Bibo's mother

The rokkna's female parent was an adult, and also the mother of Bibo. Being an adult, the mother possessed the strength to single-handedly demolish the Colossus platform. She attacked the platform with the intention of rescuing her offspring, who had inadvertently been taken aboard inside a damaged Z-95 Headhunter and then taken in as a pet by Neeku Vozo. Eila had foreseen this attack in her dreams, and she informed Vozo that the only solution to prevent the destruction was to give Bibo back to his mother. At first, Vozo was hesitant, because he and Tamara Ryvora incorrectly believed that the mother's intention was to consume Bibo. Ultimately, Vozo came to the realization that Bibo and his mother were of the same species and returned him, leading to the mother's peaceful departure.

