
R1-J5, more often called "Bucket," was an [R-series](link url) [astromech droid](link url) belonging to [Jarek Yeager](link url), a former [Rebellion](link url) [pilot](link url). Before retiring to the [Colossus](link url) [refueling](link url) platform, where they established [Jarek Yeager's Repair Station](link url) and created [Team Fireball](link url), R1-J5 and Yeager raced together, with the droid functioning as his co-pilot. R1-J5's workmates included [mechanics](link url) [Tamara Ryvora](link url) and [Neeku Vozo](link url), along with [Resistance](link url) [spy](link url) [Kazuda Xiono](link url), who had taken on the identity of a mechanic. Within the garage, R1-J5 contributed to repairing [starships](link url), notably the [Fireball](link url).



R1-J5 was Yeager's racing copilot.

"Bucket", otherwise known as R1-J5, was built by [Industrial Automaton](link url) circa [76 BBY](link url). [Jarek Yeager](link url) acquired him, and the [droid](link url) spent several [years](link url) serving the former [Rebel](link url) [starfighter](link url) [pilot](link url)–turned–[mechanic](link url). During Yeager's racing [days](link url), R1-J5 was [his](link url) copilot in [his racer](link url). Yeager's racing career ended after his younger brother [Marcus Speedstar](link url) caused the [deaths](link url) of Yeager's [wife](link url) and [daughter](link url) in a racing incident. By [34 ABY](link url), R1-J5 was a member of Yeager's [Team Fireball](link url), a group of mechanics and pilots based at Yeager's repair shop on the Colossus platform, which was located on the [planet](link url) [Castilon](link url). [Tamara Ryvora](link url), a female [human](link url) pilot, and [Neeku Vozo](link url), who was a [Nikto](link url), were R1-J5's fellow mechanics.

Enter Kazuda Xiono

In 34 ABY, [Poe Dameron](link url), a [Resistance](link url) pilot, persuaded his old friend Yeager to accept [Kazuda Xiono](link url), a Resistance [spy](link url), as his mechanic. Xiono's [mission](link url) was to determine who on the Colossus platform was assisting the [First Order](link url) in developing their [military](link url). [BB-8](link url), a [BB astromech droid](link url), also accompanied Xiono, sent by Dameron to monitor him. When Xiono inadvertently volunteered to compete in a [race](link url) against [Torra Doza](link url), an [Ace Squadron](link url) pilot, Yeager called on R1-J5 as the crew started working to restore the aging [racer](link url) Fireball for the competition. After Xiono picked up a piece from the broken-down ship, R1-J5 took it and slammed into Xiono, prompting the spy to call him a "box of bolts." When Yeager introduced Xiono to R1-J5, the resistance member said that the name was fitting, which R1-J5 responded to by smacking him with the ship part.

When Doza visited her competitor, she patted R1-J5. Following Xiono's crash and subsequent unconsciousness during his race with Torra, he was taken back to Yeager's repairs, where Bucket was among those awaiting his awakening.

The triple dark

The fact that Xiono lacked experience as a mechanic irritated both Bucket and Ryvora. Xiono once pressed the incorrect button on a console, resulting in a high-pitched feedback. The feedback caused R1-J5 to recoil, while everyone else covered their ears. During the [pirate](link url) [Kragan Gorr](link url)'s [raid](link url) on the Colossus, R1-J5 and the other members of Team Fireball, with the exception of Xiono, sought shelter. After Xiono successfully jammed the pirates' communications, forcing them to retreat, they returned to the repair shop.

Rucklin's heist

R1-J5 was present later when Xiono attempted to demonstrate an [engine](link url) he had been working on, but failed. When Yeager scolded Xiono for the slow progress, Bucket and Ryvora giggled that Xiono was in trouble. R1-J5 also teased Xiono further by blocking his path as he attempted to leave, prompting the pilot to grumble that the [droid](link url) was now on his case.

Bucket taking inventory

Xiono and [Jace Rucklin](link url), a local [racer](link url), sneaked into Yeager's private [hangar](link url) to look at Yeager's racer, but they hid from Bucket, who had entered the back room to get a [macrofuser](link url). When Bucket couldn't find the macrofuser, Yeager decided to order a new one. Rucklin took the chance to steal a canister of [Corellian hyperfuel](link url) for [his own racer](link url). Later, R1-J5 discovered the hyperfuel canister was missing and rushed out of the backroom, frantically chittering to alert the other mechanics that the volatile [fuel](link url) was missing. While Vozo informed Xiono of the situation, R1-J5 was rolling around the repair shop looking for the fuel. Xiono realized Rucklin had stolen the fuel and managed to save Rucklin before the hyperfuel destroyed him with his racer.

Living with Kazuda

Later, during a power outage, Xiono tripped over R1-J5, who grumbled in [binary](link url). R1-J5 struggled to straighten himself until Ryvora helped him up. Another time, under Yeager's direction, R1-J5 blared a built-in horn to wake Xiono up at dawn for a salvaging job. The job turned out to be a training exercise that Dameron had organized for Xiono to fly his [T-70 X-wing starfighter](link url) and to take a break from his undercover work.

Warbird's continued assault

While Ryvora, Vozo, and Xiono were working to repair the Colossus' defensive tracking computer, R1-J5 rolled to Yeager's deck to observe some screens. The [Warbird gang](link url) received intel that the Colossus' [turbolasers](link url) were down and launched an [attack](link url). When a pirate came into the garage, R1-J5 and Vozo hid in the supply closet and managed to avoid arousing the Warbird gang's attention by remaining silent. Following the raid, Vozo recounted his and R1-J5's exploits to a weary Yeager.

The Platform Classic

R1-J5 and Yeager during the Platform Classic

While Ryvora spoke to Vozo and Xiono about the [Platform Classic](link url), BB-8 and R1-J5 were scuffling by repeatedly bumping into each other. When Yeager decided to race against his estranged younger brother, R1-J5 served as Yeager's copilot and sat in the [astromech socket](link url) of Yeager's racer. As a team, the two acquitted themselves well and took the lead in the race with Speedstar coming second place. Following a prolonged confrontation, Yeager decided to forgive Speedstar and allowed Speedstar to win so that Speedstar could save his Nikto mechanic [Oplock](link url), who had been taken hostage by the [Guavian Death Gang](link url). By winning the race, Speedstar was able to pay his 20,000-[credit](link url) debt to the Guavians and free his friend.

Mission to Station Theta Black

After Xiono borrowed the Fireball for a [mission](link url) with Dameron, R1-J5 entered Yeager's office and asked him about lending the Fireball to Xiono. Yeager claimed that he did not have much of a choice and that Ryvora would find out soon. Ryvora was upset that Yeager had allowed Xiono to borrow her ship and revealed that she had not finished installing a new [stabilizer](link url). Fortunately, Xiono was picked up by Dameron and the two were able to continue on to [Station Theta Black](link url).

A game of holodarts

R1-J5 throwing darts

Later, R1-J5 was present at [Aunt Z's Tavern](link url) along with [Al](link url), BB-8, Torra Doza, [Bolza Grool](link url), Vozo, and Xiono for a game of [holodarts](link url). Xiono landed three darts in or on the rim of the bullseye. R1-J5 took off his [helmet](link url) and requested the darts from Xiono. Vozo was surprised at R1-J5's volunteering and chose to hide behind Doza. To the surprise of everyone, R1-J5's first two tosses hit the bullseye. R1-J5 mimicked Xiono's third toss by also spinning in place before tossing. The third holodart ricocheted off several objects before striking Xiono in the backside. An enraged Kaz chased R1-J5.

R1-J5 and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

R1-J5 confronting BB-8

On one occasion, R1-J5 powered up and discovered his helmet missing. Xiono informed the droid that he did not know where his helmet was. Xiono questioned why R1-J5 would feel naked without his helmet when he is technically always naked. He then suggested R1-J5 retraced his steps. In the [marketplace](link url), the droids [G-LN](link url), [LE-12](link url), [R4-G77](link url), and [T3-K10](link url) laughed at the helmetless R1-J5. R1-J5 hung his head and continued his quest.

R1-J5 visited the [Office of Acquisitions](link url) in his search. [Orka](link url) and [Flix](link url) offered to sell R1-J5 a new helmet, a metal cap with a propeller atop, which he accepted. When R1-J5 returned to Yeager's repairs, he found BB-8 sporting his missing helmet. Ryvora calmed the enraged R1-J5 down and explained BB-8 wanted to try the helmet on. BB-8 fled as R1-J5 gave chase, resulting in a crash, tossing the helmet over to Xiono. Oblivious to the commotion that just transpired, Xiono excitedly informed R1-J5 that he had found his helmet. R1-J5 hit Xiono in the leg and departed with his helmet.

The Bibo incident

Vozo brought his newly adopted [rokkna](link url), [Bibo](link url), back to Yeager's repairs much to the dismay of the rest of Team Fireball. During one of Bibo's escapes, the rokkna attempted to eat R1-J5's helmet before being removed by Vozo. Later, when failing to be contained again, Bibo was roaming the garage when a loud crash startled Bibo, the rokkna leaped onto R1-J5. The astromech sped around the garage to remove the rokkna before ultimately crashing into several crates, flinging Bibo from the droid's body. In response, Yeager ordered Vozo to get rid of the rokkna. When Vozo ultimately [returned](link url) Bibo to his [mother](link url), R1-J5 arrived with Yeager to be with the Nikto.

First Order Occupation

While Team Fireball repaired a [speeder bike](link url)'s [accelerator](link url), BB-8 grabbed a nearby tool and knocked on R1-J5's closet door before rolling away. An annoyed R1-J5 emerged and chased the culprit around the garage. Xiono requested the droids quiet down. Later that day Torra Doza was [kidnapped](link url) by pirates, which lead to [Captain](link url) [Imanuel Doza](link url) allowing the First Order to [occupy](link url) the Colossus. When [stormtroopers](link url) visited Yeager's Repairs, R1-J5 informed Yeager of the visitors' presence. The [troopers](link url) questioned Yeager and Xiono about the whereabouts of the pirate fugitive [Synara San](link url) before leaving.

R1-J5 being electrocuted.

Later, R1-J5 was electrocuted while servicing the Fireball with his [spark projector](link url). His [helmet](link url) popped off as a result of the electrocution. BB-8 retrieved the helmet and returned it back to R1-J5. Then the orphans [Kel](link url) and [Eila](link url) visited Yeager's repairs seeking Xiono's help. When BB-8, Ryzora, Vozo, and Xiono departed with the orphans, Yeager asked R1-J5 if he was joining the group, to which R1-J5 responded by chirping and rolling away from the departing group.

Later, R1-J5 observed Xiono trying to transmit a message to the Resistance, while Yeager commented on the impracticality due to the First Order's communications blanket. As Xiono tried to send a message, Dameron announced his presence in Yeager's repairs and invited Xiono for a [mission](link url) to the [Dassal system](link url).

While Xiono was on his mission to the Dassal system, Ryvora complained to R1-J5 about the racer Team Fireball was servicing, referring to it as a bucket. After R1-J5 barked at her, she clarified she meant the racer, not R1-J5. When Ryvora asked R1-J5 where Xiono was, the spy returned to the repair garage with another BB-series droid named [CB-23](link url). R1-J5 then observed Ryvora voice her concerns to Yeager about where and what Xiono did with the Fireball. Following Xiono's return from the Dassal system, CB-23 and R1-J5 provided Ryvora a [Sub-loop spanner](link url) to repair damages to the Fireball which Xiono stated were from a hot reentry. Later [Commander](link url) [Pyre](link url) and his stormtroopers appeared in Yeager's garage to arrest the mechanics for conspiring against the First Order.

Joining the Colossus Resistance

R1-J5 causing a diversion.

When Yeager challenged the charges as being false, Pyre confirmed the Fireball had been spotted in [Sector Epsilon 51-3](link url). When Pyre gave the order to take them into custody, R1-J5 unleashed white smoke on the stormtroopers. In the ensuing chaos, R1-J5 avoided blaster fire, and Yeager and Xiono worked to take down the troopers. Team Fireball escaped to Yeager's office sans R1-J5 and Ryvora. Pyre took a shot at the droid in the open and hit his backside. The droid's body sparked and he zigzagged across the garage before falling off the Colossus, much to Yeager's dismay. Xiono urged Yeager to continue on without R1-J5, believing the droid to be lost.

The astromech was caught in a fishing net of the [Chelidae](link url) and returned to the Colossus, receiving repairs in the engineering deck. Yeager found a Chelidae placing R1-J5's helmet back on and expressed his joy at the droid's safety. CB-23, Kel, Eila, a Chelidae, R1-J5, Vozo, Xiono, and Yeager then began formulating a plan to submerge the Colossus in an attempt to disable the communications jammer so they could send a message to the Resistance asking for help. Xiono and Yeager were successful in sending out a message to the Resistance but the attempt resulted in Yeager's capture and the Resistance informed Xiono they were unable to assist. Xiono rallied those present at the engineering level to form their own [Resistance cell](link url).

Retaking the Colossus

Team Colossus

CB-23, a Chelidae, Eila, Kel, R1-J5, Vozo, and Xiono formulated a plan to rescue Ryvora and Yeager from their imprisonment in Doza's tower and escape the Colossus in order to bring back reinforcements from [Hosnian Prime](link url). During the [expulsion](link url) of First Order forces from the Colossus, R1-J5 stayed in the [hyperdrive room](link url) with Eila, Kel, Vil'pak, and Vozo. Vil'pak and Vozo came up with a plan to flush out First Order stormtroopers from the Colossus, filling corridors containing stormtroopers with water and flushing the water out. After Vozo launched the hyperdrive and began the Colossus's ascent into orbit, the Aces, Xiono, and Yeager gathered in [hangar B2](link url) to launch with their ships. Yeager contacted R1-J5 via comms to request he come to hangar B2. Once CB-23 unlocked the ships, R1-J5 and Yeager boarded Yeager's racer and launched from the hangar. Together the two participated in the Battle of Castilon, destroying many [TIE fighters](link url). When Vonreg began hunting Yeager's racer, Xiono, who was piloting the Fireball, shot and destroyed Vonreg's TIE, saving Yeager and R1-J5. Yeager's racer and its crew landed in the Colossus before Vozo launched the ship into hyperspace. R1-J5 was present when Vozo informed Xiono that the Colossus was not heading to [D'Qar](link url) but rather an unknown location. CB-23 and R1-J5 were observing the hyperspace travel in Yeager's garage when the Colossus ended its jump. They were soon joined by Vozo and Xiono who chose to go inquire with Captain Doza on the Colossus's whereabouts, which R1-J5 did not join.

On the run

A jakoosk trying to eat Jarek Yeager and R1-J5.

Soon after Yeager became squadron leader for the Aces, the aces and Yeager gathered in Yeager's garage. R1-J5 and the Aces' droids—CB-23, R4-G77, R5-G9, R23-X9, SC-X2, and T3-K10—gathered nearby. Yeager and the Aces scheduled a practice skirmish on a nearby ice moon. R1-J5 joined Yeager in his racer for the skirmish; their team, consisting of R1-J5 and Yeager with CB-23 and Xiono, facing against the other Aces and their droids. R1-J5's team won the skirmish. During the next practice run a [jakoosk](link url) interrupted the session. The beast pursued and captured Yeager's racer in its claws. As R1-J5 and Yeager came close to being eaten the Aces toppled ice pillars onto the jakoosk, hurting it enough for the pair to escape its grip. Later in Aunt Z's Tavern, R1-J5 was present as the team celebrated surviving the jakoosk.

At some point, R1-J5 used his spark projector on the landing gear of the [Green Ace](link url) while R4-G77 observed and Vozo and Xiono conversed nearby. Later on, Vozo was issuing repairs on the Fireball while R1-J5 studied a datapad. Vozo announced it was time for a break at Aunt Z's and the droid followed him.

The droid joined Doza and Yeager as they visited the [Aces' Lounge](link url) and remained present for Fazon's pitch of making money as [Vranki's Hotel and Casino](link url). Sometime after leaving Vranki's casino, R1-J5 was present at a meeting as Xiono arrived. Yeager informed Fazon, Torra Doza, and Xiono on the Colossus's current whereabouts, [Guavian space](link url). He instructed the three to scout ahead and ensure the Guavians were unaware of the Colossus's presence. The droid was present in the hangar when Xiono returned from the mission and transmitted a hologram of Captain Doza for him. Xiono informed Captain Doza of his failure to stop the Guavian Death Gang from noticing their presence.

Settling into Aeos

Jarek Yeager briefing the Aces on the plan to scout Aeos.

title: R1-J5

Sometime between 34 ABY and 35 ABY, R1-J5 briefly spoke with CB-23 prior to Xiono's injury at a distance. CB-23 departed to investigate the matter, while the seasoned astromech proceeded elsewhere. Soon after, the Colossus made its arrival on Aeos Prime. The Aces gathered for another briefing, during which Yeager instructed them to explore their designated zones and provide reports. R1-J5 distributed field kits to the Aces, which included medicine, emergency rations, and drinking water. Fazon expressed his enthusiasm for resuming his races against Torra Doza and Xion, which prompted laughter from R1-J5. R1-J5 was present in the hangar when Fazon and Torra Doza returned from their reconnaissance mission.

When Xiono made the decision to leave the Colossus and join the Resistance, R1-J5 witnessed Vozo's emotional display before his departure. As Yeager authorized Xiono to take the Fireball with him, the veteran astromech came to an abrupt halt. He positioned himself between Xiono and the Fireball, expressing his displeasure through angry chattering and waving his grasping arms. Yeager instructed the droid to settle down. R1-J5 beeped at Xiono, who responded with a promise to ensure her safety. The droid then departed, continuing to chatter. Shortly after Xiono's departure, R1-J5 observed the Fireball's crash landing back into the Colossus's hangar, piloted by Xiono. Xiono was quick to inform Captain Doza that the First Order was aware of their location, and the First Order arrived shortly thereafter. With the Fireball rendered unusable and the First Order launching an attack, Yeager instructed Xiono to utilize his personal vessel and bring R1-J5 along.

Before the conflict began, Xiono advised R1-J5 to remain calm, assuring him that he had everything under control. During the battle, Ryvora targeted Yeager's race in her TIE, a danger that Xiono acknowledged to R1-J5. When Ryvora intercepted Xiono's torpedo, preventing it from destroying the bridge, Xiono expressed his disappointment to R1-J5 and praised the TIE fighter pilot's skill. Shortly after, R1-J5 and Xiono returned to the Colossus's hangar, and the station executed a jump into hyperspace. R1-J5 emitted chattering sounds in response to Yeager's remark that Xiono would never pilot his ship again.

On the hyperlane again

When Venisa Doza's Jade Squadron landed in a Colossus hangar, R1-J5 was there, along with Xiono and Yeager, to welcome the Resistance pilots. R1-J5 displayed excitement upon seeing Torch, even pushing Xiono aside to reach the other droid. The two droids engaged in conversation, leading Torra Doza to comment that Torch seemed pleased to be back. Later, while Torch and R1-J5 were conversing once more, Torra Doza apologized to Torch, explaining that R1-J5 couldn't accompany them on their mission to Dantooine because he was needed on the Colossus. She suggested that he might join them on their next mission. R1-J5 watched as Jade Squadron, accompanied by Fazon, Torra Doza, and Xiono, departed from the Colossus.

The final showdown

R1-J5 assisting CB-23.

Subsequently, R1-J5 was performing maintenance on the Fireball alongside CB-23, Vozo, Xiono, and Yeager. The astromech droid chuckled as Vozo reminisced about instances of Xiono electrocuting himself. A message from Ryvora came through Xiono's comlink, prompting Xiono and Yeager to set out to rendevous with her. Later, Xiono and Yeager were captured while attempting to liberate Ryvora from the First Order. The trio transmitted a message to the Colossus, urging its inhabitants to flee the Barabesh system before the arrival of the First Order. When Aunt Z rallied everyone to fight against the First Order, R1-J5 was among the pilots checking in, piloting the Fireball independently. R1-J5 and the Fireball were among the ten starships that ventured out to confront the First Order upon the Thunderer's arrival. As two TIE fighters pursued the Fireball, Torra Doza assured R1-J5 that she had his back and proceeded to destroy the TIEs. Following the destruction of the Thunderer, R1-J5 returned to the Colossus with the other pilots and assisted CB-23, who had sustained injuries from an altercation with Commander Pyre, off the First Order shuttle. While the rest of Team Fireball went to Aunt Z's, CB-23 and R1-J5 remained in the garage.


R1-J5 working on the Fireball

R1-J5 was an astromech droid with masculine programming, a product of Industrial Automaton. Standing at 1.1 meters tall, he featured unplated armor and a black sensor. Despite being known for his unique personality, a result of the droid's outdated and faulty programming, R1-J5 was a dependable mechanic and a devoted astromech to Yeager. R1-J5 communicated, like most astromechs, in binary.

R1-J5 took offense when people disrespected his name. He snapped at Ryvora for referring to a starship she disliked as a bucket and struck Xiono in the face when he sarcastically agreed that bucket suited R1-J5 perfectly. He often displayed animosity towards Xiono, frequently pushing past the spy, hitting him, or obstructing his path to beep at him. He even took pleasure in waking Xiono with his integrated horn. R1-J5 readily pursued those who wronged him, chasing BB-8 around the garage on two separate occasions: once when BB-8 slammed his closet door and again when BB-8 stole his helmet, which Xiono noted made R1-J5 feel exposed.

Despite his altercations with BB-8, R1-J5 maintained a cordial relationship with CB-23. On one occasion, CB-23 handed R1-J5 a wrench while repairing the Fireball after Kaz's mission to the Dassal system. The two also enjoyed each other's company while observing the Colossus traveling through hyperspace. When CB-23 returned to the Colossus after suffering damage, R1-J5 assisted her in disembarking from the First Order shuttle and remained by her side.


R1-J5 possessed an alarm that he could use to awaken others. R1-J5 also wore a helmet to which he was very attached. He felt vulnerable without it and was displeased when BB-8 borrowed it. He had a spark projector and two grasping arms that he used to service the Fireball and other starships. The vents on the front of his body were capable of emitting substantial amounts of smoke.

Behind the scenes

R1-J5 made his initial appearance in the first trailer for Star Wars Resistance on August 17, 2018. He debuted in part 2 of "The Recruit," the first episode of the first season of the television series Star Wars Resistance, which aired on October 7, 2018. Each Star Wars Resistance episode featuring R1-J5 credited the voice actor of R1-J5 as himself, similar to Chopper in episodes of Star Wars Rebels. While Chopper's voice actor was revealed in "Family Reunion – and Farewell," the final episode of Star Wars Rebels, R1-J5's voice actor was not revealed in "The Escape," the final episode of Star Wars Resistance. David Collins, the sound editor for Star Wars Resistance, revealed on Twitter that Justin Ridge, the supervising director for the series, voiced R1-J5.

The opening scene of Bucket's List featured R1-J5

The short series Bucket's List was presented by R1-J5. Each episode provided behind-the-scenes insights into a Star Wars Resistance episode. The episode title would swipe onto the screen, hitting R1-J5's helmet and causing his head to wobble. An article titled "Bucket's List Extra" was posted in conjunction with the videos.

