First Order intended to arrest any Colossus residents who refused to support them. The First Order's occupation also caused friction between Xiono and his co-worker Ryvora. As Ryvora's grandfather had previously worked in an Imperial factory, she did not perceive the First Order as a threat and was sympathetic towards them. When Xiono and Yeager attempted to warn Ryvora about the true nature of the First Order, she dismissed their warnings. As part of the occupation, the First Order implemented a communications blackout, preventing Xiono from contacting the Resistance. Eventually, he attempted to construct a transmitter to bypass the jamming, but it proved unsuccessful. However, on the same day, Commander Dameron secretly returned to the platform to retrieve BB-8, as he and the droid had been assigned a mission to Jakku. Xiono, Dameron, and BB-8 slipped away from the Colossus in the Fireball using a Widowmaker maneuver to rendezvous with Dameron's X-wing and CB-23, the droid designated to replace BB-8. The two pilots investigated the Dassal system and engaged in a skirmish with Major Vonreg before exchanging droids and parting ways. ### The crackdown Shortly after Xiono's return, Commander Pyre successfully pressured Captain Doza into terminating the races on the station, alleging that the racers might be connected to the pirates. In reality, the First Order sought to eliminate the Ace Squadron, who served as the Colossus' defense force, as a potential threat. This angered Hype Fazon, the leader of the Aces, and resulted in his arrest when he encountered some stormtroopers affixing a gravity lock to his ship. Following Fazon's arrest, Z'Vk'Thkrkza, the proprietor of Aunt Z's Tavern, was arrested for refusing to display First Order propaganda in her establishment. This prompted Xiono, Torra, and CB-23 to sneak out that night and rescue Fazon, Aunt Z, and two others, Grevel and Nod, from First Order custody. Fazon and Aunt Z escaped the planet on the AAL-1971/9.1 Troop Transport intended to transport them to prison, with the intention of heading to Takodana, where Aunt Z had a friend. However, upon Xiono and CB-23's return to the repair shop, they discovered that Pyre had placed the remaining members of Team Fireball under arrest. Pyre informed Yeager that the crew was being arrested for conspiring against the First Order, as the Fireball had been identified as a ship flown by Resistance agents trespassing in Sector Epsilon 51-3, a restricted area. Yeager, Xiono, Vozo, and CB-23 managed to escape with the assistance of R1-J5, also known as "Bucket," who had been in the back of the shop when the stormtroopers arrived, avoiding detection. However, during the escape, Bucket was shot and fell into the ocean, and Ryvora, believing the situation to be merely a misunderstanding, did not flee and was captured. Bucket was retrieved and repaired by Chelidae engineering staff who had been fishing below the station. ### Sinking the Colossus While fleeing through the Colossus' maintenance ducts, Xiono confessed to a bewildered Vozo that he was a spy, a revelation that the literal-minded Nikto initially mistook as a joke. Xiono, Vozo, Yeager, and CB-23 were nearly apprehended by stormtroopers before being rescued by the Chelidae engineering staff and siblings Kel and Eila, a pair of young fugitives from the First Order whom Xiono had previously assisted. In engineering, Xiono devised a plan to contact the Resistance by submerging the Colossus almost entirely underwater, thereby facilitating access to the transmitter broadcasting the First Order's jamming signal. Xiono, Yeager, and CB-23, with the collaboration of Captain Doza, successfully submerged the platform, reached the transmitter, and sent and received a message. However, Yeager was arrested while ensuring Xiono and CB-23's escape. Furthermore, the message from General Leia Organa conveyed unfavorable news: she regretfully informed Xiono that the Resistance lacked the resources to provide assistance at that time. Consequently, Xiono resolved that he and his allies would reclaim the Colossus themselves. Unbeknownst to Xiono, the signal was intercepted by more than just the intended recipients: the Warbird gang, as well as Fazon and Aunt Z, also received it. ### Sowing discord Meanwhile, Ryvora was interrogated by Agent Tierny of the First Order Security Bureau. Tierny, a skilled manipulator, exploited Ryvora's sympathy for the First Order and her feelings of confusion and betrayal upon learning of Xiono and Yeager's Resistance connections. She convinced her that they and the Resistance were malevolent and had been exploiting her, and that she would be better off aligning herself with the First Order. When Yeager falsely confessed to being the spy all along in an attempt to divert blame from Xiono, Tierny used that as well. As a result, the next time Yeager encountered Ryvora, he was unable to convince her that she was being manipulated. ### Dawn of the Colossus resistance The news of Yeager's arrest prompted Doza to confront Pyre, and he was arrested after a scuffle in his office. Torra witnessed the event from a hiding place, leading her to dispatch her pet Buggles in search of Xiono, so they could collaborate on a rescue plan. Meanwhile, Xiono had conceived a plan that involved rescuing Yeager and Ryvora, commandeering the First Order shuttle, and traveling to his homeworld of Hosnian Prime to acquire reinforcements. As part of this plan, Xiono and Vozo seized control of a control room deep within the station from the stormtroopers stationed there. As Xiono and CB-23 headed out for the tower, they had an encounter with SCUBA troopers before they managed to get back inside the station. Meanwhile, Vozo, Eila, and Kel discovered that the room contained a hyperdrive, which surprised the Nikto mechanic, and he contacted Xiono about the discovery. Shortly after departing the Office of Acquisitions empty-handed, Xiono and CB-23 were located by Buggles, who led them to Torra's hiding place in a maintenance duct. Torra informed Xiono about her father's arrest, and after a near-miss at being discovered, which led to CB-23 fighting the First Order droid MB-13A, they headed off to the tower. Shortly after arriving in the tower, Torra sent Buggles back to her room. Xiono noticed that the hallways were much quieter than would be expected. They overheard two stormtroopers discussing the recently-completed Starkiller Base, and followed them to see several troopers watching a broadcast of General Armitage Hux ordering the superweapon to fire on the Hosnian system. Xiono was horrified when he realized that his homeworld had been destroyed, However, Torra persuaded him that they had to move on before they were discovererd, and Xiono vowed that the First Order had to be defeated. ## The battle ### Clearing the station Xiono and Torra reached the cell where Doza and Yeager were being held, and CB-23 opened it. The captives were happy to see their rescuers, but Yeager quickly noticed something was wrong with Xiono, who told him about the Cataclysm. Yeager and Doza were horrified and sympathetic. Xiono and Torra told them about the plan to have Vozo fire up the Colossus engines and launch it into space. Doza had some misgivings about the plan, as he noted that the station had not been into space in twenty years. However, there were few other options. Vozo, talking with Kel about the fact that the Colossus had to purge the water it had taken on before it could launch, had an idea that the stormtroopers occupying the station could "also" be disposed of this way, and contacted Xiono about it. Xiono was less than enthusiastic about having to put himself, CB-23 and Torra in physical danger for the plan to succeed, but approved it. As Xiono, Torra and CB-23 headed to the submerged levels to work on getting rid of the stormtroopers, Yeager and Doza went to sneak into the captain's office. Xiono, accompanied by CB-23, and Torra, alone, positioned themselves carefully in the corridors, before Xiono contacted Vozo to give him instructions for the operation. Vozo misinterpreted things and started the partial flooding early, but it worked as planned, with the stormtroopers trapped in flooded sections and then flushed into the ocean. Torra carried out her part of the plan on her first squad of troopers. As Xiono and Torra worked their way through the troopers, the ones in the ocean became food for some of Castilon's wildlife. In Doza's office, Commander Pyre, after receiving reports of the losses, was told by Agent Tierny that backup was in order, as she intended to leave the station with Ryvora soon. Pyre eventually agreed, and hinted that it would be better to cut their losses and destroy the Colossus outright. Yeager and Doza, hiding in the office, heard the conversation, and after Pyre, Tierny and their troops left escorting Ryvora, Yeager contacted Xiono, dealing with the last of the stormtroopers, to tell him about the First Order's plans to take Ryvora away. They agreed that they had to try to stop it. Meanwhile, down in the hyperdrive room, Vozo was surprised when informed that they were receiving a message from Aunt Z. ### Tamara's choices Ryvora was escorted outside by Tierny and Pyre to the side of the top of Doza Tower, where a shuttle descended to pick them up. Doza had gone to free the arrested Aces from the holding cells. Yeager emerged from a slightly lower level, and implored Ryvora to stay, trying to get her to understand that the First Order was lying to her. From the top of Doza Tower, Xiono, accompanied by Torra and CB-23, also tried, Xiono admitting that he did work for the Resistance. Tierny stopped Pyre from shooting at them. Ryvora, upset with them for lying to her and supposedly manipulating her, refused to listen, and eventually stormtroopers arrived and cornered Yeager, Xiono, Torra and CB-23. Pyre demanded their surrender. Xiono, unconcerned, instead ordered Vozo via comlink to activate the Colossus engines. Tierny was surprised at the Resistance members' course of action, while Ryvora was surprised that the Colossus was capable of space travel. The sudden shaking threw the stormtroopers off-balance, sending some of those confronting Yeager falling to their doom, while CB-23 used her cables and oil to send the troopers cornering her, Xiono and Torra over the edge of the catwalk. She also caught Torra when the girl fell over the edge. Pyre and Tierny jumped onto their shuttle, and Tierny offered Ryvora her hand. To Yeager and Xiono's audible dismay, Ryvora chose to take the agent's hand, and the shuttle swiftly departed with her on board. Torra, lowered to the ground, told Yeager how sorry she was, but he responded that Ryvora had made her choice. Joined by Xiono and CB-23, Yeager led them inside, suggesting that they get to their ships to defend the platform. Down in the holding cells, Doza released Freya Fenris, Griff Halloran and Bo Keevil and ordered them to prepare to defend the Colossus. ### Taking to the sky Upon reaching the hangar where the Fireball and his own ship had been moved, Yeager ordered CB-23 to remove the gravity locks, and Bucket to head to the hangar with the Aces' ships and do the same. When CB-23 opened the hangar door, however, Yeager, Xiono and Torra were greeted by two TIE/fo space superiority fighters, which prevented them from launching. Fortuitously, however, at this time Fazon and Aunt Z arrived in their transport and were able to shoot down the fighters. Fazon told Xiono that he and Aunt Z had picked up his distress signal. Upon attack from more fighters, Fazon and Aunt Z returned to flying their ship, as Xiono, Yeager and the other Aces launched their fighters. Initially, their opponents were only regular TIE fighters, as the fight wove around the ascending Colossus. When Vonreg joined the fight, the first thing he did was damage Halloran's Black Ace, but Xiono helped him get rid of his pursuers. The arrival of the Warbirds' ship Galleon helped ease the burden some, as San had persuaded them to come and help, in part to get revenge on the First Order for their betrayal. Xiono was glad to see San again. The arrival of the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Thunderer, which opened fire on the station, alarmed the Colossus' defenders and their allies, prompting Xiono to order everyone back to the safety of the station, and send Vozo the coordinates for the Resistance's base on D'Qar. However, Captain Doza pointed out that the Colossus was not yet far enough above Castilon's surface to safely jump into hyperspace. Furthermore, Yeager requested help as he was being pursued by Major Vonreg. Xiono went out to help Yeager and, noticing the flight path the two were taking, hit upon an idea. He flew the Fireball into the space between the upper structure of the Colossus and the lower part with the engines, too narrow for a TIE to enter, and came out behind Vonreg, ambushing him and shooting him down. Yeager complimented him on the assist before the two entered the hangar. The Colossus, having reached Castilon's upper atmosphere, subsequently jumped into hyperspace. ## Aftermath ### The Colossus After the Colossus was safely in hyperspace, the pilots and various others gathered in the hangar. Xiono and Yeager, while talking, expressed their regret that they hadn't been able to stop Ryvora from going to the First Order. They were then accosted by an excited Vozo, who cheerfully informed them that he'd run out of time to input the entirety of the coordinates into the hyperdrive, so the Colossus was likely to wind up at a destination somewhere between Castilon and D'Qar. Yeager and Xiono were concerned by the news, but concluded that the only thing they could do was wait and see where they emerged. The Colossus emerged from hyperspace three parsecs from D'Qar. However, damage sustained in the battle and neglect to the flight systems meant that the station's sublight engines were no longer functional and the hyperdrive was out of coaxium fuel, leaving the Colossus stranded. In addition, the long-range communications were down and the gravity generator was malfunctioning. Xiono, Torra, Vozo and CB-23 went down to engineering to fix the problems and encountered MB-13A, which had survived its fall down the turbolift shaft and had alarmed the Chelidae into retreating to their shells. The droid managed to take down CB-23 and Vozo before Xiono and Torra realized there was a problem. After leading the droid into engineering, Xiono and Torra realized that it had waited for them to fix the communications in the hopes of contacting the First Order. The two managed to throw the droid out of a hatch into space before it could do so, and finished the repairs. ### The First Order On the Star Destroyer above Castilon, Pyre and Tierny reported the station's escape to Captain Phasma, who ordered them to either recapture the station or destroy it if they could not do so to prevent it from falling into the Resistance's hands. She threatened to oversee their executions personally if they failed. Tierny then questioned Ryvora on her former friends' activities, and the girl was adamant that she had not known about any spying going on before being told by Tierny. Ryvora was inducted into the First Order as pilot cadet DT-533, unaware that Tierny and Pyre intended to use her to track down the Colossus by any means necessary. After receiving her new uniform, Ryvora received a secure message on her personal comlink from Xiono, who had gotten the idea to send the message from what MB-13A had tried to do on the Colossus. Vozo and Torra had warned
The clash known as the **Battle of Castilon**, also referenced as the **attack on Castilon** or the **battle on Castilon**, represents one of the initial conflicts within the [war](/article/first_order-resistance_war) fought between the [First Order](/article/first_order) and the [Resistance](/article/resistance) around [34 ABY](/article/34_aby). The _[Colossus](/article/colossus)_ managed to get away from the planet [Castilon](/article/castilon) after its [occupation](/article/occupation_of_the_colossus) by the First Order. The platform itself, a former [Imperial](/article/galactic_empire) [supertanker fuel depot](/article/supertanker_fuel_depot), hadn't been airborne for at least a couple [decades](/article/standard_year) before the battle, but following the discovery of the station's [hyperdrive](/article/hyperdrive) by [Resistance](/article/resistance) member [Kazuda Xiono](/article/kazuda_xiono) and [Neeku Vozo](/article/neeku_vozo), Xiono tasked Vozo with getting the drive operational once more, facilitating their escape. [Captain](/article/captain) [Imanuel Doza](/article/imanuel_doza), the _Colossus_' proprietor, gave his cautious approval to the scheme once he was informed. Xiono, [CB-23](/article/cb-23) and [Torra Doza](/article/torra_doza), acting upon Vozo's suggestion, strategically lured the station's [garrison](/article/colossus_garrison) of [stormtroopers](/article/stormtrooper_(first_order)) into specific sectors of the station, which were subsequently flooded, effectively washing the troopers into the [ocean](/article/ocean) and ridding the _Colossus_ of its occupiers. The resulting pandemonium led [Agent](/article/agent) [Tierny](/article/tierny) of the [First Order Security Bureau](/article/first_order_security_bureau) and [Commander](/article/commander) [Pyre](/article/pyre) to come to a decision: abandoning the _Colossus_ and requesting reinforcements to destroy it, thus cutting their losses. They also took [Tamara Ryvora](/article/tamara_ryvora), a former member of [Team _Fireball_](/article/team_fireball) who had been manipulated by Tierny into the false belief that [Jarek Yeager](/article/jarek_yeager) and Xiono, her friends, were actually evil and had been exploiting her all along. Xiono and Yeager tried to convince Ryvora to remain, but were unsuccessful in this endeavor. Upon Pyre's order to surrender, Xiono instead had Vozo activate the _Colossus_' engines, lifting the station skyward. Tierny and Pyre then made their escape on their [shuttle](/article/upsilon-class_command_shuttle) with Ryvora on board. As the station ascended into the atmosphere, the [Ace Squadron](/article/ace_squadron), along with Yeager and Xiono, swiftly made their way to their respective ships. The opportune arrival of [Hype Fazon](/article/hype_fazon) and [Z'Vk'Thkrkza](/article/z%27vk%27thkrkza) in the [AAL-1971/9.1 Troop Transport](/article/aal-1971/9.1_troop_transport) they had previously stolen to [escape](/article/rescue_on_the_colossus) the station, responding to the distress signal Xiono had [earlier](/article/mission_to_contact_the_resistance) transmitted, enabled the fighters to engage the [TIE fighters](/article/tie/fo_space_superiority_fighter) commanded by [Major](/article/major) [Elrik Vonreg](/article/elrik_vonreg). During the course of the battle, the [Warbird](/article/warbird_gang) [pirate](/article/pirate) gang joined forces with the _Colossus_' defenders, seeking retribution for the First Order's previous [betrayal](/article/torra_doza%27s_abduction) of them, after persuasion by [Synara San](/article/synara_san), who had become friends with Xiono while [spying](/article/spy) on the station. The _Colossus_ had reached a high altitude within Castilon's atmosphere when a [_Resurgent_-class Star Destroyer](/article/resurgent-class_star_destroyer) appeared with the intent to destroy the station. This prompted Xiono to order everyone to seek shelter within the _Colossus_, with the goal of jumping into [hyperspace](/article/hyperspace). However, they had not yet reached a sufficient altitude, and Yeager was being pursued by Vonreg. Xiono executed an ambush on the red-armored pilot by flying between the upper and lower sections of the _Colossus_, shooting him down from behind, before he and Yeager made their landing in a hangar. The _Colossus_ eventually reached the edge of Castilon's atmosphere and initiated the jump into hyperspace, with the intended destination being the Resistance base located on [D'Qar](/article/d%27qar), based on coordinates provided by Xiono to Vozo. However, due to time constraints, Vozo had not inputted the entirety of the coordinates. Consequently, the station emerged from hyperspace three [parsecs](/article/parsec) away from D'Qar. ## Prelude ### Subversion as foreign policy In the [months](/article/standard_month) preceding the commencement of [open warfare](/article/first_order-resistance_war) between the [First Order](/article/first_order) and the [Resistance](/article/resistance), the First Order, in preparation for the impending conflict, developed an interest in utilizing the _Colossus_ platform situated on [Castilon](/article/castilon) as a strategic base and staging area. The Resistance, having become aware of the First Order's interest, dispatched [Kazuda Xiono](/article/kazuda_xiono), a newly recruited [spy](/article/spy), to the _Colossus_ on a solo [mission](/article/mission_on_the_colossus_platform) with the objective of determining if anyone on the platform was collaborating with the First Order. As part of his cover, he secured employment as a [mechanic](/article/technician) at [Jarek Yeager](/article/jarek_yeager)'s [repair shop](/article/jarek_yeager%27s_repair_station), working alongside Yeager's other employees, [Neeku Vozo](/article/neeku_vozo) and [Tamara Ryvora](/article/tamara_ryvora). Yeager, a long-standing friend of [Commander](/article/commander) [Poe Dameron](/article/poe_dameron), was initially reluctant to hire Xiono and cautioned him against involving him in his mission. Xiono was initially accompanied by Dameron's [astromech droid](/article/astromech_droid), [BB-8](/article/bb-8). In an effort to seize control of the _Colossus_, the First Order, acting on the suggestion of Commander [Pyre](/article/pyre), contracted the [Warbird gang](/article/warbird_gang) of [pirates](/article/pirate), led by [Kragan Gorr](/article/kragan_gorr), to launch regular attacks on the station. Their intention was to pressure [Captain](/article/captain) [Imanuel Doza](/article/imanuel_doza), the owner of the _Colossus_, into inviting First Order forces onboard under the pretense of providing security. Doza was highly resistant to this idea, as he harbored
He felt compelled to send the message, even though he understood the potential danger involved. Within the message, he conveyed his regret for misleading Ryvora regarding who he really was. Ryvora, deeply hurt by what she saw as a deception, abruptly ended the message and discarded the comlink. Once her initial anger subsided, Ryvora attempted to listen to the message again, but was interrupted by [cadet](/article/cadet) [Jace Rucklin](/article/jace_rucklin), who harbored resentment toward Xiono and coerced her into surrendering the comlink to their commanding officers. Having decrypted the comlink's contents, Pyre and Tierny successfully traced the transmission back to the [Ileenium system](/article/ileenium_system). Despite the _Colossus_'s successful escape during the ensuing [skirmish](/article/skirmish_over_d%27qar), Tierny and Pyre remained optimistic about their ability to find the station once more. Observing the Star Destroyer's attack on her previous home from the bridge, Ryvora started to question her choice to align herself with the First Order. Nonetheless, Tierny opted against subjecting the cadet to "conditioning" at that moment, reasoning that Ryvora's existing mindset would be instrumental in pinpointing the _Colossus_'s location.
content="Star Wars Resistance — Descent (First mentioned) (Indirect mention only)"
content="Star Wars Resistance — No Escape: Part 2 (First appearance)"
content="Star Wars Resistance — Into the Unknown (Mentioned only)"
content="Star Wars Resistance — Live Fire (Indirect mention only)"
content="Star Wars Resistance — The Mutiny (Indirect mention only)"