Signal from Sector Six

"Signal from Sector Six" marks the seventh installment in the first season of Star Wars Resistance, the animated TV show. This particular episode was initially broadcast on November 11, 2018.

Official description

Kaz and Poe Dameron look into a distress signal, only to discover a situation far more significant than they had initially thought.

Plot summary

Dawn breaks

The episode commences with a wide shot of the Colossus as the sun rises. Jarek Yeager and R1-J5 (nicknamed "Bucket") approach Kazuda Xiono to rouse him from sleep. Kaz groans, asking for an additional five minutes before turning over, a request to which Yeager nods. However, Bucket activates an alarm, causing Kaz to fall out of bed and onto the floor. Tam Ryvora greets him mockingly, commenting on how refreshed he looks. Kaz retorts that he is barely awake.

Tam inquires about Yeager and Kaz's destination, and Yeager responds that Kaz has a salvaging task off-platform, promising a full day's labor. Tam points out that she didn't find it on the work schedule. A sleepy Kaz heads to the kitchen and impatiently presses the drink dispenser button for caf. He wonders why BB-8, who is rolling around near his feet, is so excited at such an early hour. Kaz observes that the machine is malfunctioning again. Tam then steps in, pushing him aside and pressing the correct button. Kaz expresses his gratitude, but Tam takes the caf for herself. Kaz and BB-8 accompany Yeager onto a Star Commuter 2000. As Yeager starts the ship, a drowsy Kaz asks if he was informed about their destination. Yeager replies in the negative, to which Kaz responds with a resigned "great," asking Yeager to "wake me up when we get to wherever we are going."

A welcome surprise

The shuttle ascends into the skies of Castilon as Kaz sleeps in the passenger area. He wakes up as the sun fully rises, yawning. While airborne, Kaz questions their whereabouts and what they are doing. Yeager replies that he asks too many questions, and tells him that surprises are sometimes welcome.

At that moment, Kaz's mentor Poe Dameron appears in front of the Star Commuter in a white T-70 X-wing starfighter. Kaz is thrilled to see Poe, and BB-8 beeps excitedly. Poe greets BB-8, asking if he missed him. Kaz mistakenly believes Poe is addressing him until Poe clarifies that he is speaking to the droid. BB-8 responds with beeps.

As the T-70 flies alongside the Star Commuter, Kaz asks Yeager why Poe is here, wondering if he is in trouble. Yeager replies, "Not yet, anyway," and explains that Poe thought it would be best to discuss Kaz's offworld assignment in person. Kaz acknowledges this and asks if they will be docking. Yeager says no, explaining that they need to maintain a low profile and avoid the risk of an X-wing parked on the Colossus platform.

Poe informs Kaz that he brought him something because his mission has been progressing well. Kaz inquires about the item, asking if it's for BB-8. Poe assures Kaz that it is for him. Yeager opens the shuttle's door, revealing another Resistance T-70 X-wing. Poe remarks that while the Resistance's starfighters may not be the best, they are effective enough. Kaz thanks Poe and asks how he will get into the fighter.

Poe asks Kaz if the New Republic Navy taught him aerial jumping techniques. Kaz replies that they covered it in theory. Poe declares it's time to put that theory to the test, instructing the X-wing's BB unit, CB-23, to stabilize the ship. CB-23 beeps obediently as Kaz hesitates to jump off the plank, experiencing a moment of nervousness. BB-8 rolls up behind Kaz and pushes him, sending him tumbling into the fighter's cockpit.

Space escapades

Kaz, now wearing his helmet, says that it wasn't so bad. He greets CB-23, who responds that she would prefer to fly with Poe. Poe tells Kaz to disregard CB-23's comment, as she can be particular. Poe then positions his X-wing beneath the Star Commuter, allowing BB-8 to jump into the ship's astromech socket. Poe expresses his delight at seeing BB-8, saying he misses him, and asks if he has been keeping Kaz out of trouble.

Poe asks Kaz if he is ready, and Kaz replies that Poe has no idea how much he has been craving to fly. As they fly into space, Poe inquires about Kaz's report that Captain Imanuel Doza was planning a deal with the First Order. Kaz confirms that they intend to seize the Colossus, but he is unsure of their motives or what they stand to gain. Poe urges him to continue investigating, as the First Order is undoubtedly planning something. Kaz concludes that if they fail to stop them, the Resistance will cease to exist.

Kaz admits that he has been doing his best, but his training was as a pilot, not a [spy](/article/spy]. Poe reassures him that he is on the right track and performing admirably. Kaz expresses his gratitude for Poe's visit, but questions why he didn't simply send a transmission. Poe explains that transmissions are vulnerable to interception. Moreover, he believes Kaz needs an opportunity to "stretch his wings."

Kazuda Xiono fails to perform the backwards tailslide.

Poe decides to take Kaz on an enjoyable flight through a asteroid field. He demonstrates a "backward tail slide," which involves engaging the stabilizers and throttles and pulling back on the stick. Kaz confidently claims he can do that in his sleep, but ends up scraping his starfighter against an asteroid. Kaz sighs, admitting he was going too fast and didn't allow enough time to arc.

Kaz attempts the maneuver again but scrapes the rear of the X-wing once more. CB-23 expresses her displeasure. Poe advises Kaz to relax and stop overthinking it. Before Kaz can try again, he detects a distress signal. Poe identifies the signal's origin as sector six, which is nearby. Poe declares that the fun is over and they must investigate. Kaz confirms that he is right behind him.

Sector Six troubles

Upon reaching the coordinates in sector six, Poe discovers a wrecked Darius G-class freighter, seemingly the victim of a pirate raid "gone wrong." Kaz spots a pirate ship still docked to the freighter, while another is destroyed. BB-8 reports that life signs indicate several survivors. Poe hopes they are not the villains and directs Kaz to a docking ring on the opposite side.

Kaz admits he didn't realize the Resistance fought pirates. Poe explains that the galaxy is full of dangers, and they assist those in need. He instructs Kaz to remain vigilant. After docking their ships, they enter the freighter's corridor. Kaz calls out, but receives no response. Poe instructs BB-8 to guide them to the life signs, accompanied by CB-23. Kaz wonders what treasures the pirates sought, such as gold, mythra, or spice. Discovering cages, Poe realizes the ship was transporting live cargo, which was either taken or escaped.

CB-23 argues with BB-8 and bumps into him. Poe tells her not to be arrogant, as BB-8 is trying to help. CB-23 storms ahead, while Poe assures BB-8 that he is not being replaced. He explains that CB-23 is only on loan from the Resistance until he can retrieve him. They then hear a roar, stopping CB-23 in her tracks. Kaz asks about the noise, and Poe suggests they investigate. The four navigate the corridors toward the sound.

Poe asks if there are any approaching life signs as they hear heavy footsteps. The Resistance operatives witness two alien pirates being seized by enormous hands. Screams are heard as the pirates are devoured. Kaz is horrified, but Poe responds, "Better them than us." Kaz asks about the creature, but Poe says he prefers not to know. When Kaz presses Poe to guess, Poe suggests it could have been a gundark, reek, or rathtar.

Monkey business

Poe leads them down another corridor, instructing BB-8 to track any remaining life signs. He emphasizes the need to find the crew. When Kaz asks if the creature ate the crew, Poe dismisses it as negative thinking, telling Kaz to avoid assuming the worst. Something stirs in the darkness ahead. Poe says he saw something, and BB-8 moves forward.

Kaz asks about it, but Poe shushes him and tells him to listen. Something scurries around them. Suddenly, a small creature leaps onto CB-23 before jumping off. As they approach a corridor, a Kowakian monkey-lizard jumps from a maintenance hatch above and lands on Kaz. Kaz struggles with the monkey-lizard, and Poe manages to scare it away with his blaster.

Poe asks if Kaz is alright. Kaz replies that he is fine, despite nearly losing a few fingers. When Kaz asks about the creature, Poe identifies it as a Kowakian monkey-lizard, calling them the biggest nuisance in the galaxy and expressing his dislike for them. They enter another corridor, and BB-8 reports a possible humanoid life reading.

When Kaz asks how faint, Poe says that the individual may be injured. As they approach a hatch, the group is ambushed by Kowakian monkey-lizards who spray foam at them. One of the creatures steals Poe's blaster, leading Poe on a chase. Kaz is attacked by another monkey-lizard that grabs his face. Poe pursues the other monkey-lizard, who is firing his blaster.

Rescue operation

Poe throws a crate at the monkey-lizard but misses. He manages to retrieve his blaster and reiterates his hatred for monkeys. Meanwhile, Kaz shakes off the second monkey-lizard, which had been repeatedly slamming his head. The monkey-lizard returns and steals his flashlight. Kaz wonders where Poe, BB-8, and CB-23 are.

He then hears a roar and retreats, tripping over BB-8. He finds the droids entangled with two monkey-lizards. One grabs CB-23's head, but BB-8 manages to remove it by spinning it with its appendage. The second monkey-lizard lands on Kaz just as he frees himself from the first. CB-23 expresses her gratitude to BB-8 for his help.

Kaz remarks that he is glad the droids are getting along, but asks for their assistance. BB-8 manages to sting one of the monkey-lizards with his shock prod. At that moment, Poe arrives and fires at the ceiling to scare the monkey-lizards away, and a dead one falls from the ceiling. This drives away the remaining ones. Poe reiterates his hatred for the creatures and asks BB-8 if he has detected any signs of the humanoid life form. BB-8 beeps, and Kaz urges them to find the person before the giant monster does.

The Resistance team ventures deeper into the ship. CB-23 traces the life scans to a storage compartment. Inside a crate, they find an unconscious female Mirialan, who is secretly the pirate Synara San, unknown to Kaz and Poe. Kaz wonders if she is part of the transport crew and speculates that she locked herself in to escape the creature. Poe finds her pulse weak but confirms she is alive.

A close call

The group then hears a roar. Kaz asks what they should do, and Poe says that they will get her out of there. Poe leads the group with a flashlight and blaster, while Kaz carries the Mirialan on his shoulders. They sense movement down the hallway, past a partially closed door. Kaz assumes it's just a monkey-lizard, but the group retreats as a giant pair of hands and a monstrous head emerge from the door. The creature is revealed to be a giant Kowakian ape-lizard, much larger than the others, and Kaz comments that he didn't know they grew that large.

The Kowakian ape-lizard

As the creature forces its way out, the group flees. The ape-lizard chases them through the corridors. They turn a corner, and Poe attempts to slow the creature down by closing a blast door. He tells Kaz and the droids to go while he buys them time. Poe shoots at the advancing ape-lizard with his blaster, but the blaster bolts bounce off its thick hide.

The creature throws Poe against a wall. Poe manages to hide in a corner, remarking that it wasn't the best plan. Meanwhile, Kaz struggles to carry the unconscious Mirialian while the droids roll. Poe soon joins them and helps Kaz carry the Mirialian. They flee into the docking ring as the mutant tries to force its way through.

A brief aerial battle

The Resistance pilots and their droids escape with the Mirialian on their starfighters into space. Kaz has the Mirialian in the passenger compartment of his X-wing. Over the intercom, Poe comments that they barely made it. BB-8 beeps as the radar detects incoming ships. They are then attacked by several pirate starfighters. Poe dodges one and shoots it down with his X-wing.

Kaz reports that he has one on his tail. CB-23 squeals, but Kaz says Poe has his own problems. As they approach an asteroid, Kaz tells CB-23 not to worry and to trust him. Kaz flies toward the asteroid but performs a "backward tail slide" and flies over it. The pirate ship crashes into the asteroid and explodes. Kaz and Poe cheer. The remaining pirate ships retreat. Poe says it's time to head home and meet up with Yeager. The group departs.

Return to Castilon

While Yeager circles Castilon's upper atmosphere in his Star Commuter 2000, he is met by Poe and Kaz's X-wings. Poe tells Yeager to hold steady because they have a survivor from a pirate attack. Kaz enters the shuttle carrying the unconscious Mirialian.

Yeager expresses his disbelief and questions why Poe keeps bringing home strays. Poe reassures Yeager that "this one" doesn't need to join his crew. Yeager remarks that he already has enough friends. Kaz says they couldn't leave her behind. Poe tells Kaz to take her back, get her to a medical droid, and then send her on her way when she recovers.

Yeager thinks bringing her back to the Colossus is a bad idea. Before leaving, Poe tells Kaz that he did a good job. Kaz thanks Poe. Poe instructs him to check in as soon as he has updates on Doza and the First Order. Kaz remarks that it shouldn't be a problem after what he experienced today. Before leaving, Poe tells BB-8 that he will see him soon, before jumping back into his X-wing and flying off. CB-23 also bids farewell to BB-8 before departing in her X-wing, waving one of her appendages. BB-8 waves back.

Caring for Synara

While flying back, the Mirialian awakens in the passenger compartment. Kaz attends to her. She asks where she is and recognizes Kaz. The Mirialian instinctively punches Kaz in the face, and BB-8 raises several of his appendages defensively. Believing the woman is disoriented, Kaz tells them it's okay as he nurses his nose and says he wanted to help.

The Mirialian is still confused. When Kaz asks her name, she identifies herself as Synara but conceals her pirate affiliation. Kaz introduces himself, Yeager, and BB-8, saying they are mechanics from Castilon. He tells her that some pilots found her and that he and Yeager volunteered to bring her in. Yeager quips that he didn't.

When Kaz asks Synara to recount what happened, she claims that there was a pirate raid and that a giant crazed monkey broke loose. She says that it attacked and that she locked herself in a crate for protection. Synara says that is all she can remember. Kaz tells her that they are taking her back to the Colossus, straight to a medical droid. Synara asks if they will let her onboard, because she doesn't have any identification as everything that she had was stolen by those pirates. Kaz tells her not to worry because they will register her. Synara looks ominously toward the horizon as they approach the Colossus for landing.

The Star Commuter shuttle lands at a docking bay. They walk past the Arcona Garma while Synara looks around. Kaz approaches a droid manning the booth and registers Synara. A security droid menaces Synara, and she glares at it. Kaz reassures her that he and Yeager have taken care of it and introduces her to the Colossus. Synara says she can look after herself but thanks Kaz for everything. As she enters a turbolift, she tells him that he helped her more than he can realize.

An undercover pirate

BB-8 beeps, while Yeager tells Kaz it looks like his friend isn't sticking around after all the trouble they went through to bring her to the platform. Kaz suggests that maybe she needs some time, like he did. Yeager warns Kaz that he is responsible for whatever happens. Kaz responds that Yeager is responsible for him, and that things are working out. Yeager shakes his head before walking away.

In private, Synara contacts the Quarren pirate leader Kragan Gorr by hologram. Kragan asks where everyone is and reiterates that he sent her to steal that freight. Synara tells Kragan that the freight devoured his pirates, except her. She tells him that she was the only one who survived. When Kragan asks where she is, Synara tells him that she is on the Colossus.

She tells Kragan that she got rescued and that this "kid" mistook her for the freighter's crew and got her registered. Kragan accepts that this mission turned out better than stealing cargo. He remarks that this mishap may work to their advantage, and tells her to stay put and blend in. Kragan says he will have an assignment for her soon before ending transmission. Synara smiles.


