Darius G-class freighter

The Darius G-class freighter, a type of freighter crafted by Darius, was a common sight across the galaxy. Throughout the Imperial Era, this freighter served both civilians and criminal organizations, with the Mining Guild Freighter being a notable variant. Even during the Cold War and the subsequent First Order-Resistance War, the Darius G-class remained operational. It participated in First Order activities and was also part of the Citizens' Fleet that stood against the Sith Eternal's forces.


Darius G-class freighters and the Mining Guild Freighter variant at the center.

The Darius G-class freighter represented a freighter design intended for the transportation of substantial amounts of cargo. There existed a specialized version of this freighter, known as the Mining Guild Freighter, which also saw active use. Furthermore, the Darius G-class could be outfitted with four prominent stabilizers located at the rear.

This sizable vessel, engineered for hauling considerable cargo volumes, featured a ramp positioned at the front which opened into a spacious cargo bay with elevated ceilings. The Darius G was also equipped with two large engines, cylindrical in shape, accompanied by two smaller engines. The main corridors of the Darius G were expansive and included several blast doors. Additionally, the ship incorporated single-occupant escape pods characterized by a compact, block-like form. The Darius G carried a number of these escape vessels; for example, Teroj Kee's ship had eighteen escape pods on its underside.


The Darius G-class freighter became a common type of freighter seen throughout the galaxy. By the time of the Galactic Civil War, these freighters were in use by both ordinary citizens and various criminal organizations. During the [Cold War](/article/cold_war], Darius G-class freighters were responsible for delivering fuel to the Colossus refueling station, situated on the ocean planet Castilon. These fuel shipments, transported by the freighters, often became targets for pirates. Transport TY-700 was the vessel used to bring Major Elrik Vonreg to the platform for discussions with Captain Imanuel Doza.

Two refugee children named Kel and Eila sought refuge on the Colossus after secretly boarding a cargo ship following their escape from a First Order massacre on Tehar.

The underside of a Darius G-class freighter

A Darius G-class freighter located in the Castilon system, which was carrying both Kowakian monkey-lizards and a Kowakian ape-lizard, was attacked by members of Kragan Gorr's Warbird gang. When the freighter issued a distress call, Poe Dameron and Kazuda Xiono, who happened to be in a nearby asteroid field, decided to investigate the situation in sector six.

Later on, Kazuda Xiono chased Teroj Kee into the cargo hold of a Darius G in an attempt to retrieve a stolen phase connector. While inside the ship, Kazuda cleverly provoked the pet gorg Bitey into biting a power coupling that controlled the ship's electrode systems. This caused the ship to lose power and crash into the oceans of Castilon, resulting in everyone aboard, except for a single stormtrooper, abandoning the vessel in its escape pods.

A Darius G being used to perform a Widowmaker.

A Darius G-class freighter was utilized by Resistance operatives Poe Dameron and Kazuda Xiono to execute a Widowmaker maneuver. They did this with Kazuda's racer, known as the Fireball, by concealing themselves aboard the freighter.

Following the galaxy-wide announcement concerning the Final Order, a number of these freighters joined the fleet that assembled in response to General Lando Calrissian's call to arms. Subsequently, they participated in the Battle of Exegol which was fought between the Resistance and the Sith Eternal.

Behind the scenes

The Darius G-class, although initially unidentified, made its debut in "The High Tower," which was the fifth episode of the first season of the animated series Star Wars Resistance. This episode was broadcast on October 28, 2018. Its identification occurred later, in "Signal from Sector Six," the seventh episode of the same season. The freighter's design was the work of concept artist Jason Pichon.

