
The Colossus, situated in the Mid Rim's Western Reaches, on the ocean planet of Castilon, functioned as a mobile aircraft refueling station. Captain Imanuel Doza was in charge of its operations, and he, along with his daughter Torra, lived in the station's higher levels. A skilled squadron of pilots, known as Ace Squadron, defended the Colossus. The station was also home to various other people, including Jarek Yeager, who ran a repair shop there.

During the New Republic Era, Kazuda Xiono, a spy for the Resistance, was dispatched to gather intelligence concerning First Order activities on the platform. After a string of pirate attacks, Captain Doza gave in to a First Order occupation of the Colossus. Xiono then established a resistance movement that successfully ousted the First Order. Following a battle, the Colossus engaged its hyperdrive and escaped into space. Later, the station participated in the Battle of Exegol between the Resistance and the Sith Eternal.


Structure and layout

The Colossus functioned as a supertanker fuel depot, capable of operating both in maritime settings and in space. When submerged in water, only the upper decks of the Colossus, which had a distinctive dagger-like form, were visible. Being a space vessel capable of hyperspace travel, the Colossus featured boosters and a Class 2 hyperdrive. Escape pods were also part of the Colossus' equipment.

Among the locations on the Colossus were Aunt Z's Tavern, Jarek Yeager's repair station, the Colossus marketplace, and Office of Acquisitions, a shop for spare parts. Doza Tower, a luxurious structure at the top of the Colossus, served as the residence for Captain Imanuel Doza, the station's administrator; his daughter Torra Doza; and the celebrated Ace Squadron, a racing team that also served as the refueling platform's defense force. The loading docks and the West Docks were among the other locations.

The lower levels of the Colossus housed the station's engineering room, the hyperdrive chamber, and a bay for escape pods. Turbines enabled the Colossus to submerge underwater. Furthermore, the platform had hatches that could protect the station from water, zero-gravity conditions in space, and even large aquatic creatures like the rokkna known as Bibo's mother.

Society and culture

The Colossus at rest

The population of the Colossus was diverse, comprising various species such as humans, Aleena, Gilliands, Gotals, Ithorians, Kel Dor, Nikto, Rodians, Snivvians, Sullustans, and the amphibious Chelidae, who were native to Castilon. The Chelidae primarily worked as engineers, mechanics, and technicians in the refueling platform's engineering room. While Galactic Basic Standard was commonly used on the station, languages such as Chelidae language, Binary, and Cracek were also spoken on the Colossus.

Captain Imanuel Doza was the governor of the Colossus. Security on the station was maintained by several security droids, including 4D-M1N. The elite Ace Squadron, who also competed as racers, defended the station. An automated turbolaser system, controlled by a tracking computer, also contributed to the defense of the Colossus. During the First Order's occupation of the Colossus, stormtroopers, TIE fighters, and First Order SCUBA troopers were stationed on the platform.

The Colossus relied on fuel shipments to ensure a consistent power supply for its residents to live and work. During the New Republic Era, the First Order served as a major fuel supplier to the Colossus, a position they attempted to exploit to persuade Captain Doza to accept First Order "protection." Furthermore, Captain Doza engaged in numerous transactions with the galactic underworld.

Economy and racing

Racing provided much of the Colossus economy.

Before the First Order's occupation, which took place shortly before the Hosnian Cataclysm, racing was a crucial element of the Colossus' economy and community. Regular racing events, open to both amateurs like Kazuda Xiono and professionals like galactic champion Marcus Speedstar, were organized by various racers, including the Ace Squadron. Local businesses such as Aunt Z's Tavern and the Office of Acquisitions also benefited from racing. Aunt Z profited from betting on racers, while the Office of Acquisitions supplied them with spare parts for starships.

Members of Ace Squadron, including Hype Fazon, were chosen from the best racers and were granted the privilege of living in the opulent Doza Tower. Many ordinary citizens, including Tamara Ryvora and Jace Rucklin, aspired to become successful racers in order to reside in Doza Tower. In addition, Ace Squadron was tasked with defending the platform against pirates and sea monsters, as well as escorting fuel shipments.

Apart from racing, other inhabitants of the Colossus, including Synara San, an undercover pirate, earned a living by salvaging wrecked starships from the nearby ocean.



The main concourse

The Colossus was originally an Imperial supertanker fuel depot with the ability to travel between stars. By 34 ABY, the Colossus had remained stationary for at least 14 ABY, which was twenty years prior. During the New Republic era, Captain Imanuel Doza, a former officer in the Imperial Military, oversaw the station.

After the loss of his wife and daughter in a racing accident, Jarek Yeager, a New Republic veteran, settled on the Colossus and established a starship repair business in Quadrant 3.27. Yeager's Team Fireball included the astromech droid Bucket, the Nikto Neeku Vozo, and the human girl Tamara Ryvora.

Xiono's undercover mission

In 34 ABY, during the New Republic's Cold War with the First Order, Kazuda Xiono was sent to the Colossus as a spy by Commander Poe Dameron of the Resistance. Xiono's attention was diverted when he was unintentionally drawn into a race against Torra Doza, a member of Ace Squadron and Captain Doza's daughter. With Yeager's assistance, he secured a position as a mechanic in Team Fireball.

That same year, the First Order began orchestrating pirate attacks against the station, intending to use it as a staging area for the upcoming war. Commander Pyre, the mastermind behind the plan, believed that repeated pirate attacks would compel Captain Doza to request the Order's takeover of the station. As instructed by the First Order, Kragan Gorr's Warbird gang attacked the Colossus during a triple dark storm, but were forced to retreat when Xiono disrupted their communications.

The Colossus also encountered recurring fuel shortages, necessitating the import of supplies from the First Order. Following the pirate raid, Major Elrik Vonreg met with Captain Doza, offering First Order protection and a consistent fuel supply. Xiono infiltrated Doza Tower and eavesdropped on Vonreg's meeting, narrowly escaping death at the hands of Vonreg's stormtroopers.

Later, two refugee children, Kel and Eila, who had survived a First Order massacre on Tehar, sought refuge on the Colossus. They were pursued by First Order forces led by Commander Pyre. With the help of Xiono and fellow mechanic Neeku Vozo, Kel and Eila evaded Pyre's forces and found sanctuary with the Chelidae engineers, mechanics, and technicians residing in the engineering deck.

The Fireball approaches the Colossus with engines smoking.

Later on, the Warbird pirate named Synara San managed to sneak onto the Colossus. This happened after Xiono, along with fellow Resistance pilot Dameron, saved her from a destroyed Darius G-class freighter located in sector six. Following this, she started operating as a covert operative.

During an escort mission for an important shipment by Ace Squadron, Captain Doza made the decision to hire Team Fireball to fix the computer system of the turbolaser gun emplacement. However, Synara San found out that the Colossus was vulnerable and shared this information with Kragan Gorr, leading to another pirate attack on the Colossus. Although Yeager and his team were successful in getting the turbolaser system back online, the pirate incursion made Captain Doza think again about the First Order's offer of protection. In the meantime, Synara built a bond of trust with Tam after they fought off some pirates together in the loading zones.

To generate income for the Colossus' economy, Captain Doza extended an invitation to Marcus Speedstar, a renowned galactic racing champion, to compete against Yeager, his brother, who was also a former racing champion. Initially, Yeager declined to race against his brother, but he was compelled to participate when Aunt Z and her customers placed wagers on the outcome. During the Platform Classic, Yeager and Speedstar raced against Ace Squadron. Despite leading the race, Yeager deliberately let his younger brother win so that the prize money could be used to secure the release of his mechanic friend Oplock from the clutches of the Guavian Death Gang.

Subsequently, Captain Doza organized a meeting with Commander Pyre to talk about the First Order's proposition of protection. While spying on Doza Tower, Xiono developed a friendship with Torra, Captain Doza's daughter. With assistance from BB-8, Xiono downloaded Doza's datapad and discovered that Doza had a history of service in the Imperial military. Following this, Xiono, Torra, and BB-8 barely escaped being killed in a trash incinerator.

Later on, Vozo decided to adopt a baby rokkna named Bibo. As a consequence, Bibo's mother launched an attack on the Colossus during what came to be known as the "Bibo incident." Thanks to a warning from Xiono and Synara, Captain Doza ordered the platform to be sealed off. Ace Squadron and the Fireball attempted to drive the sea creature away, but it was only calmed down when Vozo returned Bibo to her mother.

Afterward, the First Order mercenary Teroj Kee stole a phase connector from Flix and Orka's Office of Acquisitions. However, Xiono, with the help of Flix and Orka's pet gorg Bitey, managed to shoot down his freighter, preventing the First Order from acquiring the weapon.

The First Order occupation

Eventually, the First Order engaged the Warbird gang to abduct Torra, Doza's daughter, so that their own forces could stage a "rescue" to persuade Captain Doza to accept their "protection." Aided by San, the pirates Drell and Valik infiltrated the Colossus and kidnapped Torra. Despite her inner conflict, San alerted Xiono and the station authorities, who chased after the pirates but failed to prevent them from boarding Kragan Gorr's sail barge Galleon. However, First Order forces under Major Vonreg rescued Torra, betraying their former allies in the process.

Consequently, Captain Doza agreed to First Order protection, which resulted in the occupation of the Colossus. The First Order established a garrison under Commander Pyre and initiated a process of verifying the identities of everyone on the platform. While some residents, such as Doza and Xiono, were troubled by the new security measures, many others, including Ryvora, welcomed the security that the First Order provided. The First Order also began a search for San. She managed to escape with assistance from Xiono, who considered her a friend.

During the First Order's identity verification operation, the stormtrooper CS-515 was knocked out by Kel and Eila. To ensure that CS-515 had not reported them, Xiono took the stormtrooper's armor and infiltrated the First Order base. As a result, Xiono found out that the First Order was planning to remove dissidents from the Colossus and use the station as part of a military supply route for their fleet.

Despite the increased security on the Colossus, Xiono secretly left the platform with Dameron for a reconnaissance mission into the Dassal system. He later came back with the BB unit CB-23, who took over BB-8's role as his minder.

As the First Order tightened its control over the Colossus, Commander Pyre ordered the races on the station to be shut down, which were a major source of income and social connection for the platform. The First Order also arrested several outspoken residents, including Hype Fazon, Aunt Z, Nod, and Grevel, and imprisoned them in the West Docks. With help from Xiono and Torra, the prisoners managed to escape offworld.

Later on, Commander Pyre and his troops raided Yeager's garage, having identified the borrowed racer Fireball as one of the ships that had entered the Dassal system. Most of Team Fireball, except for Ryvora, who supported the First Order, escaped to the engineering deck, where they joined Kel, Eila, and the Chelidae. With assistance from Captain Doza, the insurgents submerged a large portion of the Colossus, except for Doza Tower. Xiono and Yeager disabled the First Order's jammer and sent a distress call to Resistance General Leia Organa. However, Yeager was captured by the First Order and Organa didn't have any forces to spare since they were few and most of them were searching for BB-8 since Dameron gave him important intel for her.

Following the submersion, Commander Pyre enforced a curfew on the platform, instructing residents to stay in their homes. First Order SCUBA troopers were also deployed to search the submerged lower levels. After Captain Doza protested against Yeager's arrest, Commander Pyre had him and most of Ace Squadron imprisoned. However, Torra escaped and connected with Xiono. Meanwhile, Xiono formed a resistance cell and came up with a plan to rescue Yeager and Ryvora and seek assistance from the New Republic, but he changed his plan to just saving his friends after learning from Vozo that the Colossus was equipped with boosters and a class two hyperdrive. Xiono instructed Vozo, Kel, Eila, and the Chelidae to get the station working so they could leave Castilon and meet up with the Resistance since General Organa gave him the location of their headquarters.

Despite the Hosnian Cataclysm, Xiono and Torra succeeded in freeing Yeager, Captain Doza, and the Aces. However, Xiono and Yeager were unable to rescue Ryvora, who chose to join the First Order due to Agent Tierny's promise to recruit her as a pilot and her resentment towards Xiono and Yeager for not trusting her. After flushing out stormtroopers, the Resistance fighters found and reactivated the Colossus' hyperdrive. Following a fierce battle, the Colossus jumped into hyperspace.

On the run

The Colossus had suffered considerable damage during the battle, and the complete coordinates for D'Qar had not been properly entered, so the station came out of hyperspace three parsecs away from its intended destination. There, while carrying out repairs to the damaged long-range communications and the malfunctioning gravity generator, Xiono and Torra discovered a First Order droid, MB-13A, which had remained on board the Colossus after CB-23 had supposedly destroyed it, and which had taken out Vozo and CB-23. The droid nearly sent a message back to the First Order forces above Castilon before Xiono, Torra and CB-23 fought it off and ejected it into space. However, Xiono was inspired to send an apology message to Ryvora, despite the dangers of the Colossus being located as a result.

Salvaging coaxium

When the Colossus finally arrived at D'Qar, they found the wreckage of the evacuation of the Resistance base there. However, the station was unable to immediately leave because it had run out of coaxium fuel, so Xiono suggested a mission to salvage some from the wreckage of the dreadnought Fulminatrix. Xiono was able to get the assistance of the Warbird pirates, who had sided with the Colossus to get revenge on the First Order for their betrayal, after San pointed out the weapons that could be salvaged from the wreck. During the salvaging mission, however, the Thunderer caught up with the Colossus, as Ryvora had been persuaded to turn in her comlink with Xiono's message on it and it had been decrypted. The salvage team managed to retrieve the coaxium and install it in the nick of time, and the Colossus escaped the Ileenium system just after its shields had failed.

Hunting on Celsor 3

The station next passed near the ice moon Celsor 3. Yeager, having been placed in command of the Aces after their lackluster performance above D'Qar, chose the moon as a site for training exercises intended to improve the racers' combat ability. On the second such exercise, the Aces were attacked by a jakoosk, which Yeager was nearly eaten by before the Aces freed him by collapsing an ice pillar atop the creature.

At the same time, the Colossus was running dangerously low on food supplies, prompting many of its civilian residents, led by Aunt Z, to prepare to leave. Some of the residents wanted to leave because they were beginning to feel cooped up and claustrophobic inside the station. Xiono and Torra prevented their departure by hunting the jakoosk for its plentiful meat, after the pirates had tried and failed in an attempt to undermine Captain Doza's authority. The creature provided enough meat to keep the entire platform fed for quite some time. Vozo also relieved the claustrophobia by constructing a holoprojector that created an artificial sky like that of Castilon in the marketplace.

The saboteur

The First Order's next attempt to capture the Colossus involved hiring a saboteur, Nikto engineer Nenavakasa Nalor, to infiltrate the station and sabotage it. After tracking the station for several days, Nalor faked damage to her ship and broadcast a distress signal that was picked up just after Vozo repaired the long-range scanners. Xiono and San went out to investigate, and upon finding out that Nalor was an engineer, Xiono immediately invited her onboard to assist with repairs. Nalor and Vozo got along quite well while fixing the station, with Nalor taking the opportunity to install a K-spline that drained the Colossus' power, as well as rerouting other power away from critical systems.

However, a suspicious San eventually led Xiono to search Nalor's ship after the engineer attempted to frame the Warbirds for stealing huge amounts of power, where they discovered the truth about her. Unmasked, Nalor fled after unsuccessfully attempting to persuade Vozo to come with her, leaving aboard her ship after leading the Thunderer to the Colossus' location before fleeing into hyperspace. Vozo and Xiono undid the sabotage in a hurry, allowing the station to escape from its pursuers once again.

Supply runs

Over the course of its travels, the Colossus suffered from various supply shortages. It nearly ran out of fuel, necessitating a visit to the fuel refinery on Drahgor III, run by the flock of station resident Flix. Later, the station sent a team to Ashas Ree for general supplies. On the planet, the team had an encounter with First Order Raiders, and the station acquired a new resident, archaeologist Mika Grey.

An attempted reunion

Despite Captain Doza guiding the Colossus through the Outer Rim in an attempt to avoid attention, his daughter's birthday came up. Doza's wife and Torra's mother Venisa had joined the Resistance upon its inception six years earlier, and Torra's birthday had become the one time each year that she and her father were in contact with her mother. Doza thus set up a signal beacon to alert Venisa to the Colossus' location. However, their First Order pursuers were the first to arrive, and the station was eventually forced to flee before Venisa could get to the rendezvous point. Torra was disappointed, but Xiono and the other Aces made her a gorg cake to help cheer her up.

Underworld encounters

With the Colossus nearly out of credits, Captain Doza reluctantly agreed to an idea of Fazon's to raise money by racing at Vranki's Hotel and Casino, where Fazon had raced before living on the station. However, Vranki the Blue, having severely lost customers due to the war, attempted to gain all of the Aces and the Colossus, and only a desperate move by Xiono and Torra in the final race Vranki set them allowed the station and all of its residents to leave while gaining credits.

The Colossus traveled through Guavian Death Space, controlled by the Guavian Death Gang. Attempting to avoid the attention of the criminal organization, Doza took the station through an asteroid field to exit the region. However, when Xiono, Fazon and Torra were sent out to scout ahead, Xiono was spotted by a scout, who escaped due to technical issues with the Fireball. The Colossus and its defenders were then forced to fight a skirmish at the edge of the asteroid field before escaping.

Radiation crisis

The Colossus' next major mechanical failure was a serious one: the station's trans-binary deflector, which protected its residents against cosmic rays, began to fail. With time crucial, Xiono, Vozo, and CB-23 were sent on an emergency mission to infiltrate the First Order-controlled supertanker fuel depot Titan and steal a replacement. The mission was complicated by the unexpected presence of Ryvora, Rucklin, Pyre, and General Armitage Hux on the station, but the infiltrators completed their mission and escaped back to the Colossus in time, unaware that Ryvora had secretly assisted them after learning that her former home was in danger.

The Resistance agent

After receiving a distress transmission from the Resistance spy Norath Kev in the Varkana system, Xiono managed to convince Captain Doza to allow him, Yeager, CB-23 and San to travel to the planet Varkana in order to rescue the spy. The Colossus waited in the Varkana system. Though the mission was originally scheduled for one rotation, Xiono and his team encountered opposition in the form of the bounty hunter Ax Tagrin, who alerted the First Order to their presence.

In response to the arrival of the Thunderer, Captain Doza hid the Colossus inside a red gas giant. Xiono and Torra managed to convince Captain Doza to delay the departure long enough for Xiono and Kev to rescue Yeager, San, and CB-23 who had been captured by Tagrin and the First Order. Tagrin managed to home in on the Colossus' location by using Yeager's Star Commuter 2000 to send a transmission to the ship. Captain Doza narrowly managed to jump the space station into hyperspace before the Thunderer arrived at their location.

Despite the withdrawal of the Colossus, Ace Squadron stayed behind in the Varkana system to help evacuate Yeager's shuttle. When the Team Colossus ships were attacked by the Thunderer and TIE fighters, Captain Doza brought the Colossus out of hyperspace and evacuated the shuttle and Ace Squadron to safety. During the evacuation, several TIEs collided with the Colossus.

Warbirds' mutiny

Resenting Captain Doza's authority, the Warbirds' leader Captain Gorr purchased several B2-series super battle droids, as well as a B1-series battle droid by accident, as part of a planned mutiny. Despite Gorr's claims that the droids were for the station's security, Synara San along with Captain Doza and Yeager were suspicious of the pirates' intentions. Gorr hired a seemingly oblivious Vozo to repair the droids.

After the droids were repaired, Gorr imprisoned Vozo, San, and Xiono and unleashed the droids on the unsuspecting station, overwhelming Doza's security droids and capturing Doza and Yeager. However, Vozo was aware of the pirates' true intentions and used the reprogrammed B1 battle droid "B1" to free them and take over the B2-battle droids, turning the tide of the battle against the Warbirds. San, who had chosen the Colossus over her pirate comrades, convinced Captain Doza to banish the Warbirds instead of imprisoning them. The Warbirds, who had their weapons striped, departed on the Galleon, which had its hyperdrive disabled.

Refuge on Aeos Prime

After several months of traveling through space, the Colossus arrived at the ocean world of Aeos Prime, which had a similar environment to Castilon Prime. Captain Doza dispatched Ace Squadron including Xiono to scout the surrounding area. While scouting an island with former Imperial pilot Griff Halloran and the droids CB-23 and R5-G9, the group were captured by several Aeosian natives whose Queen thought that the newcomers were linked to the recent First Order attack on their village, which was near an abandoned rebel outpost.

Believing the Colossus to be hostile, several Aeosian warriors attacked the station, destroying several former Separatist battle droids including "B1." Xiono managed to convince the Queen that they were not hostile by healing a wounded Aeosian. The Queen ordered an end to the fighting and entered into peace negotiations with Yeager and Captain Doza. Convinced that the Colossus inhabitants were not hostile, the Queen allowed them to stay on the planet for as long as they need. As a gesture of good will, the Colossus inhabitants also supplied the Aeosians with a chest of medicine.

Despite their efforts to lay low, the Colossus did not escape the glare of the First Order for long. While flying to join the Resistance, Xiono and CB-23 encountered a Spider probe droid. Despite destroying the probe droid, the First Order was alerted to the presence of the Colossus. Commander Pyre and Agent Tierny dispatched the Thunderer as well as numerous TIE fighters and TIE/se Bombers. With the help of the Aeosians and Ace Squadron the Colossus managed to escape offworld.

Joining the Resistance

Later, Commander Doza and her Jade Squadron visited the Colossus, seeking the station's help in providing a refuge for several Resistance recruits they were planning to evacuate from Dantooine, which had been occupied by the First Order. Captain Doza agreed to help his wife and the Resistance and also lent three Ace pilots Xiono, Torra, and Hype. The joint Ace and Jade task force managed to break through the First Order's Blockade of Dantooine and rendezvous with three shuttles carrying the Resistance recruits. However, they were attacked by First Order TIE fighters launched from the Thunderer. During the ensuing dogfight, one of the Resistance shuttles was shot down but the task force managed to return with the surviving Resistance recruits. Following the mission to Dantooine, Captain Doza allowed the Resistance forces to stay for the long term and committed the station's resources to aiding the Resistance, stating that he was done running from the "fight."

Rescuing Tamara Ryvora

Following the Suppression of the Aeos system, Tamara's disillusionment with the First Order climaxed and she decided to defect, making arrangements to rendezvous with Xiono and Yeager on Castilon. Though Captain Doza was skeptical of the authenticity of Ryvora's message and the mission's success, Yeager and Venisa convinced him to approve the rescue mission. Xiono, Yeager, and CB-23 traveled to Castilon where they managed to rendezvous with Ryvora.

However, Commander Pyre and Agent Tierny caught up with them. During a failed escape attempt, former Colossus resident–turned First Order TIE Fighter Pilot Jace Rucklin learned that the Colossus was sheltering in the Barabesh system. After he and Ryvora were captured by the First Order, Rucklin attempted to save himself by informing Pyre and Tierny about the Colossus' location in the Barabesh system but to no avail.

After freeing Ryvora, Xiono, Yeager, and CB-23 managed to evade First Order forces and make their way to the Star Destroyer's engineering deck. There they managed to send a distress transmission to the inhabitants of the Colossus warning them that the First Order was hunting for them and to flee the Barabesh system. Ultimate, Aunt Z managed to convince the other Colossus residents to stand their ground and resist the First Order.

Shortly later Xiono, Ryvora, and Yeager were captured by Commander Pyre. The Thunderer exited hyperspace in the Barabesh system and attacked the Colossus. Ace and Jade Squadrons fought against the Thunderer and TIE fighters but were unable to pierce the warship's deflector shields, until CB-23 lowered them. This allowed Venisa and her starfighter pilots to attack the Star Destroyer's thrusters, causing the warship to explode. Meanwhile, the Colossus residents wiped out a landing party of First Order stormtroopers.

Xiono, Ryvora, Yeager, and CB-23 managed to escape the stricken Thunderer and returned to the Colossus where they received a hero's welcoming.

Battle of Exegol

Upon receiving a distress signal from General Lando Calrissian, the Colossus promptly joined in the decisive battle at Exegol to combat the Sith Eternal forces. Among the battle's other participants were Yeager's ship, Torra's Blue Ace, and the Fireball, the last of which was piloted by Xiono.

Behind the scenes

The Colossus was created for the 2018 animated series Star Wars Resistance, and was first shown in the series trailer. The upper section was designed by veteran Star Wars modelmaker Bill George.

