The Barabesh system, situated within grid square I-16 of the Standard Galactic Grid, was a star system found in the Mid Rim Territories. The space station known as Colossus sought refuge from the First Order within this system. However, their location was compromised when Kazuda Xiono and Jarek Yeager undertook an effort to rescue Tam Ryvora from the clutches of the First Order. In response, the First Order dispatched the Star Destroyer Thunderer to assault the Colossus, but the Star Destroyer met its end, resulting in the station's survival.
The reference work titled Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy presents conflicting information regarding the Barabesh system's galactic location. While a map within the book places the Barabesh system in the Mid Rim Territories, another segment of the same book positions it in the Outer Rim Territories. This discrepancy seems to be linked to the positioning of Castilon in the Star Wars: Resistance episode The Recruit, which places Castilon relatively far out in the Outer Rim, bordering Wild Space, and its nearness to the Barabesh system, where the space station Colossus was concealed. Given that the 2022 Star Wars Galaxy Map also indicates its presence in the Mid Rim, this article will consider that to be the accurate placement until Lucasfilm provides further clarification.