Freya Fenris, a pilot of human female descent, served in Ace Squadron. This squadron consisted of starship racers who also provided defense for the Colossus platform. The Red Ace was Fenris' chosen starfighter.
Originating from Yir Tangee, Freya Fenris excelled as a racing [pilot](/article/pilot]. By the time 34 ABY arrived, her aptitude had secured a position within the Ace Squadron stationed on the Colossus platform, which was located on the ocean [planet](/article/planet] of Castilon. She piloted her ship known as the Red Ace. Besides participating in races, Fenris and her fellow Aces took on the responsibility of defending the platform from pirate incursions and providing escort for convoys.
During an attack on the station by Captain Kragan Gorr's Warbird gang, she joined forces with other Ace pilots including Torra Doza, Hype Fazon, and Bo Keevil to repel the pirates. Despite facing a numerical disadvantage, they fought with skill. Following the pirates' retreat, Fenris attributed their victory to the Aces' capabilities, although Doza had her doubts, suspecting another influence. Unbeknownst to both women, Doza's suspicions were accurate, as Kazuda Xiono, a spy for the Resistance recently dispatched to the Colossus, secretly supported the pilots by sending feedback through the pirates' communication channels.
Later on, while the Colossus experienced a power outage, she escorted a fuel freighter alongside Keevil and Griff Halloran. This freighter carried a First Order delegation led by Major Elrik Vonreg, who arrived to discuss a proposition with Captain Imanuel Doza, the leader of the Colossus. Unbeknownst to everyone, the pirate attacks were secretly orchestrated by the First Order to seize control of the station and integrate it into a military supply route for refueling their fleets in preparation for the impending War against the Resistance.
As Fenris and her fellow Aces escorted a crucial supply shipment, the Warbird gang initiated a second raid on the Colossus. Even though Team Fireball and undercover pirate Synara San successfully fended off the pirates, the attack prompted Captain Doza to contemplate the First Order's offer of "protection."
Fenris, alongside her fellow Aces, participated in the Platform Classic against galactic racing champion Marcus Speedstar and his estranged older brother Jarek Yeager. After Griff's racer crashed into the sea, Fenris was able to move up fifth place. In the end, Yeager allowed Speedstar to win the race so that Speedstar could pay a ransom freeing his friend Oplock from the Guavian Death Gang.
Before a visit from Stormtrooper Commander Pyre, Fenris and Griff took over Torra's patrol shift, as her father wanted to shield her from the last remnant of the [Galactic Empire](/article/galactic_empire]. Later, Fenris was socializing with the others at the Aces' Lounge in Doza Tower when Torra entered with her Xiono. Unbeknownst to everyone, Xiono was copying the First Order’s proposal to Captain Doza at the order of his mentor Commander Poe Dameron.
Later, Freya and her fellow Aces participated in a race. Although Torra initially led, she exhausted all her booster fuel prematurely, allowing Hype to take the lead.
Fenris later joined her fellow Aces on a mission to escort an incoming shipment. When the ship was unable to slow down due to damage from a pirate attack, the Aces under Hype's leadership worked together to slow down the ship's descent.
During the Bibo incident, Freya and Ace Squadron flew their racers in the defense of the Colossus against Bibo's mother, a rokkna sea monster. Despite being helped by Kaz, Ace Squadron were unable to drive away the sea monster. When Freya reported their cannons were not working, Kaz's friend Neeku Vozo managed to convince the Aces to hold their fire. Neeku managed to bring an end to the siege by returning Bibo to its mother.
Following the kidnapping of Torra, Freya and her fellow pilots were dispatched in pursuit of her pirate kidnappers. Torra was rescued by Major Elrik Vonreg, who convinced Captain Pyre to accept First Order protection.
During the First Order's military occupation of the Colossus, Commander Pyre cancelled all races and banned Ace Squadron from flying. When Captain Doza broke the news to them, Freya was the first to protest against it. When Hype stormed off, Torra tried to follow him, but Freya told her to let him go, saying he just needed to "blow off some steam."
When tensions escalated between the Colossus and the First Order, Freya and most of Ace Squadron got imprisoned in the Colossus' brig. While the First Order’s garrison was distracted elsewhere, Captain Doza freed them, telling them to get to their ships and defend the station. The Aces, along with Yeager and Xiono, engaged the TIE fighters patrolling the station's airspace, with the help of the Colossus' turbolasers, and later Gorr's pirates. When a Resurgent-class Star Destroyer appeared in Castilon's atmosphere, Freya and Ace Squadron retreated to the Colossus, and stood watching in the hangar as the station escaped into hyperspace.
While a salvage team from the Colossus was searching the wreckage of the Dreadnought the Fulminatrix above the planet D'Qar, Commander Pyre and First Order Security Bureau Agent Tierny's Star Destroyer found them, and TIE fighters were sent to attack the station. Captain Doza ordered Freya and Ace Squadron to defend the Colossus and buy time. Freya expressed concern Ace Squadron was outnumbered, but they held off the First Order long enough for the salvage team to secure a canister of coaxium. Ace Squadron was ordered to retreat, and Freya announced they would have to come in hot, as the station was in motion while they were trying to land. Ace Squadron made it into the hangar, and the Colossus jumped to hyperspace shortly afterward again.
After the Colossus's escape from D'Qar, Freya, Torra, Griff and Bo were demoralized, feeling they were outmatched by the First Order. Captain Doza's solution to this problem was making Xiono the newest member of Ace Squadron, and appointing Yeager to be their Squadron Leader, as the former was a military trained pilot of the fallen New Republic Defense Fleet and the latter was a Commander with many years of experience during his days with the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Freya was visibly shocked by this announcement, but agreed with Torra's assessment they should give Xiono and Yeager a chance.
Ace Squadron met in Yeager's hangar to discuss the plan for their training, although Freya wondered why they could not hold the briefing in a nicer location but Yeager said they were doing this to survive. Yeager announced they would be having a skirmish on a nearby ice moon with two teams- Kaz and himself, versus the others to test their skills. Despite being outnumbered, Kaz and Yeager overpowered the others. Freya briefly locked onto Kaz, but was flanked by Yeager before she could successfully land a hit.
For their second training exercise, Yeager split Ace Squadron into pairs. Freya teamed up with Bo, but before they could join the skirmish, the Aces were attacked by a jakoosk, which grabbed Yeager's ship and began pulling it towards its mouth. Freya and the others rescued Yeager using Hype's idea to knock an ice pillar down onto the creature. Later, Freya joined the Aces and some other residents of the Colossus at Aunt Z's to celebrate their success.
Freya was present when Captain Doza tried to reassure the residents of the Colossus when the stations' food supplies ran out, and watched as many of the inhabitants announced their intention to leave. She also watched as engineer Nenavakasa Nalor performed repairs in the Aces' Lounge, and celebrated that they would be able to have "Hologame nights" again.
When the Colossus made a stop at the planet Ashas Ree, Captain Doza assigned Freya, Torra and Kaz the task of going on a supply run there. Unbeknownst to Freya and Torra, Kaz allowed Kel and Eila to sneak on board the supply shuttle. As they approached the planet, Freya observed that she was unable to contact anyone at the trade outpost. Upon landing, they discovered the marketplace was abandoned, and its residents left behind warnings about some unnamed "evil" written on the walls. Freya was slightly unnerved, but decided they shouldn't let the abandoned supplies go to waste, and proposed they split up and meet back up in an hour.
Freya and Torra regrouped at the shuttle on time, but Kaz and CB-23 were nowhere to be seen. Adding to their worries, Freya noticed that additional ships had appeared on the shuttle's sensors, and Torra confirmed that her father hadn't sent anyone else from the Colossus. The ships turned out to be First Order Raiders, who captured Freya, Torra and their droids, and began interrogating them. When questioned, Freya lied that no one else came to Ashas Ree with them. However, the elite stormtroopers quickly discovered and captured Kaz, CB-23, and the children, who just exited the temple near the marketplace.
Just as the First Order Raiders began to question Kaz, the archaeologist Mika Grey shouted from the top of the temple, revealing she had the Sith artifact the elite stormtroopers were after for Supreme Leader Kylo Ren. They threatened to kill the hostages if she did not hand it over, so Mika activated the artifact and threw it at them, calling out a warning which allowed Freya and the others to narrowly avoid the resulting blast by hiding in the temple. Once the coast was clear, they left the temple, and CB-23 removed the restraints from Freya and Torra's wrists.
Freya raised no objection when Eila proposed that Mika should come live on the Colossus, but told Kaz she thought Mika seemed like trouble. The group then took off and returned to the Colossus. Freya later flew the Red Ace at the Battle of Exegol as a member of the Citizens' Fleet assembled by General Lando Calrissian to help the Resistance win their final match with the First Order alongside Yeager, Kaz, Torra, her father, Hype, and Bo.
Freya Fenris is a character originating from the animated series Star Wars Resistance. Her voice is provided by Mary Elizabeth McGlynn, who also voiced Governor Arihnda Pryce in Star Wars Rebels. The name "Freya" is the English version of Freyja, the goddess of love in Norse mythology, and "Fenris" is another name for Fenrir, a wolf from Norse mythology.