Jarek Yeager

Jarek Yeager was a human male technician who was the proprietor of a repair shop aboard the Colossus during the New Republic era. Yeager, a former rebel pilot and commander, was a veteran of the Galactic Civil War, having previously fought for the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Back in 4 ABY, during his time as a rebel, Yeager was among a select group chosen for an infiltration mission targeting the Iron Blockade in the Anoat sector.

In 5 ABY, he took part in the Battle of Jakku. Following the conclusion of the war, he desired a tranquil existence, leading him to retire to a fuel depot situated on Castilon, an ocean planet located in the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy.

Beyond his role as a mechanic and shop owner, Yeager headed up a racing team known as Team Fireball, which comprised a younger generation of pilots who flew starships. During the Cold War period, his team welcomed Kazuda Xiono, a New Republic pilot, as its newest member. Although Yeager allowed Xiono to serve as part of his crew, he was aware that the young pilot was actually a spy working for the Resistance and wanted to stay out of their conflict with the First Order.


Galactic Civil War

Jarek Yeager was among the few chosen by Leia Organa to infiltrate the Iron Blockade.

Jarek Yeager was a human male who hailed from Castilon, an ocean planet situated in the Outer Rim Territories, which was his homeworld. During the [Galactic Civil War](/article/galactic_civil_war], Yeager fought as a Rebel pilot for the Alliance to Restore the Republic. In 4 ABY, Leia Organa personally selected Yeager to be part of a small team tasked with infiltrating the Anoat sector, after they had learned about the Iron Blockade that Moff Ubrik Adelhard had established around the sector. As they approached the edge of the Anoat sector, the team engaged in a discussion about the risks and circumstances surrounding their current mission. Suddenly, the ship's sensors detected several objects, and the team soon found themselves surrounded by the Spice Runners of Kijimi.

Yeager and his team were captured by Commander Bragh and his stormtroopers and were taken aboard Adelhard's star destroyer as prisoners. Yeager and the team deliberated over their plans until Lieutenant Kith Alaytia released them from their holding cell. However, Bragh caught up to them and incapacitated both Yeager and Rynn Zenat. Luke Skywalker and Preeti then located Yeager and his team. Together, they engaged the stormtroopers in combat and apprehended Reyna Oskure. Skywalker then instructed Yeager and the others to evacuate with Oskure. As General Lando Calrissian's forces launched an assault on the star destroyer, Yeager, his team, Oskure, and Skywalker managed to commandeer a ship and escape.

Yeager and his squadron on Jakku.

Later on, Yeager joined the New Republic in fighting in the Battle of Jakku. Following the conclusion of the battle, a photograph was taken of Yeager alongside his victorious X-wing squadron, standing in front of the wreckage of a destroyed Star Destroyer. During his tenure as a rebel pilot, Yeager held the rank of commander.

New Republic era

War veteran

Yeager with his family on Batuu.

Following the Galactic Empire's downfall and the subsequent emergence of the New Republic, Yeager began his family life; he married a woman and together they had a daughter. A photograph once captured Yeager with his family on the planet of Batuu. Furthermore, Yeager achieved success as a racer, which sparked jealousy in his younger brother, Marcus Speedstar. During a racing event circa 24 ABY in which both Yeager and Speedstar participated, Speedstar recklessly used excessive coaxium to power his vehicle, hoping to surpass Yeager. This led to Speedstar's ship crashing, resulting in the tragic deaths of Yeager's wife and daughter, who were present at the event. Overwhelmed with anger at Speedstar's actions, Yeager severed all ties with him for many years.

Some time after the loss of his wife and daughter, Yeager withdrew to the Outer Rim, settling on his native planet of Castilon within the Colossus community. While residing on the refueling station, Yeager became known as a skilled starship mechanic, the proprietor of a repair shop, and the leader of Team Fireball — a racing team consisting of young mechanics and pilots, including Neeku Vozo and Tamara Ryvora, whom he grew to regard as a daughter. Alongside its organic members, Yeager's team was supported by his droid R1-J5, an aged and outdated astromech often called "Bucket." Yeager also used to participate in the station's races, frequently winning, but by 34 ABY he had stopped doing so. He possessed a stash of hyperfuel, which he occasionally used for a boost during races.

Providing cover for an operative

During the height of the Cold War, the Resistance strategically placed a spy aboard the Colossus, aiming to gather information on the growing menace of the First Order. Commander Poe Dameron of the Resistance, an old acquaintance of Yeager's, requested that he employ the spy, a former New Republic pilot named Kazuda Xiono, at his shop as a disguise. Despite his reservations, particularly after Xiono became involved in a bar fight shortly after his arrival, Yeager agreed, although he wanted no part in the conflict between the Resistance and the secretive First Order.

Yeager and his team had to quickly repair an old racing ship, the dilapidated Fireball, for Xiono to use in a solo race that Vozo had enthusiastically signed him up for against his will. Ryvora was upset because Yeager had promised her the ship, and he explained that he was doing it as a favor for a friend. Yeager was not impressed with the used parts Xiono acquired for the ship, because he had not had enough credits to pay for new parts. In the race the next day, Yeager warned Xiono not to fly too fast or he would cause the ship's engines to flame out. Xiono flew well, and eventually ignored the advice due to sensing victory, causing him to crash. After Xiono came to in the repair shop afterward, Yeager took him aside and told Xiono that, although he could work on Team Fireball, Yeager had no interest in getting involved in his mission.

The pirate assault

Shortly thereafter, Yeager and Team Fireball were contracted to service a shuttle belonging to Hallion Nark, a Neimoidian who claimed to be in a rush. He was displeased by Xiono's slow retrieval of a part, and after Xiono accidentally made Nark lose his comlink, he promised to deduct the cost for it from Xiono's pay. Unbeknownst to Yeager, Nark was spying on the Colossus for the pirate leader Kragan Gorr and his gang. During the pirates' subsequent attack, which coincided with a "triple dark" storm, Yeager sought refuge with Ryvora, Vozo, and Bucket in one of the platform's designated safe zones. Upon their return to the repair shop, they discovered Xiono working on the Fireball, claiming he had been doing so the entire time. Yeager was skeptical of Xiono's claim that he had assisted in repelling the pirate attack.

Rucklin and the hyperfuel theft

Xiono struggled to adapt to life at Yeager's repair station due to his lack of mechanical expertise and experience. Yeager forbade Xiono from attending the races and instructed him to finish the engine by the end of the day after Xiono failed to repair it. Yeager reprimanded Xiono for being distracted by the races and cautioned him not to expose his identity as a spy after Xiono carelessly dropped the hoversled carrying the engine overboard.

Xiono went to Aunt Z's Tavern during his break, where he became friends with the racer Jace Rucklin and his associates Lin Gaava and Gorrak Wiles, who appeared to live carefree lives. Rucklin, who wanted to steal a canister of hyperfuel from Yeager, tried to gain Xiono's trust by inviting him out for a speeder bike race. By staging an accident and saving him, Rucklin was able to win Xiono's confidence.

Yeager confronted Xiono and scolded him for being two hours late when Xiono failed to return from his break. Yeager chastised Xiono for his tardiness back at the garage and reiterated his order to fix the engine. Rucklin later persuaded Xiono to let him into Yeager's trophy room under the guise of wanting to see Yeager's racer. While there, he seized the opportunity to steal a canister of hyperfuel. The two also narrowly avoided being detected by Bucket, who was retrieving a macro-fuser for Yeager.

Bucket later found that the hyperfuel canister was missing and alerted Yeager. When Xiono learned about the volatile nature of hyperfuel from Vozo, he hurried to Jace Rucklin's hangar to warn him. Xiono was able to save Rucklin, but Rucklin's racer was destroyed in the process. Yeager assisted BB-8 in rescuing Xiono and Rucklin from the sea.

Yeager decided to give Xiono another chance, despite being angry at Kaz for letting Rucklin take advantage of him. He told Kaz that he was a good person and that Rucklin was fortunate to have him as a friend, while acknowledging that Kaz was not a skilled mechanic or spy. Yeager instructed Xiono to improve his mechanical abilities and permitted him to repair the engine while watching the race above.

Keeping an eye on Kaz

Yeager cautioned Kaz to be careful not to damage the casing before leaving the repair shop while he, Ryvora, and Vozo were installing an acceleration compensator on the Fireball. Kaz damaged the compensator despite his warnings. Xiono, Ryvora, and BB-8 became embroiled in a plot to find two child refugees named Kel and Eila, who had survived a First Order massacre on Tehar, while looking for funds to buy a new compensator. Xiono and his companions were able to hide and shield the children from the First Order with the help of the Chelidae engineers and mechanics who lived in the engineering deck.

Yeager later woke Xiono up early in the morning for a "salvaging job" off-platform. Yeager flew Xiono on a Star Commuter 2000 to rendezvous with Captain Dameron for a training flight aboard a T-70 X-wing starfighter. The two responded to a distress call from a Darius G-class freighter in the Castilon system's sector six while flying. The two were able to save the pirate Synara San, who was posing as a crew member, after braving several Kowakian monkey-lizards and a Kowakian ape-lizard. Yeager reluctantly allowed Xiono to bring the unconscious Synara in for medical attention, despite his reluctance to take a stranger on board. As a result, the Warbirds were able to plant a spy on the Colossus.

Yeager sent BB-8 to find Xiono after Xiono's adventures in Sector six because he wanted to show him how to use a targeting computer. BB-8 visited the Colossus marketplace and Aunt Z's Tavern only to find Xiono working on the targeting computer. Xiono asked BB-8 to find Yeager, causing the droid to bow his head in exasperation.

The second pirate assault

Yeager and his Team Fireball later received a contract from Captain Doza to service the station's aerial defense system's tracking computer. Captain Doza instructed Yeager to have the cannons ready within three hours because Ace Squadron was escorting an important supply mission, leaving the Colossus platform defenseless.

Yeager instructed Xiono and Ryvora to obtain a new one after learning that the tracking computer required a CoMar Tri-Tracker chip, and he kept Vozo in the garage because he had a propensity for revealing secrets. Kaz and Tam were able to obtain a new tri-tracker chip with the help of Synara San. Yeager was pleased and told Neeku to keep it a secret. Neeku muffled his speech to carry out his command literally.

Yeager then met with Captain Doza to talk about the threat that the pirates posed. Yeager asserted that they possessed all of the required components but that installation was problematic. Captain Doza was worried about leaving the station defenseless given the growing effectiveness of the pirate raids. Yeager gave his word that the aerial defense system would be operational in an hour.

Ryvora, meanwhile, was making friends with Synara San in the market. She was unaware that Synara San was a pirate and had informed Kragan Gorr about the Colossus' lack of defenses. Yeager expressed his disappointment that they were behind schedule when Tam returned. The Warbirds attacked the Colossus shortly after. Yeager enlisted Xiono's assistance in installing the tracking computer while Tam went to find her new friend Synara.

The two transported the tracking computer to the anti-aircraft cannons on a repulsorlift but were harassed by Kragan Gorr and his pirates. Yeager and Xiono were able to install the computer into the anti-air defense system after a fierce battle. This enabled Captain Doza to engage the pirate ships. Yeager was struck by Xiono's bravery and complimented the young man.

Yeager met with Neeku after the attack, who informed him that he and Bucket had sought refuge during the raid. Kaz was informed by Yeager that it was no accident that the pirates had chosen to attack the Colossus while the Aces were away. He made the accurate assumption that the pirates had a spy on the Colossus.

Mending old wounds

Later, Captain Doza extended an invitation to Yeager to compete in the upcoming Platform Classic against his estranged younger brother, Speedstar. While Yeager's employees, particularly Kaz and Tam, were enthusiastic about the upcoming race and Speedstar, Yeager was unhappy to see his younger brother, whom he still held responsible for the deaths of his wife and daughter. Yeager declined to speak with his brother and left the meeting in a huff.

Yeager refused to speak with his younger brother when Speedstar visited Yeager's garage, rejecting Speedstar's attempts at reconciliation. When Kaz and Tam pressed Yeager about his reasons for refusing to race Speedstar, Yeager declined to discuss his past and motives. Yeager went to confront Speedstar at Aunt Z's Tavern after Tam implied that Speedstar was the superior pilot.

Speedstar, unbeknownst to Yeager, was heavily indebted to the Guavian Death Gang and had enrolled in the Platform Classic to settle his debts. After Guavian enforcers took his friend Oplock hostage to ensure that he would pay his debts, Yeager came across a distraught Speedstar. Still bitter towards Speedstar, Yeager tried to intimidate his brother into withdrawing from the race. Speedstar, determined to save his friend, refused to withdraw from the race and challenged Yeager to a race. In response, Aunt Z and her customers began placing bets on Yeager and Speedstar.

Yeager "loaned" Xiono as a mechanic because he was annoyed with Kaz for admiring Speedstar. Yeager and Bucket then went to get Yeager's ship ready for the race. Yeager responded that Speedstar had not been there for him when Neeku inquired as to why he had fallen out with his brother, but he avoided discussing his family. Kaz, meanwhile, learned of Speedstar's involvement in a tragic racing accident that claimed the lives of Yeager's family.

Yeager and Speedstar exchanged barbs over comlink prior to the race the following day. Yeager maintained the lead during the Platform Classic, with Speedstar close behind. The two brothers successfully navigated the obstacle course hoops, atmospheric climb, and re-entry phases. Speedstar reached out to his brother during the final leg of the race and apologized for causing the deaths of Yeager's family. He informed Yeager that he was racing to save his friend, not for fame and fortune. Yeager took pity on his brother and pulled his racer out of the race, allowing Speedstar to cross the finish line first.

Speedstar was able to pay off his debts to the Guavian Death Gang and free his friend Oplock by winning the race. The two brothers then embraced. Yeager informed Speedstar that it was good to have him back. While Yeager had not yet fully reconciled with Speedstar, he promised that their relationship would be a good one someday.

Kaz's second offworld excursion

Yeager permitted Xiono to "borrow" the Fireball for an offworld mission with Poe Dameron. Yeager joked that he didn't have much of a choice when Bucket inquired as to whether he had lent the ship to Xiono, and he added that Tam would soon find out. Ryvora, who was angry, confronted Yeager shortly after for allowing Xiono to fly "her ship." Yeager retorted that the Fireball was still technically his ship. Ryvora, however, countered that she had "forgotten" to install a new stabilizer on the fighter.

Neeku's reward

Yeager treated Neeku to a meal as a reward for his diligence. Vozo persuaded Yeager to buy him a gorg from Bolza Grool's stand as a meal. The gorg, however, escaped, leading Neeku on a wild chase through the Colossus market. Vozo was successful in recapturing the gorg, but he chose to drink bantha milk instead. While Grool put the gorg back in its tank, Yeager told BB-8 that Neeku could have easily gotten a droid instead.

Neeku's new companion

Yeager reacted negatively to Neeku's new pet baby rokkna Bibo, which had a foul odor and wreaked havoc on Yeager's garage. Despite his "no pet" policy, Yeager reluctantly allowed Neeku to keep Bibo on the condition that he kept him under control. Despite Neeku's attempts to keep Bibo contained in a stack of crates, the rokkna broke lose and wrought more havoc in the garage, disturbing Tam and Bucket.

Yeager ordered Neeku to get rid of his pet because he had had enough of Bibo's trouble. Neeku was hurt by Yeager's words, and he replied that he would also leave. Neeku informed Yeager that he had asked nothing of him in all his years of service, but that he would resign if he rejected his precious Bibo. Neeku went in search of Bibo after he fled. Yeager warned Tam not to follow Neeku, but she chastised him for his perceived double standards towards Kaz and Neeku.

Yeager later softened his stance toward Neeku and informed Tam of a "disturbance" in the engineering deck. Tam and Neeku discovered Bibo with the human orphans Kel and Eila and the Chelidae engineers. Bibo's mother attacked the Colossus shortly after, seeking to reclaim her child. Despite efforts by Ace Squadron and Kaz to fight off the sea creature, they were unable to drive it away. Neeku returned Bibo to his mother after realizing that the creature was after him, bringing the siege to an end.

The phase connector heist

Yeager had his team continue working on the Fireball. He was taken aback when Kaz discovered new parts for the Fireball by agreeing to assist Flix and Orka in watching their shop. Yeager was also impressed with Kaz's improved mechanical abilities. He allowed Kaz to look after Flix and Orka's shop, the Office of Acquisitions. Kaz later thwarted a First Order plot to steal a phase connector.

First Order control

The First Order was permitted to bring storm troopers to assist with the Platform's security following the abduction of Captain Doza's daughter. Yeager was aware that the First Order would apprehend him, Kaz, and the rest of their team if Kaz sent a message. He instructed Kaz to wait until Dameron contacted him, or Kaz would be revealed as a spy. Yeager informed the stormtroopers that he was no pirate, let alone a spy, when they began questioning Kaz. Yeager instructed Kaz to keep his head down until things cooled down after the stormtroopers had left.

Yeager spoke with his team about the First Order's presence on the platform. Yeager stated that the First Order is comparable to the Galactic Empire. He stated that they had given up their freedom in exchange for "protection." Kaz concurred with him, much to Tam's chagrin. Yeager cautioned Kaz not to be apprehended because the First Order was making people "disappear." Kaz informed Yeager that the First Order was cataloging and identifying everyone on the platform after Kaz's charade as a stormtrooper. He was then shown a starmap depicting First Order fleets. Yeager realized that the Colossus was critical to the First Order's military supply line.

Yeager stood by and watched as the First Order's TIE's flew patrols around the platform. He checked on Kaz who was attempting to build a transmitter to contact the Resistance. Yeager knew the transmitter could not get past the First Order's communication blanket. Despite the setback, Yeager and Kaz met up with Dameron after he got past the First Order's TIE and stormtrooper patrols. Yeager and Kaz showed Dameron the star map, and told him that the First Order was moving lots of fuel through the platform. Yeager then had Kaz show Dameron the latest intelligence about something in the Unknown Regions. Yeager allowed Kaz to take the Fireball to investigate the location with Dameron despite the risk of the Widowmaker maneuver.

Kaz informed Yeager after Kaz's mission that the First Order is capable of far worse things than they had imagined. Yeager informed Tam that Kaz's whereabouts were not her concern, much to her chagrin. Yeager collaborated with Captain Doza in contacting the resistance as the First Order tightened its grip on the platform. Kaz and Torra made this discovery after the First Order began rounding up dissidents such Hype Fazon, Aunt Z, and others. Yeager permitted Kaz and Torra to free the others before the First Order transported them offworld. Unfortunately, Yeager was confronted by several stormtroopers after the prisoners escaped to Takodana.

First Order–Resistance Conflict

Establishing a resistance cell

Yeager refuted Commander Pyre's allegations that the Fireball had been to Sector Epsilon 51-3. Unfortunately, they had visual confirmation that Yeager and his team were lying about the Fireball's involvement with the Resistance. Bucket distracted the troopers as the stormtroopers attempted to take Yeager and his team into custody. Yeager was able to knock several of the stormtroopers off the platform. Yeager, Kaz, and Neeku made their way to his office. Tam, however, chose to remain and surrender to the First Order. Yeager watched as the stormtroopers shot Bucket off the platform.

Yeager, Kaz, and Neeku made their way past the stormtroopers through the grates. They met up with Kel and Eilao who led them down to the engineering room where they met up with the Chelidae. There, Kaz revealed himself to Neeku and the children as a Resistance spy. Yeager also found that Bucket had been saved and repaired by the Chelidae. With Kaz, they worked on a way to contact the resistance. Yeager agreed with Kaz's plan to partially sink the platform in order to reach the Jammer. After sending CB-23 to ask Doza to seal all the hatches.

After Yeager shutdown the platform's turbines, he, Kaz and CB-23 swam up to the jammer. There, CB-23 was able to send a message to the Resistance. However, several stormtroopers attacked them. Yeager then pushed Kaz back into the water with CB-23. He was captured and arrested by the stormtroopers. Yeager was interrogated where he confess that he was the one fly into the Sector Epsilon 51-3 and was the Resistance spy much to Tam's shock. He also said that he attempted to recruit Kaz into the Resistance.

Yeager tried to explain, but Tam was angry at him for lying to her after the First Order showed her his confession. He was placed in a cell with Captain Doza and continued his attempt to escape.

Evacuation from Castilon

Following the destruction of Hosnian Prime by Starkiller Base, Yeager and Doza were freed by Torra and Kaz. He informed Yeager of Hosnian Prime's destruction and his plan to get the Colossus into space and make for the Resistance base. Yeager and Doza were able stun the stormtroopers and return to Doza's office. Yeager, despite the need to get the platform airborne, decided to get Tam before the First Order takes her offworld. Kaz, who was a friend of Tam, decided to come with Yeager.

While Kaz, Torra and CB-23 watched from the top of Doza Tower, Yeager attempted to reason with Tam, who was walking with Agent Tierny and Commander Pyre towards a waiting Upsilon-class command shuttle. Kaz called out to Tam but she rebuffed him, angry that he had lied to her about his work with the Resistance. Yeager supported Kaz's words, telling Tam that he was telling the truth.

Tam accused Yeager of exploiting her and betraying her trust as a fatherly figure. Yeager responded that the First Order were lying and manipulating her but Agent Tierny claimed that the First Order was offering Tam protection and a higher purpose and denounced Yeager as a danger to those around him. Two stormtroopers surrounded Yeager while four converged on Kaz, Torra, and CB-23. Commander Pyre ordered Yeager and his comrades to surrender.

However, Neeku and his team had powered up the Colossus's engines, causing the station to rise. The two stormtroopers flanking Yeager fell into the sea while CB-23 squirted oil, causing the stormtroopers on the tower to fall. Amidst a gun battle, Yeager pleaded with Tam to stay but she chose to follow Tierny and Pyre aboard their shuttle, angry at Yeager and Kaz for their secrecy.

As the Colossus ascended into space, Yeager along with Kaz and Torra freed the other Aces from their cell and climbed into their fighters. Yeager flew in his racer with Bucket. Joined by Aunt Z who had returned in a stolen Atmospheric Assault Lander and the Warbird gang, Yeager, Kaz and the Aces fought against Major Elrik Vonreg and his squadron. They shot down several TIEs with Kaz taking out Major Vonreg.

After Yeager and his fellow flyers had returned the Colossus, the station fled into hyperspace, escaping the Thunderer. While traveling through hyperspace bound for the Resistance base on D'Qar, Yeager praised Kaz for his courage and leadership. They and the other Colossus resistance members watched the hyperspace tunnel.

On the run

When the Colossus dropped out of hyperspace three parsecs away D'Qar, Yeager went to command deck. There, he informed Doza that the platform's cannons, deflector shields and engines had malfunctions. Yeager had 4D-M1N send a transmission to D'Qar's Resistance base, but discovered that long-range communication were not operational. Yeager sent Torra and Xiono to check the communications system. They discovered that MB-13A was attempting to contact the Thunderer. Fortunately, Torra, Xiono and CB-23 were able to jettison MB-13A into space.

Upon the Colossus's arrival at D'Qar, Yeager allowed Xiono to receive a message from his father, Senator Hamato Xiono. Later, Yeager, Doza, and Xiono saw debris left behind from the Resistance's retreat. Despite this, Yeager knew that General Organa and Commander Dameron were on the other side of the galaxy by now. Yeager also supported Xiono's plan to have him and the warbirds salvage coaxium from the wreckage of the Fulminatrix. During the salvage mission, the Thunderer arrived. However, the Colossus was able to escape.

Guiding the Aces

Yeager giving a class to the Aces.

Following the events of the Battle of Castilon and the Skirmish over D'Qar, Yeager became the new instructor and leader of the Ace Squadron, a role he took on alongside Kaz. Yeager made it clear to the Aces that his goal was to teach them self-defense, not to recruit them into the Resistance. At his hangar, Yeager gathered the aces to discuss a training exercise that would take place at Celsor 3.

Upon arriving at the ice moon, Yeager organized a simulated battle where the aces were paired up. Both he and Kaz managed to successfully stun all of the aces. He criticized Fazon, stating that he acted more like a racer than a combat pilot. Despite Fazon's disinterest, Yeager decided to partner him with Kaz in an effort to improve his skills. During the second training session, Yeager observed as the aces engaged in combat with one another. Unexpectedly, the aces found themselves under attack by a Jakoosk. Yeager assisted Fazon in escaping from the creature, but subsequently became trapped himself. Fortunately, the other aces managed to ensnare the Jakoosk, forcing it to release Yeager.

After the exercise, Yeager engaged in a conversation with Captain Doza about the possibility of allowing people to leave the station due to the First Order's persistent pursuit. He understood that if people were to leave, the First Order would likely eliminate them. Subsequently, Yeager granted Kaz and Torra permission to aid the pirates in hunting the Jakoosk, hoping to prevent a potential mutiny led by Doza. After the Warbirds' unsuccessful attempt to hunt the Jakoosk, Kaz and Torra Doza succeeded in tracking down and killing the creature, providing a substantial amount of meat for the inhabitants of the Colossus.

Dealing with a saboteur

To improve the station's ability to detect the First Order, Yeager tasked Neeku with repairing the long-range scanners. When the station received a distress signal from a female Nikto, Yeager suspected it was a trap set by the First Order. Nevertheless, he permitted Kaz and Neeku to investigate. The Nikto, Nenavakasa Nalor, first encountered Yeager when she and her ship were brought aboard the station. He was impressed by her skills as a mechanic and engineer. Yeager and Doza were convinced by her claim that the Warbird pirates were stealing power from the station. However, Kaz, with the help of Synara San, discovered that Nalor was actually working for the First Order. Although Nalor managed to escape, Yeager collaborated with Kaz, Neeku, Synara, and the Warbirds to undo her sabotage, enabling the Colossus to escape into hyperspace.

Adventures in space

Yeager was present when Captain Doza sent Xiono, Torra, CB-23, and the Ace pilot Freya Fenris on a mission to retrieve supplies from the terrestrial world of Ashas Ree. Before the mission, Yeager informed Kaz that Ashas Ree was the only civilization in that region of space and instructed him to prepare the shuttle. He reassured Captain Doza, telling him not to worry. The orphans Kel and Eila secretly boarded the mission. During their time on Ashas Ree, Kaz and his team stumbled upon an ancient Sith temple and rescued the archaeologist Mika Grey, who aided them in escaping from several First Order Raiders.

During Captain Doza's attempt to meet with his wife, the Resistance fighter pilot Commander Venisa Doza, the Colossus was attacked by First Order TIE fighters. Alongside Captain Doza, Yeager led the defense of the station while Ace Squadron engaged the First Order fighters. Although the Colossus successfully escaped into hyperspace, they were unable to rendezvous with Venisa, which greatly saddened Torra Doza, who missed her mother. Fortunately, Kaz and Ace Squadron cheered her up by baking her a birthday cake. Later, Yeager and Xiono rescued Tam when she chose to defect from the First Order.

Helping the Resistance

In 35 ABY, General Lando Calrissian rallied the galaxy to join the Resistance in their fight against the Sith Eternal during the Battle of Exegol. Yeager participated in the battle, piloting his racer in combat.

Personality and traits

Jarek Yeager was a human male characterized by brown eyes and dark skin. By the time of the cold war, which occurred roughly three decades after the Battle of Endor, his black hair had begun to show signs of graying.

As a survivor of the Galactic Civil War, Yeager found contentment in his retirement on the Colossus, which provided him with a sense of detachment from the central systems of the galaxy. With a wealth of life experience, Yeager was known for his quiet, diligent nature and the wisdom that came with age. He could be a demanding employer, expecting high standards from those who worked for him. However, he admired Xiono's willingness to protect his friends from danger.

Yeager was profoundly affected by the loss of his wife and daughter in a racing accident caused by his younger brother, Marcus Speedstar. As a result, Yeager ended his relationship with Speedstar and abandoned his racing career. Yeager's resentment towards Speedstar led him to reject his younger brother's attempts to reconcile. However, Yeager's feelings towards Speedstar softened when he realized that Speedstar genuinely cared for his friend Oplock, who had been held for ransom by the Guavian Death Gang. While Yeager was still unable to forgive Speedstar at that moment, he allowed him to win so that Speedstar could save his friend Oplock. After taking in Tamara Ryvora, Yeager came to regard her as a daughter, and the young mechanic in turn viewed him as a father figure. This made her even angrier when she discovered his affiliation and led Tam to reject him, instead accepting the offer from Agent Tierny and joining the First Order. Despite telling Kaz that they would have to turn their backs on Tam, just as she had with them, Yeager still missed her, expressing immediate concern for her wellbeing after Venisa Doza told him about her encounter with Tam aboard Thunderer and later going to save his surrogate daughter when she deserted the First Order.

As a veteran of the Galactic Civil War, Yeager recognized the totalitarian and military threat that the First Order posed to the galaxy, a view that was also held by Kazuda Xiono. During the First Order's occupation of the Colossus, Yeager collaborated with Kaz and Commander Doza to organize a resistance against the occupiers. After Kaz's cover was blown, Yeager used his military experience to guide Xiono and Neeku in sinking the Colossus in order to send a transmission to the Resistance. Despite being captured by the First Order, Yeager remained defiant and attempted to protect Xiono.


Poe Dameron

Yeager and Poe Dameron, the Resistance ace pilot, were old friends. As a favor to Poe, Yeager agreed to look after the young Resistance spy Kazuda Xiono.

Tamara Ryvora

Yeager considered Tamara Ryvora to be one of his most dependable mechanics and assigned her a supervisory role over Xiono. In exchange for working for him, Yeager promised Ryvora the starfighter Fireball if she successfully repaired the ship. Ryvora was protective of the Fireball and protested Yeager's decision to allow Xiono to fly the starship. As a cautionary measure, Ryvora once disabled the ship's stabilizer to express her disapproval of others flying the Fireball.

Yeager and Ryvora also held differing opinions about the Galactic Empire and the First Order. While Ryvora appreciated the employment opportunities the Empire provided her grandfather, Yeager recognized that the Empire exploited the vulnerable. Similarly, while Ryvora welcomed the protection that the First Order offered the Colossus, Yeager worried that the First Order was sacrificing liberty in the name of protection.

Ryvora grew to resent Yeager for what she perceived as leniency towards Xiono and for keeping secrets from her. After First Order forces raided Yeager's garage, Ryvora's resentment towards Yeager's secrecy and perceived exploitation intensified. Her anger towards Yeager and Xiono for their secrecy ultimately led her to join the First Order.

Marcus Speedstar

Jarek Yeager and his younger brother Marcus Speedstar were once close, having both served as New Republic pilots and racers. However, their relationship deteriorated after Speedstar's negligence resulted in the deaths of Yeager's wife and daughter during a race. A bitter Yeager cut Speedstar out of his life and refused to communicate with him. Yeager eventually forgave Speedstar after realizing that Speedstar was participating in the Platform Classic in order to save his friend Oplock, who was being held hostage by the Guavian Death Gang.

Neeku Vozo

Jarek Yeager regarded Neeku Vozo as a dedicated and hardworking employee who was willing to work for minimal pay. Yeager did not understand Neeku's affection for his "pet" rokkna Bibo and was irritated when Bibo caused chaos at his garage. When Yeager instructed Neeku to get rid of Bibo, Neeku was hurt and interpreted it as a rejection of his hard work. Yeager's harsh response to Neeku prompted Tam to criticize his perceived leniency towards Xiono.

Kazuda Xiono

While serving as a father figure to the young members of Team Fireball, Yeager found Kazuda Xiono to be a source of both trouble and frustration due to the latter's spying activities. Aware of Xiono's connections to the Resistance, the former pilot made it clear that he had no intention of becoming involved in their fight against the First Order.

Yeager was annoyed by Xiono's lack of mechanical skills and his tendency to be late. However, he recognized Xiono's good nature and gave him a second chance after he saved Rucklin's life during a racing accident. As Xiono's mechanical abilities improved, he earned the praise of Yeager and the other Team Fireball members, Tam and Neeku.

Skills and abilities

Yeager piloting the Fireball

With a lifetime of experience, Jarek Yeager possessed skills in piloting and repairing starships. He also had experience in managing a local business as the owner of a repair shop on the Colossus installation. Yeager was proficient with a blaster, easily stunning a pair of First Order stormtroopers after being rescued by Kazuda Xiono. Yeager also utilized his skills as a fighter pilot during the Colossus's escape from the First Order, shooting down TIE fighters.

Behind the scenes

Jarek Yeager is a character that was created and developed for the animated series Star Wars Resistance. His first appearance was in "The Recruit," the series' inaugural episode. He is voiced by Scott Lawrence, who was the official voice of Darth Vader in all Star Wars games from 1994 to 2006 when Matthew Sloan took over as the official voice of Vader in spin-off material.

